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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. You probably heard a lot of people talk about Somali air force bombing the SNM positions in Hargeisa or even the city to dislodge the city from rebels. Yey, few Somalis know that 66 students , teachers, civilians and bystanders killed , while hundreds were wounded in Borama in 1984 by the Ethiopian warplanes. The people of that city were innocent, and their only crime was they were loyal Somalis. In fact, this bombing did happen after members of the WSLF movement who were fighting for the liberation of Somali Galbeed attacked the Djibouti-Ethiopia train.
  2. Absolutely, he should not throw this new star under the bus. Deep down, I sense the jealousy thing. He was the only unionist sending dispatches from the occupied territory of Somaliland. Now, more beautiful stars from that part are rising in the social media and Mr. Coldoon is probably fading as these new stars attract more audience.
  3. There is no hope for the youth in Somaliland. They got the leaders of the last century (1980). Do you think tribal chuivanists like Muuse Biixi and Mohamed Kahin could fix youth unemployment, infliation or any modern issue?, I do not think. This are yesterday's warlords recycled as the new leaders of the 21th century.
  4. He doesn't care about Baled Xaawo, Gedo or any thing between. Masked Kenyan troops had entered Gedo and killed people, they bombed communication towers and slaughtered an armed civilian, yet this Kenyan probed warlord , has said nothing. When president Farmaajo invited him to be present at the reconciliation summit in Dhuusamareeb, he declined . He rejected the request of his leader to show up, yet if his Kenyan mastres called him, he will run like a dog. His oppression and tyranny will not end unless the Kenyan troops leave our country.
  5. I think Mr. C/malik is probably afraid of the cruel jail awaiting him in Hargeisa and this statement could be a way to allow him to return to his family.
  6. The Somali government did not said anything about this crime. Today in Addis Uhuru rejected the Amisom departure of late this year. This Sawahili needs to be kicked out of the country as soon as possible.
  7. By the way, it is not Sanaag Bari , but Ceerigaabo Sanaag.
  8. I agree. It is false hope. Federation is big step and the winners will be Ethiopia and Egypt at the expense of Sudan. My take o this is as soon as the nile dries up, Sisi will be either hanged by his own military or the dam will go down. This Dam is not for national consumption of energy or to give Ethiopia constant electricity. It is about exporting electricity for cash throughout the region while basic agricultural needs of Egypt is ignored. The Dam might not go down this year or next year, but when the right leaders show up, definitely, the dam will go down. There is no other solution.
  9. Suladaanka, At this stage, the issue is not about union yet. It is about either destroying the Jeegaan political and economic infrastructure that made them steal the election and loot the public purse. No one's expecting good governance and or better outcome from the Jeegaan. Todoba sano ka hor dawlad baa lagu wareejiyey, dawladiina waxay u bdesheen mid " Mafia reereed" ah oo ummaddii maalkoodu, iyo masiirkoodiiba way boobeen. They will never give power back easily unless pressure is applied by the majority of the people. Also, the people are tired of likes of Faysal Waraabe, Ina Dhoola yare and other members from your community who have failed to fix the system and help the opposition or get out of the way. UCID party has been the useful idiot that keeps the Jeegaan flourish. The first act of the next election will be to eliminate this dark horse and out its place a real opposition party. We all know the Jeegaan is minority in Somaliland and will be deposed sooner than you think.
  10. That is the Somaliland of today. A North Korea. Actually, this young lady is not alone. The Somaliland youth , from those in high school to those who graduated from these useless universities had other plans i their future life. You will be amazed that almost everyone is either going to the sea, waiting visa or going to MOgadishu. If freedom is allowed, you will be shocked how they hate the system. One issue that must be debated is which kind of people are forgivable?. During the Cigaal rule , not hundreds but thousands were killed in order to defend his government legitimacy and crush the opposition. the City of Burco was destroyed, and most of the people have moved to a new town called Yiroowe. Some people put the number at five thousand, yet today everyone says " Waa laga heshiiyey". if you forgave and reconciled the death of thousand in order to save a transition authority that controlled only few cities, why not reconcile or forget the actions of a national government trying to keep under its control the second largest city . Do you thing that if Burco or Borama tried to separate the Somaliland leadership will let it go peacefully?, no. they will destroy the city first. All they will do humiliate this fine girl and let her go after months of oppression and hardship. Imagine, if they can not handle a young Somali girl who would like to fly the blue flag, how would they handle when the real thing comes home. I wonder.
