Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Well If I say we somali Americans are cooler, then that means we are not cool....Anyway I all gotta say thanks God we are not in that little rainy island, n we are not anybody's subjects...LoL
  2. Baashi...I do understand the situation, and I for one wouldn't aim for unrealistic solutions. We obviously can't return to Somalia, make little noise, and expect everything will fall to the right place. Any solution in Somalia won't come easy. The least we could however is set fire on the feet of these warmongers(warlords) by trying to bring the somalis abroad under one umbrella organization which hopefully will advocate justice for Somalis at home. I believe those of us abroad do have means and capibilities to effect changes back home. Uniting Somalis won't be an easy task since those abroad have the same tribalism problem, but we could make an effort to atleast try to unite them. Besides, Somalis abroad know what life could be, and how other countries have progressed. They also understand regardless of your qabiil, no Somali other than the warlords is benefitting from the current situation. Whether you are from Bosaso, kismayo, Baidio, Beledwyne,or mogadisho, all Somalis face the same reality, no future, no education for their kids, no security or no protection against diseases. Those issues can unite us since every Somali is in the situation. But agian it will be difficult.
  3. Baashi.....We go nowhere. As long as people like you and me just sit around, and ask endless questions, Nothing will change. The young and educated must take charge now.After all the SYL were bunch of young determined men who saw light, and rose to the occasion. Somalia needs a cultural and political revolution to rid itself off ignorance and blind obedience to tribes. Sadly I think this generation won't able to do that, and we in the west are testament to that.
  4. Somalia is not cursed. It is simply a nation trapped in culture of ignorance and arrogance, and lacks the will to transform itself.The Somali culture despite some infusion of modernity have never really grew to accomodate the needs of modern day Somalis.
  5. Namaste I have goes I think they have been asking the same question for so long,that their fingers simply get used to typing these words without conscious thinking. In other words, there is disconnect between their brains and fingers. It is classic case of Ivan Pavlov conditioning, except in this case there are no dogs, bell rings, or food involved. In Pavlov experiment, the dogs associate food with the bell ring. I guess in this particular sitaution, these ppl associate this question with chatting. Well now, where r u at?....LoL Later Yaar
  6. LooooooooooooooooooL...That tuur was funny. Love that riwaayid, used to be glued to the TV whenever it was shown on TV back home. Here is my qoute, might be paraphasing a little since I don't remember the exact words. I don't remember the Riwaayad name,but I think Ow Koonbay was in it..... here is goes " Dhuqdii hooyadaa aheed bilay kula foolanasay, Maalin Arbaco iyo sabti soo galaysaa dhalatay, Adeb dara kugu jirta umada madaxee kaynaan, adiga dhinaca keentay, dhinaca".
  7. Lander....Saaxib, everybdoy here is badmouthing everyone else n Slanders are no different. Actually this forum is more a fadhi ku dirir battle for Slanders and Planders more specifically the two major qabiils that hail from those regions. Anyway I was actually referring to the fact that every time some an aid worker is killed or murdered in Sland. It has became fashionably thing for Sland gov and media to point fingers at Somalis in ******ia and Somalia, and painting them as being the number one enemy and brand them as terrorists. They are indeed Somalis that want to see Sland fail, but to slander and blame all Somalis would be mistake. Just one more thing, there are enough guns out there already to last a century. Maybe yu should spend money on social problems instead military growth.
  8. I didn't like Magool as person considering active role in the Somali civil war, but she was singer and motivator, and even patriot blinded by the qabiil culture in Somalia. I can't blame her though, every somali was more or less qabiil fanatic, and she was no different. May ALLAH Bless Her Soul. She shall miss her beautiful voice.
