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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. I think the headline is probably wrong. Ninkani waa nin reer Hargeisa ah oo Duriyada ka mid noqday, waxa uu u hadlayaa sidii nin ' suldaanka tolkii ah. Case cloed. The problem is every thread is hijacked by this Tigray fool called OO. Now he is talking about ahmed Guray and issues that he does not know. Menelik reached Harar in 1887, there were no Tigray in Zaylac or somali territories. We haven't seen any Tigray before 1991, and there were no Tigray even in Dire Dawa and even Addis. When the Tigray nomads arrived Addis, they were not even speaking Amharic the local language. The Tigray who had any education could be counted in one hand, now keep teaching the separatist kids and others how Tigray were like Jews who were everywhere. I for one won't by buying, but please stop disturbing my tranquility. Holac baa eeda oo dhan iska leh markuu nagu soo daayey , mid aan xishonayn oo waxa uu doono odhanaya. SAyidku Ethipian ayuu ahaa ayuu shalay lahaa, maantana Ahmed Guray ayaa Axmaar ahaa. Waar ilayn anagaa wax aragnay.
  2. Sarkozy, Qaddafi and the myth of Libya’s ‘humanitarian’ war He who laughs last laughs better, according to an Italian proverb that applies very well to the case of Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president who joined the war in Libya to eliminate Muammar Qaddafi and a few months later also helped to bring down Silvio Berlusconi. That culminated in a famous meeting between Sarkozy and Angela Merkel at which the two used sarcasm toward Italy and laughed at Berlusconi by undermining his credibility. Quite a few, therefore, smiled in Milan and Rome when the French police detained Sarkozy for questioning over allegations that he was paid 50 million euros by the Libyan regime to finance his 2007 presidential campaign. No one in Italy ever believed the French fairytale narrative of the “humanitarian” war in Libya, which France said was “necessary to bring democracy.” Everyone knew that one of Paris’s objectives was to replace the Italians in the near monopoly of exploitation of the Libyan gas and oil fields, and to eliminate Rome’s residual influence in the Mediterranean area. Berlusconi was against the war, but he was worn down by a press campaign orchestrated by the left that accused him of having paid a 17-year-old Moroccan dancer for sex (he was convicted by a court, and later acquitted on appeal) and of being too friendly with “Arab tyrants” such as Qaddafi. The premier surrendered to international pressure and the Italian left. The only Italian party that was vehemently opposed to the war in Libya was the Northern League, which said Italy was not a French colony and the war would destabilize Africa and the Mediterranean and bring millions of illegal migrants into Italy — as indeed happened. Libya was the leading oil supplier and the third-biggest gas supplier to Italy and it was clear to everyone that throwing the country into chaos would not be in Rome’s interest, but anyone who wrote about it was immediately accused of being a “friend of the tyrant.” Then, in January 2016, “Foreign Policy Journal” began to shed light on the role of Barack Obama in the Libyan crisis, and that of his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. One of the 3,000 Clinton emails released by the State Department revealed an international plot to overthrow Qaddafi in order to obtain access to Libyan oil. The email, titled “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold,” was sent to Clinton by her unofficial adviser Sydney Blumenthal. Even more explicit and full of indiscretions and twists is the book “Sarkozy-Qaddafi, the Secret Story,” published in France at the end of 2017, which gave rise to the police investigation that led to Sarkozy. Journalists Fabrice Arfi and Karl Laske reconstruct the love-hate story between Sarkozy and Qaddafi in 400 pages full of documents, talk about tens of millions of dollars, suitcases full of money transported from Tripoli to Paris, mysteriously disappeared audio recordings, and the strong links between Sarkozy and Qatar. The final chapter of the book is straightforward: “The war in Libya was started on the basis of false information and ends with a mystery: Who killed Qaddafi?” The authors suggest the French track and list various sources: First the Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera,” which wrote: “In Western diplomatic circles in Libya the most widespread theory is that, if some secret services are involved, then it is certainly the French ... the fact that Paris wanted to eliminate the colonel was an open secret.” Former Libyan minister Mahmoud Jibril also claims: “It was a foreign agent who killed Qaddafi,” and Rami El-Obeidi, coordinator of the external information services of the National Transitional Council, tells the authors that “it was French agents who killed Qaddafi.” We will never know the full truth, but one thing is now certain: Sarkozy’s “democratic war” was a huge and disastrous lie that harmed both Arab countries and Europe. Max Ferrari is a journalist and politician. He is a former parliamentary journalist, a war correspondent in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, and director of a TV channel. He is an expert in geopolitics and energy policy. Twitter: @MaxFerrari COMMENTS
  3. Mr. Bedel waa raggii Ingriisku hadalka u daayey. The Title of the book was " Ina Cabdile Hassan Ma Sheekh Buu Ahaa" a lot of SNM boys will read this book and call the great darwiish as Kafr. This so called Minister does not belong to lead a cultural ministry. He must be fired. Long live Mr. Bedel. Waar ninka Af-Soomaaligiisu wanaagsanaa.
