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Everything posted by Dhubad.

  1. ^Turkey government gave them a platform waryaa . Do you see the Saud's doing the same thing? I doubt it! Let them indulge their Casiir that is all they good at.
  2. @Maadeey. Maye Magool baan dhagaysanaayay Beautiful Song: Dakeen qul qulee dalkoo kale inrooraaw dareeroow damaandeen dugaaga aamaaw dowlii imbaahayaayeen wal daryeeliyo dowlii imbaahanaayeen.....
  3. ^ Great discussion Nuune. The best way to tackle these guys is use their own Bible against them. The Bible is full of contradictions, if you know how to tackle them you will alwayz come out a winner of such debate as you just did. I didn't know the "uqraafi something " sect did not believe the Trinity concept? interesting !
  4. Meaning, the father is not the son, the son is not the holy spirit, nor is the holyspirit the father or son but that the Father is God, the son is God and the Holy Spirit is God, just the one God in all The Trinity concept confuses even the priest, and its impossible for any human to fully understand let alone explain. One God in three persons :confused: confuses the hell out of anybody and this is one of the main reason why so many Christians convert to Islam. Therefore, Christian scholars removed the Trinity from some versions of Bible since it proved difficult to explain it to anyone. ! Lazy , what do you think about Trinity yourself ?
  5. ^lol Taas ma aqaano. Maadeey baa la waydiinayaa taas!
  6. ^^ Abti waa runtaa yaakhay, si khaldan ayaan u qoray Waa sidaan gabdho Diryaan oohoo Diryaan Diryaan Dooxadaa ka yeer Diryaan oo diriiriglee Diryaan Dhuul maqan u yeer
  7. The chorus is Somali the rest is different language! Si fiican dhagaha ufura. "Dririyeey duul maqan u yeer" Miyaan Somali ahayn.
  8. ^"Diriyee ooho diriyee soo dirrigleey, diriyeey duul maqan u yeer" miyaadan fahmin ? Luqad kalena way ku haysaysaa!
  9. Anigu waxaan la yaabaa dadka taageera ninkaan, asagaba way ka waalanyihiin? lool@ I am the presdent !
  10. Kii runta ahaa weeyaan ee inta badan la sheegin
  11. ^ Wayee bidaartu da' kumatimaado see camal sxb? Miyaadan maqal bidaaru sibiq bay kugu gashaa? Anigu marka bidaarta igashay waxaan jiray 23 kawaran arinkaa? Allow nin aan wax ogeen ha cadaabin
  12. Kool ani geesi sooma jeestaan ah ayaan ahay Biiqnimo iyo ani kala dheer!
  13. ^ Woow. He looks like he is in his 30s. I see what you mean!
  14. ^^^ That is true. Waabaa waxaan gardaadiyay wiil yar , markaas xabad Ak-47 gacanta loo galiyay markaas ayaan la bood booday. Waxaa layiri wuxuu noqonayaa geesi, wiilkii hada wuxuu joogaa asgoo biiq ah ! bahashu sidii larabay ma u shaqayn aan u malaynaa.
  15. Waryaa qoriga xaarka leh ee aad lawareegaysid dhinac naga marsii !
  16. ^lool. Wuxu iyo quruxbadaan maba is raacdo. Mise waa reer mudug style ? Maashallah weeyaan.
  17. Kanuu in 1996/1997 Gafuur 17 jira kan uma eka sxb
  18. It’s a norm for the footballers from the continent to lie about their age. I remember when Kanu signed up Arsenal, he was about 18/19 but in reality he was in late 20s if not early 30s.
  19. Woow great list. I have met Dr Warsame Ali but I was introduced to him as a professor only who teaches in one of the universities in US. But it’s good to know he is more than that. Thanks for sharing with us brother
  20. Gabdho welcome to fadhi ku dirir You both have a point, no clear winner....halkaas ka sii wada.
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: Wasiir Ku xigeenka Warfaafinta Puntland oo isaguna la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in dagaalkaasi u aha mid ku dhacay Sii Khalad ah, Waxana u sheegay Ethiopia tahay dowlad Saaxiib la ah Puntland, Isla markana aay ka xun yahiin wixii dhacay, Waxana u Tacsi u diray Ciidamada Ethiopianka ee dagaalkan ku dhintay iyo kuwa ku dhawaacmay, Waxana u meesha ka saaray in Ciidamo Puntland ah dagaalka ka qeyb qateen, isaga oo sheegay in dagaalku aha mid u Dhaxeeya Dad u ku sheegay Qaswadayaal Iyo Ciidamada Federaalka ee dowalda Ethiopia JB did you put together this paragraph?lol Meesha Ceeb baa ka dhacday.