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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Oodweyne, The west Burco has something that Wabar or the Awdal community did not had then and do not have now, which is unity. THe west Burco is the most united entity in Somalilad today. They are not ready yet to go against the Jeegaan yet, but if they made a decision to confront the Jeegaan, they can easily defeat the whole Jeegaan without anybody's help. Imagine if Awdal collectively said no to Jeegaan or Siilaanyo?, it could have been over soon. Wabar did not even had 10% of Awdal community. If WEst Burco and 60% of Awdal decides to dismantle the Jeegaan it will be over. Unlike Wabar, they have the open mountains of Sanaag and all the surrounding area. If we come to some kind of agreement, we could bring down Muuse quicker than you think. Oh man, I see bad things for Jeegaan.
  2. Oodweyne, unemployment in Somaliland is 75% . It is fact known to everybody. Second, inflation makes life difficult for the ordinary people. 8 years ago we used to send 200 dollars which covered basic things. Today even double of that could not cover basic needs. The south has been always cheaper i terms of cost of basic foods. I can assure if the bombs stop, Hargeisa , Borama and other towns could lose their young people with higher rates. Why would young people swim to shark infested oceans? they want better life. People want dollar and freedom. They do not want the restrictions of their own tribes. When I finish high school, the government said that the national service year would be performed in different regions, and while I finished my last year of High school in first July Hargeisa, they sent me to Shebeelaha Hoose. I young man , I was delighted to visit new places and people. I was in Wanla Weyn, and I still love that town and it's people. Young people do not want the constraints of their tribes, they want to explore the world, and that imagination is always a threat for those who want to keep the old system. With the Somali shillings released across the region, things could change. Who knows people in Hargeisa might throw away the paper printed as a currency which is robbing people their value. People in Hargeisa or Burco might love to use the new Somali shilling, which would create another headache for the Jeegaan. Folks, I see different things.
  3. Actually, I did talk to some guys from Sanaag, and they are ready to act if things got ugly. These guys that I met, were not ready yet for the Federal system, but that could change if the Jegaan keeps dominating military, police, money, courts and everything else. Mushkiladu waxa weeye dawlada Soomaaliyeed ayaa Jeegaanta rabta in ay u dhawaato ayagoo danaynaya arrimo ganacsi iyo wax yaaba kale oo Djibouti yaale ku dhuumanaya.
  4. Sanaag could be taken over easily by the Somali army. 40% is already under Sanaag Bari hands which is tough tarain to control. Sanaag is the Biggest province in the Somali republic, and no jeegaan army has the means to cover them by men or logistically. Ceerigaabo would join that union if the people are threatened by the warlord army chief of Somaliland who even came out swinging during the election and shooted civilians who were demonstrating. Well, folks , I see a lot of opportunity to to keep Jeegaan from the east. If Sool follows , Muuse could only rule Berbera Hargeisa and Borama.
  5. The Jeegaan had made decision to dismantle Somaliland when they rewarded the looters, criminals and those stole the public purse. No one i their right mind will allow thieves to rule over them. Talo ayaan siinay oo waxaanu lu nidhi , " Waar isbedel sameeya oo kuwii ummadda dhacay ee dhulka iibsaday , ee ummadda reeraha u kala qaybiyey yaanay so laaban. Democracy can only work with change of government. From Meles to another puppet in Ethiopia, from Jomo Kenyatta a Kikuyu to a puppet Arap moi, and then to another Kikuyu Kibaki, then to Uhuru his son, doesn't work. Todoba sano oday la dawaynayey ayaa kuwii usha u hayey ayaa lagu wareejinayaa haddana, cidna yeeli mayso. Maxaa talo ah? A national government where the opposition takes half of the government is the only option. Ama waa laka dirayaa jeegaanta. Labadaa midkii u roon Jeegaantu ha doorato. You disband the whole thing or you share power now, not later.