  4. If that is the case, then why with the Saudis they are plotting a war against Iran. My calculation is if a war comes in the Persian Gulf , it will definitely reach UAE. THey trying to use America but this time they will reach them. I have no doubt about that.
  5. I heard that the ruler of Abu Dhabi is different than this Maniac Mohamed Bin Zayed. I hope there could be some changes with this leadership. They are in that GDP zone for now but they could not stay there. Their oil monopoly will diminish as years go by, America will be net oil producer, and China might not buy from them , so let them drink the oil. Even richer nations like Switzerland will be out of the 30 club. AS we grow they will go down.
  6. It is totally fake. Siyaad Barre was secular just like his contemporaries. Saddam, Qadafi, Assad, Mubaarak and all those leaders were secular and communist, but never became Christian. Saddam became more religious for the later years. Siyaad Barre was not more dictator than others. In late seventies he built the largest Mosque in Somalia ( Massajidka Isbahaysiga) and in early eighties introduced calling of the five prayers (Aadaanka Salaada) from Radio Mogadishu. Also in those years, tens of thousands of Somalis who were Muslims never prayed. yet the were genuine Muslims with deep tradition. It is a long story, but we know how the SNM started the so called " Shahada on the flag" or how the so called Mujaahidiin thing started. It was a Saudi project to fight Russian occupation in Afghanistan and the among the early founders of SNM there were men who were well connected to the Saudis. Eventually, the Saudis convinced Siyaad Barre to get rid of the communist. IT was a long struggle between Cali Samatar a real communist and Saleebaan Dafle, an intelligence officer connected with the SAudis, and the later won the battle. Anyway, in the Islamic tradition, unless the person proclaim openly his apstacy and leaving of Islam, it is illegal to call him Kafir. Leave the man in his grave. Allah knows what is in his heart and he will answer. Shaqo kale yeesha. OO, SSDF was aa national movement that wanted to replace Siyaad Baree, but SNM was regional. THe SSDF fought from Goryo Awl five miles from Borama to Mudug Dollow and Bay. THe SNM were intended to dismember the country although some were genuine rebels who wanted to replace Siyaad Barre. ONe was national while the other one was regional. Ethiopia knew early that SNM was separatist movement. YOu were probably low level officer or young then, but even the international media debated how Russia wanted to setup a pro Ethiopian regime in the north and South Sudan. I myself and everyone else knew that SNM was about separation. The SOmali leaders knew and everyone knew it. Since the dismemberment was more serious than regime change Ethiopia prefered SNM . When C/laahi Yusuf was arrested the SSDF was getting the best weapons from Libya, and Yemen. So, please stop telling our own history. we know because we were their.
  7. I think the good professor is mistaken. There were no biometric registry or anything similar. Even children voted. When told about the Somali state and their authority over Berbera, he said, " Xagay Joogtaa Somaalida aad sheegayso, awoodse ma leedahay". I am glad everyone in Somaliland is pointing out about power not legitimacy or sovereignty. That means the Somali state must concentrate building peace and power. Since everyone is saying, " Awood ma leh , Xagay Xukunta" then the Somali state must get the power to dominate and bring everyone using that perceived power. Finally, the good professor just came out of self exile or hypernation which means Muuse Biixi must have called him and asked him for help. Biixi is ina mess both economically and diplomatically. His mediocre ministers could not resolve financial and currency issues while his spokesman who wrote tribally motivated books to discredit Sayid Mohamed C. Hassan is inflaming both Hargeisa and Laascaanood. Who knows,? there could be a cabinet shuffle soon and Samatar might be getting a new life line.
  8. It will difficult to face the Shia, but the sabre rattling will continue. The so called threat from Iran is making America rich . The reckless Bin Salmaan kid giving away $400 billion in ten years. America will be happy to use Iran for their cash cow without firing a bullet. It is the biggest scam within the American lobby network. In the meantime , we must get out of the Arab league. It is very dangerous tribal club that will only hurt us. WE should keep our distance.
