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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Well, the American passport holders usually try to stay away from America for political reasons, but usually they got phone calls ordering them what to do. Any foreign passport holder must renounce his citizenship to rule Somalia.
  2. The biggest scheme in America today is how to rob the insecure Gulf fat countries billion of dollars. Small nations who should not be any different than small islands of the Caribbeans like Barbados and Bahamas a re acting like big powers due to their stupid ego. UAE, Qatar and others in the gulf should keep their money a be quite. They got more weapons and toys than their population. Trump is going to hundred make billions from these corrupt nations of Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia, Maakhiri what you mean about Farmaajo?
  3. No Tigray could release Amoudi. Bigger fish than him are arrested. Those who paid had been released. Mr. Amoudi hs to pay the billions he earned through corruption, no exceptions. Mohamed Bin Salmaan so far got $106 billion from these oligarchs. This man must sell some of his assets and pay billions, or he will be in Ritz hotel for a while. OO, might say that is about politics, but the issue is about money. These men milked the system for 20 years paying no taxes. It is time to cough the money.
  4. Another daughter tortured and jailed. These men have half dozen wives wit thiry kids. THey must control each one of them, and if they refuse they will be jailed for life.
  5. If Qatar want to be serious about Somalia, they could do more. They are buying billions worth of war plaines and other weapons from France, UK and US. THey can finance the training of 60,000 Somali soldiers and we could sent halve (30,000) of that to Qatar. If UAE keeps making problems for us , Qataris and others, why not takeout this conspiracy hot bed city called Dubai and do something. Turkey, Djibouti Somalia, Qatar , Iran and others must sit down and find ways to attack the terrorism and conspiracy capital of the middle east called Dubai. THey have to find ways to bring down Dubai. Since this tiny island is threat to the Arab and MUslim world, something serious must be done to stop before they destroy more countries. It is important for the nations of the horn of Africa and middle east to come together and debate about this threat. Here are few economic and political moves to destroy Dubai. ---Ban their airlines from landing in all the opposing nations. --- Ban their commercial airlines flying the air space of the nations that oppose Dubai including Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey and the persian gulf. ---Move all banking and other financial businesses from Dubai. ---expel Dubai citizens and deny their ships from docking ports in our control and others. ---Call a conference among Islamic nations and declare UAE a threat to MUslim nations. If all these measures does not teach them any lessons, then we must all get together and invade and destroy this evil town called Dubai.
  6. Holac, 2, 5 & 7 are together. Their job is to destabilize the state. Khayre is paranoid, yet counter offensive is the only way to oppose unnecessary motions.
  7. With multiple members holding different sessions , the parliament needs security. This parliament is getting crazy by the day. Nomore stupid motions.
  8. I think Cadaan said it best. While we should not be happy about the current conditions, faith in God and and accepting calamities is party of our IImaan. Certainly we Somalis have IImaan or things could have been. No nation have went we wet through. Imagine nomadic and semi nomadic people people with no skills to survive , in war torn countries, yet families are in tact, the major values and there. Daniel A. Moi of Kenya said in 2002 after the Kenyans agitated, " If what hapened in Somalia happens here , you will die like a cattle. This loser called Ducaale, says Somalis are dishonest about their love of their country, he denies the unity they are affirming, he denies their pronouncement of brotherhood, and now he is denying them the only thing is left for them ' Fath in Islam and IImaan".. Inkaari kugu dhacday, imikana ummaddii ayuu iimaankii u diiday. We Somalis lost everything, but we have our Immaan. Period
  9. OO, Actually I gave him credit when he built the airport, created good transport companies . I also supported the way he filled government offices with young cadre. I tried to meet him long ago but was impossible. I think he needs a good advice from others like me.
  10. If they started with 85%, then they must may still have large percentages. Overall, the KIlil thing has worked well for everyone to control their land especially Somalis, but only a shake up of the system will change the emergency situation of the Somali region.
