Xaaji Xunjuf

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About Xaaji Xunjuf

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  1. What happend between Eritrea and abiye though I think it had something to do with the away abiye lol handled the Pretoria talks . Afewerki wanted to finish them off and abiye wanted reconciliation with the tigrayans in order for him to use them against Amhara . I wouldn’t really called that betrayal how did abiye betray afewerki. Yes it is true abiye betrayed the tigrayans they created him meles made him the man he was true . Abiye might have even betrayed the Amhara they Initially saw him as a son of the Amhara but he changed policy on them . But the Eritreans are a foreign people and are not Ethiopians. Abiye surely betrayed the bunker as he said one thing did the other that is true but I don’t think he betrayed the Eritreans on this .
  2. Isn’t to early to talk about the infamous selection campaigns for the bunker I mean hassan mahamoud was selected in 2022 its now 2024 another two years until elections or am I missing something besides the conference in Doha wasn’t it about something for diaspora Somali people ,or was it all a disguise and it was to promote the cheese fellow bid for re selection.
  3. interesting though this is not good for the national cohesion of what every Somali state that is being reconstructed how ever out of protocol if she doesn’t favour one president at least she should have kept her opinion to her self I mean that would have been more promising. . Though I would say if she leaves out general afweyne.That would have been not a problem since he was the only dictator compared to all the the other previous presidents . But she also left out the cheese fellow and cabdilahi yusuf who were also interim presidents and were not dictators so singling out them would be viewed as bit of Qabiliste. Hadi qaran la dhisayo there is no room for this behaviour.
  4. I don’t think it has anything to do with qabyaalad persay hassan is just taking care of his family I mean close family .
  5. Eritrea is just pisssed at abiye that’s why they doing this
  6. Very very interesting development it seems abiye is determined to have a sea out let . I don’t see him backing down on the efforts of the bunker at this point only Somaliland is the only one that can stop him from a practical position . Muse bixii him self is seeking re election in four months time he will need the support of this deal if it results in recognition it’s crucial for his return so he is pushing it . If he doesn’t manage to convince the Ethiopians to recognise Somaliland independence there isn’t going to be much of a deal . Because recognition is valued more then diamonds or money or anything. Muse wants to distguish him self form all the all previous leaders . Though if they go ahead with the deal there is no turning back . Though if it isa principle thing on Somalia to stop Ethiopia from having sea access via somaliland. The bunker can only offer sl a better deal the Ethiopians are offering though I do believe the Ethiopians are using this as a tool to get the best deal to pin Mogadishu against hargeisa and if I was them I would do the same also . If Ethiopia go ahead with the deal and let’s say even recognise somaliland they jeprodise their influence over the bunker and their troops it would be a matter of time if or when their troops are out of Somalia we should also consider the Turks and their influence can they stop or fight for Somalia against Ethiopia interest we do know they have billions of dollars of investments in Addis Ababa . Then there is the United Arab emeretes and their role in all of this. Interesting time indeed .
  7. Nobody in Somaliland actually believes that Ethiopians are closer to them then other Somalis it’s just current political circumstances that exist in the horn and the contentious conflict between Somalia and Somaliland which allows that radical methods are being used which is unfortunate every one in Somaliland would have loved to have good relations with Somalia . But the leaders of the bunker aren’t as responsible as they claim their whole policy is based on blocking somaliland interest this causes allot of mistrust not only against politicians in hargeisa but even those that weren’t radical or militantly anti Somalia are now becoming more and more anti Somalia which is unfortunate. People shouldn’t put the blame only on Somaliland but there are other evil doers u need to adress the core problem .
