Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. I and my friends use to sit on a darjiin in our neighborhood. Every time somebody passes by, we will start saying, baqol laba baqol, baqol laba baqol, and so forth. ( i assume most of yu know what means ).Well, that use got us in alot of trouble since our targets were mostly women, and all plus were just kids, and i don't what made us say One time, Dugsi teacher sent us to fetch Baayo ( long flexible sticks used in dugsi to beat kids). I was too young, but i used to tag along simply cuz of Mircood. We would enter somebody's Goof looking mircood, and everytime someone would chase out of the Goof. The worst day was one of older kids struck by one of Goof people with a knife. N as kids,we use to hunt Muluc, and kill it. I don't know why? and Caasho qurunto was an insect,we use to play it, cutting of its wings, and watching it move on the sand. I think Muluc and caasho qurunto must hate somali boys by now. This is not crazy thing, but i felt sharing it anyway. I was only one who killed mulucs n caasho This is turning to be confession session. Well, Thanks Father later nomads
  2. As long as the ****** in mogadisho and the menace in Pland are alive, our land will not see day of peace. I think it is about time to eliminate these people physically since thats all understand. They shall meet the faith Aidid senior. It is about dhaqameed of the south come together,and save the people and the land. Besides, the continuos wars in the south make no sence anymore. Just warlords using qabiil as cover to farther their own selfish interests. N holding somali peace in neighboring countries is a joke. We should hold the talks under qudhac somewhere in benadir, juba, mudug, or bari.
  3. Paltalk...when did you stop being Bush's little poodle, and starting lambasting Sland. Kudos to the northerners for their hard work. They deserve the praise. Best of luck. Hopefully you will get your recognition! N Peace in My Beloved Somalia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! later nomads
  4. is good to be back.....thankx nice come back sentiments later nomads
  5. Runaway-virgin......well, well, well, what a just turns out that iam shortest thorn around....the least harmful, i actually compliment a rose now lets skip da game, and pick a date. .lol Rudy...if your idea of a date is dinner, a movie, and few minutes of fluid exchange afterwards, than i rather not date just a girl....It has little with race for me. My health is most important thing. In over-sexed nation like America, STDs are common. The chance of just girl contracting STD is higher. But keep in mind, not all girls who date non-somalis have sexual relationships. Regardless, i think one should have their mate tested before marriage. You just can't trust people somalis n non-somalis alike, and same goes for all muslims and non-muslims alike. Raxmah....I don't think it is comparison thing that pisses off somali males. It is just that no male of any race likes to see his sister or daughter run off with someone outside the comfort zone ( community). If you see a chinese, white or whoever happily giving away his daughter/sister to a man outside his race, let me know. Of course, there are always exceptions. So, lets not use that as an example. later nomads. p.s. just thing, people could not have the words date and Islam in the same sentence. Iam not Islamic theologian, but i think the idea (and the act ) of man and woman going out is prohibited.
  6. Hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, A virtual Pamphlet for online feminist just kidding ladies. later
  7. Geeze.....why get mad at Qac Qac.Many people men and women alike do choose mates simply on looks, skills, income, etc. Well, QacQac, i personally would go for the cook. I think Opinionated put my choice of a mate beautifully calling her "personal chef", and she comes with a lot benefits. Seriously though, for me the most thing would be the woman's character.
  8. Kcabuji.....dhuqa i can't believe you gave up on your think they are da only fit to defeat Man-U Well, I think Chelsea might make to the top ten, but it won't take the cup....You know what lets make it a bet. Since you are betting the blues,my vote goes to the gunners. Shaqsi....You are very loyal know there was a study out suggesting fans might suffer anxiety and other things that cause heart promblems if thier teams lose....So lets not be too Ameenah.....I luv gals that like and follow football,it is even sweeter when the gal is somali... i hate red devils...anyway perhaps i could come to the old trafford and watch my Real Madrid beat you guys again......N hey we get later nomads
  9. Pland & Sland Just one question, would the later settle for being in the backseat of "just to be wrecked car" as the former would surely be driving the car since the former is more politically savvy and mature. I don't think Sland can trust Pland political elites considering the fact how pland elites destroyed the less mature USC politicians. Besides, it is no secret Pland wants to become the dominant somali province with the inclusion of SSH, and the establishment of lower jubba state with kismayo as its capital for all southern planders. Iam afraid , MMA is right qabiil first before nationalism, and it is for all somalis not just pland.
