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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. soomaailda waxay ku maah maahdaa "fiqi tolkii kama jano tago" macneheedu yahay qofna haka sugin cadaalad dhamaystirin,fiqi kolay kutahayna. Idaawaqaca nin cishoonaya maha, wariyanimaduna waa kuceeb. Shariifka inuu soodaaya waraysigiisa madiidani,laakiin waxay ahayd inuu sheego wixii dhacay markuu Shariifku gacanta taaga dhahay. Muu sheegin inuu shiriifku ku guul daraystay codkii uu rabay inuu qaado. The other reporter Yusuf Xasan is much better,by the way I do not undersand why the BBC have two reporter there. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey Somaliweyn -Baydhabo-Somalia 15/07/06 Wariye Idaawaqaca oo xabsiga loo taxaabay ka dib markii war uu sii daayay maanta oo xariigiisa sababay Wariye Axmed Muuse Cabdulle "Idaawaqaca" ayaa maanta xabsiga loo taxaabay ka dib markii maanta war aan sugneen uu siiyey BBC-da islamarkaana laga siidaayey idaacada ay sababtay in xabsiga magaalada Baydhabo loo taxaabo oo uu amar ku bixiyey wasiirka Warfaafinta XFKMG ee Somalia Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye. Warka ay BBC-da sii deeysay ayaa ahayd in golaha baarlamaanka ay ansixiyeen in dalka Suudaan shirka ka dhici doona la aado taasoo keentay in masuuliyiinta dowlada federaalka ay ka caroodaan ka dib markii maanta baarlamaanka uu gudoomiyaha soo jeediyey in la aado balse lagu diiday oo aan cod loo qaadin iyadoo kooramka kasoo qayb galay uu ahaa 158 xildhibaan balse gudoomiyaha uu ku dooday in la aado. Codka gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo caro ka muuqatay oo laga sii daayey idaacada BBC-da qeybteeda af somaaliga ayaa ahayd Ra'yi uu usoo bandhigay Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka oo aysan ahayn go'aan ay gaareen golaha baarlamaanka in la aado dalka Suudaan taasoo buuq iyo qeylo badan dhalisay markii cod haloo qaado la yirina ay tiro yar ogolaadeen markii danbena sababtay in gudoomiyaha uu go'aan ku gaaray in laga gudbo oo loo sii gudbo hawshii u tiilay ee gobolada oo iyada la ansixiyey. Hadaba Wariye Idaawaqaca ayaa xabsiga wali kusugan oo aan lasii dayn mana cada in lasii dayn doono iyo inkale iyadoo laga yaabo in arintiisa lagalo oo wax laga qabto.
  2. Finnally, Atleast they arrested Idaawaqaca for a day. I think he deserves. there is no fair and balance news from his side. I cannot simply defend his right as a journalist.
  3. are you better?. I have seen senior people, same time highly educated much more ignorant than anybody else here. I do not have problem people supporting an issue, clans or relatives. I hate hypocrites, pretending honest and neutral at the sametime brining one side argument at table. Nothing is a black and white and everyone is welcome to contribute. we are either Marxist or Consertaves. Forum is serving as imformation plat form and educational purpose for everyone benefits.
  4. Cabdulaahi yusuf wuxuu sheegey inay kuwii hore isba aqoon, kuwan ma isyaqaaniin ayaad umalaynaysaa? 12- Jen.Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib - Xubin. Gartay intakalese magaran, mase aha nin maxkamadaha qayb ka ah. Runtii awalba waa muuqatay inaan heshiis dhoweyn, qolada wadaada Qanyare iyo C/laaahi isku meel ayay ujoogaan. dhinaca kalena waxay arinta u arkaan kooxihii moqdisho oo shaad kale gashadey. shisheeyaha arinta kudhexjirana waa uga sii dareen.
  5. Odey Abdilaahi need to maintain public support to survive. His in Baydhabo, far from Gaalkaacayo. Any bad move will damage him hard. the thiopian need him this time and he must play a balanced policy to aviod being another warlod. Geedi, Caydiid and Qaydiid has contributed little for this goverment so far and I very much doubt they have any publuc support in moqdisho. So much stake in Khartuun, the court is better position but TNG must to go and Odey Abdilaahi himself must to go.
  6. "kii roonoow reerka uhadh' we need a winner. moqdisho wars produce a winner side after about 400 died with most of them civilian, I do not known if this one will do it. Odey Abdilaahi need to capture moqdiso and the court to capture Baydhabo
  7. just advice from PHAM! It is not secret the TNG is weak. Some under estimation of course from eyes of foreingers. do the TNG controll Baydhabo? this question was asked by Frazer in the hearing , she replied " Much of it" However It seems they decided to support Odey Abdulaahi to begin with, this will put Odey Abdilaahi in the top. The importantce of lifting the embargo is huge, it is all depedends how the TNG take advantage the deal
  8. if this is more than rumors, we will see. The ambassador made mistake revealing this imformation too early, if he known what he is talking about. The court have enough time to act, politically or military and do so to change things for their favor.
  9. It is all about marketing. Sony may calculated very much the outcome. Unfurtunality, This could be more benefitial for Sony.
  10. Duufaan

