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About xiinfaniin

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  1. Salaam reer SOL. Xaadir. The owner of this place (the Lion Teaser), developed an slick way of notifying old nomads when their names are mentioned. meeshaan muddo badan aan ka maqnaa. PS: Oodweyne oo Tuka-raq qabsaday wax walbaa u bannaan.
  2. NGONGE, Libaax, Abtigiis, Oodweyne, Baashi, General Duke, S Warrior, Sophist, Gabdhihii qurxoonaa iyo inta aan Illoobay, please attend: Location: SomaliaOnline iCloud/Politics Section Topic: Duco iyo xus note: ey ey dhalaa aaqira laga waayaa
  3. Prediction: Somaliland will join Somalia under the federal framework. Hadraawi will compose a poem for the eventful reunion.
  4. Alshabaab is puritan movement with no tolerance for local political representation. The peace and stability Alshabaab authority proclaims is nothing more than a pressure valve to conceal the clan animosity and resentment that builds up under the surface. Case in point: if these clans and communities were truly reconciled under Alshabaab rule we would not have witnessed the violent eruptions of the last few months.
  5. Suldaan, I do not know the exact number of MPs that are reinstated, but they are significant. Also this is true for a number regions, not only Sool, Cayn & Sanaag. Garaad Jaamac represents one of the most established Isim traditions in the region. However, his signature was not utilized for the last election either. So I am afraid the issue of Khatumo vs Puntland will remain one for the next Puntland president to tackle.
  6. Suldaan, Majority of the 17 MPs ar present in Garoowe, most of them are renamed. Khatumo is a legitimate political movement and is a thorn on Puntland's side. Khatumo has not however affected the legitimacy of Puntland as it was established 1998. No candidate in current election can dare question whether these 17 MPs from Sool and Sanaag have the right to participate in the election. This issue is a structural one and it does go beyond opposition soundbites to derail Faroole's march to the mountain top of Puntland presidency. I am not passionate about Faroole's reelection nor do I see any value in the desperate talks from the opposition. I however understand political ramification of Puntland election and how it impacts Somalia. Based on that factor alone, Faroole is the man of the moment awoowe.
  7. This is aid is from Somalis everywhere in the world and in the country. Mogadishu donated $200, 000. Hargeysa I don't know , but I am sure Xaaji Habaar has the numbers. It is worth noting that this is aid is from Somalis not from NGOs, UN or Countries
  8. It is clash between armed nomadic migrants from Central regions vs local communities with long history of political conscious. On another level, it is violent manifestation of the inherent bottom up approach of federal framework. Those who ruled the region for half a century are now finding themselves under the wrath of local communities uprising against them. Somalis are clans, and clans can never be defeated in their home turf. My pal Gooni of Somaliaonline forum, downplays the ramification of this conflict. But he should know better
  9. Nr.50 oo markale la isku fara saarey Wali Waxay colaad Qabiileed ka taagan tahay Deegaanka Nr.50 iyadoo la sheegey in dagaalkii maanta ay soo qaadeen Maleeshiyo Beeleedka horay ula dagaalamay dadka deegaanka, waliba waxaa la xaqiijiyey iney maanta wateen Gaadiidkii Ciidanka Dowlada. Wariye Madaxbanaan oo la hadley Puntlandi wuxuu yiri “Ciidanka maanta soo weeraray Deegaanka waxay ahaayeen Ciidanka Dowlada waayo waxay wateen Gaadiidkii lagu yaqiiney Dowlada, waxayna durba bilaabeen iney rasaas ku furaan guryo horey Dadku uga qaxeen oo ku yaal afafka hore ee Nambar 50, khasaarahana ma sheegi Karno inuu gaarsiisan yahay”. Wariyuhu wuxuu sheegey inuu Dagaalku markiiba istaagey laakiin Xabado badan la isweydaarsadey, ilaa hadana ma jiraan warar kasoo baxaya dhinaca Ciidanka deegaanka oo dhowr jeeroo hore maalmahaan iska difaacayay Weerar ay ku hayaan Ciidanka Beeleed wata tuutaha Dowlada.
