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Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury

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The people who make the most noise and condem this dude are the ones who are on benefit right now, so just they sound to be working. Quit it.


There is nothing wrong with what this man did as many other millions in the UK are on the dole, the house was given to him by the local authority and his housing costs paid for much like those millions.


The Sun is a racist mardoch newspaper, they have tricked the poor guy and narrated this story distortedly to create negative public veiw against non-whites that are on benefit.


Some labour party members have rebuked this story as nothing but dirty politics and dangerious tricks being played.

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CH and everyone else lets analyse this issue:


1. The paper claims that the man in question is a butcher

2. The paper decided not to elaborate on this man’s job (is he currently working?)

3. There is no mention of this family being on benefits, the paper only talks about how much is afforded to them for housing support.

4. Butchers would normally not be earning enough to afford to pay for such a house.

5. The government would support anyone who is working in this country but, does not earn enough to cover all their bills.


Now having said all that may I suggest that we all refrain from drumming the drum of evil for the BNP and the likes (The SUN) after all none of us can say we have the facts here.


As for this man and the picture, we need to remember that this news was broken by a tabloid paper that would go any length to trick you into giving them one story while they publish what they always wanted, scandal. The SUN’s core ethics are based on anything that would stir up issues that are close to heart for their readers (and in the case of the sun, skin heads and people whose comprehension level is lower than Nick Griffin’s followers)


Juje, sxb personal attacks meesha ka saar, surely there are better ways you can argue their case.

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CH and everyone else lets analyse this issue:

Ok, walaal lets.


1. The paper claims that the man in question is a butcher

Ok. Lets say he is a butcher. He is a butcher with 8 kids. Since he can't live on such mediocre pay, he is on welfare right? This man and woman came here in the 1990's right? And please dont say they're wrong about that too. Why keep having babies when they obviously cant afford it?


2. The paper decided not to elaborate on this man’s job (is he currently working?)

Even if he is, he cannot possibly raise 8kids AND him, his wife and her mother right? So this is pointless.

3. There is no mention of this family being on benefits, the paper only talks about how much is afforded to them for housing support.

Seriously? They have to be.

4. Butchers would normally not be earning enough to afford to pay for such a house.

Yes, and this where logic comes in. This is where normally people stop and say "hmm... we have a dilema. We have too many kids and we are in tight spot. We should both get jobs and pursue means to improve our lives and the lives of our children."

5. The government would support anyone who is working in this country but, does not earn enough to cover all their bills.

Nothing wrong with that as long as you're doing your part, right? After all, your kids are your responsibility.


Now having said all that may I suggest that we all refrain from drumming the drum of evil for the BNP and the likes (The SUN) after all none of us can say we have the facts here.

I dont know anything about the SUN but all I know is that they might have diluted some facts but the rest speaks for itself.


As for this man and the picture, we need to remember that this news was broken by a tabloid paper that would go any length to trick you into giving them one story while they publish what they always wanted, scandal.

Here is why I questioned the intelligence of the man. Why in God's name would he do such thing? Is he a model citizen? Is he bragging about his house, the house he didnt pay for? What could they possibly say to him? And if this trully a "an evil Tabliod" against immigration, wouldnt he know that?

The SUN’s core ethics are based on anything that would stir up issues that are close to heart for their readers (and in the case of the sun, skin heads and people whose comprehension level is lower than Nick Griffin’s followers)



As many said before me. The welfare issues run deep in our community. It is time we got out of this "maxaa kaa galay gaalada"mentality and encouraged hard work and honesty. Hadii kale, our houses will burn and we will set a terrible example for our kids. Any healthy, able,decent person with Iman would rather wash the floors and be proud than count on **** iyo wax daran. We have men chewing qaad all night, and sleeping all day, and women claiming everychild they have every year is *****o while collecting welfare as if it's something to be proud of :eek:

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^Do you realize you're brushing Soomaalida dhamaanteed into hal buraash? It ain't smart to continue with that generalization woman.

