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Everything posted by Salma

  1. I've received this info yesterday as SMS. It's true nobody knows when his/her life will come to its end. It's better to be alerted. Thanx Salam
  2. To avoid hijacking the “Shopaholics†topic; I think its better to open a new topic for the “Avid Readers/Bookworms/Bookmaniacsâ€. So Xoogsade/Shehrazade and others join this topic and enlight us with your knowledge and information. I prefered to put this topic in the Women section coz it’s somehow related to women. First Part of the topic: Reading Read what they’d said about reading/books:- 1-The book is a personal journey of a literary writer, insatiable reader, and history enthusiast. (Alberto Manguel, the Argentine-born Canadian). By the way, Alberto’s well-written & wonderfull book (A history of the Reading) is a very informative and usefull book. I do really recommend you nomads to read it. 2- Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill (Barbara Tuchman, American Author) 3- There is no frigate like a book, To take us lands away (Emily Dickinson)- As I said earlier in the ‘Shopaholics†topic. Reading is not only by holding a book between your hands. There are many other ways to enjoy reading:- 1- You can buy the book in a form of “Audioble Book†which is a book on tape. You can listen to it in your room/kitchen/car/living room anywhere and anytime. 2- Or if you are an “Internet Lover†and have the ability to stay long times surfing the Net. Then, there is another way for reading. Open one of those hunderds websites which are providing the books as a e-Book (Electronic Book) and its not necessary to read the whole book in one day. Just read it slowly till you finish the book 3-Or you can listen to it as “Story†from a nother avid reader. Like the story telling Groups or from your friend/relative. Remember when we used to be children, I believe the second wonderful thing after playing was listening to the stories/fairy tales from mothers’/brothers’/sisters’ mouths, whether Western stories like: Cinderella, Snow White and the Red Rose, The Frog and the Princess, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, The princess and the Pea, The Lion and the Mouse, Robin Hood,,,,, Or Eastern like: Alaadin, Sindbad, Ali Baba and the 40 Theives, 1001 Nights (The Arabian Nights) or the Somali Sheeko Xariir : Dhag Dheer- Araweelo- Ceegal Shidaad- The Dawaco’s Stories- The Animals stores….etc When I was child I was so fond of the pictured books specially the Encyclopedias. Of course I was not that good in reading, but I loved watching the pictures of the people,animals,plants, things.. and I used to pray deeply and ask god to learn Reading like the adults. Coz, was fid up with hearing only. Then in Grade 4 , we started to have a weekly class to the Library. The first book I read and loved was “Prisoner of Zenda†by Antony Hope. Before finishing it; the damned bell started ringing and the teacher asked us to return the books to their places. I returned to the home feeling sad and dissapointed and so angry at my teacher who gave me the chance of reading that wonderful book but wasn’t generous to let me complete reading it. Then my elder brother told me that its easy to get the book from the near bookshop and nothing deserve all the sadness I was going through. But he told me the most precious info in my whole life “You can borrow books from the libraryâ€. Anyway, it was great to read that story. I bought another “Prisoner of Zenda†and Iam keeping it with my collection. Althout I read different books but nothing will make me forget my First Love "Prisoner of Zenda" LOOL. When I’d reached to grade 7, I’d started to read for “Adham Sabri’s Storiesâ€, actually it’s arabic stories for the teenagers about an Egyptian Secret Agent who works with the Mossad (The Israeli Secret Police). I was impressed by his abilities (A-1 Agent) who knows all the Martial Arts, 7 languages bla bla bla. Then in grade 10 I started to read the Romantic stories. I must admit I learnd many Arabic words from them. In high school age, I was so attached to the Historic stories by Jerji Zidan (A lebanese Syrian Author, Former-christian) but unfortunately, later I knew that he was a member in the Free Masons groups and his stories were not authenticated. And he was adding wrong and bad information to spoil the image of the Islamic History. Now Iam reading different books written by different writers. But what I’am really missing is the Somali books. I have only four books: A Somali-English Dictionary, A book written by Axmad Barkhad Maax called “What’s happening in Somaliaâ€, a story called “Wind of Change" and the Somali Model Waris Dirii’s Biography “Desert Flowerâ€. Iam participating in two Arabic Book Discussion groups and Iam the Captain/Facilitator in one of them. I’d called it “Shehrazade Book Groupâ€. Actually, Shehrazade as you may know is the name of the main character in the famous Persian book “One Thousand and One Nights-1001 Nights†in Arabic it’s called “Alfe Lailah we Lailahâ€. She was the wife of the King Shehreyar who was deceived by his beloved wife. And as a punishment for this unfaithful wife and all the women he killed her and decided to marry a virgin girl every night and get rid of her in the morning. Then, when the numbers of the girls started to decrease; King Shehrayar asked his best friend and minister to give him his daughter “Shehrezade†to marry her. The sad father wen to his daughter and told her about the king’s decision which will end her life in the morning. But the smart Shehrezade accepted the proposal and decided to end the King’s insane and un-just marriages. So from the first night she started to tell him tales from different countries,creatures & events. Althought The King was enjoying listening to the first story, he kept his decision as it was “To kill her in the morningâ€. But smart Shehrezade kept the stories going on till the 1001 nights were over and he found himself in deep love with her Dear