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Everything posted by cadnaan1

  1. Another musharax sanadkan waa aanadkii faataalayaasha.
  2. Never seen before someone who's more confused than waraabe.
  3. the minister claimed that twitter account is fake but after checking it's his account. Maybe someone else is running for him.
  4. Waxaan maqlay hasha geela magaceeda waxaa la dhahaa farmaajo markaa ciilkii uu qabay farmaajo ayuu odayga is iloobay But seriously this is animal cruelty qoladii animal protection group RSPCA in loo sheego waaye.
  5. Here hasan Ali kheyre trying to copy Kim Jong-un after the Singapore summit with trump.
  6. Musharixiinta oo cashar fiican kasoo baratay kooxda #Nabadiyonolol ee kheyre.
  7. Magaalada laascanood aawey waxaan araknay oo kaliya meel banaan dad layskugu keenay.
  8. KKK expected fund,,, waxay Ku dagaalamayaan wax aan gacantooda ku jirin waxaan soo xasuustay ruwaayadii ( la cala hadii aan lacag helno sidee ubqeybsanaa ).
  9. It doesn't add up lacagtan ka badan billions dollars goormaa lagu dhawaaqay iyo xagee looga dhawaaqay, we follow the news daily and never heard about this.
  10. Maxay tahay ayuutadan oo 3 maxamuud uu Marba mid qaadanaayo.
  11. Gebre is not on this list, is it confirmed yet that he has been arrested.
  12. I don't see abiy Ahmed wasting time on gabre was small fish he is going after the big guys that he sees as threats to his power.
  13. Jeegaantii afkii baa juqda gabay niyad jabkii ugu weynaa Ku dhacay odaygii afku xaare aka oodweyne niyad jab ayuu la seexday.
  14. Friend of mine who is from Asmara told me they actually fearing for the future of their country because he said if afawerki dies the whole country will collapse with him cuz he did not prepared any functioning system there is no vice president and he created paranoia between ministers and also between military, secret service,police department. he said civil war is more likely after the dies.
  15. Things are moving the right direction for the end of this Somaliland project. I know mr faratoon very well we lived the same city in UK he does not believe this Somaliland fairy tale. He was just desperate old man to get out this UK weather for any opportunity.
  16. Here is the statement from the meeting, Mr farmaajo handaraaabkii rasmiga ayuu idiinku soo diray
  17. Abiy Ahmed becoming like salaad Cali jeele wuu iska hadlaa.
  18. Nin reer laascanood ah ayaad wasiirka arimaha dibada ka dhigateeen Handaraaabkii la sheegaayey haduu sii idiinka xirmaa
  19. KKK MMA they'll jumping off the sinking ship let's see next 24 hours
  20. The changes in Addis had impact on the Somalia politics. No more general gabre and tigrays
  21. As you said before shariif sakiin wuxuu meesha Ku joogay reer abtiyaalkiisa hada reerkii musharax kale ayey wataan markaa shariif turubkiisi ugu danbeeyey wuu ciyaaray and he lost.
  22. The latest news shariif is expected to resign in the next few hours