Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. I hope more rains come...The region needs water desperately. Lets pray for more rains.
  2. I will be in school on Eid day...Turning in papers n attending classes....Nothing special. I do have good memories of Eid in Xamar though my last eid there was traumitic.
  3. You forget to add one of the big celebs in SOL His name is Nuune
  4. Rokko....looooooooooooooooooooooooool...Good one Ok ppl no more cheesy relationship topics.
  5. OG-Moti......Glad to see yu still kicking and very much alive. Well bro, how i couldn't respect OG-mote. You don't have to demand it. Anyway, i can see suffering from " Somali deprivation", , well walaal i can relate, Iam one of only three somalis in my town. I see no somalis either. Atleast you are in sunny place, iam in freezing little town. Just wondering, don't Combadia have small indegenious muslim population?...or was that Thialand only? Ramadan Kariim
  6. well, maybe cheesy love/relationship things are what ppl in this thread like to talk about or maybe not. Ethier way, no one is hindering women from having a serious female-related debates in here. Perhaps you could take da lead and start a topic worthy talking about. Later nomads
  7. There was no question Ethopia is flexing its muslce, and wants to reach the warm waters of the Indian ocean. It will try to influence things in Somalia either directly or indirectly. One must ask him/herself though, what if Ethopia was in the same dillema as we somalis are in right now, and we were regional superpower. Obviously, we would used the oppurnity to farthern weaken Ethopia, try to reach greeny highlands of Abysinnia, and preach somalinism.After, we somalis are expasionists too, and we careless less to what happens ethopians.
  8. Here is my List Barwaaqo Areweelo. Scorpion. Canbaru-luul N how i can forget da only senior citizen in da sol club....OG-Moti.....Kidding bro....Hows in Ramadan in Cambodia walaal. later nomads
  9. Smith....Are yu certain that yu weren't on drugs when you wrote this? kidding Well, lead the way bro...No bad news concerning Sland from yu
  10. Originally posted by Xalimo7: My understanding atleast Lady Edna whom i have great admiration, did not go like some of you perhaps did , like Raping, Killing innocent children/women/men/blind/etc, and have the audacity to come here and pretend here like nohting ever happened. How on earth do you compare Lady Edna , with Rapist? looooooooool........ Woow....Jirta isdaji. Geedid....Maybe this a little trip is bad idea, One too many egos blinded by years of tribal indoctrination in one train could us derialed off da tracks.
  11. It is good to see pakis learning their religion. Unfortunetely, Pakis like somalis have mix of culture and religion, n often ppl can't tell one from the other. Then, there is extremist mullahs who talk about Naar alway day rather than teach all the aspects of this beautiful religion. Anyway, it is good to see ppl returning to their roots. Malakia N paki somalis would miss "Home". Pakistan does have special place in my heart though. anyway, Malakia, i used to sleep through Islamic Studies. Man, they use to repeat same things over n again. Here is pics for all my nostolgic ex-paki somalis. Iam sure they r whole bunch in here. Faisal Masjic Blue Area
  12. Puntland is unlikely to realise any democratization of its institutions as long as Ina Yusuf is at da helm. The only thing dis man respects is sheer force. He is a meniac, not that other wackos are any better. I hope dis office serves some purpose, n not be just another client for foriegn powers to manipulate.
  13. Lakkad...That could be it. Shoshana had too much tan, Lynch didn't fire a shot, and it is said she went down Propoganda. They could have atleast tried to immortalize Lori Piestewa ( Member of Hopi Tribe) who did went down firing, but agian she was just a native american.