  10. Maybe Marriage itself is an out-dated institution. You are just repeatint the same old boring cycle that generations before you did. Now iam not saying live in life of sin. Maybe you can become Sufi, or find something you care about that is worth of devoting to, like fighting AIDS, hunger, etc. I knew a man who was never married, he was sufi. Only God knew how he really felt inside but judging him on the exterior, and interacting with him, one could gather he was very contended man. I guess this is you only if you can suprress your sexual appetite. Besides, don't you think that there are too many people on dis planet already, six billion of us.......why bring and subject a poor child to the actions of this world.
  11. Magnoon-gal.....I don't know you in person, but if you are who said you are, iam gonna take your word for it. It is interesting though everyone here seems you should seriously consider forming a club for "the lost kids" Silent-Sistah......Well, it seems your mind is made up. If you think, you are better off with Somalis, than go ahead and do dissociate! PPl, it is seems that there are alot of "disgruntled" somalis here, lets hope of one you don't show up in somali neighborhood, and start blazing their Iam still wondering everyone here except Kaafi, and few others bashed their fellow somalis. Hows your character any different from the very somalis that are complianing about?
  12. Silent-Sista... Ask somali person about what they think of other somalis and somali culture in general. Most of the time, somalis will go on, and on about everything thats wrong with our culture. So, we are famous for negative self-criticism. You are doing the same thing here. So, it is bit odd to complaining about the very thing, you are now doing. It is simple walaal, as somali person you will be exposed to all thats good and bad about somalis. You will just have to learn to nagivate through everything thats somali. You gotta understand also non-somali will only show you their positive side, and try to conceal their bad habits ( Believe me every nation has bad habits). Anyway, it is your choice at end of the day whether you hang out with your ppl, or someone else who you are comfortable with, and worth your time. Just one more thing, if you are cutting all forms of association with somalis in real life.Whats point of associating them in cyberworld. I guess your story is, Malaaga ma cuno laakin fuud kisaa cabaa. P.S Maybe you , magnoon-gal and few others here who had bad experience with somalis can form " Somalis who dunno wanna hang out with other somalis club". Ppl, just wondering it seems everybody who respond to the topic who don't fit Silent-Sista's describtion of somalis. Lets take a sample. What are the chances of all us not having one of those habits. I guess all good somalis are in
  13. I guess, it is official now, every somali admins is ethopia's *****. Menelik can finally look down, and say ethopia's borders end at indian ocean.
  14. Nin-Yaaban.....You so convienentaly forget to mention certain others who instigate qabiil talks. Does Oodweyne ring a are funny man. I guess one of many who suffer from the selective memory syndrome Gediid.....Soomaali ma jirto.....Anyway, The admins should have realised that all this qabiil talk would lead to this. These people were literally defaming the good citizens of Sland & Pland alike.
  15. My true leader is our prophet Mohammed ( PBUH). His mission as messenger of Allah aside, Mohammed(PBUH) was truely the greatest statesman, warrior, and a man of great character. As for somali leaders, i don't think we could call them leaders . Only few of them rise up to the challenge, and took action. Adan Cadde is perhaps one just leader, giving his post as president and peacefully transferring power.He put the interest of the nation before his desires.
  16. I guess the somali race was unfortunately "blessed" with one too many idiots!!!!!......You know what, if many people here were alive in WWII, and were on the German side, they would automically qualified for the Third Reich and would been have on SS People, atleast do yourself a favor, and be honest yourself and with each other. Stop using the words Sland and Pland as metaphor for the two qabiils that live in these regions. Why not just come out and say i hate that qabiil....atleast from there, you can start some sort of rehabiliation and the bact long road to sanity!!!!!!!!!!! Talk being consumed by
  17. Somalis need no enemies.....They are their own enemy. Every warlord is henchman for some outside entity. Probably, the countries above mobilized their henchmen to protect their interest in the hell hole called somalia. Apparently, warlord organized a mass protest where egypt's flag was banned while another apologized to the
  18. Marqaan.....Iam not being racist, just bit realistic saaxib. Somalia can't help itself, let alone others. One has to consider the fact that ethoipia has been our enemy( whatever that means) for ages. I dought if their anomosity towards somali people has faded away. Atleast, the leadership of ethoipia is still very much interested weakening somalis and keeping them weak( i guess somalis did that for them Besides, every goverment in the world controls its immigrant flow. No one can take the sincerity or hospatility of ethios seriously either. I mean whats their logic, Iam gonna be your buddy, while at same time i whack your brothers in SomaliGalbeed. But if this thing works for Sland, and Sland Gov is in control of the country's resources, than it is all good.
