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Everything posted by Abwaan

  1. I am glad his mission failed. Askariga dhintay Ilaah ha u naxariisto, inta dhaawacantayna Ilaah ha bogsiiyo.
  2. Haatu;911163 wrote: Now you know why he's so touchy over it Wait a minute, did you say Abwaan is in Xamar? I wouldn't be surprised to hear isbaaros are popping over town again Has he met Indhacadde yet? Waryaa maxaa la iixamanaa? Haatu adiga cajalad guryo ayaala kala dhacay iyo isbaaro ayaa la dhigtay baa kugu go'day. Xamar nabad baa ka dhacday ee tanna bal ku darso.
  3. Malla la'yahay? Malaha isna script buu yeeshay oo ku qaraabanayaa.... No wonder he got a lot of votes here in SOL.
  4. Mooge;910482 wrote: abwaan reer magal iska dhig ninyoow. macaradnimada ogoladow. nin caabudka walaga fican yahay o wa wixi somalia rogay. qoslaye janno ku geyn mayo runta haka gaban. i am loyal opposition. i am loyal to somalia and qoslaye is bad for somalia. i am against qoslaye. that is all. looool....at nin caabud......Someone who isaga an his scripts NEVER opposed everything that Abdiweli & Yey did. Mooge, Abwaan is not like you man. Be an opposition balse mic caqlimku dhisan I just don't understand your opposition and what is based on. I never saw you support someone who is not tolka.
  5. Lol.....Midda koowaad malla hubaa inuu isagu soo qoray warqaddaan? If so, where is his signature? No 2 do you know that Armani is from Hiiraan and it wouldn't be hard to get along with the dowladda and you are fabricating stories in si gaar ah loo saaray. You used to oppose this guy and now you support him, because resigned from the government? Did Armani go to Mogadisho when all diplomatic staff were called?
  6. Lol....Mooge, ragga libta halloo wada oggolaado. Ninkii Soomaaliya wax taray taariikhdaa xusi doonta. I really do NOT understand xanuunka ku haya ee dowladdan aad u neceb tahay. Don't waste time on name calling and stuff, president Hassan is YOUR president. You're stuck with him until at least four more years. Go siyaasadda iska dhaaf, tabliiq iska noqo, come back and try after four years haddii kale dhiig kar baa kugu sii dhacaya.
  7. Mooge;910465 wrote: Haatu, stop badmouthing the people of wardheer. lool. you are exposed ninyoow. shame on you lying. why hide behind fake labels ninyoow. you belong to mogadishu clan and you should not be lying to fool somali online people. lool. Mooge, is belonging Mogadisho clan a crime now? What is wrong with you these months? I guess Haatu does not need an approval from you and Apo midna, he is a proud, Wardheerian-Garissaawi and I respect that. You & Apo should too.
  8. Mooge, what about the major US decision that was announced when the president was in US? Were there similar once when both Abdiweli took those photos with President Obama. I am sure you cannot deny that they both (Abdiweli and Jengeli) came for the UN meeting not on a US invitation.
  9. Mooge;910108 wrote: according to AFP, Qoslaye was having a security alshabaab meeting with Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough and Obama dropped by to say hello in the middle of that meeting. loool. ninyoow this is even worse than I thought. lady hillary is running the somalia show all together. lool....Mooge, meeshii ay la gaartey day. So you are saying masawirrada aan aragnay waa qarow ee run ma ahan?
  10. One beautiful goal scored against Apo...
  11. Lol....Apo...oo Haatu dhalashada kala noqonaya, yaab badanaa...
  12. oba hiloowlow;909617 wrote: what can i say Nuunka im the SOL version of Indhocadde it runs in the fam :D
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;909576 wrote: Abwaan if wishes were horses:D No wishes here, it is the reality XX. La qabso runta oo warka riyada jooji oday.
  14. AB, there is no Somalia and Somalilad....There is Somalia and gobollada Waqooyi Galbeed.
  15. What is the difference between this adminstration and previous ones? The current one don't blindly support AMISOM or any other forces or keep quite about their mistakes. Good job.
