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Everything posted by Abwaan

  1. So you are happy that 11 Somalis died? And you are bragging about removing people from places and stuff when you never liberated hal ceel in your life? Mooge, look at yourself on the mirror. Where you born yesterday? You are not telling yourself the truth.
  2. You are the one whose candidate failed to win the last election and causing the problems. You have no regard for the dying Somalis but care more about your clan politics. Be a man and accept defeat. Stop crying On Hassan Sheikh this and that. The president surprised many and won the top seat, he did not choose a Puntlander as a PM and that was his choice for who he wants to choose, end of story.
  3. Ilaah ha u naxariisto intii ku dhimatay, dagaalkana ha qaboojiyo. I think the PM should visit Kismaayo and name a special committee to do a proper investigation on what is happening over there.
  4. Mooge, what you have to know is that sensible people know more than your fadhi-ku-dirir stories that you and your likes fabricate. Somalia has moved on and spoilers like you will be dealt with and brought in front of the justice. Gone are the days that you play the victim card and fool others.
  5. Jacpher;920874 wrote: ^xaad hadalkiisa baad ku raacsan tahay baan u maleyn, xiin iyo mooge xeebahaas ayey ka yimaadeen oo meesha dagaan uma aha. Could it be possible one of them have Kismaayo as his birthplace. adiga ma quusatid miyaa? Inaanan xitaa jeclayn inaan maalayacnigaaga ka jawaabo ma arki weysey? Kuwaan aan la hadlaayo ayaaba kaa fiican saa qabyaaladdooda waa caddaysteen which is ragannimo, adigu waxaan doc ka yeernimo ahayn ma taqaanid marna wadaad la iska dhigo iyo in la calaacalo, boorkana la isku qariyo.
  6. Apophis;920947 wrote: ^ But you have to admit, when it comes to countering the propaganda, tolka are wholly useless. They're losing the information and propaganda war, which is the first step to losing actual ground. They need to wake up. So you are admitting that all you have is nothing But Propaganda? Shame on you Apo, did you think about the people dying than your clan agenda? Did you think about what forced you to leave your country? Why are you wishing for others to go through that when your enjoying your coffee?
  7. Ilaah ha kala qaboojiyo dadkan Soomaaliyeed ee dagaalaya. How does one expect that peace and prosperity will come back soon when we have some cyber warriors like the ones leaving above comments. Shame on you guys, cayrtiinna iska qaata uma malaynayo in Soomaaliya ay noociinnaan oo kale horumar gaarsiinayaan.
  8. xiinfaniin;920732 wrote: ^^I am not sure it will be the one former Indhacadde gunners in Mogadishu are expecting If you have Hassan's ear, tell him loud and clear, that Kismayo caused Abdiqasim's presidency. History is only good to be a guide ... Xiin, Xasan Shiikh is not Cabdulqaasim and Muqdisho 2012 is not Carta 2000 either. I would understand if Axmed Madoobe says Kismaayo ayaan maamulkeeda ka mid noqonayaa, laakiin adiga iyo Mooge meeshee idiinka bannaan?
  9. Mooge;920804 wrote: why is my good friend abwaan against kismaayo's locals forming an admin? warya abwaan, damjadiid yay jar kaa turin. Mooge haddii aad adigu Kismaayo maamul u shiseysid, Maxaa u diidaya in Gen. Inshacadde governor loo soo magacaabo? Aan kula taliyo ee adigu siyaasadda waa ku dhex waalatay. You cannot accept defeat? Give up man. Orod Maleesiya jaamacad u aad and come back after 4 years insha Allaah and better luck next time. Fabricating stories will not take you anywhere.
  10. Oba, ha u bixin Mooge waa isku dhex yaacay. Habaarkiisu cidna waxba uma dhibayo. Markii Cabdiweli loose-gareeyey ayuu dharka xooray. Aniga mar hore ayaan talo siiyey advising him inuusan wakhti ku dhuman wax aan soconeyn laakiin asmaaba waxaas u jeeday.
