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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Now, who helped Kenya about this? The document was more likely written by realtor Lawyer. It more like leas amendment. It seems simple but legally powerful. Nomads do not see the danger in advance, the damage has already done. Future negotiation may not be needed at all. Kenya may start soon exploring oil there.
  2. I read that book and some other books about the issue. It is very clear to me that somalitalk.com expert did very good report. Kenya was never happy about International system of measuring sea borders, even the agreement with somalia 1980. In order to get more sea, Kenya did first step with a signature of Somali minister. It is important to note that Tanzania which shares sea border whit Kenya did not sign any memo yet. http://www.somalital k.com/2009/may/13/in dex.html
  3. Call Sharmaarke and tell him, to step down and go home. He is not close to his father
  4. if you known, can you explain? There are no disputed land between Somalia in Kenya whether Sea or Land. Even NFD now part of Kenya, international community is not aware any disputed land between the two countries. The former Somali government and Kenya had agreement. I do not if you understand what dispute land means. Kenya is looking beyond the 200 Miles and presenting to this document to UN, they will have good chance getting what they are asking for. Kenya may get help from other countries, more likely west oil companies. What Somalia can do now? Fire this government and the parliament should assign experts to do the job. Somali should claim more than it is current borders to end up even. We known the West and UN will definitely favor Kenya.
  5. it is for sale. "dispute maritime" well done Kenya, they are grantee to get at least some part of somali coast which is disputed. this is what it is all about. this is very serious, people who are behind this most to brought to justes.
  6. After the six months extension, Riyaale party is looking forward. Riyaale needs lot of cash but very concern Kulmye money. Any fake money may not be enough. Tracking Kulmiya money to Burco and war of T maybe next move. Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale Oo Markii Ugu Horeysay Sheegtay Inay Ka Dawakhsan Tahay Dhaqaalaha Xisbiga KULMIYE Kula Kaambayngaraynayo -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- () hadhwanaag 2009-04-01 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale, ayaa ka dawakhday badnaanta xaddiga dhaqaale ee Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE, isla markaana markii ugu horeysay maanta, Daaha ka rogtay in uu KULMIYE ka ka dhaqaale badan yahay dawlad ahaan, Xisbigeeda UDUB iyo Xisbiga kale ee Mucaaridka ah ee UCID. “Dawladda waxa lagu xantaa lacag bay cuntaa,tan ka badan ee KULMIYE ma Ajanab ayaa keena, ee maalin walba wax lagu laaluushayo ee shanta sanno soconaysaa waa maxay, Annagii dawladda ahayn intaas oo jeer ayaanu lacag la’nahay, oo daymo badan ayaa dawladda lagu leeyahay, bal dadweynaw waxaad soo baadhaa meesha lacagtan faraha badan ee sida daadka u socotaa ka timi, oo tii dawladdu haysay mid ka fara badan ayaa socota’e maxaa UCID u heli waayay, maxaa UDUB u heliwaayay, dadwaynaw soo baadha, annigu waan yaabanahay meesha ay ka soo baxayso’e, oo baadhay welina waan ku daba jiraaa halka ay ka soo baxayso Annigu garan waayay.” Sidaa waxa yidhi Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Caddaaladda Somaliland Yuusuf Ciise Tallaabo. Inkasta oo aanu Wasiirku moogayn xanta Xukuumadda uu ka tirsan yahay marka dhinaca dhaqaalaha laga hadlayo, haddana waxa uu sheegay in uu ka dawakhsan yahay dhaqaalaha uu kula kaambayngaraynayo Xisbiga KULMIYE. Wasiir Tallaabo waxa uu u muuqdaa mid halmaansan in dhaqaalaha Xisbiga KULMIYE yahay Shilimo jeebab dad ka soo baxay, oo dadka xisbigu iska ururiyaan, balse si fiican loo maamulay. Isla markaana wax kasta oo si fiican loo mamulaa muuqan karo. Hase ahaatee, Tallaabo oo hadalkiisa sii wataa waxa uu intaa ku daray oo uu yidhi, “Waar KULMIYAW lacagta sidan u badan hadaad walaal haysaan dawladnimaba waad ka maarmaysaan, haddaad siyaasad u isticmaalaysaanna, maad Dugsi Agoomaha iyo mid Naafaha ah ku samaysaan, maad wanaagba nagula tartantaanoo wax wanaagsan ku qabataan lacagtan, haddaad sidaas samaysaan dadkuba idinka ayuu idin jeclaan lahaa. Markaa lacagtan cusubi wax soomaalidu hayso ka badane waxaan odhan lahaa laaluul innaga bixiyoo dunidaa kale siiyoo, dawlado dhan oo inna ictiraafi lahaa ayaa jira, haddaynu dhawr Malyuun u dhiibno Madaxweynayaasha Mucaaridka ku soo raagay aynu dhawr Malyuun u dhiibno oo nidhaahno waar noo kaambayn-gareeya, afar shan inna Ictiraafa ayaynu heli lahayn.” Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Caddaaladda Yuusuf Ciise Talaabo, oo aan waydiiyay, in Xukuumaddu hayso Dakhligii guud ahaanba dalka Somaliland, halka KULMIYE taageerayaashiishu Dhaqaalaha uga ururiyaan. Sidaa daraadeed, maxaad u arki wayday xaddiga dhaqaalaha Hantida Qaranka ee ay dawladdu ku takri-fasho, inta Shilimada jeeb taageere ka soo baxay kuu muuqdaan? Waxaanu kaga jawaabay su’aashaas Tallaabo oo uu yidhi, “Annigu Dhaqaalaha aqoon badan ayaan u leeyahay, maaha aragti la’aan, ee waa la ogyahay dhaqaalaha Xukuumaddu inta uu yahay, laakiin ninka Bilaacamalka ah ee Shan sanno iyo in ka badan lacagtiisu sida daadka u socoto, ee soo wada uun waa mid ka shaki leh, in la baadhana u baahan.” Inkasta oo aan sii waydiiyay in la ogyahay inkasta oo ay le’egtahay lacagta dawladdu iyo in ay hantidii ummadda kula gorgortamayso Xisbiyada, isla markaana halka KULMIYE taageerayaashiisu lacagta uga ururiyaan UDUB dadku ay u lacag doontaan, sidaa daraadeedna tii uu isaga oo afka Wasaaradda Cadaaladda ku hadlaya cambaarayn lahaa tahay dawladda, halka uu lacagta KULMIYE wax laga shakiyo ku tilmaamayo. Wasiir Tallaabo waxa uu taa kaga jawaabay, “Annagaba lacagta qaadhaanka ah ee Xisbiga waa nalaga ururiyaa, Xisbi kastana taageerayaashiisu lacagta way bixiyaan. Anniga wakhtiyada qaar ayaa 350,000 Somaliland Shilin ah layga qaadi jiray, marki dambe ee dadku soo batay ayaa 100,0000 kun layga dhigay, laakiin, waxa is waydiin leh maxay Xisbiyada kale ee UDUB iyo UCID ula mid noqon waayeen ee KULMIYE lacagtiisa daadka aan dhamaanayn ka dhigay.” Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Caddaaladda Yuusuf Ciise Tallaabo, oo ka mid ah Wasiiradii ay isugu dhadhawaan jireen Madaxweyne Rayaale, ayaa badhtamihii sannadkii 2008 hawl caafimaad ugu baxay dalka Itoobiya, gaar ahaan Addis Ababa, ayaa loo qabsaday, isla markaana loo xidhay lacagtii Huteelkii uu degay. Waxaanu wakhtigaasi sheegay in Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xuseen Cali Ducaale (Cawil) iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale, ay wanjaleen oo ay Jaz la ciyaareen. Hase ahaatee, mar maanta la waydiiyay Jaz-taa uu sheegay in ay Wasiiradu la ciyaareen halka ay ku dambaysay iyo waxa uu ka yeelay, waxa uu si kooban u yidhi, “KKKKKKK. Salaad walba wakhtigeeda ayaa la tukadaa, markaa mawduucan maanta ka hadlayay kaasi wuu ka baxsan yahay.” Si kastaba ha ahaatee, hadalka Wasiir Tallaabo waxa uu muujinayaa in ay Xukuumadda oo dhaqaale aad u badan ku bixisa ololaha Xisbiga UDUB, ay culays dhaqaale dareentay, isla markaana KULMIYE u muuqdo mid dhaqaale ahaan kaga badin kara tartanka doorashooyinka iyo kala jiidashada shacbiga. Lana odhan karo arrintaas ayaa ah ta kaliya ee uu Wasiirku iinta ugu yeelayo Dakhliga Xisbiga KULMIYE. Cabdifataax Ismaaciil Mursal Hadhwanaagnews Reporter Office/Hargeysa/Soma liiland. E-mail. mrmursal@gmail.com Submited By hadhwanaag : 2009-04-01
  7. Guulwade, wuu yaqaanaa booskiisa, he do not even insult Riyaale but he insult the whole somali poeple
  8. Divided SNM had better days what ever unity they show this forum. I think Siilaanyo should give up. He supporters cannot take any more and they can do anything. Riyaale is humiliating them . Gob ceebowdey dheh Give credit for Riyaal. Riyaale has grown from low ranked SSN officer to Hargeysa leader. The last ten years he learned lot about SNM tribes and their weakness. He is using money, divide and rule tactics. He can bribe and give more carots to Hargeysa tribes. Siilaanyo , the former SNM chairman has no chance his supporters can do nothing for him. Riyaale has six months to prepare, he printed enough fake money to pay votes, plus he is got Ethiopian and Jabuti support. He will claim he won votes from W/galbeed, Awdal and Sool.