Nomads: Reading will take you to places you’ve never been and to faces you’ve never seen. The Second part : Shehrazde’s Intellegence Shahrazade was an intelligent lady, someone who scarificed her life inorder to save her sisters from the cruel decision of the King Shehreyar. Although Shehrazade was a beautiful lady and the King admitted that to her. She didn’t use her beauty as a defence weapon but she depended on her mind and soul. She was so tactful and gentle. she captured his soul and heart with her words and stories. Anybody can say stories and tales, but the important thing is how/the way to SAY THEM. How to influence others in a way they like the words which are coming out from your mouth. The Bottomline :- The woman shouldn’t put in her mind that beauty & attraction are only in her body (Hair,eyes,mouth..etc), the the way she walks, the way she wears and do make-up. This is all not important, the woman should search the beauty in her attitude,personality,mind,soul and morals. Just like Shehrazde who depended on her mind to capture the king’s heart and stop him doing evil againt the innocent women. As we see now in the Mass Media & the Market, women are NOT dealt with respect and apprecitiatin. They are not considered as a precious and important human being. Unfortunately they are shown as a commodity/pleasure: you can buy them and then get rid of them. Islam taught us that : Women are the men's mothers, sisters, daughters, wives & colleagues. The woman is the half of the society, if this half is lost, then half of the society will be gone. So even if the society/environment around you is not encourging at all. Its only you girls who will decide whether to be missed/lost or to protect yourselves and the rest of your sex. Like Shehrazde did, she saved herself and the rest of the girls in the kingdom. Its in your hand to change the evil around you in your socities simply by not accepting it, to be against it and then change it. And guess what Shehrazade didn’t disobeyed her fahter or re-act badly. She didn’t commit a murder by killing the KING. All what she dead was a “Peacful & Intelligent Tactic" So LADIES, don't be Active and Attractive ONLY but also educated, enlightened, knowledgeable and alerted. Protect yourselves and win your battles in a decent way Thanks and hope you enjoyed your reading. P.S. To Shehrazde (The Nomad in SOL) believe it or not, when I first wanted to join SOL. I registered myself as “Shehrazade†but it seems you were faster than me sis. Congrats and good for you I will be more than Happy to be the Librarian in the Geek Squad. LOL Salam
  3. Pardon me, this is a repeated reply, hope it's be deleted
  4. Originally posted by Classique: quote:Originally posted by Xoogsade: I picked up the habit of reading as a kid seeing my father's preference and love for books. I can still see in my mind vividly images of him sitting on his bed reading with serenity for hours P.S I wish I could master the Arabic like you do to widen my sources. I wish I could master the English (like u and some fluent nomads here) to widen my sources It’s really great to know that you had learned this wonderful habit from your dad. “His Majesty†my beloved father still believe that reading too much spoils the eyes. Note: Too much in my father’s dictionary means: Half an hour LOL, while in my dictionary it doesn’t exist when it comes to reading. Another great thing in Book’s world is: The Books Discussion Groups, where you can not read books only, but review & discuss them. It’s wonderful to know the other readers’ opinions about the same book you read. If u tried them you’ll never quit :rolleyes: I know this is not related to the Shopaholics (No hijacking for sure) but I wonder why the most of people see that the “Avid Readers/Bookworms†are freak geeks while the rest of da Maniacs/holics are not geeks.. like the Cinema Maniacs, Stamp Maniacs , Chocoholics, Shopaholics,Food Maniacs, Workaholics,Music Maniacs...etc Thanx Xoogsade Salam
  5. Impressive... Masha Allah. May Almighty Allah keeps all the Muslims in his straight path and guide all those who are seeking the truth in this life. Thanx Tamina 4 sharing. Baashi: Subxaana Allah, Islam is spreading widely without any tremendous efforts from the muslims. What would happened if we were doing our best like those Christians missionaries & preachers?? Salam
  6. I can't open the link. Everytime I click on the link it takes me to dunno why?!! Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: This is indeed a very touching piece. Insha'Allah, this new government will be able to make a difference in this families life and all Somalis who are living in this situation. Somalis are all brothers and sisters from the same race. All we need is to be treated equally whatever clan we come from." I ask myself if Islam could't unite and makes Somalis love,respect and cooperate with each others, then what can unite us??!! We are muslim brothers/sisters before being Somali brothers/sisters. And guess what I have this feeling that most of the Somalis are brothers in blood and that we are from the same origin, truly. I'am not talking about the general Race but being far relatives somehow. I'am sure the only thing that can unite us the most is our great religion "Islam". When our ppl understand their religion well they will stop all the nonsense they are doing. I can assure you that. Race,relationships, are not that important. Salam
  7. Originally posted by OG_Girl: lol@black jalbab... who told you we wear black bal. Salam I guess he is mixing between the Cabayad and da Jelbaaab Ilcapo: U put me in the right place "The Balcony, I hope the weather was good" with da right person "OG-G". Probably we were discussing the Middle East Issues he3 he3 he3. Merci Monsieur Capo Salam
  8. Some words mentioned in the Holy Quran would make lovely names:- 1- Taqwa or Tuqa 2- Tasneem 3- Sundus 4- Abraar 5- kawthar 6- Iman 7- Huda 8- Raxma 9- Noor 10- Jannah 11- Anhaar 12- Mariam Rayyana, Sarah,Haajar, Nawwar are lovely names.
