Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. SmithnWestern.....Saaxib, it is nature of the somali politics that will turn these lands and its people into exclusivist tribal fiefdoms. Surely, the so called leaders bear some of the blame, but it is the somali mindset that is mostly to blame. When things go soar in places like Pland, its inhabitants don't question the leadership, but rather come up with great conspiracy theories. If our people were progressive, somalis wouldn't have been stuck with these idiotic leaders. You got ppl like Riyaale calling for the expulsion for illegal immigrants. We all know he wasn't referring to the ethopians. It is nice to say kick the southerners for what, to achieve security. For those supporting riyaale in his call for the expulsion of "illegal immigrants", the fact that riyaale's administration is corrupt, and imcompatent is non-issue, and has little to do why things are going bad in the north. It is easier for them to accept the story stating that it is 'other somalis' who are destabilizing Sland.
  2. Sophist....wat were yu doing in Jin Tun session...I thought it was granma's only event. Well, i used to hear about colonies of Jin living near Bososa. The reer bari folks say that you would hear all kinds of noises, engines of cars roaring,but will never see a soul. I also heard stories of men being lured by Jin in Marka n Berbera. I don't know if there is any truth to this though, i guess it is da story of over imaginatative youngster,but Somalis do use black magic to take care those whom they envy. Anyone from Beledweyne would know Baxaaris sending crocodiles to trap girls in the river. Nomadic herders use Fal to predict things, and even warlods and politicians turn to black magic. N i also heard stories of taxi drivers in mogadisho recalling having a female passengers that look human, but had donkey legs. I think this one was simply urban folktale.
  3. SmithNwestern....Iam all for self-determination or limited autonomy within somali state,but i must say these lands make no sense anymore. They are turning to be exclusivist tribal lands. As for Mrs Edna,i think she is doing more damage than good. It is rather sad to see her develop this pattern of degrading "other somalis". Whats even sadder is hearing her references to the colonial era, and its reprecussions.During her tour in da states, the good lady said something to the affect that northerners are more civilised than southern brethens coz they colonized by the english. I have never heard a somali expressing any pride in being colonized by gaalo.
  4. One's health issue is private matter. Obviously the wives of these wakcos need to be informed. That job should left to the health professionals and these wackos themselves. The somali public has no right to know who is infected,and who is not. But nomadz will be happy if these individuals disappear from the so called somali political stage.
  5. loooooooool......kixkixkixkixkix. Iam not big fan of Qabqablayaasha, but that "reporter" got he deserved. It was funny, o man.
  6. I saw many sites dedicated to somali n abyssinain cats. It is special breed, and very unique. I like big cats though. Beautiful animals
  7. Shuju....Ppl are suffering alright, but da sad thing none of us will do anything about it.
  8. imagine callling somebody shuun. It is gonna be simply awkward specially for Xamaris.
  9. CHESTNUT TREE (Honesty) of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner. lol.......I apparently have difficulty in finding a patner, and lack confidence, but to balance these traits, i happen to be a born dimplomat,and honest being....Hmmmmm Interesting.
  10. "I am crying for my brothers" Somali mourner May Allah bless their souls. Samir iyo imaan Ala haka siiyo waalidkod iyo walaalo huud. Ramadan Kariim Nomads. Teary tributes were paid in Rome to 13 Somali immigrants who died at sea in a desperate attempt to reach Europe's shores. Hundreds of mourners on Friday filed past their coffins, laid out in front of Rome's city hall, paying last respects to the unnamed men and woman who sought better life but fell victims to cold and hunger instead at sea. Survivors of the nightmarish 16-day voyage, rescued last Sunday by Italian coastguards, said about 50 more corpses had been dumped at sea. "I am crying for my brothers," said on Somali mourner. About 150 Somali immigrants and several hundred other mourners stood in sombre silence as 13 hearses arrived one by one and city officials placed the coffins on a raised platform. Shock The tragedy has traumatized many Italians and Rome responded with a formal ceremony to honour the dead at a vast square that was once the heart of the Roman empire. "I came to express compassion with these people who fled their homeland in search of a better life only to find suffering and death," an elderly Roman woman said, crying and making the sign of the cross. Many Somali woman covered their faces in their headscarves, while others held high their national flag. Deaths At least 12 other African immigrants have died in two other shipwrecks off Italy this past week, prompting shrill calls for granting safe passage to immigrants. Italy's government has enacted tough legislations to discourage immigrants from sneaking in. But unmindful of the lurking dangers, rickety old boats are still leaving Tunisia and Libya on a regular basis, packed with immigrants and heading straight for Italy's shores. Many of those on board, like the 13 Somalis, never make it
  11. Originally posted by LANDER: hmm...I knew someone would bring up the NSS. [/quote falls within the territory walaal. Besides it is natural to be curious. I wasn't velifying him,but just wondering since he is from the generation that listened and acted upon on Aabi siyaad's higher wisdom.
