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Everything posted by Wadani

  1. This is just a microcosm of the greater problems we suffer in Somalia of corruption and nepotism based on clannism. This is why its so hard to sell somaliwayn to many Somalilanders. Can they be blamed?
  2. ^^ Ameen walaal. Somaliwayn wax ka fiicani ma jirto, ee suaashu waxa weeyaan ma u bisilnahay hadaynu Somali nahay? Most Somalilanders I know are only against somaliwayn because they think Somalis aren't ready yet, not because they r somalidiid or are less patriotic than other Somalis. Somaalinimo runs deep among reer waqooyi's and I think its unfair how they r portrayed by others, especially by people who were just yesterday cheering for the ethiopian invasion and destruction of xamar by the Ethiopians when Abdullahi Yusuf was in power. I am Somaliwayn, but I also sympathise with my fellow Somalilanders who wish to secede cuz i understand their motivations.
  3. Seriously, what do u guys mean by script? Im confused
  4. wat do u guys mean by script? Tolna waan ahay ee dee na soo dhawaya lol
  5. He's not one of the habars lol. Not all SNM people fall under one of the habar clans.
  6. I say making Hargaysa the new capital city isn't a bad idea at all. I'd love to see my birthplace become the nations capital, but i also do sympathize with those who'd rather keep Xamar as the capital for it holds sentimental value for all Somalis.
  7. kaftan bay iga ahayde halkaagaa ka si wad, shaqo culus baad khaatumo state u haysaaye lol.
  8. As a Somalilander I exhonerate this man of his crimes solely based on the inhumane, despicable and unjustifiable treatment of his clan by fellow Somalis. Hes killed a couple thousand of us physically, but weve slowly killed the souls and spirits of millions of these innocent people for countless generations. So if we bring him to account for his crimes, who will bring us to account?
  9. waxanaad ku khafiiftay horta ma istidhi lol, just kidding
  10. Just to let u guys know, the Sultaan hasnt really changed his opinion on anything. He has always been Somaliwayn, and so are a lot of the members of the specific subclan he comes from in Somaliland. Most of the current and former TFG ministers from Somaliland are from his subclan, including the current defense minister. So this shouldnt be a surprise to anyone who knows the sultaan.
  11. Thanks to aaliyah, haa hada waan gartay si fiican lool
  12. I know that they are all clan based, even though some more than others. Im not denying that. My point was, there are some pro khaatumites who could care less for somaliwayn and the well being of all Somalis, but are more focused on settling scores with their historic enemies, who they ironically have more in common with culutrally, and linguistically speaking than any other somalis, not to mention the long tradition of intermarriage between the two clans. But dont get me wrong, im not only accusing some khaatumites of this cancerous disease of qabyaalad, but my own clan (SNM clan) is equally guilty of producing their share of terminally ill clannists, and likewise with all other clans in Somalia. Unofrtunately this is a greater societal problem that we are suffering from, and i was only bringing it up so that we are aware that not all khaatumites are doing this only for the ever elusive dream of Somaliwayn, and there are other motivations at play for some. Hope ive clarified myself Aaliyah. Ive come accross a lot of your posts during my time as the resident lurker, and ur a smart and patriotic Somalia girl, mashaAllah. Keep it up.
  13. Nassir walaalo, wat do u mean welcome back? Im new to the site, first time ever posting. But thanks for the compliment.
  14. Waad mahadsantahay walaal, inkastoo aanan fahmin minika iyo waxan aad sheegayso, laakin kolayba soo gudbay lool.
  15. I would like to dedicate my first post on this forum to the people of Khaatumo State and offer an apology on behalf of all like minded Somalilanders who fail to see the political rationale and underlying moral justification behind attacking the towns of fellow Somalis who refuse to be a part of the Somaliland administration. If the people of SSC do not wish to come under the Somaliland umbrella and instead opt for autonomy and a regional administration that falls under the fledgling TFG, this is their God given right and any attempts at subjugating the inhabitants of the said regions through brute force will only backfire against Somaliland, as it already has. The Siilaanyo administration should have taken a lesson from the the intractable war America is engaged in currently in Afghanistan....the lesson being, u cannot win a war without winning the hearts and minds of the locals. Guns and bombs do not endear populations to the ideologies and goals of those perceived as invaders. This is a basic social phenomena, yet governments fail to acknowledge it and always suffer the inevitable consequences. Also, i would wish that my SSC brothers and sisters not let clan sentiments drive their intentions in this whole debacle, because i believe unfortunately that there are many who wear the Honorable and all encompassing garb of Somaliwayn, but only for reasons of political expediency. To them, a united Somalia is a secondary or maybe even tertiary goal, while the dismantling and subsequent destruction of Somaliland (read SNM clan) is their primary ambition.