  11. Mooge calaacal iyo been bay ka dhammaan weydey miyaa haddana?
  12. SubxaanAllah, qof Ashahaadanaya oo la sii garaacayo. The so called Libyan ambassador in Mogadisho should answer this or he should be expelled. Aaway safaarad-ku-sheeggii Soomaalida ee Libya ka dhisnayd?
  13. Oba, is he out yet? I know he was one of ghe criminals caught while selling young girls.
  14. Xiin you are right, Kismaayo will have an admin but what type? May be not the one that you were expecting.
  15. Lol odey, The taxi servives baan ku qoslay. Midda kale you have been to Mogadishu & if I m not wrong you once mentioned here inaad qarax ka ag dhaweyd, airport-ka waxaa loogu shiraa waa amnigiisa oo la isku hubo.
  16. cadnaan1 dantaada maqaar eey xitaa waa loo huwadaa. Insha Allaah waa la gaari doonaa halkaasd u socotid.
  17. This is good. The government is getting more international support. It needs to put more work on security in order for this to continue receiving this support.
  18. oba hiloowlow;920369 wrote: the hell with federalism. at least the clan-federalism, realistic regional one is acceptable I guess.
  19. Jacpher;920379 wrote: You may disagree with Mooge politics but alleging he is no short of your criminal adeer is disgusting to say the least. And you want me to beleive that you are not defending your real adeer (Mooge) for being a relative?
  20. xiinfaniin;920362 wrote: Mooge , and other SOLers who are in there please update us. If Mooge is in Kismaayo in order to take part of forming an administration, I think general Indho-cadde should be the new governor.
  21. Ducaysane;920256 wrote: Must be another Unuka, what else would it be good news for Abwaan. lol Duco hore ayaan u sheegay inaadan qumanayn beryahan. Waryaa nin Kaara-Mardha billad geesi ku qaatay maxaa qabiilkiisa iyo wuxuu yahay ku raacshey. Ninka kartidiisa ku qiimee ninyahow. Qof walba meel buu ka dhashay Soomaali geedaha ka soo baxday ma jirto.
  22. Breaking news from Abwaan....call it Exclusive.....iyo Waxaad doonto....Jeneraal Indho-qarshe ayaa loo badinayaa in loo magacaabi doono Talliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed. Indho-qarsho ayaa ah ruug-caddaa ka tirsanaa ciidanka Milateriga, billad geesina lagu siiyey dagaalkii 77. Waa nin sida la sheegay aad ugu wanaagsan jagadan. Good news....waa billow fiican haddii arrintaas rumowdo.
  23. xiinfaniin;920137 wrote: ^^Abwaan noo fur post aan kaga hadalno dhaca guryaha, iyo gaandhariyaasha ingiriiska bartay. Halkaan waxbaa laysa fahansiinayaa awoowe. xiin, with all due respect I don't think I have the time to do some fadhi-ku-dirir.
  24. Xiin wuxuu boor isku qariyaba his true colour baa soo baxay. Anigu roadmap baan taageersanahay iyo blah blah ma waxay dhashay inaad 2013 sheeko aan soconeyn meelahan la wareegto? Qofkii dooddiisu tahay guri baa la iga haystaa, waddanka dowlad baa ka dhalatay maxkamadana waa leeyahay ee ha doonto, markii loo soo diido wixii uu rabo ha sheego oo ma xumo inuu cabtaa, laakiin adigoo laga yaabo aanba guriba lahayn sida xiin oo aqal Soomaali degannaa markii dagaalladu dheceen inaad ku dooddo gurigaygii halla i siiyo waa wareer. Xaggee guriga lagaa siin horeba umaadan lahayne? Ma dad guryahood baa lagu siin? Taas macneheedu ma ahan inaan guryo dadoow la haysan. Sidaan qabo waa la haystaa oo weliba Soomaali oo dhan baa laga haystaa haba loo kala badnaadee. Horta Guryaha iyo dhulalka dowladdu lahayd ee inta Magaalo la dhistay sida Muqdisho, Kismaayo, Gaalkacyo, Beledweyn, Baydhabo, Garoowe IWM la deggan yahay iyaga waxa la haystose mallagu daray?