  12. Xamar Caddeey through and through. I have said it before anything north of Xamar is Big NO NO. It is too dry and too homogenous with screwed up local somali could entertain the idea of Hargeysa being temporary capital city, but than again, do Slanders wanna join Somalia. Even if they do eventually, i can't see myself living in a city where Shuun might be somebody's actual name, and the word gabhad refers to married women, not single honeys. As for Badio, it is simply too ethnic. I love my May May bros, but i can't get word of the May MaY tongue. They could be cursing me n i wouldn't know. So therefore Xamar is the right choice. N all three branches of the goverment should be in Xamar.
  13. Iam not worried. Only Allah knows if Garowe is untouchable, or for that matter hargeysa, mogadisho or badio. That wasn't my point anyway. I guess i was trying to say this guy is just giving more ammunitations to the likes of Faisal Waraabe ( former Barre lackey trying to reinvent himself as SNM patriot), Ina Yusuf ( a mad man obsessed with power), and Yalaxow ( another nut case who kills in medina da very ppl he is claiming to be representing). These individuals are oppurtinustic, and care less to what happens to their own tribes or for that matter to other somalis. Lander. Are yu sure that yu wanna have an internal service in a land led by former NSS officer.
  14. Maybe someone is trying to destabilize Sland, and what happened to the brits was very tragic indeed. But what this so called editor wrote is rather pathetic. He lost his credibility by using the term "Irir". In his mind, those did this horrofic crime are ethnic groups from Puntland. They are one who want mogadisho to be in flames, Sland destroyed, and encourage Joubite to be anti-Sland. He might as well say lets attack Pland. This article is nothing but incitement. Maybe he he is looking for another Aided and Tuur, two individuals who were dreaming to wipe out Planders and happily meet each other at gates of Garowe.
  15. he should try that. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: if i were him...I would have suggested to all da ladies to join me for a Jacuzzi...that would be fun!!!!... LoL....That sounds good,but i don't think he wanna risk upsetting Dubya, the gun slinging Texan who is easily agitated. Sharing jacuzzi with laura bush might lead into a call for war. It turns Dubya loves his wife. Any man near her would be severely punished. Here is a poem he wrote for her.
  16. I find this article which is not only disturbing but heart-breaking considering the fact that it is about pygmies, a very peaceful people and good natured. Apparently, the pygmies have become food source for the rebels in the northeastern Congo. I actually listened to programme chronicling the accounts of pygmies being attacked by rebels and eaten as well. It was unbelievable sad listening to what these people have been through. Don't you think it is about the African Union recognise the plight of indigenious Africans,and take measures to defend these people whether be pygmies, the bushmen of the Kalahari, ect. Here is da article. DR Congo pygmies appeal to UN The pygmies have been hunted like animals Pygmy representatives have asked the United Nations to set up a court to try government and rebel fighters from the Democratic Republic of Congo for acts of cannibalism against their people. Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN's Indigenous People's Forum that during the four-year civil war his people had been hunted down and eaten. "In living memory, we have seen cruelty, massacres, and genocide, but we have never seen human beings hunted down as though they were game animals," he said. "Pygmies are being pursued in the forests. People have been eaten. This is nothing more, nothing less, than a crime against humanity." More than 600,000 pygmies are believed to live in the DR Congo's vast forests, where they survive by hunting and gathering. Both sides in the war regard them as "subhuman", and some say their flesh can confer magical powers. 'Genocide' UN human rights activists reported this year that rebels had carried out acts of cannibalism. Some of the worst atrocities allegedly took place when the rebel Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC) - which controls the northern DR Congo - tried to take the town of Mambasa from the rival Congolese Rally for Democracy last year. Mr Makelo called on the forum to ask the UN Security Council to recognise cannibalism as a crime against humanity and an act of genocide. There have been allegations of cannibalism during the recent conflict between Hema and Lendu militia in the north-western Ituri region but a spokesman for the UN mission in Kinshasa said these were difficult to confirm. At least 300 people are said to have died in the fighting. A mass grave containing the remains of more than 30 men, women and children was found near the town of Bunia, UN officials said. Church leaders and residents have accused Lendu militiamen of killing civilians, cutting open their chests, removing hearts, lungs and livers, and eating them. UN investigation Father Joseph Deneckere, a Belgian priest who has lived in the DR Congo since 1970, said that traditional superstitious beliefs, entrenched hatreds and attempts to settle old scores lay behind the atrocities, the Associated Press news agency reported. "Some of the victims had their sexual organs missing after tribal fighters cut them off to use as charms," he said. Tribal fighters had also been seen wandering around the bush with human organs "draped from their weapons". UN officials have opened a formal investigation into the allegations. Source: BBC
  17. Hang out with the gals..i mean the first Lining up... the spouses of the 21-member Apec summit pose for a group photo at the Royal Pantheon in Bangkok. I thought i share dis picture, i wonder da guy is thinking. Feeling misplaced or having fun.
