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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. This Ajuraan empire was really huge and powerful. This article talks about their hydraulic engineering and fortress building skills. These history must taught at Somali schools.The world historians know, yet we do not know our own history.
  2. It is also true the Daraawiish belonged to many different tribes like east Burcu, west Burco, reer Bari, and even from Hobyo.
  3. OO, Unlike you, we have families in Djibouti and we are very familiar what they can offer or not. Of course they have a deep sea port, oil terminals other logistics and including a train connecting to Ethiopia. The traffic is 95% to Ethiopia and the ports serve only EThiopia. Since nineteen eighties Djibouti never had one single airline owned by Djibouti. In fact it was served by crappy airlines like Daalo, Jubba airways and others created by Somalis after the collapse of Somali airline. In 2011, while I was leaving the airport I saw this huge 737 airplane with logo of " Republic De Djibouti". when I asked people the plane they told me that it belongs to the fat dictator, and one he is not using he parks the plane in South Africa. My friend, modern capitalism needs modern work force and tribal connections and nepotism will cut it. Within two years of peace Kismaayo or Boosaaso or Mogadishu will have better services both in continental trade, airlines ans shipping cargo. The Somali minister was saying that Somali mail could be transpotryed through Djibouti. THat is very strange indeed. If you have Mogadishu, Berbera, Boosaaso and Kismaayo, why you need a third country to use for your deliveries. The somali telecoms of today are already huge which affects the daily life of everyone. Imagine, Dahabshiil has a bank and money transfer business. At the same time , they have money exchange outlets that sets the exchange rate, they also, have Sometel telecom company that provides telephone and internet with a Djibouti owned company called SomCable. THese people have hundred of millions of cash plus huge assets. In Somaliland, they hire and fire ministers. Djibouti is working hard to keep the monopoly. That city/country is the most expensive island in the world. with $1000 a month, you can not survive to pay even the electric bill which goes hundreds of dollars. You out ten dollars to call local people or Borama and within few minutes it all finished. LOcal people go outside city limit and try to use the Telecom towers in Lawyacado to make international calls. Djibouti is were most political money is laundered . Most of the money that comes from the gulf is deposited through Salaama Bank and Dahabshiil bank. You guys probably heard that Muuse Biixi is pushing through so many entities to restart the Somalia_Somaliland negotiations. My sources told me that he even said that he will not withdraw from Tukaraq unless these negotiations restart. He talked to Geelle who told him to give him some time, his foreign minister went to Addis to meet the Somali foreign minister, and even pushed Mikael Keating. If you were asking yourself ,why they are pushing to meet?, there is only one answer, Business and money. They want to get a hefy percentage from the money donated to Somalia from donor nations, and these days some of that money must go through the Somali government. My source told me that the man who is doing the connection is Mr. Maareeye, the East Burco and Damujadiid member who was appointed to ministry of commerce few weeks ago. As we speak, Biixi is broke and he is looking for a cash. also, donors are saying that since capacity building is already over in Somaliland, the next resources must be given to either Somalia or the new regions like HirShabeele, Jubba and Galmudug. It seems everyone is about business including Farmaajo , yet the losers will be the public. Somalia does not need Djibouti to enhance its own telecom infrastructure. There are local players who do the job easily. Anyway, a time will come to reduce the monopoly and the power of the telecom who want to create a huge cartel stretching all the way to Djibouti
  4. lunatic, mad Mullah and many other monikers were used by the colonial press, just like the Iphone generation is using Al-shabaab to describe the independent movements of yesterday. Since Somali nationalism was not well established in 1901, religion was the only way to mobilize Somalis. It wasn't the Sayid Mohamed alone, but the independent movements of that era also used religious based campaigns, among them was the Mahdi of Sudan, Omar Mukhtar of Libya and others. Every historian, wheter Somali or colonial agree that Sayid Mohamed was an icon of the Modern Somali Nationalism.The British colonials had studied the Somalis and concluded that they are fiercely independent which could lead to anarchy. The French who also, tried to explain the nature of the modern Somaliman said that, " They will never have a hero", because , unfortunately the hero might belong the wrong tribe. In the eighties , when I was a freshman in Gahyr university in Somalia, someone gave or I bought, I do not