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Question for the ladies

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The friend and not the guurdoon guy would speak to the girl LOL.

LOOOOOOOOL intaas ba i dishay...I literally fell off my chair.


So why is the friend talking?? I MEAN if she likes how the friend talks they gonna set another date right and is this time the guurdoon dude gonna talk? lets hope so thats the case mise if she likes how the friend talks the deal is closed and they gonna have the meher taasba baaba dhiba..loooooooooool


by the way, aniga shukaansigi hore ayeeyday iga shekeeso baan ka hela ma aqaan waxaad mesha so qortay...wax horena wax kama ogide waxbaad so aliftay baan is idhi. Waqtigi ayeeyday gabay baa la isku tirin jiray ninka gabadha gurigeed intuu usoo dhowaado ayuu gabay u tiriaya markaasay yaduna gabay u tirisa...saas bay isku shukaansan jireen.Shukaansigaan mid ciyaar ciyaar ah ma aha yacni labada qofba wa laba qof oo yagaan say hadal wacan oo gabay ah oo miro wacan leh oo xikmad ku jirto ku heesaya ( I sometimes wish I was frm that time...if i was good at gabay that is is soo much funnnn)..



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lol@Aaliyyah, the girl might end up with the gurdoon's friend at the end of the night. Wax aan maquul ahayn ayaa la isku kabkabaayaa, indha adkaa! gabadha soo dad meysan dhalin?. Filin Hindi iga dheh.


Let me sum this up for you baby girl:

No game=arranged

--Marka say no to arranged Farax or you'll be yawning everytime he opens his mouth lool.


p.s. Caqli lixsaacyaashaan oo page-kaan ku jira camal waaye kuwa arranged marriage-ka idinku sugaayo ee ka carara sheekadaas. uffff

(hal dhagax labo crows oo p9 ku kor duulaaya ku dil aa la dhahaa alaabtaan, kii fahmaaye lee ka horeyso icon_razz.gif )

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loool@ you will be yawning every time he opens his mouth...........


Thanks NNC I don't think I will settle for arrange marriage..


maba ka helo....


bt thanks for the advice...and no ma jecli in aan yawn gareenayo waxaan u baahnahay one that graduated from sweet talking uni lol...hadalka wacan iyo amaanta iyo ka badbadiska baan ka helaa loool. marka wa runta mid hadii la isoo xareeyo ma asagaaba effort igalinaya wuxu dhahaya the deal is over loooooool...



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Originally posted by NinaNC:

^^I need more details please.


About working from home idea, I think it is a great idea, laakiinse waxay ku xirantahay qofka dabeecadiisa(personality), it is not for everybody kinda occupation, if you know what I mean.

Dad baa jecel working with others, kuwana like to work individually (perfect candidates for the proposed business). Marka waa in personality assessment sameysaa si aad u hesho the right people for the job.


$1000/week lacag miyaa bal?

Nina waxaas oo dhan aniga kharash uma hayo like personality assemnet.It is more like jump in and see what happens. Mida kale 1000$ a week meey kuguyartahay. That was my sales pitch the real the thing is even less :D

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TheZack is totally wrong about the old school shukaansi....wax ka jiraba malaha waxaas. It is absolutely different and a lot more interesting :D No one ask me how I know

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The Zack   

Liyah, the guurdoon guy will end up having the girl but the shukaansi is done by the friend. The girl will probably like the friend's approaches but she will never like him personally. His job is to talk about his friend's good side and convince the girl to like the guurdoon nigga. It is actually easy but fun.


Nina, you are too young to know all of this, adigu u remember the jardiino shukaansi in xamar, I am talking about way back in the good old days.


Iska, maybe the kinda shukaansi you know of or you have been told about is different than the one I am mentioning here but I am here to assure you that is true.

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lol@gurdoon nigga


Zack, you are right, I was too young in Xamar, laakiin I have older siblings, relatives, neighbors, older friends n their friends oo ii sheegay their shukaansi stories.

Horta hal mid ogoow, nin aan aqoon sida dumarka loola hadlo wax faa'iido uu leeyahay malaha.

Gabdhahaan "guurdoonka" (somaligii aa ii gooye lol) xataa wey kuu sheegeen. Si fiican u aqri hadalkooda bal.

Aniga I know what I'm talking about yaa akhii. Shukaansiga maanta jira waa Alhamdulilaah! and all I want is for the girls to say Alhamdulilaah too. loooooool

Naga daa IXaasid apps-kaada please. call that sales pitch? looooool

What are the perks? hadalka xalwa ka dhig xoogaa nooh. Sale it to us walaaley!


@Aaliyyah, good girl.

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@ The Zack aniga my mother told me about the dhaanto oo la isu qaado. It is usually provoking verses between a group of girls and guys and it goes from there. Another style was ardaaga in uu yimaado wiilka and when the rest of the famliy feels where his interest is in laga qaleeyo labada qof oo ee caweysinka ku sheekeystaan. I never heard about labo nin oo hal naag kor taagan. Waxaaba dhaanto oon maqaly gabdha oo gabadh kale loo diro.


As romantic as that sounds, I prefer the 24 hours cellphone calls as long as it is the guy that receives the 300 $ bill LOL



@ Nina ii kaadi aan iskuulka dhameeyee you will hear my sales pitch. Ilaa aad taleefnada iga dansataan ood block i dhahdaan SOL waan idinku wadi uun.

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^^ Speaking of Dhaanto la isku qaado la iskuna shukaansado, only khubarada kaliya unbaa isku shukaansado in Dhaanto play cid fahmeysana ma jirto, waxaan xasuustey aan soo gaabiyo:



bari baa laba is shukaansaneyso oo isla markaas dhaantada tumayey ayaa isku qaadey hadaladan dhaantada ah, ninkaa ku yiri naagtii uu shukaasanayey oo qeebta dumarka safkaa ku jirtey asna qeebta ragga, wuxuu yiri:


sarwaalkiyo suunka soo dhaafyee

siraadeey seen yeelnaa,


ayadna waxey ku jawaabtey:


saracdiyo sinta soo mari

halkii loo sameeyey soo suro,



dhaantadii oo socota ayey ka soo xaluusheen meel jabad ahna isla galeen

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The Zack   

Oz, lol@Liverpool winning a trophy, u mean they are going to be relegated, right?


Nuune, :D:D:D . Waan joogay dhaantadaas baan filayaa..JK


Nina, the guurdoon guy not talking was the sh$# back then. Keep in mind the guy can talk, I mean he knows how to talk very well, he is just respecting the culture. Markey guriga tagaan waa loo yaaba gabadha, qosolkuu ka dhameen as you would like to hear.




Gabayga wuu jiraa isagan as Nuune agreed with u too (even though his gabay is X rated lol) laakin gabayga waa dadka poetry-ga ku fiican ee extraordinary-ga ah.


P.s. work is boring today already.

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Be less ambitious next time with your tales @wacdaraha_aduunka too farfetched.


p.s I think you and Elegantly will make a fine pair.


Suggestion for the SOL matrimony steering committee (Juxa, Aaliyah, C&H, Malika and Ibti for balance) help the brother out

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lol@ ismalura waxa la qaatay gabadh gabadh lo diro...mala yaabtay kan wuxu lasoo taganyahay yaabka yaabkiis kulaha qosolku ka dhamenaya marka guriga tagtid oo marka shekadii dhamaday xita haduu noqdo mid ka qosline too late so ma aha lol marka horeba ba la iska hubsada.


NNC thanks hun.


Cynical the brother is frm london. You can give him a try or if he is too young try your close friends or cousins or something loool...ama only give him advice thats it icon_razz.gif

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