  10. Gooni, Awoowe farqiga qabaa iladda soomaaliyeed u dhexeeya waxaa ka mida, waxaa jira qabaa illo lagu abaabulo, laguna abuubalay , reer hebel baa idin xukuma, oo idinku wax ma xukumi kartaan. Qolo hebel baa xukunka iskaga laalabata. Dabadeedna waxaa dhacda in reerahaasi iyagoo muranka fadhi-ku-dirirka ka jawaabaya ay dagaalo iyo xasarado galaan. Waa wixii USC xamar u aastay , oo iyagoo ku ladan oo ah cidda keliya oo Maxamed Siyaad ka faa idey ay maalin qura hoteeladoodii qurxoona, iyo wixii hay'ad iyo haybad dawlo ee Xamar lahayd dhulka ula simeen, si loo yiraahdo wallee waa rag inay wax xukumaan mooye, iyaga lama xukumo Waa aan sii fogeyn mid gabay noocaas reer Puntland damcay inuu doodaas raqiiska ku kiciyo oo wuxuu yiri: Cumar iyo Cismaniyo nimaan Cigale kuu sheegan Asaan Ciise Maxamud ahayn cududa reer Faarax Cagta saari waa dawladnimo caynkastooy tahaye Shirshooroo camiran maalinba caynka loo rogaye Cabdiqani garaad iyo raggii caan ahaa tage Ka carooyey Xaabsade sidii loo calaanjiyaye Casar bay Saleebaan eryeen kana codeeyeene Wiilkii caddaa ee tukaha laga cashaysiiyey Caydiid sidaa looma dhugan waana reer Caliye Gabaygaasi waa intii Gooni oo afmaali ahi oran lahaa. Laakiin waa caato, oo waa dood hoose. Nafna ma leh. Hadalkaagu wuxuu daaranyahay dhaqanka ari jirka ee dadka inta aan isku kalsoonayn lagu dagaal geliyo inaad Puntland iyo anagaba nagu daydo. Laakiin dhaqan iyo taariikh baadan dhaafi karinoo, meeshaa Allaah baa fadli siiyey (nabad iyo kala danbayn), waxaana la gudboon inay intaas xusaan oo ilaah u mahad celiyaan. Aniga kula hadlaya hadda waxaan u malaynayaa in magaalada aan Maraykan ka deganay ay habar xuni ugu sarreyso , laakin ficil iguma jiro. Maxay taasi ku dhacday oon xukun habreed u ogolahay anigoo ina hebel sheekh hebel ah ? Wacyi iyo xadaarad weeye jawaabtu. Taas fahan awoowe , oo cumar udaa hadduu xukun rabo kolba wax tar mooye wax kuuma uu dhimayee. Korna ufoof
  11. Breaking News: Preliminary reports indicate that agreement has been reached on the Vetting Committee. The resolution will not be far from how previous Puntland elections have been carried out. This will break Malistar2012 heart, it will be the nth time Allah refused to answer Wardhiigley prayers against the blessed people of Puntland In a serious note: if you are an avid follower of Puntland politics like me, you would easily observe how one man and one man only is playing the ball quite skillfully. The rest are busy playing him, while he is concentrating on the ball. The outcome is unknown and will be so until the day after the election, but so far Faroole outplayed and outsmarted the rest of the candidates in the current field. Puntland politics is a peculiar mixture of tradition and parliamentarian system. This election though more contentious is not different than the previous ones. And Puntland shall be stronger, not weaker, as the result.
  12. Elders, Clan Chiefs and Intellectuals of the region are coming to Garoowe to participate and witness Jan 8 election. http://www.puntlandpost.com/garowesalaadiin-ka-socota-gobalka-mudug-oo-maanta-lagu-soo-dhaweeyay-magalada-garowesawirro/
  13. Gooni, Ilaahay Puntland waa barakeeyey, nabad iyo dawladnimo siiyey, taladana waa waafajiyey. Adiga iyo inta kula ra'yi ahi fadligaa ilaahay baxshay baad ka ciil qabtaan. Awoowe doorasha socotee, ama wax ku darso, oo guuxa xamar wax nooga sheeg, ama cuqdada aad Puntland ka qabto sheegsheegideeda aayar inta Jan 8 laga gaarayo. Taasi waa tii Puntland. Tan Shabeelooyinka , ama hindi ku sheeg, ama geelay daaqsin ay xaq u lahayd in xoolaha daajiso lagu cawryey ku sheeg, wallee meeshaa najjaase ka fay leh. Haddaan caqligaaga aqaanna, adoo ku baabay baa la arki oo meelan ogahay maamul gobeleed lagu kallifay ka amaamuday . Waase u joognaa
  14. war Gooni maanta Puntland buu rabaa Fiiri boowe, Prof Cabdiweli waxaa dhib ugu filan in Xamar looga duceeyo. Hadde waa siyaasade ogow