  11. OO, I agree that the KIlil thing has eliminated the power the Amhara had over everyone. If the army and intelligence remained at the hands of the Tigray, they will still have the power to rule behind the scene. Just like the Amhara, the Oromo would not be able to dominate other Kilils. If they try, then people will use the same card the used and dismantle the system. It will take probably three to four years to purge the Tigray from the military and intelligence. If the elected prime minister have enough power in the parliament, he might slowly dismantle the Tigray power. If I were Oromo premier, I would dismiss quickly Illey and appoint an Oromo ally, appoint few Somali generals in the army and security and keep Amhara close. I might give ahmara the power to manage the economy and squeeze the Tigray, and eventually open the Somali region for free movement and business among Somalis. Change is always better than the status quo. Our Tigray friends will still eat and survive, so no worries. OO, I heard that while the officer corp is dominated by Tigray the rank and file soldiers are Amhara and Oromo. What can you say about that.
  12. I do not like this ranking. Being happy while in dire condition is not good. Of course we are resilient people, but we must hate our condition and not to be happy . Accepting misery and be happy about it is apathy.
  13. Gabremikeal is puppet master, he is in charge of many things but he will not be the prime minister. The genie is out , the Tigray must hide behind someone or the peasants will storm the house immediately. OO, there is no procedure , they just worried. furthermore, EPRDF IS A CLUB for four groups , no one is asking the opinions of Illey or the poor Affar. We know Those who are deliberating. The Oromo march will come sooner. do not worry
  14. OO, Ethiopia is poor. They do not have money to throw around or are tight fisted. Their influence at the federal level is winding down. They still some power over the regions though.
  15. Jawaari is a good man. THere is no reason to go after him. Khayre should use the money to pay the soldiers who are fighting at the front lines. I do not understand this city. Soldiers are dying fighting for the country, yet people are dancing in MOgadishu hotels, the prime minister is financing the overthrow of the speaker and businessmen are refusing to pay import taxes for the country. It seems that a very small number of people mainly soldiers are sacrificing their lives while everyone else is playing games. When a nation is at war everyone must do their part. These members of the parliament are bored. Send them to the front lines. Shaqadoodu ma mooshin bay noqotay, walaahi jeel baan kuwada guri lahaa, markaan ku soo oogo qaran dumisnimo.
  16. I didn't even read yet about these news, before I commented about the demonstrations which were smoke screen to deceive the people about the base. It confirms my sources about the military base deal. THe Dubai guys put the dP World issue on the back burner and now want to talk about the base. THe old deal about the base was conditional of dubai building airports, roadways, and preferential treatment of Somaliland business and travelers. all that is out of the window. They want to lease the base yearly without building anything. AS we write this response, we do not know if Biixi accepted or not.
  17. Here is the last word about the " Mudaharaad". In Borama , the governor and the mayor order all government workers, schools and some elders to support the DP World project i BErbera. Since when people wear tie for demo.There is no public demonstration, everyone is either government and city employee or poor education institutions forced to march, just like October 21 where we all marched by orders of the government. Even Kulmiye supporters refused to come out. After the some of details of the DP World contract became public, people are ungrey that a government would sign a deal the prohibits building other ports in Somaliland. By the way, the latest sources say that the deal to build Berbera will be halted temporarily until things are sorted out in the future. We heard that the UAE is now focused on the military base issue. Last month, Somaliland halted the building of the base unless Dubai implements the other provisions of the agreement that stipulates them to build airport, roads and other perks for Somaliland. The latest news is Muuse Biixi was told to allow the construction of the base. There is no news whether Biixi signed again or accepted the base issue. The Gulf boys want to pay monthly lease of the base without building anything according to the old contact. In the DP World Somaliland deal, everything seem to be changing and shifting according to events . The Dubai boys might just throw few dollars and get their way. DP World does not intend to sign straight forward deal that is legally binding. Rather clarify his reasons of traveling their and tell the public, the Jeegaan are inciting the public to hysteria about Mogadishu and the false looming war, which forced all government workers and allies to demonstrate without telling them about the shifting priorities from Dubai. Will see what comes down. So far no one knows the real agreement of the deal. Our friend Holac had published some info about the deal a week ago, yet those six points are not the whole agreement. So far no one has confirmed the deal that prevents the people of Somaliland to build any other port. THese deal might allow Ethiopia to deploy forces and allow her transit goods off limits from Somaliland and DP World inspections. THey might even demand that certain sections of the port be cordoned for their transit activity where no one can get in. WEll, beware of what you wish.
  18. How long will it take to find the best Wayaane puppet? some say 45 days others 90 days. I think the EPRDF must be disbanded . Let the Wayaane puppet Desalegn call general election.