  19. I thought this piece might generate a debate between the sexes. It is basically about why males cheat. Is nature to blame? He's a stud: Are genes to blame? By SHANKAR VEDANTAM WASHINGTON POST A FIERCE debate about whether jealousy, lust and sexual attraction are hardwired in the brain or are the products of culture has recently been ignited by the growing influence of a school of psychology that sees the hidden hand of evolution in everyday life. Fresh sparks flew last month when a study of more than 16,000 people worldwide found that men everywhere - single, married or gay - want more sexual partners than women do. 'This study provides the largest and most comprehensive test yet conducted on whether the sexes differ in the desire for sexual variety,' wrote lead researcher David P. Schmitt, an evolutionary psychologist at Bradley University, Illinois. 'The results are strong and conclusive. The sexes differ; these differences appear to be universal.' The idea that male promiscuity is hardwired - and therefore 'normal' - drew swift and furious criticism. Scholars who assert the primacy of culture in shaping human behaviour charged Dr Schmitt with choosing his facts and making his conclusions on 'wishful thinking'. The debate won't be settled soon. For the real arguments are about social mores, gender roles and sexual politics. Ohio State University psychologist Terri Fisher said she knows the new study will be misused. Each year, when she teaches her college students about the research into sexual variety, the young men smile and nod and the young women look appalled. 'I bet a lot of males might leave class and tell their girlfriends, 'You know what I learnt in class? It's natural that I don't want to commit to you and that I feel attracted to other women',' she said. The idea of evolutionary psychology is that human behaviour is the product of evolution. However, there is no fossil record of behaviour, so psychologists draw inferences from current behaviour. There is little controversy that evolution played some role in sculpting behaviour. Neuroscientists have studied emotions such as fear and found that many species freeze when panicked, meaning that this is probably an evolved behaviour. But when they use the same argument about complex behaviours such as sexual attraction, the debate becomes heated. For if men and women naturally have different desires for sexual variety, this easily becomes a justification of male promiscuity. Thus, a man with multiple partners is a 'stud' while a woman with multiple partners is a 'slut'. Using genetics to bolster such beliefs, these critics say, gives gender inequality the imprimatur of biology. Dr Schmitt's study involved 16,288 volunteers from 50 countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Asked how many partners they desired over the next month, men on average said 1.87, while women said 0.78. Men said that over the next 10 years they wanted 5.95 partners; women wanted 2.17. The researcher thinks the roots of the differences his study found lie in ancient hunter-gatherer societies. Men who sought sexual variety had a greater chance of passing on their genes - and their promiscuous proclivities. Women who kept their mates improved the chances of raising children and were more likely to pass on their genes - and their monogamous proclivities. Many evolutionary psychologists say these divergent sexual strategies also explain two corollary findings of modern studies. One says men seem more disturbed by sexual infidelity and women seem more disturbed by emotional infidelity. The other says heterosexual men seek women who are young and beautiful - signs of fertility - while heterosexual women seek men who are rich because that helps in raising children. But many psychologists aren't convinced, and other studies have contradicted these findings. Because of society's double standards, Dr Fisher said, women are hesitant to report their true sexual desires. For example, she found that when anonymity was guaranteed in surveys, women reported having sex for the first time at a younger age and men raised the age when they first had sex. 'No parent in any culture ever tells a daughter, 'By all means, go have sex',' said Dr Pamela Regan, an evolutionary psychologist at California State University in Los Angeles who disagrees with Dr Schmitt. By contrast, she said, 'many expect their sons to 'be men', which implies sexual experience'. Men and women's sexual choices and desires grow more similar in societies with greater gender equality - a contention supported by Dr Schmitt's data. Dr Regan said that other evolutionary theories are just as plausible as the male promiscuity argument: Men in hunter-gatherer societies who stuck with a single mate and helped raise children might have been more genetically successful - because ensuring their children's survival means passing on genes. If there's one thing almost everyone agrees on, it is that genes do not decide what people ultimately do. Indeed, the interests of individuals often conflict with the interests of their genes: In most industrialised societies, birth rates are falling. 'I have heard people say, 'I can't help it, I am a man - I have to spill my seed',' said Dr Regan. 'That's using science to justify bad behaviour.'