  9. This is really tiring my beautiful eyez *Searching Off-topic then again da General section* :mad: How about having Announcments section to know the new updates from the Moderators/Admins. Admin: General is ur final decision, khalas ....Akher kalam Salam
  10. It seems that OG-Moti is the man of the year. So what you would u loved to be called:- 1-Mr.Reformer 2-The Women's Teacher a.k.a Controller 3-Or The Simply Modest OG-Moti P.S: I think da best way to honor the man of da year is to show his photo as SOL's introduction. a Flash or whatever. Bravo President (Ya rayyes ya kbeeer inta) LOOOL Salam
  11. As my bro says "Am I Crazy or are they singing in Eden???!!! LOOOL Wiilo,this not a Somali tradition, its a kathakali dance for the Kerala's ppl. I guess u posted it by mistake. Shame on google lol Salam
  12. I've noticed that too,the majority of our sisters if they want to greet/know/have a conversation with you, they'll keep staring at u with this *Somali deep look* from ur head to ur toes LOOL. everywhere social gatherings,public places,,,,etc I like our Old ppl wallahi, easy & simple ppl. They know how to say *salamo calaykum* and the conversation starts with no difficulties/ complications. QQ is right, all what we have to do is to greet our sisters and its upto them if they wanna reply or not. Not only greeting but smiling also in their faces; its a charity and good deed as the Prophet(PBUH) said. So sis Ameena: keep greeting the Cambaros
  13. It's too bad really that some ppl are still living in the Dark Ages by dealing with the Blind, Mad and old dusty Tribalism. Nowadays, marriages happen between different religions,cutlures,nationalities,ethics,colors...etc. Anway, I would say give her another chance, I don't support datings. But if you are so sure about her feelings 2wards you, why don't you meet her family and end this situation with a certain answer either "Yes" or "No". But keeping standing in a corner damning her cousins, tribalism and your bad luck, won't change anything. Why don't you talk to these cousins and tell them your intentions are good and you want their noble cousin. And request them to keep the tribalism away. Who knows maybe you'll change their views. Our problem as Somalis is that we always wait for someone else to change a bad habit in our society or inside our ppl's minds. Besides, you will meet many narrow-minded ppl in your life. Don't tell me you will stop and feel bad about everyone you gonna meet in this life. It's too difficult to convince others to drop tribalism, but no harm from trying. Best of luck. Salam
  14. Salma

    Hmmm Why!!!