  9. Somalis N Conspiracy tales. First these men were ONLF fighters, next ILI-Tixaad or TNG boys, or perhaps Pland Militia....LoL...what next..the free Qudhac....Saaxib why would anybody spend 70,000 dollars to kill a couple of NGO workers. It doesn't make sense. If any Somali is remotely interested in the destabilization of Sland, They won't go around killing NGOs. They will do it the old fashion way....Start a tribal warfare. N believe me the recipe for war is there in Sland. Just wondering, Does demonizing somalis became Sland sport? Wierd how many ppl in forum badmouthing Somalia and SomaliGalbeed. Take my advice, antigonizing Somalis any further will not advance your cause.
  10. Customary Laws.....Interesting. I do favor customary laws, but sadly I think traditional leaders of today do not look out for the interest of perspective tribes. Besides I think confederacy looks good in paper, but might not work out in real life since all minorities and smaller tribes are going to be under-represented. We need central goverment that can protect the rights of all individual somalis in every regions, a federal goverment perhaps.
  11. The Pashtuns consider Ben Laden and Co as their guests. Giving up one's guest to an adversary is no no in Pashtun culture.They will literally fight to death in order to protect Ben Laden.Giving up Ben Laden "their guest" equals to dishonoring the Pashtun way of doing things. N Pashtun wants to see that since Pashtuns place honor above everything else. Anyway they are great ppl with unique culture. I had few Pashtun friends, interesting bunch.
  12. Originally posted by Spadez: The reason you and I dissagree is not one based on ideology, say with Horn Afrique, Soyaal, and Che however misguided would like to see Somaliland as an integral part of the Union, because they believe in Pan-Somalia as a principle. With them, a debate can be had on principles and ideas. You can't debate with some one who sees things through tribal lines. Saaxib, If the Che that you refer to is me, then you have misqouted me. On contrary, as southerner, I support the breakway republic to go its own way. If Somaliland doesn't want to be an integral part of Somalia. It is fine by me. I do believe in Pan Somali Ideology or more specifically Pan Somali Ideology that encourages the unity of all willing somali regions . The key thing is choice.
  13. Sahal...Saxiib, we can all agree that no qabiil in the south wants to secede from Somali proper.Obviously there are issues to be solved,but I doubt any Southerner would want to farther divide the country. As for the matter of SSH, that depends on what the tribes inhabiting SSH decide.Despite what many believe,neither Hargeysa nor Mogadisho/Garowe can impose their will on SSH people. The final decision will be theirs only, and everyone will have to accept it. Mob...Saaxib, Iam well aware of Qabiil politics. N If thats what SLand would engage, and they will be in a rude awakening. The Somali civil war was awkful,but one thing it taught us all is that no one qabiil can impose their will on the rest of Somalis. Whether they are part of Sland or Somalia, one thing is certian people of SSH will not be second citizens in their own lands.
  14. Hello Folks I guess yu guys are still at it....LoL Anyway, this is for my southern folks. I agree with Rahima. We should forget about united Somalia,but rather focus our energy on rebuilding our beloved Somalia.Somalinimo should be a choice. Those who choose not to join us should be left alone. The most important goals for us now should be achieving lasting peace, desposing of warlords, restoring Somali statehood, reconciling and winning back our dignity. What happens in Hargiesa should be the least of our concerns. Farther more I believe we should abandon the Pan-Somali Ideology. Neither SomaliGalbeed, SLand, or Jbouti is interested in one United Somalia. Chasing after an unrealistic goal is waste of time and energy. Our energy could be better utilized by protecting and promoting Somalia's interests in the Horn and the world. Let other somalis charter their own destiny.
  15. We live in consumer driven capitalistic society. These things are expected. At da end all that matters is da BUCK. Another day , Another Dollar! N those who said women are less bashed or exploited.... did anybody da beer commercial where two women ripping each other's garments have cat fight in swimming pool while da boys watch...Iam sure da US TV viewers saw this...Now dat classic explotation objectifying women as sex toys for boys to enjoy while zipping a cold Budweiser.......In capitalism everything is exploited, no exceptions. They will be more dumb n moronic guys to come on TV. Get used to it. Originally By Lucky.....Ameenah...LoL...what are u gonna do with the big maqas? Do yu really have to ask..? Iam certain it is for not hair cuts. Ok...Ameenah...IT is da day after Martin Luther King Day...Lets talk peace, not war. I hope da queen is willing to negotiate for da commong good. After we are people of da same species....
