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Puntland hands over Somali clerics to Ethiopia

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Ms DD   

Nimanyahow xishooda and leave the lady alone. La gurtanka iyo ganbar isku qaadashada ma fiicna.

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Garaad Caanood


Xanthus (Ibtisaam),


afxumada uun jooji, the reasons you support red sea is very obvouis. Adaa is ceebeeyey markii aad is kashiftay

I have not afxumada anyone, if i have show it?? As for ceeb and kashifad, I live in London, words like that don't mean anything to me :rolleyes: Nor ar eyou my aboo so shaaqaad iska daaf luugu maa dirin


Your insults against me have nothing to do with what I said, I am sure


You didn't point out no contradictions, because what red sea and I said were samething and very similar


Red sea started offending some, and I responded

but You choose to go after me solely because of my views

Do you want tissue daabeednaa waa yaabe, I've never seen grown men act like this before :rolleyes:


poor girl, you see the imaginary contradictions of "me", and Garaad, however you failed to see your contradictions and your fellow secessionists

Right :cool:


Gabadh baa tahaye xishood oo raga kaftamaya ka dhex bax, waad ku luntaye

:D Now that made me laugh, I already told you, I don't have issue about mens role or womens role, Annba niin baan aahay, and xishood meel maagacis maahan, fruther more if you are joking with "red" then speak of him only and not a whole community/ deegaan. Waarya haa iiku taaba luumi atheer :rolleyes: :cool:


Ms D & D iskaad sis waaxaab iiga ma heelyan aniga smile.gif

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Originally posted by Xanthus:

Garaad Caanood
^^^^Wow Lovely Insults dear^ I can see you have so Much love for everyone :rolleyes: No wonder everyone is falling over each other to reach your welcoming arms :rolleyes: Sometimes people need to read their verbal vomit before exposing them to the public. ish......

Garaad Caanod:


Saaxib, you are STILL crying over the above statement. You are making as though Xanthus has insulted you, read above, I don't see anywhere she has insulted you. Abti, I think you need to sit back and relax. If you want to be offended, just allow me, I will give you an ear full, even risk the chance to be banned from this site.


Mr. me


You have been thought a great lesson today.


First you accused Xoogsade of being supporter of Caydiid Jr. Then you questioned Northerners' sincerity. You have refered me as a lier, while at it, you claimed that you can back up your assertion, thus far you haven't been able to produce one single evidence of any of your accusations. That is one lesson for you, to not accuse and be rational minded being.



Second, you lack the least amount of skill in debates or discussion, in fact you still think this place is instant messeging. If one doesn't respond soon enough, you keep screaming' where are you, and I waiting' :D .


Thirdly, you are arguing for Somaliwayne, yet you luck the least amount of idea of how to attain it. You are simpling writing your imaginations of what if the world was this, what if we were this.


THe hard cold reality is far fetched from your position, so without arguing everyone for the sake of argument, present your case in normal rationala way. with facts offcourse.


I don't want to hear distorted facts. As for myself, I dont expect much from you, because I have been here long enough to know that you don't know what you are talking about half of the time. Because after all, you are the one who said Siyad Barre bombarded Hargeysa and burco for the DEFENSE of the Somali nation, you are the one who said Hargeysa +Burco' population= 75,000 in late 80s. There is nothing wrong in being wrong, however choking on your own vomit is way out of line.


I suggest you learn how to link and then judge things based on the reality on the ground, not imagination which is just well, a imagination.




Sheekada inta aad adigu jarka tuurto ayaad hadhowna dhabarka jeedisaa. Maxay ku dhacday taasi?




Sister, you have superbly proven your points, no need for further explanation to these creatures of your position. Some of them think that as a lady you shouldn't be part of this discussion. that is just FUNNY and quite honestly it exposes their arogance and midieval mentality. So without wasting another second of your precious time dear, brush off their dirty and walk away model style. :D

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Originally posted by Garaad Caanood:



Red sea started offending some, and I responded

but You choose to go after me solely because of my views

What are you a benchwarmer? If I responded to others, then you shouldn't be blubbing towards me with serious sentiments as you wrote earlier. In fact, I NEVER insutled anyone in this thread. Sure I refer mr. me as 'lazy' that is not an insult rather joke, regardless of what is it, it's NON OF YOUR CONCERN. So toughten up little bit, because quite honestly, I don't see a manliness from your comments. :rolleyes:


As song went: 'Jiljileec ha noqon hooy'. :D

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Originally posted by me:

You got it wrong there, I don't want to dwell on the past. Why go back to 1984 when we are at 2007? Lets look forward at 2050, were do we want our nation to be in 2050 and work towards that goal.

Sure you dont' always say the 'good' old days of Siyad Barre.



I am saying we need to resolve our issues today, we need to look at the future and build a future for our country and ourselves.

How can one who says I hate Somaliland resolved anything. You oughta start being open minded and welcoming to everyone before you can be taking seriously. Once being the Siyad Barre glorifying, Somaliland hating being and the next going all mother Terresa on us.


I would like to see a free, fair and just Somali government, that looks out for the interests of its citizens, a government that is free of corruption & nepotism.