  6. I think this issue of Somaliland could be over soon if few successful political moves are doe from the other side. 40% of Sanaag East is already gone. Thousands of Weast Burco youth in Sanaag are already well armed and only waiting for an order. If the Jeegaan keeps restricting people and abusing power , things could change easily. I saw a clip where they were denying the youth from the town of Maydh , Sanaag from fishing in the sea for fear of getting weapons from the sea, which will backfire. By the way, Sanaag is the largest province in Somali republic and no Jeegaan army would be able to cover that vast land logistically. 75% of Ceerigaabo city belong to west Burco community and if they coordinate with the East Sanaag it will be all over soon. If Galaydh stops his stupid and incoherent lectures, things could be different in Sool. He keep lecturing about elders getting paid, yet he does not have any alternative. If Reer Sool debates and resolves it;s issue collectively and decide to control their destiny, Muuse will only rule Burco, Hargeisa and Borama. If Sool goes it's way and Sanaag flows, Awdal should prespare and leave the Jeegaan government quickly. Unlike these boys, I could see the end sooner than later.
  7. Someone's name is Martin does not make somebody Gaal. Millions of Muslims in the western countries anglicize their name. Stop slandering people for political reasons. I know Jeegaan and their supporters are really bad people.
  8. First of all dream, danger, inspiration and longing for good future and something different are what inspires the young. It is the main reason they are heading to the Libyan desert and high seas. That is the same reason they are also heading to Mogadishu. Just like the North Korean, they have been told for a long time that their enemy is based in the South, yet after they land in Mogadishu and intermingle with locals, they do not see the any difference. They might get their passport, scholarship or even find a job at the most important government ministries. How long can someone wave the flag with unemployment and lack of mobility in their future. Certainly no one will be scared about bombs since things are getting better in Mogadishu. I do not know how they are going to stop people young from leaving unless they build some kind of a wall, then again that will be impossible. With more media restrictions, head shavings of young people to appease the powerful Wahabi elements in Hargeisa, and silencing of dissent , no wonder people are leaving for better places.
  9. MMA ninkii general gabre ee aad baafinaysay halkan ayuu inala joogaa. Shaqada kale ayey u dhiibeen oo in uu internet ka waardiya ka noqdo. OO, i do not read your replies on this issues.
  10. Ducaale, You got it wrong. Read carefully before you answer. I know you criticise the Jeegaan, but this time , I was aiming the whole system. Those who are arresting people and taking the ugly bribe are not from beesha dhexe, but from AWdal and Borama. IN fact, when they arrest you, they make sure the guy arresting you must be from your own " Jilib" so you should not accuse the other Awdal clans for persecution. There is no one single office at the mayor's office or the city management that opens o time or manned by clerks. THere are no procedural rules to follow if you want to build something , all you do is find the mayor pay him outside office and expect that others might have not done the same. This is not a news. Everyone knows in " Qayimkii Dadku Baaba'ay". Soon it will be a one city 'Hargeisa" maamul. Galaydh myself said that money for bribes are kept in the palace not at the ministry of finance.
  11. Mustafe Martin is a successful man who is well educated . HEe has good job and good family. I can not say the same thing about those who are calling him crazy or other insulting names. Of course people could object his approach, but he is smart albeit naive. Having said that , the guy is having a huge support across Europe and North America. Also, since he hails from a community that has strong presence in UK and Europe, certainly he will do a lot of damage especially on the donor front. He connected already with Awdal state guys and others who well versed on the issue. When he was asked , Why these hasty announcement, he feels that the conventional wisdom of following the normal channels do not work in Somaliland, So he prepared to make what military men call shock and awe. He thinks that what happened in Somaliland is not only a coup but illogical in the normal sense. How can anyone would vote a party that does all the things that brings governments down. Scandals, corruption, nepotism , misappropriation of public funds, selling of public land for personal interest, installing sectarian ideology in the system, lies and much more. Yet those people hated by everyone is your guest of honour. That means you can not wait them to leave your home. IMagine in three years, if the american economy collapses, unemployment reaches 10%, the country goes unnecessary war, and the sitting president goes from one conflict to other, people are expected to throw the bums out before an election is eve called. Folks, what happen in Somaliland is crazy, and Mr. Martin thinks that something similar must be created to confront. THat was my understanding when I talked to him. I will support him,, but in my situation, I am in stage where , " Wax la isku darsado ee aanan cidna iska daba gelin waxay doontaan ha sheegtaane. Good luck and kick the jeegaan in the teeth. Wuu waalan tahay dood ma ahane , dhaliishiisa uun sheega.
