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Everything posted by Dhubad.

  1. Indhocade caadi ma aha waa jirjiroole. Waxaa fiican inay Al-shabaab qalaan. Caku Al-shabaab canooleeyda unbay qalaan raga qalitaanka u baahana markay qabtaan way siidaayaan!
  2. Subax wanaagsan arooryi suuban walaalayaal. Nice weather today here in London.
  3. Check this Somali bus drive in Denmark who went to work on his birthday and was surprised by his passengers. Allamagan waan ku salamy bro.
  4. Finally K'naan has been recognized! In the summer he will become a household name.
  5. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: ^Why don't you watch and make up your mind? Rather relying on comments people made! Am at work brother. I am already fed up people asking me what is "Camel Milk Threads " you are on the all time. A couple of hours ago a lady saw "Camel Milk Threads " tap open on my PC and said I bet is to do with something you chew with camel milk lol
  6. Horta if the Somali society are known to have a large number of children why the overall Somali population is too low ? Currently is estimated around 20 to 25 million. Does that mean the death rate is too high and hence it offsets the population growth?
  7. ^ I see, some of the comments have being exaggerated marka !
  8. I am confused :confused: R they rapping children in public ? mise wax kale ayaa meesha ka socda. I am not gonna open this vidoe clip .
  9. ^ In his bedroom dee lol So the lack of men is common in every community? no wonder....
  10. ^Timing matters but the family of the diseased brought the coffin in the Mosque without prior knowledge of the admin of the mosque and the Imam himself. So it is not like the Imaam told them to bring the body for Janaaza and then picked up the mice and asked around if the Marxuum was a good Muslim and used pray. I don’t know how the Imaam supposed to react ?
  11. Dhubad.

    Who is B?

    ^ How old r u B?
  12. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: A brand new £500-million cruise ship, the Celebrity Eclipse, is due to leave Southampton later for Bilbao to pick up around 2,000 British tourists from the northern Spanish port. A I was supposed to be on the Celebrity Eclipse Ship for two nights of cruising for the naming ceremony now we are not sure whether its gonna happen :eek:
  13. Dhuudhi Xataa qooraha ayuu raga kagalaa, raga ayagoo macawis qaba dhulka fariista oo shaxda ku ciyaara ayuu inta badan weeraraa.
  14. Waxaanoo kale markaan arko baan xanaaqaa!
  15. lool@nin shaqlan. I can understand why you are running away from Kashafe, markuu xanaaqo buu rap galinaa markuus haduu rabo 2pack iyo BIG so quote-garaynaa. Laakiin ninkaan shaqlan waa macquul. Edit: Maalika waan ku salaamy, happy holidays yaah?
  16. ^lol maxaad ka ogtahay hadii hacking la igu sameeyay. Sxb ani iyo adi waxaan ka munaaqishoona maba yaalan, saa waxba iskumahaynee, hadaysan jirin baab kale oo aad furaysid ? ee raga kuu soo tafaxeedanaayo oo energy-ga kuu haya maad iska dhicisid, mise waxaad wadaa sheekadii ahayd Aaboow kan yar iga celi kan wayn baan iska celinayaa
  17. Xiin, Maadeey can not be script of A&T because A&T doesn't speak good Arabic plus xaga diinta cilmigeeda waa laga yarabadiyaa (no offensive Abtigiis waa aniguu un ), soo maadan arag ninkaan Maadeey layiraahdo wuxuu afuufayo, way iska cadahay inuu xiroow soo ahaan jiray. Waxaa kuu soo horay NGONGE - Somali markuu ku hadlayo wuxuu ugu hadlaa si nin carabla, marka way adagatahay inuu Maadeey iska dhigo, haduu isku dayana xataa lahjada oo ninkaan ku hadlayo makeeni karo....waxaa ka soo fakan leheed badh iyo budh, jaw etc Marka ninka iska celi ninyahow oo la munaaqishood
  18. lol@ Jesus died on the cross. Lazy do you get your lessons from Jimmy Swaggart or you forgot to recycle that bit ?
  19. Allah yarxam.! Alla maxaa dad maalinka qiyaamo lala xisaabtami doonaa. Aaway dadkii qaylin jiray markii ethiopia ay sidaanoo kale samayn jirtay? Aaway Shariifka? Aaway Indhocade ? Aaway prof Ibi? Aaway dadkii Kensington Rd outside Ethiopian embassy ku qaylin jiray? Aaway dadka diinta inay yaqaan isku sheegaa ee intaa dhaha TFG waa dowlad Islaamk wax ku xukunta, masaanbaa Islaamnimadu? Aaway Mogadishu Society? Aaway, Aaway dadiikii, ma afkiibaa juuqda gabay :confused:
  20. lool@Allagmagan. Waa runtaa sxb, I got feeling this old man is not stable!
  21. ^Waa runtaa sxb wax lanaco way yihiin. Tuujiye aan xoogaa dhibaayay.......siduu bajaqdoo meelahaas ugu haayo markuu maqlo Gaal Somali ah buu wadaad number uno uu noqdaa. Rageedii
  22. ^ The guy is genius, very confident when giving interviews ! Xoolo uu iska helay oo meel ay u socdaan iyo meel ay kayimaadeen aa aqoon.
  23. Tuujiye horta adi Gaalada Soomalida oo kaliya maxaa u nicibtahay.....Markaan ku arko ayaka unbaa daba dhigataa Wareer badaanaa (labo jeer aad qortay maanta see camal)
  24. lool@Ahlu Jago. I wonder who loves him the most
  25. I like the outcome of this court. as I was reading the article when I reached waxaa lagu xukumay 70,875 - I was expecting 70billian Somali shillings but instead they are ordered to publish Islamic books.....What a clever move. Al-Shabaab 1 Critics 0