  20. Kaafi & Scorpion-Sista meeraa dost....I know dis is bit late, but CONGRATS!!!!!
  21. I thought i share this piece since it made some sense!!!!! Mudanayaal, Salaan diirran ayaan idin ku salaamayaa. Nin baa horey wuxuu ku yiri mid kale: "War waxaad ogtahay ma kuu sheegaa?". Warka aan soo wadaa waa kaasoo kale. Muraadka keliya aan ka leeyahayse waa baraarujin. Sooyaalka Soomaliyeed wuxuu caan ku yahay in wixii dhiillo iyo dhibaato dhex-mara ama ku yimaada ay madaxdhaqameedku gogolfidsan iyo geed hoostiis ku soo afjaraan iyagoo dhacda kasta xeer dhaqameedka bulshada saldhig uga dhigaya. Sidaas darted, waxaa waajibku ahaa in bilawgiiba madaxdhaqameedku bud-dhige u noqdaan shir nabadeedka iyo dib-u-heshiisiinta.Waxaa waayo-aragnimo ku filan fashilaadihii lagala kulmay 12kii shir nabadeed ee hadda ka hor aduunweynuhu abaabulay, kuwaasoo qabqablayaasha dagaalku keligood horumood ka ahaayeen. Waxaan rumays-nahay in haddii,madax-dhaqmeedyadu shirarkaas horumood ka ahaan lahaayeen, mar horeba la gaari lahaa nabad buuxda oo waarta. Marag madoonto waxaa u ah nabadda iyo xasillonida ka jirta goboladda waqooyi galbeed ee Soomaliya. Dad badan ayaan dooneyn in madax-dhaqmeedku marnaba qayga shirka cag soo dhigaan. Allaase mahadlehe, madax kale, oo si daacada uga wal-walaysa/daryeelaysa danta dhabta ah, ayaa ku adkeysatay sida ay lagama maarmaan u tahay in madax-dhaqmeedyadu ugu yaraan ka soo qayb galaan wajiga kama dambeysta ah ee shirku ku dooran-doono dadka loo xil-saariddoono hoggaanka dalka sanooyinka soo socda, meelna marindoona go'aannada lagu gaaray shirka Kenya ka socday in ka badan 9 bilood. Mudanayaal! Musiibada ku habsatay ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee keentay burbur, qaxooti, barakac iyo dib-u-heshiis laa`n waxaa guud ahaan xal u helid laa`nteeda loo aanayn kara dagaal oogayaasha oo mid waliba qumbo caddihiisa ligliga haystey, welina haysto, iyo dawlado aan daacad ka ahayn dib-u-dhis "qaran Soomaaliyeed". Waxaa xaqiiq ah in dagaal ogayaashu dawr weyn ka ciyaari karayn, welina ka ciyaari karaan, nabadeynta iyo dib-u-heshiisiinta la baadi goobayo. Waxaa horey loo yiri: "Xarig carrabo nin ogaa baa fura". Laakiin taasi waxay imaan kartaa haddii, ama markii, dantooda iyo midda dal/dalal shisheeyaba ay ka hor mariyaan danta guud. Nin beeraley ah ee u dhashay dalka Burundi, oo ka mid ah dalalka dagaalka sokeeye halakeeyey, ayaa wareysi wuxuu ku yiri: Dagaalka waxaa wada dagaal oogayaal, iyagaana og siday u joojin lahayeen. Laakiin ma doonayaan inay joojiyaan madaama awood iyo ilo dhaqaale uu u yahay,danahooda gaarka ahna ay ku fushanayaan.Taasi waxay marag u tahay in dagaal ooge meelu joogaba isku si u fakarayo. Mudanayaal Waxaan rumays-nahay inaad igaga xog ogaal-santihiin halaaga, burburka, iyo lixaad-ka-baaba`a dalka iyo bulshada Soomaaliyeed ku habsadey, oo ay adagtahay, haddii Eebbe uusan ur u bixin, sidii looga kaban lahaa burburkaas. Waxaa la ogsanyahay in madax kooxeedka ("Leaders Committee") shirka naakhuudaha ka ahi ay go'aansatay baarlamaan tiradiisu tahay 450 xubnood, tiradaasoo dood iyo dagaal dheer kaddib, lagu maslaxay inay noqoto 351 xubnood. Xataa 351 waa tiro aan marnaba u cuntamin kana tarjumi Karin xaaladda iyo awoodda Soomaaliya. Tirada dadka Soomaaliyeed waxaa lagu qiyaasaa, haddii la buun-buuniyo, 6 ila 7 milyoon . Dadka dalka Kenya waa 32 milyoon. Tirada baarlamaanka Kenya waa 212(?). Tirada dadka dalka Maraykanku wuxuu sigayaa saddex boqol oo milyoon. Tirada baarlamaankiisu (Congress) waa 535 (100 Senators iyo 435 House of Representatives). Tolow, yaa yaqaan waxay walaalaheen "Leaders Committee" ku cilmiyeeyeen, ama saldhig uga dhigeen, baarlamaan 450 ah?. Malaha su'aashaydu meesha kuma jirto, maxaa yeelay waa la'ogsonyahay sababta ay u qorsheeyeen tiradaas maan-gaddada ah. Sidaad og-tihiin, ujeedada markaan la idiin ku yeeray waa sidii aad kaalin wax ku ool ah uga qaadan lahaydeen soo xulidda xubnahaas oo, haddi tiradooda aan laga yareyn karayn 351, ay dantu tahay in xoogga la saaro sidii loogu dadaali lahaa inay noqdaan kuwo lagu tuhmayo daacadnimo, caddaalad iyo aqoon sare, kasbina kara kalsoonida dadweynaha kala irdhoobey. Waa kuwaas kuwa la rajayn karaa inay Soomaaliya ka soo saaraan godka dheer oo haatan ay ku jirto. Waa kuwaas kuwa la rajayn karaa inay isu soo dumaan bulshada 13 sano kala qoqobnayd laysuna bahaleeyey. Waa kuwaas kuwa la rajayn karaa inay soo celiyaan qaranimadii, midnimadii iyo sharaftii Soomaaliyeed. Waa kuwaas kuwa la rajayn karaa inay kasbaan kalsoonida iyo kaalmada adduunweynaha oo la'aantood Soomaaliya aysan ka soo kaban karayn burburkii ku dhacay. Haddii la doonayo in la helo dad tilmaantaas leh, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah inaan doorashadu ku koobnaan 361da ergey ee IGAD soo aruursatay, kuwaaso, waxay iyagu isbidayaan ka sokow, aan marnaba la rajayn karin inay xal u noqdaan dhibaatooyinka iyo boogaha la doonayo in la dhayo. Inkastoo aan ogahay innad ka feejig-tihiiin, haddana waxaa ila qummanaatay inaan idin ku sii adkeeyo inaydaan MAANTA cidna uga haybeysan danta dhabta ah ee dadkiinna iyo dalkinna, taasoo ah, haddii hoos loo sii dhuuxo, danta carruurtinna iyo carruurtinna carruurtooda. Waxaan ku farax-sanahay in maalin dhaweyd Internet-ka aan ku arkay shir madax-dhaqmeedyada qaarkood ka yeesheen meelmarinta arrimaha shirweynaha ka socda, iyagoo si xilkasnimo leh u falaanqeeyey, isna xasuusiyeen mas'uuliyada ka saran danaha dadkooda iyo dalkooda. Walaalayaal Waxaan, ugu dambeystii, idin xasuusinayaa in dhibaatooyinka sida agab-la'aanta ah u haysta bulshada Soomaaliyeed qaarkood la rajaynayo in shirka Kenya xal wax ku ool ah looga gaaro, laakiin taasi waxay badiba ku xirantahay midnimada iyo firfircoonida madax-dhaqmeedyadu muujiyaan, mowqifka iyo dawrka ay ka istaagaan arrimaha NAFTA ah. Waxaan Allaha awoodoo dhan iska leh ka baryayaa in gaca iyo garab u idin ku siiyo hawsha iyo mas'uulidda culus ee idin saaran. Inataas iyo SOOMAALIYA HA-NOOLAATO!. Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen Ra'iisul Wasaare hore ee Soomaliya Aug 2, 2003 e-mail addrees:
  22. Let the dead rest in peace.....Have some respect for the departed!!! I think it is bit of over the top to lambast Muslim and fellow somali, the way you did.....I don't quite see what purpose this article serves, other than to defame fellow somalis!!!
  23. guess Horn-Afrique chooses not see that part......Sadly though, every somali leader bows down to the ethios....People who recently visited Sland and Pland said they saw significant number of ethios immigrants in big towns. I think Sland or for that matter any somali adminstration be careful about unchecked flow of immigrants to Somali lands. That could lead farther insecurity, unemployement and demographic change......Perhaps, Iam little too
  24. Lander....I guess most somalis have selective memory when it comes to the crimes commited by " their people"......everybody in somalia from Jubbas to Sland remembers well crimes that were commited against them, but when it comes their own wrong doings, their memory simply fades.
  25."Our baby"..... i have missed something Here is my list Dhudi Cambaro Luul Suuban