  12. Ducaale, Horta ma waxaad u Haysataa haddi la sasabo oo la soo dhaweeyo, oo walaalo kaalaya yidhaahdo in Gooni goosatadu sidaas ku imaanayso. In the real world it never works that way. I know some people feel skirmish when we talk about colonial borders or the legitimacy of the Somaliland entity thinking " Boog Baad Damqaysaa". The only reason the Somaliland issue reached this stage is because of the Southern quagmire and the upheavals that befall on Somalis. Furthermore, the Somaliland project does not represent the aspirations and the future of the majority of the residents. Anyone who travels to Borama , Hargeisa or other towns knows that the Somaliland governments are just tribal arrangements for people to keep peace , trade and intermingle. If you go to Borama, you will found out that there is no one single issue adjudicated by local court that is abided by the locals. If there is land dispute, it will drag 20 years. Anyone can arrest you and you will be released when you pay the bribe. Ministers hire their own people and after he is fired, all those fake employees he hired are fired by the next one. The police do not investigate crimes but they arrest those who are weak. Folks there are no rules. When I land in Hargeisa and go to Borama , I know that I am within the territory of my tribe , but I am fully aware that this entity will never be A Somali state , or a substitute for regular state where the rules are applied universally. You need a bag to carry one hundred dollar worth of the local money, and if you want to exchange a thousand, you must hire a porter to carry for you.Everyone including these ladies knows that these are temporary tribal arrangement, probed up by donors , colonials and others. THere are no legitimate fees in government services, yet you either bring someone than knows the clerk, or you just pay some money to get any basic service from any office. While good people are found everywhere , almost everyone is " Dilaal" trying to make unearned money from the corrupt system. Hundred of men sit in the Hotels, and chew Qat in the " MIjilis" in order to get in for the next shuffle. Every tribe lives in it's own sub division of the Hargeisa city, and everyone is expecting his own kin to give him a job. Those who favor for the ruling class , and do appear from the news are all hypocrites trying to earn their groceries. Every elder, politician and businessman had been humiliated , bought and sold. Hundred of vehicles and millions of cash are sent directly from the palace to the eastern conflict zone where once proud people are bought, sold and pit against one another, just like the colonials of yesterday. In the early days, we the Northerners used to accuse the southern Somalis about corruption and short cutting,. Today, Somaliland is where corruption nepotism bribery is manufactured. A friend of mine from Burco inadvertently said, " Walaahi Soomaalidii Qabyaalad ayaanu Barnay, oo waxaad meel walba ka maqlaysaa, reer hebel na xakumi maayaan". Haddi xataa Soomaalidu isku soo biirto waa laga yaabaa in aynu dal ugu nimaadno Soomaaliland, laakiin dadkii waxa laga baabi'iyey dhaqankii, iyo sharafti dadku wax kula soo baxayey, ama lagu macaamilayey. THe Jeegaan had created major bad habits that will be hard to erase for generations to come. On the other hand , when I land or someone lands in Mogadishu, he knows that despite the problems , this is the Somali state. They feel and sense the hope of being a regular state that they were missing for 27 years. These ladies probably came from the diaspora before coming from Hargeisa. There is a feeling that while they like their tribal enclave, they wish to intermingle with other Somalis without being asked which tribe you are or who you hate. Finally , they are willing to reject the lie. That is the real effect of Mogadishu to everyone. It shows their enclave and the real Somali state have different degree of separation that can not be bridged by tribal pride. THe Somaliland project is promoted only by those who are getting rich of the system, connected with ruling groups and out of touch diaspora individuals who are told to keep the flame despite the misery surrounding them everywhere. From now on, The only way these project could be kept alive will be through intimidation, coercion, bribe, war and influence peddling . Young people are leaving Somaliland either to the sea or to Mogadishu. If debate and open society is allowed, these project could crumble easily. THose who are keep talking about " Soomaaliya waa Cadowgeena will be 70 years or older farts that keep talking about what happened in 1990, almost thirty years ago. As they age , they get bitter and become more illogical/ Here is one saying, " Somalia If iyo Aakhiro Col baan ahaanaynaa" bal muu aakhiradais dhaafo, haddii uu in uun diin wax ka og yahay.
