Abaay Heylay

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Everything posted by Abaay Heylay

  1. ^^Eat foods that are high fiber, it sucks all the fat in the stomach, worked for me, but again I am not as big as you, i only weight 118 lbs, but good luck:)
  2. Agree with Duke, if you want marry cadaan go for it, if you want stick with Somali thats even better. I love my muslim brothers and sisters, but I would never marry outside of the somali race.
  3. Aaliyah, what are you talking about 3000 is alot of money for mehr. As long as the money is paid on the Nikah day that what matters. Some people choose large amount of money for their mehr and the money is never given to them. Back to the topic, camel is camel whether it is black, white, brown.. they all look a like, eventhough the brown is the pretiest out of all.
  4. Good for the pirates, since it is free money they earn they can share with the needy..LOL
  5. Marka hora, I don't have cleft palate (Faruurow). There is no need to insult me like that. What's more you are developing a habit of it. This will not be tolerated and a complaint will be made to the admin if you dont cease from these personal insults. Looooool, this made me laugh so hard, Dajiye remember in aa Max far waa ween wax oo gu qorto.. or else your insults will be reported..lol Max come to Canada, since all the innocent girls are in Canada, I am sure they will welcome you with open hands.
  6. I dont think there are any ugly babies, babies are so clean and fresh when they are born. My brother's wife just gave birth to a baby boy and masha'Allah that was the most adorable baby i have ever seen. Babies change when they grow into infants, looking their parents but yeah when they are young they are cute.
  7. I for one will not be humouring this sort of twaddle on SOL. I think we ought to have a strict zero tolerance approach because joking or not you're sending out a message. Curly no need to get mad, you either like it or not and everyone can post whatever they feel like. Besides, i am sure evesryone sees the topic as a joke, so calm yourself down..lol. Back to the topic, I am sure my grandma who grew up in Somalia would even laugh at the what nonsense this woman wrote, lol. But again if she is not married maybe this book is gonna find her a husband. P.s I am planing to write a book on how to make your woman happy, so I need SOL men volunteers.
  8. Poster, you dont to put ur kids in day care to work, u can just pay for a nany or ur mom can baby sit. Besides, if you want to school all those years what's the point of wasting money to go to school if ur not gonna anything with that degree. I wouldnt basically just go to school and waste thousands of dollars to just decorate that degree on my wall. Besides there is something call mult-tasking, yes u can work and raise ur kids well and have the best relationship with ur husband.
  9. Abaay Heylay


    Agree with Cara, reading the whole thread made me laugh, lets hope 5's is a girl
  10. Queen Araweelo, do u know if it works for acne, a friend of mine has small acne on her face that will not go away, she tried everything, let me know if works for acne this might be her miracle.
  11. "Saan lee maa 'kiss' ula rafanooysaa? If "going for the kill" is just kissing for you, you have a very long way to go! Let me know when you reach for the bra..." ^^I dont think it will even take him that long to reach the bra, since he is planing to kiss in her private place
  12. people change when there are calamities, they become more genorous and turn to their lord.
  13. Haala, I accept strangers on facebook but I never put my picture on facebook, so they wont know who i am.
  14. Mac sokor for the guy, why would he travel all the way, to stranger he met on facebook.
  15. Subhana'Allah, this really looks complicated..May Allah make it easier for them, as he is the one who created them like that.
  16. #5 good for you, but if you would have quit it for the sake of Allah it would have been much better. I quit listening to music at the age of 15 when I changed my life and started getting closer to Allah. It was hard at the begining since everyone in that age group was into music and i was the strange one. I have noticed I feel more calm when I listen to the Quran. Music is just shaytan's words, thats how i see.
  17. ^^^But if your anorexic then u look like qumonyo and will look qumonyo no matter how well u dress, and more likely u will get more sick because u dont eat health food to protect ur immune system. This diet does not meet the Canada's food guide to healthy eating and i doubt any somali person would stick with it. Plus I eat every three hours so this would starve to death.
  18. My problem with my job, is being on my feet all day long, I need to find a job where i can sit and definately have longer lunch breaks.
  19. All I could say is Alhamdulilah, I was health, was able to travel to three different countries... I am looking forward to 2010 may Allah give us its blessings too.
  20. She is not pretty, but she is pretier than her oponents, especially miss Tunisia who looks like so fake.
  21. Hodman, I know it is easy for ppl to say, but there things that you must do. For instance, this girl's new year's resolution was to pray five times a day and become a better muslim. Those kind of things you have to take the action right away who knows if you will even make to 2010.
  22. I never make new year's resolution, whenever i want make a change in my life i do it that particular time and take the action. I dont write a list when it comes to new year, is just any other day, so why make it especial. Besides, most people put on their resolution eat better, why not do it righ now, why do u need to wait till 2010 to eat better, get driver's licence... just walk the talk thats what matters.
  23. ^^Attention seeker... continue ur nonsense attacks, like this will stop people into looking into the true Islam. :rolleyes: