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About Illyria

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  1. Ahlan ya abu shubrah, it is good to be back into the fold. And when I thought it could not never get any lower. Lost generation iga dheh! Those composing the lyrics, and these young cubs regurgitating it are most likely the children of good men and women, who died for the Somali cause.
  2. This was a fine lecture peeling the layers of sore reality in our nation. I hope students have absorbed core fillings of the lecture. Not one of my favourites, nor a good politician, but one of the best academicians in his field in the Somali peninsula. Q&A Adjunct: Etymology: - Concept (conceptum (Latin) : immediate object of thought; to take in, and to hold; to become pregnant. - Understand (): To stand in the midst of a concept; grasp the idea of;
  3. Party Aggregate: 81 Kaah 28 SinCad 13 Horseed 17 Mideeye 10 RunCad 4 Shaqaale 3 Ifiye 4 Mustaqbal 2
  4. Early results for the 3 remaining districts in Nugaal. Garowe: 33 Kaah 12 SinCad 5 Horseed 6 Mideeye 2 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 2 Ifiye 2 Mustaqbal 2 Dangorayo: 27 Kaah 9 SinCad 6 Horseed 5 Mideeye 3 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 1 Ifiye 1 Godobjiiraan: 21 Kaah 7 SinCad 2 Horseed 6 Mideeye 5 RunCad 0 Shaqaale 0 Ifiye 1
  5. Thanks for sharing. So well-intended, well-written, good in spirit, and compliant with State protocol far better than any of the recycled nightly press releases from villa Xamar these days; why in 3 languages (Latin, Italian, and English)? I was hoping to see the Arabic version? Did you find this in the family archives?
  6. Correct, as a city State. It is currently generating approximately 300m in revenue from an estimated 2 - 3bn in grants, aid, and other monies pouring into the city for the FGS. The question is as and when said funds have dried up, as they will, will it survive? If so, how? Think about Kabul. So, you consider the FGS more of a burden than a blessing for the city? This ties back to the original question. I thought it was a balance of both. See if you could elaborate.
  7. You got the wrong end of the stick missing the point of the question by a long mile. It is not about its being the de facto nation's capital, or not, but its economic viability. With so being the case, let us try it again, and this time think about its sources of revenue to self-sustain itself. That is a factor, but there are others to consider incl. lack of resources, cost of living, human capital, industries amongst many.
  8. It does not have old money, livestock, farming land, large fishing body of waters, nor small industries? What drives its economy? How large is its service industry? As the nation's de facto capital (yet to be legally determined), could it self-sustain? For instance, Washington D.C., with an annual budget of 19+ bn, a GDP of 180 +/- bn in goods and services in 2023, 0.6% of the US economy, it has the highest unemployment rate in the US.
  9. O' just a bit of an insight, hypothetically speaking, predicate on the conditional clause of "if and when". Competitive perhaps, but for now, we are neither blessed with the wealth nor the human capital AD port & terminal offers, and unlike DP World of Dubai, it is neither as cut-throat business-wise nor degenerate as al Maktoumi's Dubai, but foreign nonetheless. A city State of half a million Emirati, I do not see it as a threat as, say Turkey, an empire seeking to regain its glorious departed self. Is any part of Somali territories primed for entering into long-term exploitative contracts / agreement with any foraging nations hunting for treasure troves? I think not. Are there benefits to be gained? Check Berbera & Bosaso (DP World), Xamar port and airport, as managed by Aufot General & Favori respectively. I think so. Sell off, or auction an inch of any Somali territory? Never! Trust any politician to doing that which is in the best interest of the nation, or the right thing? Never! Again, it is not for sale.
  10. Let me see if I read this correctly: so, he opposes Deni, parties ways with Islam Bashir, the de facto Issim of Mudug, and is calling for Hasan Sh to dispatch Turkish army to Garacad? Again, he does not want UAE, but wants Turkey. He wants Turkey armies on the ground, on the sea, and in air. Why Turkey, but not UAE? He is no longer an Issim, but a politician. A former CID man, Shirwac, has been on the wrong side of history ever since Siyad Barre crowned him to replace Islam Cabdulle in the 80s, was forever a Kacaanist in the worse possible time working against SSDF, allied with al Itixad in the 90s, opposed the bottom-up approach during Arta, where he was canvassing support for the TNG of A/Qadim & Galaydh, sided with Cadde's jabhad in the 2000s, sided with Farmaajo during his rocky tenure against Gaas, and is now placing the cart before the horse for HSM. This is his way of trying to undermine Deni, and stymie the project. Reer PL know of his dark history.
  11. Balderdash sir! As an investor, I could say none of that is true. If a deal is to be made with an investor, say Abu Dhabi Ports & Terminal, it would have go through, be vetted, and approved by the Wadaagsan Executive Board. PL is an investor in the project, has voting rights with some influence, but not a majority voting rights. If and when the Board sees business reasons to partner with, to complete the project, primarily the 3G road, then it shall have to secure majority vote. The intent is, and was, for the project to be Somali owned and operated port. Rest is just waffle.
  12. al Shabab vs SNA The Somali National Army Versus al-Shabaab: A Net Assessment – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point Army: SNA: 7,000 - 19,000 AS: 7,000 and 12,000 Budget: FGS: 1bn+ (actual revenue 300m+) AS: 100m+ Hardware: SNA: The SNA is a relatively low-tech army consisting of small battalions of about 400 soldiers with limited vehicles, few armored vehicles, and mainly small arms and light weapons. AS: Al-Shabaab’s arsenal includes AK47, PKM, Dushka, B10, grenades, and RPGs, while its heavy weapons include ZU 23/24 and mortars, particularly 60mm and 81mm and reportedly a limited number of 120mm.30 Significant arms and ammunition are thought to come from Yemen, especially via the Mukalla network of arms smugglers.31 But al-Shabaab has also captured significant military materiel from A.U. and Somali forces. Overrunning A.U. and Somali forward operating bases has enabled al-Shabaab to restock weapons and ammunition. Cohesion & Morale SNA: The SNA is comprised of a very fragmented set of units, some of which remain heavily clan-based and many of which have experienced different training regimes and operate different types of equipment. Since its reconstitution, the SNA has suffered from desertion, defections, soldiers working multiple jobs, and infiltration by al-Shabaab ... AS: Al-Shabaab’s cohesion and endurance stems from a mix of its nationalist credentials, coercion, and intimidation. Al-Shabaab maintains legitimacy with populations who see the group’s members as Somali nationalists fighting foreign invaders and a corrupt, ineffective FGS that is dependent on those same foreigners.
  13. Forgive me, for I am an amateur in Somali politics discourse, remind me, besides the 1996 - 1997 armed internal conflict, which partly still fuels the current tussle against GXJS, could you recall a time in SL's recent history where it was weaker economically, and strategically with its political currency at ts lowest value than 2022 - present? Try to be honest, and even consider truncating a reverse collect call to a friend in a cell for a life line. Trouble with SL politics is as if it was designed by a tuug cawaran. Perhaps in conversations within tolka circles in Hargeysa and its immediate eviron, the toast is handsomely buttered on both sides, but politics is about mirages, mirrors, and optical illusion, and SL's had been shuttered to smithereens with its chance of being reconstituted well past distant possibility.
  14. Sadly we are reverting back to the city State culture where Xammar is the country, and the country is Xamar. Dare I ask: Is there a single person from, say Jawhar or even Afgooye let alone the rest of the country?