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About galbeedi

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  1. Maakhiri1, this Xaaji is out of touch like most secessionists . The youth are 99% percent anti Somaliland. There were no one single Somaliland flag yesterday. Last night in Borama Abiib himself was denounced after he campaigned for chairman Cirro, and the youth are insulting him already. Abiib misunderstood the message the youth were sending. It wasn't about party or saving the fat man called Cirro. It was a message of defiance and Awdal independence. These youth are looking for leadership and we have to find a way to direct that energy, we know they are all Awdal State. Imagine if they had guns in their homes like the SSC? the city would have been liberated and the RRU chased out of the city. I see huge opportunity to expel the militia from Borama in the future. our first priority must be stop any fake election boxes arriving in Awdal. Everyday people asking us when, but I see change coming sooner than we think.
  2. THese kids don't want Somaliland at all. they used this opportunity to vent and proclaim Somalia unity. They even called AAbo Hassan Sheikh although President HSM doesn't care about them. This Habro project is going down.
  3. There are some questions about the shooting of Trump. It might be even an orchestrated photo op for Trump. Some of the questions regard : * the secret service protocol demands that when there is active shooting, the president must be removed from the scene ASAP. If if the shooter was down, there is no way of verifying if there is a second shooter. * They allowed him to stand up and make that iconic photo during the threat. * Some pictures show Trumps hand after he touches his ear showed no blood. Here is some more from bloggers: "So apparently now that Trump, who was chastened and sobered by trying to fight against and learning about the depth of Deep State, was approached by Deep State and they pitched this plan for an election coup to benefit him and make him a shoo-in, Trump readily accepted the plan. Trump has said in his books (I read them all) that his first goal in life was to be an actor in the movies and not go into the family business of building. This is how we know Trump has a part in the planning of this fake attempted assassin. Trump has always been a fan of Abraham Lincoln. Google ‘Trump and Abraham Lincoln’. Then Google ‘Trump and civil war’. You know the weird coincidence involving the Lincoln and JFK assassination? Both Lincoln and JFK were shoot to the back right of their head behind their right ear. Well, Trump is obsessively aware of this coincidence and the assassinations. Trump wanted to script this fake assassination attempt. Abe Lincoln was almost able to unite the nation but he was stopped because he was shot in the head. So Trump envisioned a scenario where he survived an assassin’s bullet and therefore became the reincarnation of Abe Lincoln and united the nation and headed off a Second Civil War. All the media, even the liberal media, talk about how Trump’s demeanor has changed since the attempted assassination. I agree he looks more chill. But it’s not because he knows he came within an inch of death, but because he knows Deep State have assured him of certain victory and now he’s just trying to act like Abe Lincoln. I would add that Trump knew even if he were elected, he will be heckled and opposed both by the mainstream media and the left, in other words, it will four years of chaos even rivalry and instability. Have you guys surprised how the media is even cheering Trump as the new man? there is something fishy here.
  4. Well, if you ask me I would give the deputy to MMA than Xaaji and Che the police chief so he could kick some a...s. By the way that position is ours no if or but. Anyway, it is high time to give the first deputy to. The current kid Saalax is useless. We the Awdalites were campaigning for this position, and we told HSM already since we lost the finance minister position. If fact, we were expecting to get this post after the coming shuffle. But if we don;t get it, I would give the first deputy to South West. At last they could use the position and leverage some power within the cabinet. The current kid Saalax is useless But, if it comes to choosing between an open sessionist like Saalax, I would support Reer Qoryooley. The people of Lower Shabeelle are victims of MMA and his group who really took everything and gave back nothing to the rest of South West. Boobka Mirif.. is out of bounds. Reer Qoryooley, Janaale, Marka, Sablaale, Baraawe and more got no representation at all in the federal cabinet or in the security. They number over a million, more people than combined of MUdug Galgaduud and Hiiraan. I support Shabeelaha Hoose to be their own region. It is high time. They are the most hard working Somalis by far. They don't even know what Shaxaad means. The next Somali capital will be a place called " Mundul Baraawe". It is between Marka and Baraaawe, This is not just talk, I shared with some diaspora people. A home away from home. How about we the diaspora would all live in a seaside town with no clan character managed by us, far away from the crowded Muqdishu which doesn't even have a bench to sit or a tree to shade yourself from the sun. It is a beech without the burning hot and humid climate of Awdal coast, Berbera, or Boosaaso. Today, Mogadishu is even becoming very humid and hot. Mudul Baraawe has both the mild tropical climate and warm climate of the ocean. Warya MMA, call I have a plan to create a new capi
  5. There are no rules for the Hargeisa Mafresh. This Abib kid is working for the opposition and he is calling Biixi naked almost everyday. He used to tell how fake the system was from time to time , but the ruling Habro are saying he is a danger to us. If he is smart he should leave to Djibouti and denounce them from a safe place. Personally, I wouldn't defend him because, tomorrow he might change his mind and collect his salary as usual. IF he joins us he could be a hero, anything else is the usual Hargeisa talk.