remember how exactly , but I got a book about the struggle of the Daraawiish by Aw Jamac Cumar Ciise. ( Taariikhda Daraawiishta), and After I read that book, my whole world thinking was influenced by that book when it comes of Soomaali nationalism and the heroes who were our great grand fathers. In 1901, the British were the most powerful country in the world both in military , colonial rulership and power, yet, that proud Darwiish told them , " Dalka malihid Anigaa ku Idhi dooroolaha e". I know thiese I phone generation might not understand, but the struggle of the Darwiish wasn't a flip in the pan, or something that came and went, but a movement that has left a huge legacy among our region . It was a carefully built organization that created cities, built castles from Taleex, to Eyl, Bari, Hobyo and all the way to Hiiraan. It lasted 21 years and it has defeated 16 British expeditions. The Darwiish who created and built that movement was a simple man , " doon ayuu ka soo degay isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya". That simple man built a movement that lasted 21 years. No army ,both British, Indian and Somali couldn't defeat him. Finally , an airplane was taken by ship reassembled and flown from Aden, in Feb, 1920, and bombed these castles, while modern cannons and machine gun maimed tens of thousands of Darwiish. This were the proud Somalis who are in our history. Before I even read the reply from Ducaale and others , I knew they will say that " Reer Hebel Buu ahaa oo dad buu Xasuuqay". The Somalia of 1970 and early eighties built these monuments not only for Sayid Mohamed, but also Ahmed Guray, Xaawo Taako and Dhagax Tuur. It named schools to the icons of independent history like Sheikh Bashiir who was killed In Burco by the British, Sheikh Hassan Barsame of Benadir and lowers Shabeelle who fought the Italians, and even SYL members like Cismaan Geedi Raage , Saqaawadiin and others. For most of you guys history starts from 1981-1991, everything else belongs to Reer hebel. In history what counts is the foundation and the legacy people leave behind. Go read about Churchill, he said Indians are subhuman; those who were conquered were weak and uncivilized races replaced by more powerful race. Yet, his biggest achievement is not what he said or what crimes Britain committed, while he was commander of the navy, but his heroic speech against the Nazis and the sacrifices he made Britain to be free. The same goes with Sayid, and everything else is footnote in history. Of course these nations have Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, and Napoleon,. We Somalis also have the Great Darwiish who weren't only a military commander, but also an eloquent poet who is among the top Somali poets, if the number one. Of course today we live in an era of upheaval that puppets, oligarchs , criminals and warlords are using the Darwiish for their own interest. Why would those who denounced the great Darwiish throughout history suddenly allow his celebration. Cabdi Illey has erected a statue of the man who fought Ethiopia, and now the secessionists want to use the Darwiish for their own agenda. He fought these colonial projects from Berbera to Taleex, Imey, Bari , all the way from Hiiraan. Those who fought with them were great men who sacrificed a lot and evey Somali should be proud that " IN aan isku siji nahay Kuwaas oon ku faano"
  5. Holac, You could call disagreements , but I would call it a realignment. The biggest problems facing this government is the resurgence of Damujadiid. Not only Damujadiid is intact with its de facto leader Hassan Sheikh in charge, but it became even bigger. The good prime minister is trying to survive under great pressure from Damujadiid. The UAE coalition had joined hands with Damujadiid, and according to former member of parliament in Alberta, it has reached 150 members inside parliament. They can not unseat Farmaajo at the moment , but they are targeting the prime minister. The former member said that the last cabinet shuffle was instigated by the group and they are not done yet. They wanted to take over national security, interior, commerce and other big portfolios. They got enough money and popularity of the parliament that they could deposev the prime minister any time. Since Khayre is aware about their plots, he had two choices. First, he wanted to crush the opposition through the security apparatus and put some fear among the rebels. Although that effort has created both fear and political instability, it did not resolve the issue. His second strategy is to bring Damujadiid back in the cabinet and the governor of Mogadishu Yariisow was some of that steps.It seems that in order to survive, Khayre is making a deal with Damujadiid. At this juncture Farmaajo is giving a lot of leeway to Khayre in order to survive these coalition. The problem in Somalia is that the election suppose to be over a year ago and whoever is elected should have been given at least two years to implement his/her agenda. In Somalia the electioneering is 24/7. I hope Khayre survives against this group who are hell bent to overthrow the government.