    Neutral Somalia

    "Do we really need to be part of any international body if we settle our interests internally, according to Islam, and externally with our immediate neighbors?" You want things remain same? I am afraid nothing stay same long time in somalia. People are displaced and starving much of somalia, particularly southern part. The interanional community feed them. We are part of world community for better or worse We have to figure out a way, all of us will benefit. welfare for all. this is how to get a healthy nation 1) Unconditional peace through the country 2) Justice and fairness 3) Citizenship
  11. simply political sucide. if mr Raage is in Boosaaso, this is a serious mistake. He could go Hargeysa, where his popular. Raage and Maxamed Dheere are political dead and they cannot reinvent themself for near the future. I do not see any benifit inviting them. The massage is very clear, we are not happy the changes in moqdisho. this is worst, the court policy "we do not want a goverment leading by Abdilaahi yusuf". It also can be interprut that puntland administration are same mafia team who do not trust majority of people in that region and they feel that they are same boat with moqdiso warlods.
  12. watching third time. with the flag and other sign. foreing brain must be involved the video and the pictures. forieng money and few number of foriengers that is for sure and that must to be the case for the court. that is the reality. xawaaladuhu khatar ayay kujiraan, lacagtaada kaqaado hadaba sxb.
  13. the sun makes everyone darker, it can not be any light skin somali. the youngester look like Somali Barawaani's but eyes.? maybe not arabs but asian. even somali Baraawaani have brown or dark brown eyes. more likely at least one forieng. However not good news for anybody.
  14. Run waxyaabo badan oo iska shabahaan ayaa jira labada kacdoon. waxaase muuqata waxyaalo badan oo ay kukala duwan yihiin, waxyaalaha ay kukala duwan yihiin waxaa kamida. 1) maxkamadaha deg deg badan kama muuqdo. 2} Maxkamadaha oo hal hugaan leh, iyagoo ujeedo siyaasadeed leh, oo ah inay nabadgelyo iyo maamul sameyaan, kadhex muuqdaan siyaasada soomaaliya, hugaankana uqabtaan soomaaliya maadaama iyagu caasimadii gacanta kuhayaan. iyagoo si qunyar qunyara igu fidiya dalka. Waxyaalaha hortaagan maxkamadaha inay horey usocdaan. 1) Wadamo shisheeye 2) Taageerada loo hayo oo siilumaysa 3) cadow guduaha ah Gabobo Maxkamaduhu iyagaa gacanta sare leh,hase ahaatee meeshii ufogeyd ee gaadhi kareen ayay gaadheen, hadii ay kuguuleystaan inay maamul lataageersan yahay kadhisaan moqdisho, waxay noqonayaan awooda ugu weyn soomaaliya. Hadii kalese burburkooda ayaa bilaabmaya, dagaal siyaasadeed oo gudaha iyo dibadeba ka imaanaya ayaa fashiliniya. hase ahaatee waxay ubadan tahay inay fashiliyaan TNG siday hada kusocto. maadaama taageerayaasha maxkamadu kaxoogan yihiin, kuwa TNG.
  15. Horn You must be naive to assume otherwise. Even if they chose someone with name Munya, The group who controll the city will still maintain the real power. Same goes Mr Barre Hiraale in Kismaanyo, he will not volunteer to leave.The reagion is going to be a desert, because Dhuxulow and Hiiraale are shipping the only natural resources left, namely the trees. I hope the court will do something about it.
  16. Duufaan

    BBC vs TNG

    The point is, simply you cannot ignore.
  17. Duufaan

    BBC vs TNG

    Much about press freedom, Even US was about to bomb Aljaziira network. Even if they do not close the BBC office in Baydhabo, They can attack the fairness of news reporting in all level. BBC are recieving so many complaining already and adding a goverment complain will not be a good for those who running the show.
  18. Duufaan