  9. OO, So far you did not say anything , other the usual Oromo is panicking. Who is the next guy. Time is running out. The opposition is burining things i Oromia every day. THere is also a campaign in the Somali zone targeting Illey. Here are some: BOGA SUBULAHA FACEBOOK DAG DAG DAAWO SAWIRADA Waraaqo lagaga Soo Horjeedo Dawlada Ethiopia iyo Madaxwaynaha ililka5aad oo Lagu Daadiyay magaalada Jijiga+Wararkii ugu danbeeyay Ethiopia Posted by admin on March 21st, 2018 12:43 PM | NEWS JijigalJijiga(SBN)Waxaa Xalay/shalay lagu daadiyey magaalooyinka Jigjiga iyo Godey waraaqo lagaga soo horjeedo Maamulka hada kajira Ethiopia gaar ahaan Kililka 5aad waxaana Taariikhda markii ugu horaysay lagu daadiyay Waraaqo ay ku taalo loogada (Dulmidiid) oo ah koox kacdoon wadadayaal kasoo horjeeda madaxwaynaha Kimilka Cabdi Maxmuud Cumar warqaaha ayaa waxay ku Qornayeen afafka Soomaaliga, English-ka iyo Axmaariga. Waraaqahan ayaa lagu sharaxey ujeedada Dulmi-diid iyo dalabkooda kawbaad oo ah in Madaxwayne Cabdi maxkamad la horkeeno. Kuma caddo qoraalka talaabooyinka ay qaadi doonaan dhalinyarada Dulmidiid haddii dalabkooda la fulin waayo, balse waxaad moodaa kacdoonkii Dulmidiid inuu dal iyo dibad isqabsanayo mar hadii ay badheedheen kuwii gudaha joogay Dhanka kale Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in uu magaalada kasocdo shirkii EPRDF Sida xogta aan kuhelayno waxaa kulankan soo xaadiray dhamaan golaha dhexe ee EPRDF, kuwaas oo kakooban 180 xubnood oo si iskumid ah ugu qaybsan qabiilada afarta ah ee kumidaysan ururka EPRDF. Xubnaha golaha dhexe ee kulanka sooxaadiray ayaa lagu wadaa in ay soo magacaabaan raysal-wasaaraha la isku maan dhaafsan yahay ee ka dhex dhaliyay khilaafka badan, kaas oo mudo dheer magacaabistiisa la isku mari la’aa. Qabiilada afarta ah ee kumidaysan EPRDF ayaa lasheegayaa in qolo kasta ay doonayso in raysal-wasaaruhu uu iyaga noqdo, taas oo keentay in khilaafka kooxdu uu aad usii bato isla markaana lasoo magacaabi waayo raysal-wasaaraha. Xog ay heshay Warbaahintu ayaa muujinaysa in siwayn la isugu afgaran la’yahay awooda uu yeelan doono raysal-wasaare cusub ee lafilayo in lasoo magacaabo, waxaana lasheegayaa in qoomiyada Tigreegu ay raysal-wasaaraha ladoonayso nin maqaar saar ah oo iyaga ka amar qaata. Dhinaca kale qoomiyadaha Oromada iyo Axmaarada oo iyagu isku wada in ay raysal-wasaaraha qaataan ayaa doonaya in uu noqdo nin awood leh oo gaadhi kara go’aamo wax ku’ool ah oo isaga ugaar ah. Sidoo kale waxaa lasheegayaa in kooxdu ay siwayn isugu afgaran la’dahay waxa laga samayn doono xukunka dag daga ah ee wadanka saaran magacaabista raysal-wasaaraha kadib, qoomiyadaha Axmaarada iyo Oromada oo xukunka loola danlahaa ayaa lasheegayaa in ay qabaan in uu raysal-wasaaraha cusub kago’aan gaadho xukunka iyo howlihiisa. Sidoo kale kooxda TPLF oo iyadu ah hogaamiyaha ruuxiga ah ee wadanka ayaa arinkaas gaashaanka kudhufatay waxayna doonayaan in mudada lixda bilood ah ee xukunka lasoo rogay ay iyagu wadanka siimaamulaan loona wakiisho iyaga, taas oo siwayn looga hor yimid. Isku soo wada duub oo waxaa lafilayaa in uu shirkan noqon doono mid raaca kuwii kahoreeyay oo natiijo la’aan kudhamaan doono.