  13. Today Dubai is an offshore territory. Almost all Russians oligarchs, and all the money looted in conflict zones like Afghanistan are all deposited in Dubai. Folks, it is the money laundering capital of the world nowadays. This Sacad Cali Shire want to cash i before he retires, and these accounts are the reason he remained in office.
  14. I will not object his campaign , and wish him well, but I will never join a one man show. He saying a lot of good things and I hope he will use his microphone to highlight the crimes and corruptions of the Jeegaan. The Jeegaan is fragile and by the news we are getting, they worry a lot about Mr. Martin already. I heard that the new Gudoomiye of Toghdeer is close cousin of martin, and his two younger brothers are already employed by the Jeegaan already. I did have a brief conversation with Mr. Martin and he did not convince me about his future plans or how to make the movement a transparent and credible. Also, most people believe that the anti Jeegaan movement must be led by someone within Somalilnad while the diaspora could give the necessary exposure through media and finance. I do believe that Mr. Martin is novice in the political arena. Anyway, I do wish him well.
  15. Tilamook, You really got the main point. Liido oo kale ayey rabaan . Waa nimankii lahaa Hargeisa waa caasimad, ayaa waxa ay leeyihiin , beesha Hargeisa Xeeb ayaey u Baahan tahay. It was the Grand Suldaan INa C/qadir who said " INanka Hargeisa joogaa Xeeb ayuu u Baahan yahay. This Jeegaan Boy Amigo does not know anything before 1991. There were never a Hargeisa region, but Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed which was comprised " Degmada Berbera, Hargeisa, Gabiley, Borama, Zaylac and Lughaya". Other than Lughaya and Gabiley the rest were old districts since the British colonial time. Other than Berbera we Awdalites are full majority in Borama, Lughaya and Zaylac, and we reside almost fifty percent of Gabiley before the conflict, and even today, the so called our farms surround Gabiley from the In "BUS" and west in Odax, Ceel Baedaale, Wajaale, kala bBaydh and beyond. Hargeisa was a melting point before you made one clan place , and I do not see major changes, and we used to have large settlements. So the Awdal region was just named Awdal but it does exist long time for hundred years, in fact the Adal empire was what procceded Awdal. If we Add the Awdalites in zone five , we could easily much the whole Habro i numbers. Oodweyne might not say it openly, but the Jeegaan is a minority in Somaliland and could be defeated easily, if people understand how evil they are and deal with them with harsh reality. Imagine, the Jeegaan could not master more than 110,000 from Berbera, Togdheer to Sanaag. If the Awdal votes were registered in organized manner, it will much and offset all that vote. Add West Burco and others could easily defeat the 50,000 including the children who voted in Gabiley without even adding Reer Sool who should hit 80,000 if registered. Intaa Haddan ku dhaafo wiilashan taariikhda reerks loo yeedhiyey. Waryaa Oodweyne, ninyahow Maxaad Xiniinyo iyo waxaas aad horta ugu faantaa. Ninkan Tilamook iyo reer Puntland weli maan arag ayagoo laabtaa garaacaya oo leh reer hebel baan soo qabanaynaa ama dagaal horboodya. The measured Che will never do that, even tough guys like Tilamook or Mooge will not brag about war. Ninyahow nimankani waa rag,, "Honourable" oo aan marnaba ku degdegayn dhiig iyo wax la mida. On the other hand when it comes being tough, we the men of northern Alberta are tough. We were born in the land of the tiger and leopard ( Shabeel iyo Hareema Cad), yet we live , work and act like the Nordic men who built things in this harsh climate. You have been saying lately that I might have been affected by the winter blues. It might be true. For the last two weeks the highs were -15, and the lows were -30, yet we soldier and take care of business as usual. I consider those who are in London , Africa , southern Europe or Middle east us wussies. We are building things in -30 weather, how about that. Marka si wada hadalku u wanaagsanaado, golaha ka daa " Xiniinyaha" iyo faataa dhugta. By the way, did you hear about Mr. Trump saying to American military leaders that he . " wants a military parade" to match the rocket man KIm. So, stop the boating or you will look like the orangeman of the US. Habeen wanaagsan.
  16. These British fools never learn anything. They just throw money around knowing that none will reach for the intended people. These money will be used for military salary, bribing of elders in conflict zones and for total embezzlement. The British should give the money to local NGO's who could provide badly needed reservoirs, irrigation, and water wells. Without these Britts probing up this entities, Muuse will go down soon.
  17. Ma ila aragtay. Waxaad moodaa in goboladani ay u arkaan meeshii lagu hor joogsan lahaa dawlada Soomaalya. Shaqadiisuba waa in uu difaaco gobolada. Imagine that kind of person being those who are consulting these regions. Niman yahow aynu dawladeena xoojino. Aynu is agtaagno si qaranku u soo noqdo. We have to take the big picture and help our own government for our own sake and for the sake of the Somali people.
  18. That is the main goal. THey want to empty the AWdalites and bring their people. This is hot issue in Awdal and people are willing to fight if they ever tried to annex the land. The Jeegaan knows that in few years every tribe will claim their own region after the collapse of their project, so it is tribal and land annexation.
  19. This villages are inside Awdal region. If people vote the majority are Awdalites, but some residents who are from Gabiley community do not want to be inside Awdal territory. They want to take some of the villages out of AWdal. It is things to come in the future, separation of tribes. It is a false border called Maroodi Jeex. Ma Maqashay Hargeisa bad bay u Baahan tahay. They want to curve Awdal coastal area and join them with Hargeisa. Awdal has spoken already and if anyone tries to take these villages there will be war. Last year the coastal people assembled a huge force and Siilaanyo changed his mind. Today, people are more than ready to fight id Biixi makes any stupid move. If they do not want to live in Awdal , let them go to Hargeisa or Gabiley.
  20. First of all , I wish these Tigray stooge would have a sense of decency to leave things that he doesn't know anything. Do not make yourself a fool and delve everything. This is a Somali family issue and we would like do debate among us despite people like you throwing himself head on. Don't you have a shame. The so called Boqor had signed a peace treaty with Italians. The Darwiish never fought his base until later, he specifically fought the British, and the British did the logical thing that any colonial power was expected to do which was divide and rule. As a Tigray, you are expected to always side of the Anti Somali nationalism segment of the history For the last time leave our family discussion alone, and take your troll somewhere else. We might talk about Hiiraan and you jump in , there are local issues. Aren't you the one who keep telling us that we do not know the dynamics of what is going on in Ethiopia between Oromo, Tigray and everyone else.Do you think you know better than our history. Without that resistance , the Somali territory would have been taken by Menelik, Haile Salasie and others. THat fierce fight by the Darwiish has discouraged every colonial entity to think twice. Folks, history is very cruel, you nice tribe , in certain stage of the past history might have collaborated with colonial powers for few shillings. If we had a movie industry, these people will look really bad. Just accept it and move on. In some other times, your nice tribe might have done the honourable thing, so do not try to erase history because it looks bad on your group. Some of the young guys thing the Sayid is D block and they are claiming his glory. The Fact is that certain members of the D block especially the " Reer Bari" from Puntland had fought and undermined the Darwiish movement just like those from the north. The Sayid asked them for accommodation during war and drought, and as soon as he landed the Reer Bari countryside, they ambushed and stabbed from the back. Many poems are made of that event. The truth is there were Somali tribes who throughout the history never objected the colonial project while others have lost thousands. The Biyomaal was decimated by the Italians and after their defeat , the Italians erased them from the political discourse of the southern Somalia, but history will show that they were freedom fighters and brave. Also, the Darawiish battles and history is recorded by the british and Aw Jaamac even used some of them for his book.