When you are constantly arguing of the goodness of Siyad Barre and even denying his corruption, dictatorship, and his cruelty against poeple, when you are doing that, doesnt fairness, corruption free ideas come to your mind. Or are you again sugar coating things for us, because you have been found speechless.


I would never want my country to go back to the times of Siyad Barres junta. I said and I will keep saying that we need to look at our history objectively, we need to be fair in our judgements of our leaders, we need to be critical in our thinking. We need to investigate our past, we need to understand what motivated them and why they did certain things.


When we understand our past better, we will also move on quicker, we need to come to terms with our past.

True, all about being critical thinking, realistic, if that is the case how realistic is it that Hargeysa, which was the second largest urban city in Somalia and Burco, one of the largest to have combine pop. of 75,000. :D


As for being fair with our leaders, sure I am all for that, but you said, Siyad Barre wasn't dictator correct? common now, you are all over the place.


So to sum it up, Siyad Bare is not a hero of mine. Once he was Jaale Siyaad, aabihii garashada ....Once Oktober was, Oktoober waa daruur dilaacday oo noo da'day?

Now what does that mean, it doesn't make any sense. He wasn't a hero, but the lyrics sung to him define what, his heroism right? :confused:



But the past fading, Siyad Barre is fading away, just like the songs of kacaanka




So isn't it time to look towards the future? because whether we are prepared or not tommorow will come.

It's way past that time. But you need to respect all somalis from every region, you need to show that you are appriciate of what they are doing. You don't have to appriciate Riyale Kahin or Cadde Muse or Ismail O. Gelleh of Jabuti,however you need to appriciate the job done by the people.


You cannot seek unity, brotherhood, if you are glorify yes indeed the past regime of Siyad Barre, you cannot get a ounce of respect that way from anyone in Somaliland. You must first realize this, you should also realize their hard work, more than once you told me, there is NO such thing as peace in Somaliland, it's all lies and Somaliland isn't doing all that well. You even getting the simple things wrong by saying that you cannot live in Hargeysa today because of your qabiil, that is just sad for one who is as old as you are to think such, that is once again why I refered you as Qurbaawi, because you don't know what is happening back home aside from what you read from news outlets. That is not enough,you need to be there and experience first hand of what is happening.Til then, you shall not speak in such volume. ;)

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Badacase, Xoogsade waan ka gafay, xaalkiisana waan siiyay. Marka sheekadaas meeshaas ayee ku xidhantahay, in aan cashar qaatay anaaba qirtay, marka maxaad ugu soo cel celinaysaa? Ogow ninka rag'ga áhi khaladkiisa wuu ka noqdaa, doqonka un ayaa ku macangega, kuna madax adeega ;)


Sheekada aniga iyo Xanthusna naga dhaxaysay, si fiican ayaan u kala baxnay, waan'na is afgaranay marka taasna meeshas ayee ku xidhan tahay.


Waxaa soo hadhay hada sheekadii Siyaad Barre, taas wax aan ka reebay ma jirto, hadii aadan fahmin waxaan ku idhina i waydii. Suáashaad doontid i waydii.


Hadii aad tahay qof Soomaaliya ku dhashay 70yadii/80yadii, waad garan lahayd waxa lago wado, Jaale Siyaad iyo heesta Oktoober.


Si kasta aad uga soo horjeedid Siyaad Barre iyo kacaankii lakiin dadbadan, jiil dhan ayaa ku soo koray heesahaas. Siyaad Barrena hogaamiye Soomaaliyeed ayuu ahaa wakhti dheer. Marka taarikshdeena, iyo xusuusta qarankeena (our national conciousness) waligiis wuu ku jirayaa.


Midnimo iyo Soomaalinimo cid lagu baryayaa ma jirto sxb, danteena guud weeye, hadii aad garanwayday taas, maxaan kuu qaban karaa?

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Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

It's way past that time. But you need to respect all somalis from every region

When have I disrespected any Somali from any region?


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

However you need to appriciate the job done by the people.

I don't need to tell the people Job well done, they do what they do, because thats what they do. Do you go to a man and say: Congratulation for fixing your house woooow you opened a new store, congratulations! No you don't, because you EXPECT them to improve their lives. They are not waiting for me to congratulate them. Its the peoples lives, its their responsibility to make their lives better. So are you waiting for me to congratulate you Badacase?



Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

You cannot seek unity, brotherhood, if you are glorify yes indeed the past regime of Siyad Barre

I have not glorified Siyaad Barre's regime, because glorifying it would mean, that I rather have that more then anything else, however I have compared the Siyad Barre era with whats happening now, just like allot of Somalis and I have said that I would rather live under the Siyad Barre regime then any of the so-called 'leaders' that have come after him.


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

You cannot get a ounce of respect that way from anyone in Somaliland

First of all I think that you mean The secessionist enity because the word Somaliland does not capture the true identity of the sessionist enclave. The word Somaliland refers to the colonial name of British Somaliland and since not all the regions of that colonial administration would like to join the secessionist camp it would be inaccurate to use the term Somaliland, so lets keep it at the secessionist enity


Ta labaad have you taken a census about the hows the why's and what criteria one should fullfil to gain respect from the people of North West Somalia? if not, then what are you talking about?