  6. Ninyahow everything this Sheikh is saying are true. No doubt the separatist kids are acting like a mob to assassinate this witness of history. If you ever watch in mob movies, the most important person is the witness who witnessed their crimes. They will do anything to kill him, and that is why states spent millions to protect that witness. I equate the attack against Sheikh Hassan Daheeye as mobsters trying to kill him in order to silence him. He is not the one counting the dead, but he is attacking the semi " holocaust" nature of your history which you equated everyone else like a Nazi (Faqash) evil, while they consider themselves as god fearing people fighting against oppression. The Sheikh is attacking some of the foundations of the secessionist movement which is " Soomaali baa na laysay oo waan go'aynaa. well , haddii dad la dilay lagu go'ayo Awdal is the first candidate. NIinyahow this group had committed some of the worse crimes in Somali history, even killing people inside a Mosque. Just about a month ago, an old lady from Idhanka has told a horrific story committed by her own maternal cousins from Gabiley area. In fact she told me that " some of them were raised in our own homes". The men who killed people in at the Mosque in Idhanka were well known. She told me that almost all those killers had died a bad death -some died in the war , others shot dead among themselves while others were killed in robbery or other crimes. She said that the only surviving man among that group was a man called Cawar Xareed whom was there neighbor.. If you are from the north west that man is familiar. He was the leading man who put a military gear, and set up a checkpoint between Gabiley -Dilla road in July 2009. In order to sway the vote against Rayaale and created animosity, he chose four men from AWdal , among them a teacher, two businessmen and a public servant, and killed them after he walked them t the bush. In fact they cut them their throat and mutilated their body. Not only that, they took the body with them and hided in unknown place. The warlord military chief Tani went to the mountain and asked them to give the body back for burial. The killers were hiding in daylight and even seen walking beside the Siilaanyo place and threatened a former minister of the interior. This killer Cawar Xareed is waiting for trial but, the Siilaanyo government refused to hear the case on the fear that this killer might point the fingers to those who ordered the killing including Saleebaan Dhuxul, a Rwanda style radio announcer, who told people before the killing to take matters in their own hands. A similar war was started in Ceel Afweyn a year or so ago to affect the election and pit aganst one another a community that never fought a war for decades. The Jeegaan is pure evil. Folks, unlike you, we have documented the crimes of the Habro especially the West Hargeisa folks, yet we decided to forget and forgive for the future of our children and yours. When I visited Borama few years ago, an elder told me exactly the same speech like the Sheikh about forgiving and moving forward. He said, Soomaalidii way wada waalatay oo dharkii ayey wada tuurtay, markaa, anagu waxaanu is nidhi bal inta Soomaali isku imanayso, qof walow kii aad gaadhi karto marada ku qabo. Anagu reerkan aan deriska nahay oo markay na gudbeen ayagii is dilay ayaanu nidhi waar kuwaan aynu marada ku qabano inta Soommali iskaga soo noqonoyso. Adeer Soomaalidii ayaa la waayey oo meel ay martay ayaanu raadinaynaa. We never thought in million years that you will crown an unrepentant warlord. I can not imagine every souther politician, especially from the HAG community is caled warlord despite just being a tough guy who took part in the early politics, yet here in the north, the real warlords had taken the helm. Kala qabiil baynu nahay, waa na xasuuqdeen waana idin cafinay, maxaa diidaya in aad idinkuna qabaailada kale in aad cafisan u dideena. State institutions and government can be run like a tribal entity. Ilma addeer baa geel kala qaaday ayey ku leeyihiin, waar geela dadka laga qaaday miyaanu ka mid ahayn. Ilaahay bay taladu tiisa tahaye Muuse iyo Qayrkii waxba ku darsan maayo.