    Isn't funny when a guy who doesnt practice his deen: Never pray, rarely fast or does that occasionally, full of balwads :drink liquors or chew jaad,has relationships,does everything forbidden in Islam,yet when he wants to get marry, the 2nd thing he wants in a woman after Beauty is 2 b a religious girl. Cajeeb Why, coz such a guy will reply: I wanna a good mother, someone who fears Allah and obey his commadments. A good mother who has been raised by a conservative and decent family. I want her to raise good children according to the deen inorder to have a good nation. The one who is destroying the society is demanding for religious perfection in his life mate. And the most funniest thing is that he will search for the most innocent woman on earth, hoping that he is her first knight who invades her life with his tiny red eyez. Ofcourse, the same is applied on women. Anyway dear take it as Almighty Allah said in his Holly Book:- "Women impure are for men impure, And men impure for women impure, And women of purity are for men of purity, And men of purity are for women of purity. These are not affected by what people say: For them there is forgiveness and a provision honourable" Surah Al Noor: 26 So don't bother, do good and trust ur lord, fair enuff!! OG-G: Al7een goolely mno ydawer 3la w7da patient LOOL Salam
  15. LOOL OG, fery fery funny (English : Da Arabish Version) والغنــــــــم هي شيب والكاو البقر ..... واللحم هو ميت والبون العظام Salam
  16. With such flatters, even the Satan will be happy with his name LOL Salam
  17. From Outside and Inside, smart guy noooh!! Nomads: Certainly you're not gonna do this, are you??!!! Salam
  18. I've enjoyed reading it, mahadsanid sis
  19. Ramadan is a Holy Month, May Allah forgive her and reward her the Jannah inshallah. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto adigana ilahay samer iyo iimaan ha ka siiyo Salam
  20. ^^^ It seems u wasted the Eid's holiday writing this story Me waiting 4 da rest of the story. Salam
  21. Originally posted by OG_Girl: ^^^ Well said Classique.. yan9or deenej . I would add without Arab Muslims never unite... The early people whom carried this Great Religion were Arabs till Arab back to their Religion and lead the Muslim world again we will suffer as a muslims. Salam I have simple message to all the Nomads here:- Don't blame all the nations for what one person /group of ppl did. Iam sure You guyz don't like to be blamed for what the Warlords did in our country? right!! It's not good to say all Indians are bad, all the Iranians are bad, all the Arabs are losers. Here in SOL, we have some Anti-Arabs nomads who keeps linking all the bad things to them. What for??!! Just be objective and just when u are judging others. Back to the topic: "There is nothing you can do when kids with guns steal everything you have, even your clothes. I'm from a small clan, so I was unable to fight back," he said. Well, It seems the kids with gunz will NOW get more gunz and weapons. Why I believe that our situation in Somalia has nothing to do with having a governemnt and that's all. The Somalis can get thousands of governments and still not be effective if they are not willing to settle down and accept peace and cooperation. Salam
  22. Originally posted by LANDER: OG_girl that is the type of lamenting carabtu ay isku maweeliiyaan, the Turks did this and the Ottomans did that.... They hated the turks so they took up arms against another muslim people in order to aid the christian invaders in this case the british so that in turn this new colonial power can partition the holy land and give it away to zionist. They were used like little pawns by the westerners to help them defeat the Ottoman and once that was achieved they were disgarded by the colonial powers like a dirty rag. And who taught you this?? The Western Curriculums??? Why don't you first read the History ver well!!! Just to update ur old info:- Nobody hated the Turks till some bad Turkish leaders provoked problems between the Arabs and planed the hate in Arabia. The Ottomans were leading the Muslims and the Arabs for 400 yrs. Nobody stoped them or hated them till the blood-shedders in the Committee of Union and Progress and the YOUNG Turks took the leadership starting from 1908 and controlled the Ottoman Empire. And guess who were those rebells who were against the Sultan Abdul Hamid, the sultan who did his best not to sell Palestine to the Jews. Most of them were not muslims(From France,Great Britain & Jews). They were planning to divide the Arabs and take their lands. I don't think ever that Arabs will hate the Ottomans, they hated the criminals who killed the Syrians, the Armenians and the Egyptians. Besides, don't expect from all Arabs to be Angels. There are the goods ones and the bad ones. Those who sells their countries for anything and those who fight till the last drop of their bloods defending their Religion and Country. Just like the Somalis and all the other nations. There are the Somalis who won't harm their ppl& country and those who are benefiting from spreading hate,kidnapping, killing and dealing with our enemies. Allah Kariim
  23. Originally posted by OG_MOTI: Ala dumarka jeclaa lacag eynan shaqeysan iney kuciyaaraan, Allah kariim Peace Why would u think we are spending/wasting other'z money?? Salam
  24. Originally posted by besbaaso: im assuming all these book stores are located in place to buy books in the the good old barnes and noble.... Barnes & Nobles: I used 2 readin their books' magazine "The Book Magazine". I wonder why they stopped that lovely & informative magazine :confused: Salam
  25. Originally posted by OG_Girl: LoooL@Somali wearing mask. Girl, You and I will have problem with Somalis. Either they are too Somali or we are too Arab and guess what? I read some where that 2 extremists meet some where , So better to hold the stick from the middle . Salam ^^^ LOOL na maaha sidaas,Iam not extermist siso and u know that very well ( la qawlan wla fe3lan). Moi Sensitive with fragile heart (made7 nfsa) It just that the guy posted a weird photo (Bwt, It could be unreal) and he asked a simple question "Anybody can do this"? Bs madry sistah somehow somewhat someone said something soooooooo silly: Arabs o ma Arabs, what the nationalities have to do with this?? We are talking about an Action, why to mention Nations. Salam