  14. It is good idea to look at war from the perspective of the "the Generation in Exile"...Good luck As for a name, Here goes one, " Qurbo Iyo Qabiil"....Thats if yu wanna focus on the destructive nature of tribalism that tore our society apart. or " Qurbo Iyo Qaxarkayda"....If yu wanna on the plight of somalis in diasporo, and the generation gap between the elders n da youth, and how the two can be brought together. I hope da names made some Later
  15. Nov. 6 — Former POW Jessica Lynch, whose dramatic rescue offered Americans a glimmer of hope at one of the low points of the Iraq war, discloses in her upcoming biography that she suffered a brutal sexual assault during her captivity in Iraq. While a medical report indicates that Lynch had been sexually assaulted, Lynch says she has no recollection of the attack. "Even just the thinking about that, that's too painful," she tells Diane Sawyer in her first interview since her nine-day captivity in Iraq. I'm No Hero In the interview, Lynch also clears up conflicting stories about her actions during the March 23 ambush in which Lynch was taken prisoner. Initial reports portrayed the Army supply clerk, then 19, as a hero who was wounded by Iraqi gunfire but kept firing until her ammunition ran out, shooting several Iraqis. But Lynch confirms that was not the case. She tells Sawyer she was just a soldier in the wrong place at the wrong time, whose gun jammed during the chaos. "I'm not about to take credit for something I didn't do," she tells Sawyer in the interview, airing Tuesday, Nov. 11. "I did not shoot, not a round, nothing," she tells Sawyer. "When we were told to lock and load, that's when my weapon jammed … I did not shoot a single round … I went down praying to my knees. And that's the last I remember." Lynch, now 20, says she feels hurt to have received praise she says her colleagues deserved. "It hurt in a way that people would make up stories that they had no truth about. They did not know whether I did that or not. Only I would have been able to know that, because the other four people on my vehicle aren't here to tell that story. So I would have been the only one able to say, 'Yeah, I went down shooting.' But I didn't. I did not." "I don't look at myself as a hero," she adds. "My heroes are Lori [Pfc. Lori Piestewa], the soldiers that are over there, the soldiers that were in that car beside me, the ones that came and rescued me." Piestewa was one of the 11 members of Lynch's unit, the 507th Maintenance, who were killed in the ambush near the southern Iraqi town of Nasiriyah. Lynch, who spent nearly four months in a military hospital in Washington, D.C., after her ordeal, says she still feels like a soldier — and something else. "I'm a survivor, for all the things that I've been through," she tells Sawyer. Lynch described the moments of the ambush as terror and confusion. "Once it started, it was just chaos," she said, adding, "You could hear them [bullets] bouncing off our vehicle. You could hear people screaming. It was scary, so scary." She said her convoy was surrounded by Iraqi attackers: "They were coming from everywhere. We had vehicles getting stuck, vehicles running out of gas … our weapons were jamming." Her unit was ambushed after missing a turn and becoming separated from the convoy they were traveling in. "We weren't thinking quickly. We were so tired, we were hungry … it was just a mistake," Lynch said. In the chaos of the ambush, Lynch says, she discovered that her gun was jammed and she was unable to defend herself. She was never able to fire her weapon. She says it may have been Piestewa who fought fiercely and went down firing. "That may have been her. But that wasn't me, and I'm not taking credit for it," Lynch said. Lynch says she remembers Piestewa protecting her: "She was there for me … She had my back the whole time." Fearing the Worst Lynch was held in an Iraqi hospital for nine days after the ambush, and she describes the fear she felt during her captivity as well as the excruciating pain from her injuries. "I couldn't move … It was so horrible, like I've never felt that much pain in my whole entire life." She said she was never mistreated at the hospital, but she still feared for her life. "I kept repeating, 'Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me,'" she said. Lynch said the Iraqi medical staff tried to reassure her, but she was skeptical. She said she refused the food they offered her, fearing that it could be poisoned or unsanitary. Lynch said no one among the staff at the Iraqi hospital was abusive to her, "no one beat me, no one slapped me, no one, nothing … I mean, I actually had one nurse, that she would sing to me." At one point, Lynch said, she overheard Iraqi doctors planning to amputate her leg. "I started just crying and screaming and just doing everything that I could … And they just backed off. They took me back up to my room and left me there." The Rescue Lynch says that when U.S. special forces burst into the hospital in search of her, her first reaction was panic. "I heard the Americans coming in, 'Get down, get down,' you know. And that's when I started to really panic … that's when I really, I felt like getting down on the ground and crawling under that bed because I didn't know what was about to happen," she said. She says she heard the U.S. soldiers ask about her, speaking in English, but she was still terrified. "I thought, 'Here it comes.They're about to kill me … It's about to happen.'" It wasn't until the soldiers spoke to her that she began to feel hope. Lynch said the soldiers told her, "We're American soldiers. We're here to take you home." She went on: "And I was like, 'Yeah, I'm an American soldier too' … It was obviously a dumb thing to say — 'I'm an American soldier, too' — but it was the first thing that came out of my mind." One soldier, Lynch said, ripped an American flag off his suit and handed it to her. "I would not let go of his hand. I clenched to his hand because I was not going to let him leave me here. He was going to take me out." It wasn't until she was being evacuated in a U.S. helicopter, Lynch says, that she felt, "My God, this is real. I'm going home." The U.S. military filmed the rescue, and U.S. television networks aired the dramatic green night-vision footage repeatedly as they reported how the special forces team, acting on a tip from a brave Iraqi lawyer, engaged in firefights on their way into and out of the hospital. "I don't think it happened quite like that," Lynch said, "though … anyone, you know, in that kind of situation would obviously go in with force, not knowing who was on the other side of the door." It later emerged that there were no firefights at the hospital. The hospital staff said there were no Iraqi soldiers there, and questioned the need for the Americans to use force. Lynch told Sawyer she does not remember seeing the lawyer, Mohammed Odeh al-Rehaief, who is the focus of a TV movie that is being made without her participation. But if he did help her, she said, she is grateful. Asked whether the military's portrayal of the rescue bothers her, Lynch said, "Yeah, it does. It does that they used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff. I mean, yeah, it's wrong … I don't know what they had … or why they filmed it." But Lynch was unequivocal in her gratitude to the soldiers who rescued her. "All I know was that I was in that hospital hurting … I wanted out of there. It didn't matter to me if they would have came in shirts and blank guns. It wouldn't have mattered to me. I wanted out of there." "They're the ones that came in to rescue me. Those are my heroes … I'm so thankful that they did what they did. They risked their lives. They didn't know, you know, who was in there." Lynch told Sawyer she wrote her upcoming biography with journalist Rick Bragg, not for money, but "to let everyone know my side of the story … the soldiers who were beside me in that war and the soldiers that are still over there."