  16. Xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa Gudo heer wasiiro ah u xilsaartay in ay baaraan Xasuuqii ay Ciidamada AMISOM u geyteen Dadka shacab ah oo u badan Caruur dhiganeysay Dugsi Quraan ku yaala Deegaanka Jiiro Miskiin ee hoostaga Deegaanka Leego. Gudigan oo uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga Qaranka Soomaaliya C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa xalay booqday dadkii ku soo dhaawacmay Xasuuqaasi ay geyteen Ciidamada AMISOM, waxaana ay warbixino ka dhageysteen Saraakiisha Caafimaadka ee Isbitaal Madiina. Gudiga oo Warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay goor dhow bilaabi doonaan Baaritaan dheer oo ku saabsan xasuuqii ay geysteen Ciidamada AMISOM, waxayna sheegeen inay war cad ka soo saari doonaan marka ay dhameeyaan baaritaankooda. Ibraahim ***** Yarow oo ah Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaarada Warfaafinta Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Dowlada Soomaaliya ugu deeqday Dadka dhaawacmay lacag gaareysa 10-kun oo doolarka mareykanka ah, waxaana uu sheegay in wax looga qaban doono xaaladooda caafimaad. Dad u badan Caruur oo gaaraya qof ayaa dhaawac ahaan u yaala Isbitaalka Madiina ee Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo dhaawacyada ay ku jiraan kuwa halis ah oo dalka wax looga qaban karin sida uu horey warbaahinta ugu sheegay Xildhibaan Daahir Jeesoow. Xafiiska Wararka Midnimo, webmaster@midnimo.com
  17. Mooge, No Phantom enemies here...This transitional gov you are talking about and President Hassan both worked for Somalia and they both deserve the credit, at least Abwaan thinks that, dadkana ma xaqiro but you seem inay bahasha kaa wareertay. Hassan Sh. Mohamud is OUR president. If you don't want him as a president it is too late now. Just wait for 4 years insha Allaah and see if you can run against him.
  18. Oba, malla yaabtay Carafaat becoming HA no 2 , Walaaleheenna hal baasaboor ku lehe....Bal marka hore adiga iyo XX Soomaali la midooba cushitic hannoo dambeeyee.
  19. :DMooge mar dhow wuxuu dhihi rabaa Rooxaan ay maamulladii hore ka tageen baa madaxtooyada hoosteeda deggan oo dowladdan hagta. Malaha adna safiir wareega ayaad Rooxaantaas u tahay Mooge. Ragga libtooda waa loo oggolaadaa.....What was your famous celebration word? "Hoo Bariiska":D
  20. Carafaat;909374 wrote: Maalin dhaweed waxan u kala hiiliyay 2 Eritrean. Waxaan u hiiliyay midkii Cushitica ahaa. Ka kale Tigrey u ahaa. Soomaali iyo Ficil maxaa kala haysta? Oba iyo Carafaat, sheekadaan ma waxaa lagu bareejeynaa, Garoowe-Jigjiga?. Toloow mar dhowna Wafti Bay ka yimid miyaa Burundi aadi doona? Oo dhihi doona Tutsi ayaan kala dhunnay?
  21. I don't think qof micne leh inuu tegayo mudaaharaad, afar ma xishoodeyaal baa imaan doona, waaba haddii uu dhaco.
  22. Mooge;909317 wrote: somalia was taken out of the transition and a FULL GOVERMENT was selected and US was waiting for the transition to end. the americans had to recognize this new full goverment or all that effort by previous goveremnt and AU to get out of the tranisition would have been for wasted. qoslaaye was told to go to Washington by american embassy in nairobi few days ago because AU pressure on the US was mounting. everyone in nairobi knows this. the recognition should have been done the first day qoslaaye was selected. they are late few months. qoslaaye has done nothing since he came to power. this guy is still the most incompetent leader we ever had. Mooge, Are you still in Malaysia? Xamar is calling you.
  23. Wadani;909270 wrote: Abdwaan, which beel uses this term fiqi? I'm assuming it's the main tribe of Puntland, since u joked that LST was the one escorting the Fiqi. Wadani, I am not sure if the title Fiqi existed in this community before.
  24. Xaaji Xunjuf;909188 wrote: How about if we all become part of Khatumo and call our country khatumo republic , magacan Somali ba hanaga hadhe iyo landtan is daba socottaa and taleexi for president. Lol...XX, haddiiba waa Muqaddas ka soo degey waa khayr.
  25. Wadani;909218 wrote: I've never heard of the title Fiqi before. I've heard of suldaan, ugaas, garaad, islaan, caaqil and malaaq, but not Fiqi. Congrats to him and beeshiisa nontheless. lol@Wadani, you do now. I am not against this dude, but Somalis are creating a lot of titles that never existed in different regions. LST ayaantaan waa la waayey, yarka Suit-ka xiran oo Fiqi-ga la socda tolow ma adigaa?