  7. I never said, let the shit hit the fan or similar thing. Stop by trying to read people's hearts and just reply to the thread. " Reer Hebel Buu neceb yahay iyo waxaasi meesha ha la iman e waxii aan ku qaldanahay toosi. Kitaab lama tiigsane, waxa jira wax la yidhaahdo ' Sunna Kawniya" Ummadu hadday iska soo hormariso kuwa , " Yidhi Duca Qaadan maaye Qoriga Keebka u Qabo" ma waxaad rajaynaysaa marka hawshu Xumaato. Do you really expect justice and fairness for those eat " Haaraam". Do you think he is the better man , no. He was warlord, and you know it. Leave alone the east Burco for a moment and just concentrate for Muuse and company. Never happen in the history of Somali political landscape that a small clan could dominate the presidency, business, army, and security, courts, banks, foreign policy and between, yet expect everyone to follow suit and denounce tribalism. The Audit, the head of the court, the deputy police chief, the army chief, the bank governor, plus foreign control, airports, ports and business. If we allow this, we will all be slaves. Here is how the 64 million Somaliland development fund (SDF) were spent: 1. Galbeedka Hargeisa 46 % 2. Bariga Togdheer 16 % 3. Saaxil 14 % 4. Gabiley 9 % 5. Awdel 5 % 6. Sanaag 5 % 7 Sool 5 % Hargeisa, Berbera and Gabiley got 70% of the fund. This is our money and that many is used for " Boolli Qaran" in Hargeisa. The only way this Somaliland project could work is that it must be restarted from zero ,or has to be disbanded. Every region must form it's federal state and control it's destiny.
  8. Guys, I am one of those who will admit if I made mistake. I have no intention to mislead people if facts point to other direction. Also, As one of those who believe in the last day " Yomul Qiyaama", I will never willfully lie or ignore facts on purpose. No doubt there might have been some " Hastiness" in my part , yet, I just conveyed what the messenger said. Also I can understand your alarms because, as we speak warlord Biixi is holding un emergency meeting with chairman Cirro and Faysal. This thread is probably the one what Faisal Waraabe is quoting, and there is " Kakacaay" in Hargeisa today. I can understand if Biixi is panicking so does the diaspora boys including those in SOL. Who knows, my hasty posted thread might have helped the Jeegaan rethink it's tribal strategy and listen to others. One thing I definitely possess is information , both past and future, and I releasing only small amount of it one at the time. Faysal Waraabe probably owes me something since Biixi called him because of this thread. Any way, The crimes of the RRU are well documented throughout Somaliland. This masked gunmen are not supposed to interfere land disputes, grievances of people, or someone saying something to the dear leader. My own family in Borama has been raided four in the morning because of land disputes with vice president Zaylici. They beet men , women and everyone in the house, and later they took them to jail. After a day or two, one of the police officers said " Waar dadkan maxaa lagu haysataa, Ma Zaylici ayey ka hadleen'. These were the same masked gunmen who raided the home of " Nimcaan Hillac" a local singer who came to visit his mom . since he went to Mogadishu and sang there, they wanted to put him in jail for months until he denounces Somalia. About a year or so ago, when I interviewed C/raxman Baadiyow about the prospect of the new Somali government, I debated with Oodweyne, and I offered a glimpse of what would happen in the future in Somaliland. Some of you could dig the archives to see that prediction which almost came to fruition. Usually, I am wrong at predicting about future political events, but on this one , it seems I probably nailed. Our resident lady Barwaaqo even said , " Acuudu Billaa waa hbaar", yet it was a possibility. I said: The Somaliland opposition has huge support among the people , but the corrupt Kulmiye will steal the election. After that people from Awdal, South Hargeisa, Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag will reject that leader, and might only rule Hargeisa and Awdal by force. I mentioned that since the Guurti is led by " Ma Naxe " Saleebaan Gaal , no one will be able to reconcile the disagreements. I did mention about fights inside parliament, and eventually Somalia sending soldiers to bring peace. I mensioned a debate inside Somali parliament that rejects Ethiopia sending soldiers to Hargeisa, and eventually approve the federal forces to help keep the peace . My prediction was around 2020, but things are going in speed these days
  9. OO, The topic is nothing to do with Hassan Aweys or anything similar. It is not necessary to delve to local issues that you do not understand.The problem is those from Wayaane think they know everything about Somalis. To other Somalis, Let me translate what Faysal Waraabe said for everyone. He said that Muuse Biixi and Mohamed Kahin were former warlords who participated the ' Maryo Allool' war that took the lives of hundreds of people i Somaliland.He said that as soon as Cigaal appointed these people, especially Muuse, the war has started because these were the men who undermined C/raxman Tuur the first president. He also mentioned the militia led by these men who stopped the leader in his motorcade in the middle of Hargeisa and took his car, guns and even his shoes. One fact that everyone seems to ignore is that after 27 years, Somaliland is the only Somali juisdridiction that made a former warlord who had blood in his hands as president. In the Islamic tradition, Ummadi hadday iska soo hormariso Kuwooda dulmiga iyo dhibatooyinka ku suntan, iyaguna aakhirka way isla degaan. Yaa islahaa 2017, ayaa dadkii caanka ku noqday dagaal beeleedka yaa madax noqonaya. Arrintani waxay xaqiiqo u tahay in Soomaalilnad meel fog laga dooni doono haddi aan ninkan inta goori goor tahay la qaban oo ummadda laga hor kaxayn.