  21. This Ajuraan empire was really huge and powerful. This article talks about their hydraulic engineering and fortress building skills. These history must taught at Somali schools.The world historians know, yet we do not know our own history.
  22. It is also true the Daraawiish belonged to many different tribes like east Burcu, west Burco, reer Bari, and even from Hobyo.
  23. OO, Unlike you, we have families in Djibouti and we are very familiar what they can offer or not. Of course they have a deep sea port, oil terminals other logistics and including a train connecting to Ethiopia. The traffic is 95% to Ethiopia and the ports serve only EThiopia. Since nineteen eighties Djibouti never had one single airline owned by Djibouti. In fact it was served by crappy airlines like Daalo, Jubba airways and others created by Somalis after the collapse of Somali airline. In 2011, while I was leaving the airport I saw this huge 737 airplane with logo of " Republic De Djibouti". when I asked people the plane they told me that it belongs to the fat dictator, and one he is not using he parks the plane in South Africa. My friend, modern capitalism needs modern work force and tribal connections and nepotism will cut it. Within two years of peace Kismaayo or Boosaaso or Mogadishu will have better services both in continental trade, airlines ans shipping cargo. The Somali minister was saying that Somali mail could be transpotryed through Djibouti. THat is very strange indeed. If you have Mogadishu, Berbera, Boosaaso and Kismaayo, why you need a third country to use for your deliveries. The somali telecoms of today are already huge which affects the daily life of everyone. Imagine, Dahabshiil has a bank and money transfer business. At the same time , they have money exchange outlets that sets the exchange rate, they also, have Sometel telecom company that provides telephone and internet with a Djibouti owned company called SomCable. THese people have hundred of millions of cash plus huge assets. In Somaliland, they hire and fire ministers. Djibouti is working hard to keep the monopoly. That city/country is the most expensive island in the world. with $1000 a month, you can not survive to pay even the electric bill which goes hundreds of dollars. You out ten dollars to call local people or Borama and within few minutes it all finished. LOcal people go outside city limit and try to use the Telecom towers in Lawyacado to make international calls. Djibouti is were most political money is laundered . Most of the money that comes from the gulf is deposited through Salaama Bank and Dahabshiil bank. You guys probably heard that Muuse Biixi is pushing through so many entities to restart the Somalia_Somaliland negotiations. My sources told me that he even said that he will not withdraw from Tukaraq unless these negotiations restart. He talked to Geelle who told him to give him some time, his foreign minister went to Addis to meet the Somali foreign minister, and even pushed Mikael Keating. If you were asking yourself ,why they are pushing to meet?, there is only one answer, Business and money. They want to get a hefy percentage from the money donated to Somalia from donor nations, and these days some of that money must go through the Somali government. My source told me that the man who is doing the connection is Mr. Maareeye, the East Burco and Damujadiid member who was appointed to ministry of commerce few weeks ago. As we speak, Biixi is broke and he is looking for a cash. also, donors are saying that since capacity building is already over in Somaliland, the next resources must be given to either Somalia or the new regions like HirShabeele, Jubba and Galmudug. It seems everyone is about business including Farmaajo , yet the losers will be the public. Somalia does not need Djibouti to enhance its own telecom infrastructure. There are local players who do the job easily. Anyway, a time will come to reduce the monopoly and the power of the telecom who want to create a huge cartel stretching all the way to Djibouti