  9. Faroole maybe corrupted but pirates are last defenders of somali coast.
  10. Duufaan

    What's next?

    What next? The Ethiopian occupation is very clear now. The creation of Banadirland, with Mohamed Dheerer and other warlords adding existing Puntland and Somaliland revealed the last secret of Ethiopian, The resistant will change face and tactics, so the players.
  11. is there more than argagixiso her? Do you mean Riyaale, agree with federal thing? Riyaale camp is too small in somalia politics, no one really take too serius, Malazawi can count them anyway.
  12. She mentioned 2009, the end of Yusuf period. My understandning is that, this meeting is the perparation for the next goverment. I do not think, another goverment will be create soon but the next goverment without this current leadership. That is very welcome
  13. jacayl That is true, Poeple of ssc are very dissapointed what puntland has become, they realized they are not share holder rather friendly gust and I am not surprise it is more history repeating itself.our friends are riding their horses and do not see any else. next time they come around no one will listen. when some is too selfish, his friends look their backs. Although they are dissapointed, they will never tolerate somaliland and it's narrow agenda. You do not want deal anoying children. somaliland have made big mistake by sending their forces all the way Dhahar. they forced cade team to fight. A well planned small counter attack is enough somaliland to retreat back to closer home.v
  14. the speach is very short to begin with, out of contant. the word H is different voice, edited.
  15. It is very clear, that clip is fake. It is not clever thing to post the clip every clan website knowing it is fake. Anyway I think, he is right person to deal this people and he have the upperhand. The fact is the ehtiopian will not leave soon.
  16. You should worried Hargeysa, I think by that time the ethiopian will switch sides. invest peace and cooperation
  17. is not everything happen the will of Allah.? These clan fighters are fighting the pride of their tribe ,doing everything to get rid of Mr Yey goverment.
  18. I believe, they all going hell for that matter. These clan melisia was doing same thing for many years and Allah is punishing them.
  19. Very bad mistake, if the south moqddisho tribes fight alone against TFG and Ethiopian. Things are very different than Siyad Bare come back in 1991 or 1996 the Black Hawk down. It requares more than on show and lot of strenght. The boys in south moqdisho has the experient of fighting streets but they do not have the manpower to fight very long battle. Simply few boys left for south moqdisho tribes. the likelyhood of winning this time is minimum. I agree it is win- win situation for a polical solution.
  20. western countries kill every body and later pretend to be sorry. I hope everybody involved learned a lesson. It is not over yet! These commander were trained well and they performed with that situation.
  21. Secessionist are wost puppet by nature. Forget Riyaale was not clans political parties organising demostration against "to stopp flying terorist to come somaliland"?. Sametime their sympaty are with moqdisho clans and hope things stay same at least. Secessionist are confused and hope their friends will stay with them. please do not help our common enemy!
  22. You are different world "between hell and heaven" as you stated. I do not think, you understand clearly this issue.
  23. we are not talking about majority of people in moqdisho. Majority of moqdisho people do not have voice, do not even belong same clans as moqdisho warlods. these poeple have been the real victum in the south. with experience of last 16 years, I do not think voluntry disarming works. the nature of somalis, they take all the time they need and try every possible to get a way with win. But when you close all the doors they give up without much resist.
  24. As long as ethiopian participating, Clans will not resist. It is right time to start disarming, no joke. you do not give time for moqdisho warlods to sabotage the whole thing. However former army officers in moqdisho should be given chance to participate. Simply you put pressure the moqdisho bussines men to return their army and the rest will follow.