  10. OO, Why you always difflect and explain to us issue that are not part of the topic. It was an Amhara festival and some of the people chanted anti government slogans which in turn shocked the Tigay soldiers who opened fire. It is simple. Why shoot people who are singing?. The Amhara are four times larger than Tigray and with Oromo , no Tigray ould have a say in the new Ethiopia or,, as you already prepared you might take your region and declare a country for the best interest of everybody.
  11. I agree. the military are from diverse tribes, but the RRU are created by Siilaanyo to intimidate dissent.
  12. This actions proves that the UAE is a hostile nation bent on destroying Muslim nations. They are probably the ones manipulating Saudi Arabia. They are contracted to do the dirty job of others. Somali Hawala business must leave Dubai as soon as possible. There are other international banks that could do the job. Somali government should give them time to relocate their assets before it is too late. This evil nation is danger to our survival
  13. Usually I never followed these social media guys until recently, and they hail from different part of the country, yet they are all genuine young people who want their nation to succeed. Beelweynta Soomaaliyeed weeyaan. Someone even accused me of leaning to the beelweynta Soomaaliyeed.
  14. OO, Now you want me to leave alone Liyu police. I guess there are too many sacred cows. Ok fine. Any way, Holac, These are the guys who raided the home of the Singer called Nimcaan Hillaac four in the morning, and beat everyone including women and children. THey are really like Getaabo. It is controlled and deployed by Jeegaan ministers and commanders. Even Zaylici uses in Borama for land disputes.
  15. Coldoon is done like a dinner. If he want to rehabilitate his image , he must apologize and explain himself. The Nationalist social media is very serious. These young people want to hold everyone accountable. Everyone including Somali leaders must be very careful of what they say and do. This are the new Somalis and they mean business.
  16. The RRU Somaliland forces are trained to intimidate, maim , beet and even kill people. This forces are similar to the Liyuu police of zone five or even worse in some instances.Western donors, especially US have paid millions and created these forces to engage terrorist organizations and armed grouped connected to them. Yey , in Somaliland, they are used for tribal ad personal reasons. If a councilman accused the government of selling public land or denying people their to own their property, an RRU force will descent to his house four in the morning, and beat everyone including women and children before taking everyone to jail. They collectively punish everyone in order to intimidate everyone. Somali guerrilla movements opposed Siyaad Barre for crimes much smaller than this. THe RRU was created under Siilaanyo administration, and most of the members are from exclusive clans that abuse people. THis cowards will soon create a fertile environment for local people to defend themselves. This are worse than the so called " Koofiyad Cas" Somalia. History repeats itself , but as long as the person doing the crime is from Hargeisa and not from Gaalkacayo, all is fine. That is the moral foundation of the Jeegaan and their apologists.
  17. The millions of dollars that developing countries ask for donors are raised in this way. Customers should demand receipts after they but something. These any many millions of transduction will deliver a lot of revenue to the state. I would also add taxing incomes including money that people receive through Hawala, and the Hawala companies will deduct the taxes and transfer to government account. Now they reduced to 5% , but in the nineties when we came to Canada, the provincial sales tax was 8% plus another 7% federal Goods and service tax (GST) , totaling 15%. They used to add 15% to telephone calls, clothes , fuel and every sales and services which brought almost $19 Billion revenue a year. Now I know that Somalia is o the right track. .