  16. Check dis article Man survives leap into lion's den A lion pounced on Mr Tomas after he taunted it A man is recovering from minor injuries after jumping into the lion pen at an Argentine zoo and taunting the animals. Lucas Tomas, 22, was said to have held his jacket like a bullfighter's cape at one of Buenos Aires zoo's two lions. The lion, Quique, reacted by pouncing on him and repeatedly biting at him. TV footage showed the animal on top of him, visibly biting him at least once. Hospital officials said Mr Tomas was being treated for wounds to arms and face as well as psychological problems. Tranquillised The zoo's chief veterinarian, Miguel Rivolta, described how Mr Tomas entered the enclosure on Sunday and tried to goad one of the lions. "He jumped into the lion's pen, and when the lions didn't react, he took off his jacket and egged them on," said Mr Rivolta. "It was an act of madness." He said the lions initially took no notice of their unexpected visitor - being used to the zookeepers - but the man persisted in teasing them. Zoo officials eventually managed to tranquilise Quique, and Mr Tomas climbed out and was taken to hospital. Fernandez Hospital's chief medic, Juan Carlos Ramares, said the patient told the authorities he had been ordered by "voices from God" to enter the lion's den. Source: BBC
  17. Che -Guevara


    Well It is good to see da Indians taming da Aussies....I did like watching cricket in particular one day Internationals. Games between India and Pakistan are my fav to watch. I like to watch da games between da Assies n West Indies. Xidigi Woqoyiga....I gotta agree Rahul is da main player now, but somehow he is not given da credit, he deserves....But I still think this man (below) is da best cricketer.
  18. I thought share dis site with yu guys....Some things are funny, some sound serious. Yu be da judge. Later
  19. Well I thought sane folks will prevail in da end therefore setting up an example for da rest of Somalia. But it turns Sland N Pland just made another blunder. Heck wats new...Just few more dead maryooley......N da tragedy continues....Millions dead n still counting.
  20. Samuria.....Walaal Waa laga fiican yahay waxaan.....Enough with dis useless rethoric.
  21. Geedid.....So, Ina Abdulle, Barre, Dafle, all came from one ethnic, and screwed somalis including their own people. Does dat justify wat happened in mogadisho...SXB, you can't condenm the tragedies in Hargesya, and then go on to say those who died in Xamar deserved simply by virtue of their Qabiil. If the tragedies of Xamar 91 extinguished anything, it extinguished the the belief that one qabiil can't dominate da other.One would think da boys in Hargesya would understand that considering their history. Here is a simple fact Las Anod doesn't share the dreams of Hargeysa, and no can force da hargeysa's ideology onto da people. If you ask me if anything needs to be extinguished anywhere, It should be in Hargesya. I guess da folks there is still high on (supposed) SNM invicibility. Riyaale might as well make himself da new barre, n da good folks of SSH will be new SNM . Later Yaar
  22. Gediid....I guess da tragedy of Xamar 91 means something else to yu. yu think Sland army can achieve da same thing in SSH...LOL... ethnically cleansed, and kill everyone remotely look Plander(Qabiils)I guess everyone is finally showing their true color. My advice to all of yu....Stop day dreaming, n stop useless references about dervishes, SNM, n all dat crap.....Nobody will ever succeed in occupying a land that doesn't belong to them.....Da good ppl of Bay n Bakool are da most decent n peaceful of all somalis, but they too took arms n kick out savage invaders from mudug....Anyone thinking that they can claim SSH is simple delusional. SSH belongs to SSH people, Yusuf n Riyaale should stay out.
  23. Maybe yu should consider marrying Muslims outside da somali community.
  24. War OG-Moti.....Somali iska ilow , too Muslin ah oo Cambodian ku Qabo....Maybe you will find your queen there.