Che -Guevara

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About Che -Guevara

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  1. I like to see what the say when SW firmly controls Marka, Barawe and every district in Lower Shabelle.
  2. Like HSM, Abiy will eventually betray every 'ally'. He is now back to threatening Tigray.
  3. The launch of the reelection campaign of former president of H.E. @M_Farmaajo wrapped up today in Doha. The highly anticipated conference dubbed “Somali Diaspora Conference” was organized @AliOmarMP State Minister @MOFASomalia and Min. Farah Sheikh Abduqadir, the current Education Minister. The conference brought together Somali diaspora notables to discuss the current state of affairs & how the supreme leader can save the country. It’s also widely reported that the mood was nostalgic as Xabiibul Malyuun blessed the crowd. @HassanSMohamud when you have friends like these, you don’t need enemies. Somali Heshiis eh Dunidana Heshiis la eh!
  4. At this point, it is fair to say secession poses more than a security threat, it is essentially trying to create a parallel identity that wants to rip Somali society apart. Most pro-secession folks in the North are decent and reasonable, but there is a virulent small group that align themselves with any group that harms Somali people, everything from lending moral support to Afars attacking Somalis in Sitti, celebrating the dismissal of the Somali members of Ruto's cabinet to even defending Ethiopian Airlines which have been known to mistreat Somalis. And they became cheerleaders for Abiy and his cruel policies.
  5. Eritrea suspended all Ethiopian Airlines flights to Eritrea starting September 30 2024.
  6. Most likely. They don't have the money to buy more weapons and replenish the material losses. Only the UAE is willing to foot the bill.
  7. Do you know the price range for a bungalow?
  8. More logistics
  9. He endorsed Genocide Jane. He endorsed her!