  10. Tallaabo, I hate UAE but not Somaliland. I might not like the Jeegaan administration, but I do not hate the people. The UAE is really very dangerous. They are working for the colonial powers. Two days ago, Turkey took over Afrin without huge damage and transferred the town to the rightful owners the Syria. THe UAE foreign minister said, " Turkey is disrespecting interfering Arab countries". They were the ones who armed the opposition to topple Assad of Syria, yet now that Turkey is clearing the land for the refugee to settle back the land they are attacking Turkey. They are dividing Yemen , Calling Djibouti " Xayawaan", preparing war with Iran , attacking Somalia, Tunisia, and many other Muslim countries. Money cannot buy everything. I agree with OLd O on this. OLd empires will decline no doubt. The oil money will be done sooner than you think. IMagine, why would a Somali, Yemeni, Sudanese or An African businessman would go to Dubai. They do not manufacturing anything, everything comes from China or other places. WE would go to China and other places and bring home directly with our own ports. Banking and other finacial institutions would be created in Nairobi, Mogadishu and Addis , if the later survives the ORomo revolution. Dubai will be done. THey keep calling for war and destruction, and their wish will come. The next gulf war will center in Dubai. THe last want destroyed historical cities like Baghdad , Aleppo and Adden. The next one will decimate Dubai and Abu Dubai. I have no doubt about that. If the Saudis do not change their behaviour, the " Fitna" might reach first in Riyadh and Jeddah, and finally the holy land (Makkah and Medina). The Arab nations are the only group of leaders who will do whatever it takes to stay in power and kill their own people regardless of the cost. .Sooner or later they will pay for their crimes.
  11. Big population , economic growth and technological transformation have lifted many countries. Imagine in the year 2000, China had little over a trillion GDP. in 2010, it reached almost five trillion and in 2017 , it is 11.9 trillion. That means it doubled within seven years. In 2030, China is predicted to reach 35 trillion. Artificial countries like UAE might not even reach to be a state in 2030. They are trying to chew more than they could swallow and eventually these misadventures will catch up to them. They are the worst MUslim hypocrite the world have even seen. Out of the nine million population, only 10% is Emirati citizens. Sooner or later that population will demand freedom and basic rights which could engulf the despots. If another war comes in the gulf led by Mike Pompeo , the neocons and Trump, UAE will be the first country to be burned by Iran and others. Be careful for what you wish.
  12. Have you seen the police day?, thousands men and women with shiny uniform and flags marching in Mogadishu with the music band and hundreds of officers, and you think this country is great in terms of peace and security. If all those false officers were deployed to do a real police work things would have been different. The NGO and others who are pouring millions in MOgadishu misrepresent the real problems. Money for offices, uniforms , flags, and all kind of things are provided to these organizations, yet they can not perform the police work of keeping the peace.
  13. OO, I do not understand why you attacking your beneficiaries. THey give Ethiopia hundreds millions of dollars so the Tigray could get rich and keep pushing the war on terror.You and I know Israel helps Ethiopia in so many ways, so Are you trying to throw jump ball to Somalis in a war of words against the chosen people?. Why not write these words in Tigray online or Afar weekly . THe black people have to work hard and alleviate their game and take care off their people. Respect is not given it is earned. No one is leaving Vietnam or Thailand during peacetime, while hundreds of thousands are leaving Eritrea, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Mali.
  14. Let him finish his term. WE do not need constant changes. Continuity is the answer for Somalia. Having three prime ministers in four years have been disaster for all. Let Khayre do his job.