  18. Bishaaro....I have never seen boys kissing on the cheeks in Somalia. Hugging yes. Anyway, we live in different culture where people's sexual orientation is always a debate on TV, Radio and so forth. It is only understandle that ppl will whisper if they see ppl of the same sex holding hands or being affectionate. I have a lot east indian students in my school, and anyone who have been to India knows freinds walk around holding hands. This symolizes freindship to the indians,but in my school, the americans were all whispers n looks when they saw Indian two guys holding hands. N i have a lot of indians in my school, so you could imagine how the americans reacted when they see that many ppl coming together.
  19. England will be da day. When was the last man the english won in any sport, lets say cricket, rugby or for that matter football. The english football fans can go dreaming on though just like boston's red sox. MY vote is goest to the Spaniards and the Dutch.
  20. Here is another article about him written by Tony Normann. The Army's three-star zealot Friday, October 17, 2003 A year ago last June, a two-star Army general stood in the pulpit of First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow, Okla., and identified the source of all America's problems. Pointing to a dark shadow on several photographs he shot of Mogadishu's skyline from a helicopter shortly after 18 Americans were killed in the "Black Hawk Down" debacle, Army Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin assured the congregation that, indeed, they were witnessing the faint outline of Satan hovering over Somalia. Gen. Boykin isn't one to resort to metaphors when speaking of the battle between good and evil. "It is a demonic presence in that city that God revealed to me as the enemy," he said, indicting the devil for the murder of 18 American soldiers. Hundreds of ragtag mercenaries of Somali warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid, still laboring under the impression that it was they who did the actual killing of the soldiers in the streets of Mogadishu, will be relieved to hear that Satan is the designated fall guy, as usual. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently awarded Gen. Boykin another star and put him in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Boykin's official title is deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, but you can call him the Lord's right arm if you like. A deeply devout man, Gen. Boykin has long considered himself a holy warrior whose primary mission is to protect our "Christian nation" from insurgent Islam and the forces of Satan's nondenominational minions. "George Bush was not elected by a majority of voters in the United States," Gen. Boykin told an Oregon congregation in a moment of biblical clarity five months ago. "He was appointed by God." Members of the U.S. Supreme Court, still laboring under the impression that it was they who appointed George Bush to the presidency, will be relieved to hear that God is the designated fall guy, as usual. Boykin's insistence that the Axis of Evil is a manifestation of Satan's power aimed at destroying this "Christian nation" makes him a walking provocation for an Islamic world already spooked by Bush's glib calls to mount an international "crusade" against terrorism in the weeks following Sept. 11. The White House finally got wise to Islamic sensitivities and banished "crusade" from the president's speeches, but Boykin continues to paint the war on terror as a battle between Christian civilization and Satan. He's a chilling echo of Sterling Hayden's Jack D. Ripper character in "Dr. Strangelove." When not chasing terrorists, Boykin never misses an opportunity to proclaim America's special relationship to God in churches across the country. Given the depth of Boykin's sense of spiritual and military siege by Satan and the Muslims, is he really the right choice for coordinating American intelligence interests in the Arab world? Judging by his frequent references to Allah as a mute "idol," how could his dealings with our Muslim allies be anything but condescending, if not openly contemptuous? Trying to find Osama in the thick of pro-Taliban strongholds in Pakistan and Afghanistan is difficult enough without saddling already skimpy field intelligence with another layer of dogmatic distraction from the top. When an infidel like Saddam Hussein can hide behind the Quran because his pursuers resort to anti-Muslim rhetoric to boost their standing with church ladies back home, American lives are needlessly endangered in Tikrit and Baghdad. Writing in the Los Angeles Times yesterday, William M. Arkin, a military affairs analyst, made a compelling case that Boykin is an "intolerant extremist" whose millennial pronouncements are at odds with the administration he ostensibly claims to serve. "Boykin has made it clear that he takes his orders not from his Army superiors, but from God, which is a worrisome line of command," Arkin wrote. You could fool yourself into believing the war on terrorism wasn't a complete farce if the man assigned to capture bin Laden and Saddam Hussein didn't see Satan's face in every smudged photograph. Satan hovering over The man is dellusional to say the least. Source:
  21. think everybody arabs n africans alike is threatened by united and prosperious somalia.
  22. Jamaal....Wow...wat are yu purist Soon yu will calling for the creation of the somali version of SS WAFFEN to guard the purity of the somali kidding. Seriously though, the infusion of foriegn blood into any nation is positive thing. It helps in the survival of the human race.Just think, somalis marry across tribe lines. What if every person married from his/her own tribe. This would be unhealthy in terms of genetic evolution. The fact that we marry across tribe affiliations is a good thing. I don't think pumping some foriegn into our gene pool will hurt anything.