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

You even getting the simple things wrong by saying that you cannot live in Hargeysa today because of your qabiil, that is just sad for one who is as old as you are to think such, that is once again why I refered you as
, because you don't know what is happening back home aside from what you read from news outlets.

Its a fact, that I can not live in my hometown because of qabiil reasons, but that goes for allot of Somalis.


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

That is not enough,you need to be there and experience first hand of what is happening.

Yea I need to be there to know I will be killed there, just like I need to be there to see other people building on my land, just like I need to be there to see squaters in my house. I know I need to be there experience all that first hand, but a question Badacase, if this secessionist enclave is so wonderful, what are you doing here, why don't you go back? I wouldn't be a refugee is I had such a wonderful enclave.


Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

Til then, you shall not speak in such volume.

Wow is that a threat or something?

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Xanthus (Ibtisaam),



then speak of him only and not a whole community/ deegaan.



I never spoke about community or deegaan, I spoke about a secessionist faction a different story altogether


Anyways, let us bring to end this discussion



Red sea,

I don't see anywhere she has insulted you. Abti,

Sure !!!


If you want to be offended, just allow me, I will give you an ear full, even risk the chance to be banned from this site.

Go ahead, I would like to see more troublemakers banned from this site, because these ignorant individuals with stone mindset have no other solution



I thought you already went too far when you insulted whole population as qabiilists and their regions as the least developed regoin in Somalia, but it looks like I was wrong


Lets us see what you evils you have in mind, it seems you enjoy offending others


Originally posted by Red Sea

Sool and Sanaag are least developed in the region, is there any doubt about that? NO…. the people there are loyal to Pland for one thing only, qabiil. That is all… However, mostly they are anti Somaliland not only because of seccesion but because of Qabiil,

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Garaad iyo Red Sea,


Aad iyo aad baa ukala shakisantihiin,


Markaa waxaan idin leeyahay shakiga iska saara, marna waad hishiiisaan, marna waad isku kacdaan


One good thing about Red sea is that he respects people from SSC if they wish to part of United Somalia and not Somaliland, what red sea wants is people to respect the decision of his home region Northwest (Hergeysa, Burco, Barbara) to secede from Somalia


One good thing about Garaad is that he respects people from Northwest if they wish to secede and not be part of united Somalia, What Garaad wants is people to respect the decision of his home region North-Central Somalia (Sool Sanaag and Cayn) to remain united with Somalia, Garaadom lol


The problem comes when people debate about somalinimo/unity and somalilandnimo/secessionism?


I congratulate red sea and Garaad for respecting the wishes of specific regions

That’s the most important thing , but that’s not enough, both of you should start respecting opposite ideologies like Somali unity, secession of a region, proponents of unity, proponents of secession




The good thing about “me” is that he never gets angry, the man is very diplomatic

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Originally posted by Northerner:



Me, wa lagu soo qabtay

lol kuwan yagaan isku war wareejiyay? are you up for another round?


Edit: But explain what do you mean , waa laysoo qabtay? :D

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Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

quote: me - I would like to see a free, fair and just Somali government, that looks out for the interests of its citizens, a government that is free of corruption & nepotism.

When you are constantly arguing of the goodness of Siyad Barre and even denying his corruption, dictatorship, and his cruelty against poeple, when you are doing that, doesnt fairness, corruption free ideas come to your mind. Or are you again sugar coating things for us, because you have been found speechless.
So when have I denied corruption? When did I sugarcoat anything? What was not clear about my answer? I am sorry Badacase but you are reading too much into things. What I said are well documented here, please go back and re-read it.


Let me sum up what I always say. Siyad Barre was a dictator that ruled with an iron fist. Siyad Barre hit all Somali rebel groups equally, he spared no one.


Siyad Barre led a corrupt regime.


But everything that followed Siyad Barre makes him Ghandi today and I would rather live under Siyad Barres regime, where education was free, health care was free. Where we had formidable armed forces that protected our nation, then live under the current thugs that sold our country.


So again , you don’t know what you got till its gone.

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You have unashamedly put Gen Barre in the same bracket as Axmed Gurey. Was this a "joke" too?



"The ones that matter, are the immortals, those that make history.


The ones that people here on SOL want to be associated with, the Axmed Gurays, Sayd Maxamed Cabdile Xasans, Said Barres, Xalenles."




Its a fact, that I can not live in my hometown because of qabiil reasons, but that goes for allot of Somalis.

Another baseless allegation not a fact. Tell us why YOU can't live in Hargeisa. No riddles. NO verbal gymnastics. Go on spill the beans. I'll even start the sentence for you:


" I can't live in Hargeisa because .....

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Gabadh baa tahaye xishood oo raga kaftamaya ka dhex bax, waad ku luntaye



Oh no you didn't! Can't anything be discussed without getting personal? Ideas, concepts, and opinions ppl, not me me me, and go easy on she said he said I said as well, it makes things unecessarily long, godness... :rolleyes:

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