  18. This guy is close to INa Biixi. His intension is to sideline the " New Shir" proclaimed by the G/X community. We are not naive, every single war in Somaliland among the clans was instigated by politicians. Elders are controlled remotely by politicians. Do you guys remember the Muuse Biixi Suldaan who went to Burco and proclaim, " Inant aJeegaantu dhasho abti baan u ahay", he was probably sent their by Muuse to congratulate them about their help. a year ago during the voter registration he raided a polling station and was arrested. Later he was released to campaign for Muuse. Have you seen the so called Grand Suldaan of Faysal Waraabe who called for the Shir of G/X community, and later scolded by Faysal and he changed his mind. Folks we have clear cases where people are killed by the order of politicians including the one that took place Dararweyne last week.
  19. Oodweyne, Most of your arguments are based in two events although it is hard to dissect after reading the Oodweyne style of writing a long essay that needs careful examinations. One argument is that," I diminish" the suffering of your people under the military government compared to others and you have even mocked my description by saying ;' And some of the "delightful features" in which such military occupation have had to its name can be included with the notion of summary executions, afternoon curfews, mass displacement of folks from their residences, illegal arrest without any protection under any fig-leaf of "habeas corpus" The second argument is that I, Galbeedi had equated what Siyaad Barre , and Cigaal did in Somaliland. The rest of your drivel is mostly repetitive and condescending. So I will try to tackle these two arguments, if you will. Actually, there is nothing delightful about human suffering or Somali suffering. What You are describing is an oppression that could take place in any place in the world where an active insurgency existed. This wasn't a democratic Somalia or 21st century were we can all debate freely. If you try to depose any dictator in that era where the world was divided between democratic (West) and totalitarian East, those who challenged the EAst were dealt harshly and Siyaad Barre wasn't different. There were a dozen military coups that took place in Africa from 1965-1970. If Siyaad Barre did not do the coup, C/laahi Yusuf would have done it or Salaad Gabyre, Caydiid, Liiqliiqato or anybody else. Go check what Mengistu has done to keep Eritrea or Somali Galbeed. It was the era of dictatorship and power struggle among nations in the region. If Ethiopia and Somalia would had became communist allies as everyone had expected, there would never have been a tribal insurgency. Without the battle between Mengistu and Siyaad Barre, there were never have been insurgency. In fact , there is more grievances, looting, power abuse and corruption in Somaliland than Somalia of 1981,,when the HAbro proclaimed the insurgency. Tell me what happen in Hargeisa in 1979/80 which forced the formation of the movement. It was a different time. ASk most Somalis who crossed to Ethiopia. They will tell, " In la i Xidho ayaa la rabay, scholarship ayaa la iidiiday, iyo Siyaad Baree ayaa qof kale dalaciyey. Except the Punties who were brought to the firing squad, most others were complaining about the typical things that must expected in any dictatorship of thar era. On the issue of equating Cigaal with Siyaad Barre, as you usual you took to a wrong angle. My intention was that Cigaal who was proclaimed as a leader to reconcile the warring " Habro" factions had nothing. He did not had a functioning state, army, money or even legitimacy among some of the people. It was a nascent system to disarm and make peace among the Is...q warlords who put checkpoints between Hargeisa, the airport and between. Yet, a man with nothing was willing to kill and use deadly force to keep the small administration he was handed in Borama. He was willing to destroy Burco and make thousands of people refugee in order to keep the small flame.. Thus , A functioning Somali state recognized by the world, led by a legitimate government had a duty to defend for what it considered a rebel movement that was intended to dismember the country with help of Mengistu. Again, I have no intention blaming the victims or diminishing your suffering. That was the crest of my argument. Anyway, at this junction, I do not want to continue debating the issue of SNM, the Reer Sheekh community or the past. I have more urgent issue at hand , and I do want to spend my valuable ink on those issues. Agan, every Somali that has suffered through any injustice is a victim. Furthermore, I have no intention of demeaning or denying your victims. Mr. oodweyne, Hawshaas inoo soo xidh. I have a huge beef with Jeegaan and I do not want to be distracted with those issues anymore. The Jeegaan issue doesn't concern you, thus you must watch that spectacle from outside window. The issue is not about Somalland, Duriyada or others anymore, it is specifically about Jeegaan. Saacadan laga bilaabana Diriyda faraha ayaan kala baxay. Hawshaydu waxay daaran tahahy " Budhcada Hubaysan ee sida tuugada ah inoo qabsatay. Many of my friends also asked me to lay off these issues, and I accept that advice. SOLers, I Galbeedi will be concentrating my guns toward the Jeegaan effective immediately.