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Do u real believe in the trash that conservative news medias spread about immigrants?


If you do, then I am the somali king, send me all your money! This is not a joke! thnx

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Some people keep on asking why did they have 8 kids if they cannot afford their cost. Let us not be hypocrites. Are you telling us you all from a small family? Did you ever ask the same question to your parents. Or for you is "You know my father has 3 wifes and altogether he has 15 children" :D ...laakiin afdheerideennu waxay noo geysey inaan dadka kale dhahno maxay dhawr ilmo ah u dhaleen...Teeda kale Irsaaqadda Ilaah baa haya...ubadkaan 8-dda ahna reerku iskama keensan ee Ilaah baa u qoray inay dhalaan.

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I am totally against spoon feeding some of the Somali migrants rely on, It kills their creativity, No wonder why nomands in Gulf are very hardworking.

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Originally posted by Malika:

ps.Abwaan,I dont know them neither do I care about knowing them..


Then atleast don't judge them because dembi unbaad ka galeysaa ee wax macno leh ma soo kordhineysid.

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War ilaa reer London waa dadeey ka taalo? Shimee cideyda qabi jireen carpetkaas iyo salootadaas leatherka fake-ga ah mataqaaniin? This is so 1994!!! :D


Usually I'd be the first to criticize having kids back-to-back while on the system; however, these days I idolize those with caruurta badan who milk the system! Meeshaan, Canada, sidii guri dowlad loogu jiray, shablee loo qaadanaayay, ayuuto after ayuuto loogalaayay aa hada korkeyga gaariba gaariguu ka qaalisan yahay lagu wataa, guriba guriguu ka weyn yahay (some costing nearly half a million dollars) nalagu kor gadanoya...All the while, the so called 'tax payers' are living pay cheque to pay cheque; driving gaariyo ilaah xaaladooda iska ogyahay; and feel the luckiest if, at the end of the month when all the pills are paid, they can put aside a couple of hundred dollars a month (or every other month)...Marka pardon me for saying 'KUDOS' to cidaan iyo kuwii lamidka ahba...


Tankale, this reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend not too long ago that for some it might not be worth it to go out there and work...If working eight or more hours a day, earning minimum wage (or may be a buck or two more) and have two or more children, even with dual income family, it might make more sense inaa mininkaa iska joogto sabatoo ah the rent goes up, you can kiss any financial assistance from the government good-bye, caruurtii waa dayac tirmeen saa 8-10hrs a day baad ka maqantahay...Marka taas waxaa dhaanto inaad shabtaada dhinac ka dhuuqdo oo aad caruurtaada korsato...


War hala liso daaya...



BTW, ninka muxuu ciridka saas ugu taagooyaa...At least xoogaa inuu is qashuuciyo ee eheed wah!

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

I am totally against spoon feeding some of the Somali migrants rely on, It kills their creativity, No wonder why nomands in Gulf are very hardworking.

You'll notice a difference in family units too. So much respect, kala danbayn and nidaam in Gulf families. Masha Allah. I guess those who are milking it in the welfare states have under estimated the barakah in earning your own bread.

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I wonder how the sun asked him to take part in the interview....


Run ahaanti markaan ingiriiska imaaday, waxaan la yaabay dadka badanaa aan la kulmay in eey ceer iyo job centre saxiix kabixi waayeen.


As someone mentioned before it seems there is someting wrong with the system. Qofki shaqeeysanaayo oo isdeberaayo weey ku adagtahay wax walbo and it seems its more easier in uu qofka iska qaato ceeyr. The systems seems to passify people.


Im glad this issue came to the table to be discussed, yabka yaabkiisa at the ones that normalise about ceeyrta lagu noolyahay. It's another thing if it's your last resort and you don't have other ways of providing for your family this month but a whole different story when you see it as a way of life.

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