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Everything posted by cadnaan1

  1. cadnaan1


    KKK ninkan hadalkiisa wuxuu kusoo biyo shubtay inuu xisbi siyaasi sameysan doono kind of advertisement Lee waaye sheekadii oo dhan.
  2. 25 jir sidee ayuu taanage Ku noqday. Da'diisa saxdana waa 32 jir Waxaan maqlay salaad gabeyre inuu ahaa 29 jir markay inqilaabka sameynayeen ciidamada wuxuuna ahaa taliye Sare.
  3. Waxaan Ku qoslay waxaa membership ka conifa kamid ah reer Baraawe kuwaa ayagana inay go'aan ayey rabaan
  4. Waxaan macquul aheen sh.dhexe ayaa ka schools badan banaadir I wish if they could named these 58 schools
  5. Waxbaa ka qaldan these numbers example shabellede dhexe it shows 58 schools that is absolutely not true Aniga waxaa kusoo koray jowhar which is the biggest town in that region waxayna ka koobantahay laba xaafad oo Kala ah horseed iyo hantiwadaag waxaan Ku yiilay 2 dugsi hoose 2 dugsi dhexe iyo 1 dugsi sare. Balcad waa degmo yar oo kasii yar jowhar probably had 2 schools The rest are small farms villages.
  6. They hiding their hajj ID card I wonder why
  7. They're facing heavy losses specially this hajj season Ethiopian airlines waxay qaaday sanadkan more than 7000 passengers for the hajj that's 60%. Waa meesha ugu badan ay faaidada ka sameen jireen xujayda tiina waa laga qaaday.
  8. Laakiin sharciga maraykanka soonma dhigaayo in qofka haysta dhalasho American inuu San noqon Karin madaxweyne wadan kale, dhawr jeerna uu farmaajo kaga baaqday shirkii UN ka New York.
  9. Warkii ugu dambeyey waxay leeyihiin gabadha is qarxisay waxay kamid aheed shaqaalaha gobolka waxayna aheed qof indho la (blind) ah oo yariisow shaqaaleeyey waxay mamulka u qaabilsaneed dhinaca dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qabo.
  10. Kuwii gaalkacayo ee ayagana lacagta la siiyey maxaa loo xiri waayey Mise reer boosaaso waa looma ooyaan.
  11. My issue with this man is he is telling people xamar qofkii wax u doonta waa baqti and he is doing the opposite of what he is breaching
  12. Wuxuu yiri shacabka Somaliland qofkii xamar Shay ka doonta waa baqti hadana hadalkiisa wuxuu kusoo dhameyey baasaboorkii xamar ayaa ii maqan oo sugaya in aan xajka Ku aado.
  13. What annoys me the most is the real heroes of the Somali history were not given recognition but was created some fictional characters like dhagax tuur iyo xaawo taako iyo axmed gurey and many more.
  14. China had 7 States before it was united by man called Qin he was fed with the 7 States had non stop wars between them each state was attacking the other and he united them by force.
  15. Still no words from Guinea on this issue I have checked their government website no word mentioned on muusa biixi visit or Somali government cutting diplomatic relations with Guinea Ilaa iyo hada maaryooleey uun baa diidaysa oo is daalisay.
  16. Somalida ayaa qeylada isku daalinayso mooyee Guinea weli booqashada biixi kama hadlin iyo wax jawaab ah ma siinin dowlada Somalia qeyladeeda taasi waxay muujinaysaa no one is taking Somalida seriously.
  17. This trip was money well spent for Somaliland I m not sure how much it cost them but this is the kind of outcome or reaction they were looking for from Somali government.
  18. The whole social media if you type the name Guinea Conakry all you see is Landers celebrating the biixi visit but nothing is mentioned on the guinea government website or their social media accounts and yet this supposed to be official state visit.
  19. 1 July iyo qabyaalad in laga hadlo wax isgalaayo ma ahan at least waxay aheed halka maalin ee qabyaalad laga nasto inay noqoto laakin waxaa muuqata dad inay weli meel bugto after 30 years.
  20. Here Ghanian president plagiarized not one but 2 American presidents speeches in his inauguration ceremony
  21. Probably they will use muqdisho and boosaaso dhawr maxjar ayaa ka furan xamar. Withing this week the Somalia and Somaliland talk will start in Nairobi Somaliland should cancel that meeting for protest regarding in this issue.