  20. Let me add one more story that is related to the bombing , a warlord named Mohamed Kahin who became the right hand of Muuse Biixi was also part of some of the stories related to the Ethiopian warplane bombing of Somalia. in the middle of eighties, due to the devastating nature of the Borama bombing in January 1984, the Somali state put anti aircraft batteries all around major towns. I remember in Borama they used to sit Buurta Sheekh Cali and the mountains surrounding the city. The Somali air force had difficulty seeing these fast F-5 jets through radars. Usually they take off from Jijiga and fly low behind the mountains to hide from the Somali radar. Somali gunners usually did not had time to react as these planes start bombing. So, the Somali state became clever and put couple of Somali nomads around Jijiga and other airports these planes take off. As soon the aircraft take off from Jijiga these nomads dial their hand held radio and send the message. Before they show up to these towns, the air force gunners fire their guns and to all directions to trap and hit the planes. When these planes get close they see all these fires in the sky and turn back for fear of being hit. Mohamed Kahin , the man Muuse Biixi appointed the interior minister was working or in charge of the logistics before he joined the rebels. Reliable sources told me that even before he crossed the border he was accused of giving some secrets to Ethiopia and left before he was arrested. After he went to Ethiopia, those men who were radioing the message were captured and executed by ethiopia. So folks, a lot had happened and we the people are willing to forget and forgive for the sake of Soomaalinimo and brotherhood.
  21. Ducaale, Waxyaabahani waa dhacdooyin raad toos ah ku leh dagaaladii sokeeye iyo masiibooyinkii Somalia ka dhacay intii u dhaxaysey 1983-2003. As a young man, this is probably the first time you ever heard about anyone describing these horrific crimes of Ethiopia against your neighbors. The Ethiopian war planes did not bomb Borama just because it is a border town, but it was politically motivated bombing to take revenge of the attacks of WSLF (Western Somalia liberation Front).These were some of the horrific events of the Somali civil war where Somali anti government forces targeted innocent people to punish then for their being citizens who did not take part of the insurgency. Yet, you probably never seen any body from that community in the media arguing to either punish the Somali mercenaries who tipped Ethiopia to do this horrific crime, nor to use that event as wedge issue to divide people. Over 300,000 Somalis had died in Bay and inter river area after the warring factions from the Hag and D block overrun them and took by force their buried dry foods, slaughtered their livestock by force, and even rape them, which in turn and created a man made drought and disaster that no Somali ever witnesses in history, yet for the people of the South West that was part of the horrific legacies of the collapse of the Somali state. That is some of the reasons people want to have regional government for their survivals during these upheaval times. Being unionist does not stop us from addressing real issues behind the session issue. In different times, and situations, Somaliland had used war between the Somali state and their rebel movement , and the casualties they suffered as the main reason for the session. If you just listen the young reporter interviewing Naima Qorane's father, he kept repeating that , " Somalia Kuwii dadka inaga laayey miyesan ahayn". THe old man told him that wasn't about Somali people but the Somali state and SNM. In other instances, even Edna Aadan made the case of session by just claiming, " Somalia is a land infested with terrorism , warlords and instability". Rayaale also tried to ride the war in the South to gain session. In this case it is about the instability that made her and Somaliland separate. Om other occasions, it is about historic boundaries of the colonial rulers, and how Somaliland was separate entity all along. There are hundred of nations in Africa that were created from 1950 to 1965. Those boundaries founded by those nations are known territorial boundaries of those nations and everyone must respect their territorial integrity. The Kurds tried to use the America invasion and the ensuing civil war to declare unilaterally, yet they were rebuffed immediately. THat is way the republic the was born in 1960 and its boundaries are not changeable. As I said in these pages, no one is denying the price many of you the SNM community had paid for whatever reasons. Actually, few weeks ago, I was talking to one of these guys, and told me that he has bullet wounds and some of his family members had died for the ultimate price to control their destiny. He even tried