  19. Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in xukuumadu ay qiratay fashilka kuyimid iyagoo sheegay in sababo laxidhiidha khilaaf dhexdooda ah ay ufashilmeen. Xog hayaha urur talada wadanka haya ee EPRDF Shafarow Shigute oo waraysi siiyay wargayska Addis Zeben, ayaa sheegay in dhibaatada wadanka kasocotay ay iyagu mas’uul kayihiin, isla markaana ay wadanka u horseedeen burbur iyo xasilooni la’aan. Shafarow Shigute oo hadalkiisa siiwatay ayaa sheegay in is qabqabsi mudo soo jiitamay oo kooxda EPRDF udhaxeeyay uu sababay khalkhalka siyaasadeed ee wadanka saameeyay ee xalka loowaayay. Shafarow Shigute ayaa sheegay in xisbiga EPRDF uu isku haysto talada wadanka, taas oo sida uu Shafarow sheegay ilaa iyo hada Raysal-wasaare lasoo magacaabi la’yahay. Dhinaca kale waxaa wali siisocda shirkii EPRDF, kaas oo lagu wado in uu mudo siisocon doono, sidoo kale waxaa lasheegayaa in ilaa iyo hada wax natiijo ah uusan kasoo bixin kulamada xidhiidh ka ah ee kooxda udhaxeeya. Bayaan kasoo baxay Xisbiga Ormada ee bah wadaagta la ah EPRDF ee OPDO ayaa siwayn loogu dhaleeceeyay xasuuqii ciidanka dawladu ka gaysteen magaalada Moyale ee dhulka Oromada, waxaana bayaanka lagu sheegay in ciidanka wayaanuhu ay si badheedh ah ulaayeen dad shacab ah. Bayaanka kasoo baxay OPDO oo luuqad adag lagu qoray ayaa lagu sheegay in Dawlada ay ka tirsan yihiin looga fadhiyo jawaab shacabka Oromia qancisa, iyo wali wax kaqabad muuqda oo wax laga qabto ciidanka falkan fuliyay. Wasiirka warfaafinta ee ismaamulka Oromada Taye Dandane ayaa sheegay in talaabadan dadka shacabka ah lagu xasuuqay ay ahayd mid badheedh ah, isla markaana amarka laga soo bixiyay magaalada Addis Ababa, wuxuuna sheegay in ay laxisaab tamayaan dadkii kadambeeyay falkan waxshi nimada ah. Dhinaca kale Xisbiga EPRDF ayaa sheegay in dilka kadhacay magaalada Moyale uu ahaa mid si khalad ah kudhacay isla markaana ay baadhitaan kusamayn doonaan wixii meesha kadhacay. Hadalka kasoo yeedhay OPDO ayaa siwayn ujabinaya go’aankii xukuumada ee ahaa in maamul hoosaadyadu aysan hadli karin inta uu jiro xukunka dag daga ah ee wadanka lagu soo rogay go’aankaas oo sicad ay Oromadu iskaga dhaga tirtay. Dhinaca kale dhalinyaro abaabulan ayaa dil aar goosi ah kasamaysay magaalada Moyale, halkaas oo lagu dilay mid kamid ah ciidanka wayaanaha mid kalana lagu dhaawacay. ku soo biir Subulaha news network.
  20. I can not believe Somaliland would sign a deal that denies local people to build their ports and do small trade. That is cruel.
  21. Laasqoray port and planning was done long ago. If I not mistaken money was raised in the diaspora in 2014/15. Just like the Chinese who built the Boosaaso airport or other area, it could be built by any company that wins the contact, and no one is better than Chinese. OO, stop scaring people, no one will be killed. Ports must be built everywhere. If Wayaane can build a DAM that diverts water from the nile, certainly everyone could build their nations freely. Also, I hope you realized that , you don't even know where Laasqorey is. We Somalis are a maritime nation with thousands of miles. Our ancestors fought for the sea and we will not seed one inch. The great Somali composer and poet Muuse Galaal was asked in 1982, " where is the Somali border?" and he said, " Geelu waa khabiir marka uu dhaqaaqo ama badda Soomaaliyeed ayaa soo celisa ama dhoobayda galbeed" roughly means, " The Somali camel is a scientist , and he knows his territory, when he reaches the sea, that is our border and in the west (Zone 5) the fertile soil of river is his border".