  11. I like Mustafa Martin and his program ," Qiimaynta" with Cali Xadhaadhe. He often exposes the corruption and nepotism of the Jeegaan administration. Yey, in his latest proclamation of exile government and being the head of that government , Mr. Martin diminished his prestige among those who were trying to depose the Jeegaan. He might be a good TV presenter, but not a good politician. I wish he said," Dawlad ayaan soo wadnaa, ama urur qurba joog ah oo ka hortaga Jeegaanta". Actually, I was one of those who were participating the consultation to fight back against the Jeegaan hegemony in Somaliland. We haven't reached anything yet, but the enthusiasm of the people to confront the Jeegaan is one of the largest, I have seen in my experience as someone who participated many grassroot political campaigns. I hope Mr. Mustafe corrects himself, because this is not an entertainment for his audience or political football that could be used as his desire. In fact, it stinks to someone who has an ulterior motive to use this so called " Dawlad" to cash something from Muuse Biixi who is drowning as we speak. The Jeegaan is the weakest entity I have seen in Somaliland for the last 15 years, and I sure Muuse will go down, but before we depose him, we must work hard and we must not insult the intelligence of our supports. For the last few weeks, I have met many serious individuals , from SAnaag, and they want change. If Allah allows, I night provide here in SOL, the substance of our discussions as soon as possible. In our last meeting , I told the guys that this is not a hundred meter dash, but a maraton that needs a long stamina. Personally, I do not like the tendency of people trying to use every thing in the social media just for publicity alone. Mr. Martin is a useful individual who could help us achieve some of our goals, but he must not rush and claim a king that no one has crowned. I hope he will correct himself.
  12. I do believe that Muuse woke up a giant sentiment that was burning for years. Cali Khaliif has wasted six years. If that cancer is out , anything is possible.
  13. Yes, Cadde was probably preoccupied with the rise of Mxakamado in Mogadishu and was sending resources to Mogadishu. Yet, he has the misfortune of being the man that Rayaalle took over from Lascaanood. In fact, it wasn't all about military or Somaliland overpowering the locals, it was the militia of the former interior minister Mohamed Cabdi xaabsade who took over Laascaanood. Cadde Muuse let Xaabsade go to the other side. It was a political failure, rather than military..
  14. Our plan was to finish the Somaliland issue after we, the northern unionists, replaced Farmaajo in 2021, but I think Muuse Biixi had fast tracked our plan and things might end sooner than we think. If Laascaanood goes down so does the sessionist plan and Muuse.
  15. Maakhiri1 You might not believe but I do talk to everyone , whether they are in Hargeisa, Mudug, Minnesota , or Sanaag
  16. Former Puntland president Hashi said, "Unfortunately, subsequent Puntland leaders did not share the same commitment to defend all parts of Puntland but merely cashed in on the association at national and international forums at the expense of the SSC regions. The evidence of this betrayal is the capture of Lascanod and most of the SSC regions over a decade and Puntland’s unwillingness to defend them in the first place or liberate them anytime thereafter" This man is telling the truth. Cadde Muuse and Faroole has done a lot of damage to the SSC community . I met Cadde Muuse in 2001 at Dallas Texas in his way to t fight C/laahi Yusuf. Although he achieved for what he sought, he was not a real "Reer Bari" both in his accent and culture. He and Faroole sold every thing to Ethiopia, especially Faroole. When Cali Khaliif was chased in Taleex and SAxadheer, a local member of the federal parliament told me that Cali KHaliif has no intention of forming Khaatumo. HE was convinced that Cali was a secessionist, yet at the same time those who were based in Puntland also did not want an autonomous Khaatumo. Now, Puntland must work with it's SSC members who are based in Puntland and allow them to make an independent federal state that should stand by its own merits. Also, the local conflict between the Mudug Community and Cali Khaliif community inside Puntland has increased the animosity.