  24. lunatic, mad Mullah and many other monikers were used by the colonial press, just like the Iphone generation is using Al-shabaab to describe the independent movements of yesterday. Since Somali nationalism was not well established in 1901, religion was the only way to mobilize Somalis. It wasn't the Sayid Mohamed alone, but the independent movements of that era also used religious based campaigns, among them was the Mahdi of Sudan, Omar Mukhtar of Libya and others. Every historian, wheter Somali or colonial agree that Sayid Mohamed was an icon of the Modern Somali Nationalism.The British colonials had studied the Somalis and concluded that they are fiercely independent which could lead to anarchy. The French who also, tried to explain the nature of the modern Somaliman said that, " They will never have a hero", because , unfortunately the hero might belong the wrong tribe. In the eighties , when I was a freshman in Gahyr university in Somalia, someone gave or I bought, I do not remember how exactly , but I got a book about the struggle of the Daraawiish by Aw Jamac Cumar Ciise. ( Taariikhda Daraawiishta), and After I read that book, my whole world thinking was influenced by that book when it comes of Soomaali nationalism and the heroes who were our great grand fathers. In 1901, the British were the most powerful country in the world both in military , colonial rulership and power, yet, that proud Darwiish told them , " Dalka malihid Anigaa ku Idhi dooroolaha e". I know thiese I phone generation might not understand, but the struggle of the Darwiish wasn't a flip in the pan, or something that came and went, but a movement that has left a huge legacy among our region . It was a carefully built organization that created cities, built castles from Taleex, to Eyl, Bari, Hobyo and all the way to Hiiraan. It lasted 21 years and it has defeated 16 British expeditions. The Darwiish who created and built that movement was a simple man , " doon ayuu ka soo degay isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya". That simple man built a movement that lasted 21 years. No army ,both British, Indian and Somali couldn't defeat him. Finally , an airplane was taken by ship reassembled and flown from Aden, in Feb, 1920, and bombed these castles, while modern cannons and machine gun maimed tens of thousands of Darwiish. This were the proud Somalis who are in our history. Before I even read the reply from Ducaale and others , I knew they will say that " Reer Hebel Buu ahaa oo dad buu Xasuuqay". The Somalia of 1970 and early eighties built these monuments not only for Sayid Mohamed, but also Ahmed Guray, Xaawo Taako and Dhagax Tuur. It named schools to the icons of independent history like Sheikh Bashiir who was killed In Burco by the British, Sheikh Hassan Barsame of Benadir and lowers Shabeelle who fought the Italians, and even SYL members like Cismaan Geedi Raage , Saqaawadiin and others. For most of you guys history starts from 1981-1991, everything else belongs to Reer hebel. In history what counts is the foundation and the legacy people leave behind. Go read about Churchill, he said Indians are subhuman; those who were conquered were weak and uncivilized races replaced by more powerful race. Yet, his biggest achievement is not what he said or what crimes Britain committed, while he was commander of the navy, but his heroic speech against the Nazis and the sacrifices he made Britain to be free. The same goes with Sayid, and everything else is footnote in history. Of course these nations have Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, and Napoleon,. We Somalis also have the Great Darwiish who weren't only a military commander, but also an eloquent poet who is among the top Somali poets, if the number one. Of course today we live in an era of upheaval that puppets, oligarchs , criminals and warlords are using the Darwiish for their own interest. Why would those who denounced the great Darwiish throughout history suddenly allow his celebration. Cabdi Illey has erected a statue of the man who fought Ethiopia, and now the secessionists want to use the Darwiish for their own agenda. He fought these colonial projects from Berbera to Taleex, Imey, Bari , all the way from Hiiraan. Those who fought with them were great men who sacrificed a lot and evey Somali should be proud that " IN aan isku siji nahay Kuwaas oon ku faano"