  8. Somaliland doubles down on Ethiopia MoU despite Mogadishu opposition Tuesday July 23, 2024 The historic Red Sea port of Zeila (Seylac in Somali) in Somaliland, which is a focal point of Ethiopia's interest as part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two nations. The agreement aims to provide Ethiopia with vital sea access through this strategic port in exchange for potential recognition of Somaliland's sovereignty and economic cooperation. (Wikimedia Commons/CC/ Abdihakimper) Hargeisa (HOL) — Somaliland has doubled down on its commitment to a contentious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ethiopia, promising economic gains and international recognition while sparking fierce opposition from Mogadishu and regional players. "The Government of the Republic of Somaliland reaffirms the significance of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Somaliland and Ethiopia, emphasizing its focus on mutual benefits and cooperative efforts between the two sisterly neighbouring nations," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland stated on Tuesday. advertisements "It is regrettable that the Mogadishu Administration, under the leadership of Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, which is not in full control of its own capital, persists in attempts to destabilize Somaliland through support for local militia groups. Meanwhile, reports indicate their weaponry and arms are falling into the hands of Alshabaab and clan militias, exacerbating regional instability," the statement added. Since declaring its independence from Somalia in 1991, the breakaway Republic of Somaliland has sought stability, democracy, and self-governance. Somaliland describes Mogadishu as lacking democratic legitimacy due to its selection process. Since its 1993 split from Eritrea, Ethiopia has been landlocked and seeks maritime access to reduce its dependence on Djibouti. The MoU includes provisions for Ethiopia to gain sea access and establish a military base in Somaliland. In return, Somaliland anticipates Ethiopia's potential recognition of its sovereignty, although the latter has sometimes been unclear about the deal's specifics. The Mogadishu administration strongly opposes the Somaliland-Ethiopia deal, considering it a violation of Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. President Mohamoud nullified the MoU shortly after it was signed, accusing Ethiopia of attempting to annex Somali territory. Diplomatic relations between Somalia and Ethiopia have deteriorated, with Somalia expelling Ethiopia's Ambassador to Mogadishu and ordering the closure of Ethiopian consulates in Hargeisa and Garowe. Backchannels established by Kenya and Turkey to mediate the dispute have been unsuccessful, with Somalia stating that Ethiopia must rescind the MoU before any talks can begin. Meanwhile, officials in Somaliland claimed that Ethiopia upgraded its consular office in Hargeisa to full embassy status in late May. International organizations, including the African Union (AU), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the Arab Economic Forum, have also opposed the deal. The swift condemnation has reportedly led Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to reconsider it. Critics argue that the agreement could destabilize the region, potentially escalating conflict and allowing militant groups like Al-Shabaab to exploit the situation. Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi promised that the deal would help secure freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, regions prone to attacks by Houthi rebels and other threats. "The historic memorandum of understanding between Somaliland and Ethiopia will provide us with a clear pathway towards international recognition," he said from Hargeisa. Officials in Hargeisa anticipate a finalized agreement soon. Somaliland's Minister of Information, Ali Mohamed Hassan (Ali Marehan), hinted this week at the upcoming implementation of the Somaliland-Ethiopia agreement.
  9. Tigrayans have always been stronger then the Amhara when it comes to fighting it is the Tigrayans they know ho to Fight with in Habshida the tigrayans are the most significant
  10. TRUMP is going to win against the Black indian curry lady no way the American people will pick her down with these silly leftist Demcorats , bye Bye sleepy joe cant wait to see these demcorats lose
  11. Thé only person that is out of touch with the reality is you galbeedi . The youth there didn’t also wave the satanic flag of the bunker either. Doesn’t proof anything . The majority of the Awdalite people have no interest to separate from the main land of somaliland had they wanted that they would have done that long time ago it wouldn’t take 3 decades to fight
  12. Its very simple I think the overall people of awdal support the quest and independence and statehood of Somaliland close to 80 percent if not more . The only thing that the reer awdalite advocate for is more representation with in the Somaliland government . Those that go to Mogadishu are so significant those that go to Mogadishu for seats are really just a few dr beyle former finance minister of the bunker came back to Somaliland prof samatar came back after a failed presidential campaign bid . His brother is there still how ever but no awdal person holds any significant post in Mogadishu, actually the biggest traitors that the koonfurians love to use are those from the duriyad clan and they get the most significant positions in the bunker by the koonfurians. Though I do believe. That there are allot of people from the awdal community who don’t originally hail from awdal but hail from. Ethiopia or jabuuti and who also reside in the west have big hatred for anything related to Somaliland some just have a clear clan hatred and feel inferior to the noble duriad clan mostly they reside in the west and they are the one that are clapping their hands for the downfall of somaliland. But they don’t even hail from somaliland majority of them have their relatives either living in. Harowo iyo awbarre or their kin are doing junior jobs for geele and the Jesus clan in jabuuti these are the so called parasites somaliland is dealing with mostly wa qurbajoog calooshu tagantahay Laakin walagaga xaarsiinaya.
  13. That is is impossible ma dhaafi karan gudoomiye barlamaank waloogu wanqalay gudoomiye barkamaaan the only way they can do this if u find no dm person that runs for that office in the next selections if they manage to produce not a single candidate for jaggada then they can go for president for pm. There had been no prime minister from Somaliland since cigaal well maybe ina galaydh oo sanad Haye and that was back in 2000 ila 2001. Imagine that 23 years no premier from Somaliland , caadi maha and in the 1960s it was ina cigaal for two years so much for sharing a country
  14. I doubt they care about any sort of Somali unity. They haven’t even see. These people in south in their entire life u first need to know or hear about the poeple u wish to unite with . I mean if they were they would have fought for it long time ago . I mean Qof wuxusan rabin lugu ma Khasbi karo of the majority of reer awdal youth want to be ruled by the bunker and not bay hargeisa way cadaysan lahayen to be honest they know know no mansab no jaggo no respect they will gain in the bunker meesha lagamaba yaqaano