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Everything posted by Wadani

  1. Shaikh Yusuf sawirkiisa inuu internetka ku jiray maba ogayn, wow. Thanks Xaaji.
  2. Now u brought my other adeer lool. Xaaji Abdi Waraabe's style is the distinct Somali style i was talking about, Masha'Allah, bal haybada ka muuqata eega.
  3. ^ Yeah, but he's probably killed many a man.
  4. Xaaji, i know we wore/wear similar clothes. But the way we wrap our cimaamad is distinctly Somali, as you can see in the pics u posted. Only one oday is wearing it in the Saudi style.
  5. Adeerkay Faysal tolow ma sacuudi buu ismooday? Inuu ka fiicanyahay oo Soomaali yahay miyuuna ogayn? Arab cultural imperialism is slowly turning Somaliland/Somalia into North Sudan.
  6. QUOTE=Narniah;868160]I know many revert brothers who are *sigh* MashaAllah looking. *Faints* lol I know a Half Somali half Dutch brother, he's as white as it gets and so fit. When he confined in me why sister's aren't sending him marriage proposals like his revert counterparts, I told him to be a lil less fashionable and replace his jeans with thobes get a kofi, become a Wadad, be regular in his local mosque then watch get taken off that shelf faster than a white coated oreo. lol Why the need to mention how white he is? Do u find white skin more appealing? If so, y? The advice u gave the poor chap is horrible (sorry for the harshness). First of all there is nothing Islamic about a thobe watsoever. It's a cultural garb of the Arabs worn by religious and non religious Muslim arabs alike and even christian and secularist arabs too. No different than the macawis for Somalis. Also, if becoming more of a wadaad is done with the intention of atrracting a potential mate, how Islamic is that?? Seriously though, our sisters nowadays want men who love the deen. That's why they marry reverts, so Somali guys need to get with the Quraan and start practising the deen more. Chimera has already answered this. Also, i'd advise you revise your definition of religious. The Somali youth is all about deen. It's the older ones like men & women in their late twenties and whatnot who party, don't cover properly and just make all the Somalis look bad. From inside out, we don't just want a brother in a thobe, who cusses randomly, doesn't pray, who doesn't go to Jummah prayer. You gotta be the full package, basically. What about the role of personality and personal characteristics which are independent of religiousity? Should they not be taken into consideration? That's why when they see a young man who fears Allah, is willing to forsake this dunya for the akhirah, they will pick him over the Somali guy who doesn't know anything about the deen. But mashaAllah I see a rise of Somali brothers on the deen lately, which is great mashaAllah. This will not only benefit themselves but it'll help them to possible secure their position and chance of impressing a good sister who's looking for a righteous brother. Lots of ramblings but hopefully you get my point Inshallah. Y does one need to forsake the dunya in order to attain akhira? Are they mutually exclusive? A lot of Somali guys don't want sisters who are easily impressed by superficial outward representations of piety, such as a beard or a khamiis. They want someone who values them for their hard work and ambition, generosity, bravery, kindness; in essence who they are as a person and not how they look as they walk out of the mosque.QUOTE]
  7. Her dad is Somali, so makes her full Somali in my books lol.
  8. The Zack;866553 wrote: Ninyahow dadkaan eedeyn badanaa acuudi bilaah. The guy stopped talking and he probably helped the secret service team to pick the wife up( we couldn't see what was going on, the camera was directed to audience for few moments). It was reported that she was taken to a hospital in Villa Somalia. Hadalkiisa buu siiwatay of course, maxuu sameen lahaa. Ileen wax baa ka jira waxa cagdheerta lagu xanto lol.
  9. Somalia;866537 wrote: I don't think the pic is real but so what if he did, to consenting adults marrying, what am I missing here? Are you Muslim? A marriage contract between a muslim woman and a kaafir man is null and void, which im sure you know, hence my speculation about ur religious orientation. Mida kale, diin ka sokow, miyaanad nin Soomaali ah oo wadani ah ahayn? Horta aniga dhiigaaba igu kara markaan arko gabdhaheena oo ajanabi guursanaya, gaal iyo muslim wuxu doono ha ahaadee.
  10. It's just a pic of him and a Somali girl, doesn't prove anything.
  11. Am khuliquu min ghairi shay'in am humul khaaliquun? Am khalaqus-samaawaati wal-ard, bal-laa yuuqinuun. Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief. At-Tuur. Verse 36-37.
  12. This is art par excellence!!! Loved every minute of it. Imagine the film industry Somalia could've had if there was no civil war. It's too bad Bollywood has monopolized the market back home because there is no local competition. The new governent should make the development of Somali arts and culture a top priority.
  13. War wuxu naxariis daranaa. Halku xaaskiisa garabka qaban lahaaa buu qudbadii iska sii watay. 'Waa ladaalanyahay' kulahaa loool.
  14. ^Never go back? That doesn't include Somalia i hope.
  15. Dadkani maxay is moodeen horta. Ka anna maa in ciida puntland ay dahab iyo luul ka samaysantahay, huubkooduna nuclear yahay.
  16. So what happens if you happen to be promenading through a nairobi market one morning minding your own business, when all of a sudden a person, who may have a serious bone to pick with u, starts pointing at u yelling 'mwizi, mwizi' at the top of their lungs? Will these barbarians even make any efforts to ascertain your guilt before beating you senseless and mercilessly engulfing you in flames? I doubt the ensuing mob mentality coupled with a culture that has normalized savagery allows for such lucid moments in rational thinking.
  17. I wonder y cawaale chose an ethiopian girl to be in his vid.
  18. When he said shimbir they translated it literally as 'bird', but when shimbir is used in the context the boy was speaking in it means 'saviour' if im not mistaken.