    BBC vs TNG

    Is not the time to ask the BBC reporter to leave in Baydhabo? Because the BBC(somali section) is not fair news broadcasting. All sections of Somali websites reported today, that the UN team visiting Moqdisho was stopped for hours in the port. The BBC chose not report the incident but reported positively the visit. The first July, BBC reported the celebration which took place in Moqdisho but stopped short the one in Baydhabo rather it was all about the ethiopian. What has TNG to lose to ask the BBC reporter to leave? not more than what the BBC(somali section) to lose. Today BBC(somali section) report was very damaging, true or not. will it be last report from Baydhabo.?
  19. This website is pro-court website, one of many. The court is still missing national charecter.
  20. Midowga Maxaakiimta ISlaamka oo ku dhawaaqay Maamul Hordhac u ah Dowladda Mustaqbalka. HobyoNet, Muqdisho. Sabti, July 30, 2006. Wararka aan ka helnay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Sheegaya in Ururkii midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ay dhiseen Dowlad, dowladaas sida la shaaciyay Madaxweyne looga dhigay Sheekh Shariif. Waxaa la sheegayaa in wasiirka Gaashaandhigga laga dhigay Yuusf Indacadde, iyadoo Beesha Sacad la siiyay 3 wasiir, oo sadexduba ahaayeen ragii wax ka waday howlaha Maxkamadda Al-Furqaan. HobyoNet Mowqif gaar ah oo ay ka taagan tahay dowladaan ma jirto , waxaana ku mowqif nahay meesha ay beesheenu aadaan, oo aysan waxba naga badaleyn 3 wasiir ayaa la idin siiyay. Waxaan kula talineynaa Maxaakiimta Islaamiga iney inta is dajiyaan oo degdegta iska daayaan marka hore muwaafaqo la yeeshaan beelaha la degan Gobolka Banaadir iyo dhamaan Beelaha Soomaaliyeed, Markii la heshiiyo, la isna cafiyo ayaa Alle Raali naga noqonayaa oo dowladi dhismi kartaa. Hadii kalena waxay dowladani ku dambeyneysaa meeshii ay dowladdii Carte martay midda Mpegathina ku sii socoto. Warkaan waxaa inoo soo diyaariyay Biil Muuse(Wameendhe) oo Nairobi ku sugan. HobyoNet News
  21. "The Warlords are gone and the time is ripe. Ironically the institution built to achieve peace and reconciliation between our peoples is the only obstacle left." How? So we need another revolution and your very sure the next time there will be no obstacle left. Because the rise of clan courts in moqdisho we have better chance? I think, we never being close for peace and reconciliation. for first time the international community concerns what happening in somalia. They do not care us but for their safety, they want help. By the way all warlods are NOT gone, some are still in large.Atleast the TNG should do us favor for finnishing the remaining warlods in Marka and Kismaanyo.
  22. hadeyna xilka kaqaadin umalayn maayo inuu iscasili doono. Runtii sheekhu waa qofka kaliya ee qadiyad aaminsan, uguna geesisan, madaxda maxkamadaha. Shakiga reer galbeedka iyo itoobiyaanka galay ee kusaabsan maxkamadaha waa waa midaan sufudud loo furdaamin karin, waayo waxaa isku dhexdhuumanaya oo magaca maxkamadaha sita, ama taageersan qabiilaystayaal iyo argigixiso dhaba, iyo inbadan oo kale oo udhexeeya. waa hubaal cismaan dadkiisii xitaa inay joogaan, cid sigaara usoo qaban kartaana majirto. Horaa laysugu dayey waana lagu fashilmay
  23. What court do about this news? will this news force them to negotiate? write another letter?
  24. Briefly: U.S. to bolster forces of old Somali regime Reuters, The Associated Press, The New York Times Published: June 30, 2006 WASHINGTON The Bush administration will work to bolster the police force and other security troops of Somalia's government in exile in the hope of marginalizing the Islamic militias now controlling much of the war- torn country, a senior U.S. official told Congress. Jendayi Frazer, the State Department's top Africa official, said that the United States had no intention of holding direct talks with the leaders of the Council of the Islamic Courts, which took control of the capital, Mogadishu, last month after prolonged clashes with Somali warlords backed by the CIA. Instead, Frazer said that the United States and its allies would push to strengthen the security troops of Somalia's largely powerless interim government, which she called "the only legitimate framework for governance in Somalia." Frazer admitted that this would be a tall order, as the Islamic militias have expanded their power base beyond Mogadishu and the government was not even able to control the town of Baidoa, where its headquarters is located. (NYT)
  25. what soamlia_ethiopian war? Do you think anyone want fight the ethiopian? why fight ethiopian this time? the court in reality will not fight anyone else than somalis. At moment the court takes advantges to use the ONLF and some other organisation against moqdisho warlods and use the ethiopian invasion to collect money from Arab public and recruit fighters. So far moqdisho is better of . Somalia need real political solution and now shortest way is a cooperation between TNG and Moqdisho court.