  17. Last year I said , if Turkey survives 2017, no one will stop them from being regional and world power. In the last quarter of 2017, their economy grew 11%. The largest airport in the world will be opening in Istanbul next which is the third airport in the city. The AK party unleashed economic developments and projects that are huge in any standard. These Turks are building just like Chinese or even better. Somalia got Turkey, and it does not need third world beggars like Ethiopia or others for help. We must kick them out as soon as possible. We do not need the help of the despots of the region, who have enough problems of their own.
  18. Afrin and Manbij are Arab towns took over by Kurds after millions became a refugee. The Arabs both christian, Sunni and Shia are 91% of the population, yet these Kurds control today 30% of the land left by Syrian refugees. America must stand with it's NATO ally Turkey and stop arming non state actors. ISIS is defeated , and Turkey can not accept a terror corridor in their border. Viva Turkiye.
  19. We were some of those who elected him as a prime minister. Unlike other minorities we usually vote in large numbers. We Somalis are not static but mobile people. Of course we will be in the news for bad or worse, but I can tell you that the next Somali generation from the Diaspora will be unstoppable. The are achieving high success among in major universities here in the west.There are also some tragedies, but I believe the achievers out number those 100 to 1. They new generation are mad about the intervention of Somalia by others, and unlike the old guards they do not care about Ethiopia or Kenya. The biggest fear of the neighbors is when a large percentage of this proud Somalis from the diaspora go back to Somalia and from Canada, UK, USA, Australia and EU with their knowledge and wealth things will fly high. Khayre is one of those Somalis from the diaspora who understand what we want. Somalis are released from jails around the world and people becoming proud of their government and nation.
  20. I think the Garaad community should count their blessing if Proff. Galaydh had left the arena. He confused everyone and created great mistrust among the Khaatumo community. I hope he never comes back again. Also, The time has come for Puntland not to undermine Khaatumo and help them control their own territory. As I said before the adding of Sool to Puntland was good idea in the early years, but also, one must understand that the Garaad community is proud and will not accept to be controlled by anyone. Now, those inside Puntland administration including vice president Camey must leave Puntland and form a viable Khaatumo which is independent from both Somaliland and Puntland. No more " Labacanlayn" . That idea of two allegiances must be over.
  21. Another idea is the Sool army members from Somaliland might take their technicals and switch sides at any moment. Sources say that commanders are switched and there is a suspicion and distrust among the Somaliland army. Through social media, those from Awdal were told to get out of this war. Kuwii kudhinta akhiradiisa ayuu seegi, kii badbaadana waa dagaal ooge.
  22. In this war , the Sool community will pay and get paid in blood money. People say 70-80% of those who will fight on both sides are from Sool community. At the same time the politicians who are making money in this war are also from the Sool community. This war might bring down Muuse Biixi. I also believe that Ethiopia is pushing this war for both political reasons and to bear bad news among Somalis. It may also trying to punish C/weli Gaas for cooperating with Farmaajo to enhance the national government. Without Puntland the the regional governments can not muster an effective opposition front. In 2007, when C/laahi Yusuf came to Mogadishu and defeated the Islamic courts, Rayaalle took over Laascaanood with blessing of Ethiopia. If this war breaks out , I am sure Somaliland will lose Laascaanood and Bixi will go down as the man who engineered this.
  23. Jeegaantu ma naxaan. Barigana colaad, galbeedna Gaajo. His people are starving and are watching the Red Sea without having any means to develop. THis drought is it's sixth year since 2011. The people of the coast were begging the Kulmiye government and Zaylici for seven years to help them build small port in Lughaya for fishing and small trades. While his people are suffering the Jeegaan sent him to go to Berbera and take pictures with boats and fishing equipment. What an irony. They did not stop there. The next day they sent him to go to war in Tukaraq.
  24. Ducaale, Tigray agents could be even Somalis. Of course he could be from Jijiga, or MOgadishu or any other place. The reason I thought he was Somaliland guy is that although the Jijiga guys are Tigray stooges , they do not desire the dismemberment of Somalia.