  15. Like most of you , I am not an economist either. The Somaliland currency is different than what most nations feel during inflation or when the local currency loses value against the dollar. While there are inflation and sky rocketing of the dollar , the main issue is the government intervention to fix the problems are not helping the problem , but are aggravating the issue. The Sudan issue of depositing hard currency to allow the government to purchase foreign commodities or stabilize the dollar will not help Somaliland. In Somaliland, no one knows the amount of printed money circulating in the land including the central bank. So , this issue of depositing money is a red herring. There are many examples around the world were local currency tanks to the floor against the dollar due to mismanagement, speculation or people running to the bank and taking out huge amount of hard currency especially the dollar. When these issues of dollar shortage happens, most governments introduce what they call " currency controls" which controls the amount of foreign currency citizens withdraw from national banks. In Somaliland, we do not have an independent bank. They do not have the power to control currency printing nor they have an economic policy to fight inflation. So far, the government policy to prop up the Somaliland Shilling are not working. All they did was force the regular people to use the Shilling in daily transaction through electronic and phone banking. As we speak, the phone banking volume is full of Somaliland Shilling and traders could not exchange for the dollar that they need to purchase things. In My opinion, the best method to control the rise of the dollar is to introduce currency control to stop the flight of the dollar from the land. Rather target the regular people who are using five or ten dollars for their daily electronic or phone transactions, they should have targeted the rich, the looters and Ethiopia to reduce the flight of the dollar. The New rule allows the rich to take as much as possible through Zaad and E Dahab transactions. Also, Hawala companies are shipping millions of looted dollars out of the country. As we stated while ago in this pages, if there are more liquid (money) and less commodity to go around, certainly the value of the basic commodities will rise and the value of the money will decline. Let me add my few senses here, if the " Gaas Dhagoole" who is in charge of the systems applies these measures things might slow down and stabilize at minimum. 1-Rather than target the small fraction transitions used by the poor, they must stop the large dollar transition through the phone banking. 2- Introduce currency controls to reduce the flight of the hard currency (Dollar) from Somaliland through the Hawala and through the looting. The last seven years, millions of dollars were looted and transferred both in London and Dubai through the Hawala companies. Here in the west where the economies and banking are solid, it is illegal to deposit large amount of cash, and if you deposit, the bank will ask you questions and at the same time will call the government to report if the amount is even $10,000 dollars. Imagine, the Somali Hawala could transfer millions without no one asking them questions. Here , our local Hawala are required to record your license and other ID's if you send eve a thousand dollars. Stop dollar flight. 4- Qat transaction with Ethiopia takes away hundreds of thousands of dollars a day from Somaliland. At the end of the year, over half billion worth of hard currency goes to the Ethiopian economy with zero exchange from the other side. No nation or people will accept a dangerous drug to steal their daily earnings without raising one single question. The loud mouth politicians love to hate Somalia and will not miss an opportunity to bad mouth or raise hell at the slightest infraction, yet the QAt issue is one of the biggest symptoms of the inflation. Since the elite and the politicians consume this drug , no one is expected to raise that issue. Imagine half billion dollars in circulation used for food and other basic needs of the citizen. It will definitely reduce inflation. 5- Last but not the least, the economic and the currency issue should be free of political and tribal interference. There are people who have extensive experience in banking and currency issues, but they might belong to the wrong tribe. MOdern capitalism can't be run by nepotism or through incompetence. THe so called UAE some of you mentioned do not need expertise. They got billions to throw around, at the same time most of banking issues are run by the BRitish and other foreigners. Targeting the business community or the established phone banking will not resolve the issue. In fact, it might slow down the business transactions and make the life of the regular difficult. Folks, these issues will not go away by making your incompetent ministers to resolve in one session. It needs experts. Finally, without the livestock export, the whole economy is based on imports and resale. Price control must be also imposed on the basic foods. The government must reduce taxes for food imports and force merchants to charge the minimum, These can be verified through the orginal sale. I myself have seen a 25 kilo sack of sugar which reached Berbera port for $22 dollars . After a $3 dollar of taxes and transport charge per sack, I have seen that 25 killo sack selling $43 dollars in the whole sale (Bakhaarda Borama). I could not believe that those importers made over $300,000 dollars for every 1 ton of sugar. Somaliland is looted and the poor is suffering.
  16. I think west Burco want one more kick at the can. Both Mohamed Cali and Jirde are great but might be able to raise the campaign money needed for the campaign. I think Biixi will collapse with his own weight and poor management style. Neither Cali Koore Nor Faysal Waraabe will save Kulmiye.
  17. OOdweyne, Cirro is not tough enough to challenge Biixi and company, yet you want him to carry the water for BIixi just like Faysal. One thing we both agree is Cirro must be replaced . The opposition needs a tough person that puts fire on the feet of Ina Biixi. Inflation is destroying the lives of the people. They have no solutions for the problems. The electronic money that was forced to the people had reached hundreds of millions and the business people can not upload to buy dollars for their goods. This government does not have solutions for these problems. OOweyne, if I were you I would have joined WAddani and get to the program.
  18. Well, the American passport holders usually try to stay away from America for political reasons, but usually they got phone calls ordering them what to do. Any foreign passport holder must renounce his citizenship to rule Somalia.
  19. The biggest scheme in America today is how to rob the insecure Gulf fat countries billion of dollars. Small nations who should not be any different than small islands of the Caribbeans like Barbados and Bahamas a re acting like big powers due to their stupid ego. UAE, Qatar and others in the gulf should keep their money a be quite. They got more weapons and toys than their population. Trump is going to hundred make billions from these corrupt nations of Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia, Maakhiri what you mean about Farmaajo?