  6. I agree with Che. Never allow foreign nations to decide your faith. Future governments should not be beg the UN to defend the nations. We oppose the so called anti piracy foreign navies in our oceans and also the African troops sitting in their barracks. Somalia should be able to defend without anyone micro managing. one incident happens , and we all became emotions. Minister Farah Juxa should blame HSM and others for this weapons',but should not target the national policy of becoming free fro others.
  7. MMA, Saaxiib, I don't judge things on emotions or slogans certain politicians pronounce. Trump called Muslim ban and other issues, but he was the president who killed the least number of Muslims in the last 24 years. Also, there is the convergence of some right wing and left side who are antiwar in America. In terms of Palestine, Trump openly told two Israeli reporters that they, " Must finish the war and start peace, you can't just keep doing this. Look at what is happening today, genocide Joe is dithering and making things worse despite the fake peace he proposed. Weak men makes things worse, always. No one is listening to him. It is how the left works, they never take a real stand. As I said before a real change for the wider world will only come from the right. Look at Tucker Carlson and many right wingers who are opposed the permanent war. Trump is clear whether you like it or nor. The world needs Trump more than ever. I am looking the big picture, not the daily pickering and vote seeking corrupt politicians. Furthermore, while race is important, there are bigger issues like faith and freedom.
  8. Bayle has lost already in so many ways. He was told to stay in Nairobi, buy an apartment there and keep his good name. Yet, for some reason he decided to go to Hargeisa. Even if Rooble and company threaten your life while a finance minister, you don't become a coward and run away. Furthermore, the world or nation building doesn't revolve " Dayn Cafin" or the old economic system of 1970 ties.He was a trained dog by the IMF and flowed what was told to him. The so called Somali debt was just about 4 billion which is nothing compared with the surrounding economies. By the way, the Awdalites who hail from Gabiley area are mostly delusional or out of touch. We have seen the the two Samater brothers, Bayle, another MP in mOgadishu who contributes nothing and many others who are confused. Orod oo Prof. Ahmed Samatar bedel oo Biixi dhawr casho shaaha la cab.
  9. He just moved his head slightly or the bullet would have hit his brain. The shooter is a registered republican. If Trump goes down, the GOP will install Nicki Haley, the warmonger Indian who wrote finish them off on bombs heading to Gaza.
  10. Che, I am talking about after he won 1980 election. He was shot in 1981 and defeated Walter Mondell in 1984. Exactly. Now what we got is an American emperium acting like the old colonial powers before the second world war invading and imposing. Trump is an isolationist. If Trump was the leader Imran Khan of Pakistan would have been ruling, and there will be less intervention under Trump. He might leave Syria, Iraq and Somalia, just like Afghanistan. There will be less wars which means more stability around the globe.
  11. Che, Reagan won 49 states after he survived an assassination. Furthermore, do you really want a change in world affairs including the horn of Africa? If the answer is yeas, Trump is the man
  12. Reports indicate that the man that attempt to assassinate Trump shooted from a rooftop. How could that possible with all the secret service? Someone one to take him out . What I can tell you is that any president that survives assassination wins the elections because America always loves the underdog.
  13. There is no Hilaac party without Prof. Samatar. This kid is delusional if he thinks he could win anything after the departure of its founder. If they really wanted to accommodate him, the same tribal council could have recommended to add Hilaac to the other three. Waddani and the opposition doesn't want a dark horse to spoil their votes. Anyway, I am very glad Prof. Samatar is out of the picture. Our next move is to probably threaten the remaining Dinosaur called INa Rayaale to quit and go to France and stop saving Biixi. Waa in Reer Awdal State u hanjabaan oo dhalinta Borama Joogtaa fariimo adag u diraan. Haddii uu joogsan Waayana Talaabo adag laga Qaadaa. It is time to expel Ina Rayaale as soon as possible. Fariintaa ha la is gaadhsiiyo.
  14. Fowsiya please tell the truth. The lady in question is Yusur Abraar the former governor of the central bank. By the way she was the only Somali voluntarily to leave a top job. Way saxeexi lahayd casiirkeedana Muqdishu ayey ku cabi lahayd. The main reason she left wasn't because she spoke about the $1.4 billion the donors collected for Somalia. The ministry of finance had setup a foreign account in Dubai to deposit the Somali assets recovered from foreign countries. That money could not have been accessed by the central bank. Ms. Yusur argued that the money could be embezzled and she doesn't want to be part of this corrupt scheme. Then one of the top henchmen of HSM threatened her to sign. Since contract killing was a regular occurrence in the city she decided to save herself and leave rather than sign the millions of dollars corruption.. That isall I have say for sister Fowsiya. Good luck Fowsiya.