  16. I think you are in Luv ( what ever that means) when you are more interested in what she says rather how she looks. Maybe yu just have crush on her. Either way, Jamac, only yu can know if yu are really in love.
  17. Kowneny...It does take two to tango, but sadly one of us is in an extended coma, and therefore lacks any legal representation to finalise and validate any mutual divorce. Besides, Sland have already unileteraly withdrawn from the union. Either way, iam all for anyone who thinks that they are better off on their own, and could do without somalia. Just wondering, how does one mantain somali unity under two independent states. People might feel some of sense of brotherhood, but as states, i think our interests will diverge, not converge
  18. Bee.....Let me see if i understood right, you are saying that i can take little excursion back home, all alone, and get hooked up with young honey, and still turn around and blame my wife for letting me loose in such enviroment. Coool, get any more Ladies, Wats wrong having more than one wife, atleast,you will know about your's husband relationships. it is not like da west where da husband has nice wife in sububarn, works late in da city ( mistress), and goes to lot of business trips (Girlfriend) In all seriousness though, These marriages are unhealthy, break up famalies, and wreck all parties. Most of the time , the first wife doesn't even know that her husband got married. That makes it even worse. Personally, i rather have one hopefully happy wife rather than bunch of angry ones.
  19. Geedid....Gas chambers. You are being very kind to them. If i had my way, i will locked in well-lit cell decorated images of starving masses of 1992. Starve them to death, n let them know how would 9 yrs somali boy in Baidio would have felt. Saaxib...All somali leadership are da same to me including Riyaale. I can imagine the Dhaqameed of Sland trying to help, not likes of Riyaale. N as there is no hope as long as likes of Yeey n Aided are around.
  20. Gediid....My apologies first for Fadhi Ku dirir thing....I was out of line.Coming back to the matter at hand, I will have disagree with yu. Edna's remarks was not in any way hightlighting the predicaments facing somalis. It is more like compare and contrast session for her, searching for thing that was bad in Somalia, and sort of laughing at it. It did offend larger populace whether that was her intention or not. Unlike others here, iam not really concerned if she sees herself as somali. As far as iam concerned, somalinimo baryo ma aha. Iam all for anyone leaving the union. Just don't use our miseries as means to gain sympathy for her cause. If she wants to talk, Let her talk about all thats good in Somaliland, and leave "other somalis" alone. Afterall it is how well Sland is doing that will win it its independence, not how bad of a shape somalia is in. N yeah, yu are right Che sounded better....I still get revolutionary spirit
  21. Well, somalis were not very active in slave trade, but they did sold, and own slaves. N also somali expansionism towards west (ogaden) n south resulted in the enslavement of natives. Someone actually once told me ogaden somalis owned slaves as late as the 60s. The present day bantu-somalis are mix of original local bantus, and the slaves brought by the Arabs n Europeans. It is sad we didn't incorparate in them into the somali society and treat like true citizens that they are, but agian ethnic somalis can't even stand each other , let alone others.
  22. Gediid.....Saaxib, Hadal haan buuxiyo, but do excuse us for taking an offence to Enda's continous barrage of anti-somali sentiments. She is a somali woman ( and as such commands our respect), but she is also the representative of an entity that lately became fond of lambasting somalis.I can't speak for others, but i think her character/reputution wasn't being questioned here. Besides her ruputation as distinguished woman precedes us, and anything posted on SOL won't change that. Anyway, i guess what iam saying is if 13 yrs push for recognition didn't yeild anything for Sland, it is rather sad to see Sland officials using southern misery as selling point. We have the right to protest against anyone who uses our suffering millions's misery for scoring political points. It doesn't matter if the individual is male or female. One should be held accountable for actions. Well, thats all i had to say, i guess yu dismiss my comment as reactionary fadhi ka dirir nuisance if it is gonna ease your mind. Remember though you wouldn't be here if yu weren't fadhi ku dirir Later Dost
  23. Riyaale mediatating between What a joke. Hargeysa or for that matter any other outsider can't fix the southern problem. The solution must be come from within somalia itself.