to convinced me to lay off this constant talking about SNM ,and what he and his family considers a real sacrifices. He said, " I do not care and do not want to know how this SNM thing started, but at the end it became a peoples movement.In fact for the greater good of Somalis and your community , I am willing to keep that " Jabhad" thing and work something else if it brings all of us yogather. Personally, I have no hatred of any Somali tribe let alone my neighbors. I am comfortable to sit to any Somali and have a tea. THere was this East Burco friend of mine that I used to have tea from time to time, but since , I told him that , I will be working hard to bring down the Jeegaan, we do not have that nice tea any more, and I understand the reason. I do agree that what brought down the Somali state at the end was the popular uprising of the people from Hargeisa, Burco, Garoowe, Mudug all the way to MOgadishu and KIsmaayo, and we the Somali people have all paid the price in different measures. My argument is nations and people go through wars, civil war, and devastating events, yet they rise up and look to the future. Germany was devastated by two wars, yet today it is one of the richest and advanced country in the world; Japan suffered an atomic bomb by United States, yet today, it is the third largest economy in the world due its economic and strategic relations with the same America that dropped the bomb.Hoe about the people Iraq rising again after couple of million casualties. We should be those who fall down and refused to rise up again. Waxii dhacay waa taariikh laakiin mustaqbalka aynu ka hadalno. Hadaanu nahay dadka ehelul Immanka ah waxaanu rumaysanhay qof kasta oo dulmi galay aakhiro ayuu bixin doonaa, is cafiskuna waa waxa ugu weyn ee la isa siiyo. Guys, OOdweyne, Suldaanka, and Ducaale, sooner rather than later, a real debate about the past and future should take place among the Somalis everywhere. People want to know why Cigaal , a nation builder who killed thousands of people in Somaliland in order to create an administration was forgiven in Borama, but a Somali state was wrong to try to keep the second largest city in the nation. from falling to a rebel movement supported by Ethiopia. Besides, the Somali state, despite the power monopoly of certain tribes, represented legally under international law more legitimacy than than Cigaal or Muuse Biixi could claim. If you look the turn of the century or late nineteenth century, the Somalis were confederate tribes who settled in unique area of the horm. THere were small empires that traded and allied with the ottomans and others, but at the end of the 19th century , they were confederate nomads who roomed their specific area. The only way these Somalis could share and become one people was through the Somali state.If that Somali state and the brotherhood it brought among us disappears, then as the last century, every tribe must decide its own destiny. If Somaliland separates and accepted by Somalis, then Puntland Jubba Land (Which some even called Azenia) and others must also become states. Why stop there Sool or Khatuno could make its own state. Finally, since the resources of the donors and the tax paid by the public is used to enrich certain tribes as the Jeegaan does, why allow the existence of such entity. Why would I allow you to get rich under my names, and beg you for water, roads and relieve. Why not set up my own fiefdom and get some of the dollars directly from EU and others. Folks, if we could not agree on the formation of institutional based government, rule of law and Somalinimo, then why would i spent my energy to enrich certain tribes. I have no hatred of any tribe, but I do want from time to time to point out the contradictions of the Somaliland project. Finally, Mr. ducaale, you might not like the Jeegaan, but that does not mean you favor rule of law, transparency and justice. You might only interested to replace the Jeegaan with another similar entity, that is why probably it bothers you the criticism we are levelling on the foundation of the whole project. IT is our duty to challenge this project both on legal, historical and political basis. We have to challenge how to union came in 1960, the legal basis for the sanctity of the international border of the republic, and finally how the devastating effects of the civil war should never be a base for the session. OOdweyne , I respect your opinion and the information you provide , but give us the whole information within the context.
  22. Maakhiri , I will read this report tomorrow. The war went from 1899-1920. The British lost 16 expeditions against the Derwish , and finally, a new commander came and he demanded that the Somalis must be consulted how this war should be waged. I just mentioned in my other thread the end of the war and how it ended.