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Barack Hussein Obama wins Iowa (97% Whites)

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^tolow hada hadey saan Hilary stressed kaaga dhigtay, how do you expect to support your candidate all summer without sleep?


How is rendell corrupted? You really want PA that bad? hahahaha


Getting dirt on Hilary supporter's is even low for the Obama Camp.


I am sure they had something to do with this leak, it just so happens that the story was leaked yesterday. I am sure someone was sitting on this info for good while before it made it out? Why now?


Why the sudden desperation?

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Originally posted by LayZie G.

I am sure they had something to do with this leak, it just so happens that the story was leaked yesterday. I am sure someone was sitting on this info for good while before it made it out? Why now?

Lazie, Obama camp had nothing to do with the Spitzer bust and you know it. Stop the spin. :D

I agree it is not good news for Hillary but I would have liked if the story came out just before those damn "working-class" women start voting in PA. :D That would have been a "fantastic" news for the Kenyan. As far as I see, this story will be dead like a stone when PA votes.


I can't wait to watch the Mississippi returns tonight. Lazie will be gone for 3 straight days from this thread. She will be back when things settle. It is part of the Clinton strategy. :D:D:D:D

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One less super delegate for Hillary.


Hillary Clinton's Spitzer Problem


By Peter Baker

For a supporter, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer sure hasn't done Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton any favors lately.


After all, it was Spitzer who in the view of her advisers started the slide that led her to where she is today, fighting from behind for the Democratic presidential nomination. A question about his proposal to let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses tripped her up in a debate at the end of October and ended 10 months of unquestioned dominance in the nomination race.


Now, his apparent involvement with a prostitution ring has not only distracted from her efforts to take down the front-runner, Sen. Barack Obama, it has brought back unhelpful memories of her own husband's dalliances in office. There on cable television again were pictures of Bill Clinton hugging Monica Lewinsky. And the image of Spitzer's wife standing painfully by his side while he acknowledged unspecified wrongdoing could not help but remind some viewers, and voters, of Hillary Clinton's own stand-by-her-man moment.


How this will all play out remains unclear, of course. Spitzer chose not to step down yesterday in the face of some pretty sordid allegations, much as Bill Clinton resisted calls for his resignation in 1998 after news of his trysts with the onetime White House intern, which can only guarantee that the story will live on for a while, particularly in the hungry vortex of cable television, talk radio and the Internet. It may be that most voters long ago discounted Bill Clinton's infidelities when making their minds up about his wife's qualifications for president. It may be that voters conclude that Spitzer's indiscretions have nothing at all to do with whether Hillary Clinton can effectively serve as president. And it may be that Spitzer ultimately does resign, allowing the political dialogue to move on.


Yet this certainly is not the way Clinton's strategists would have mapped out this week on the campaign trail. They want voters to be thinking about that 3 a.m. phone call in terms of who is ready to handle a crisis in the White House, not in terms of where an unfaithful husband might be catting around town. And, sure enough, the late-night comedians wasted little time linking the Spitzer case to the Clintons. Jay Leno joked last night that Spitzer's scandal "means Hillary Clinton is now only the second angriest woman in the state of New York." David Letterman offered a Top 10 List of excuses Spitzer might cite, including the number one excuse: "I thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago."


Hillary Clinton was asked about the case late yesterday and, predictably enough, tried to brush it off without comment. "I obviously send my best wishes to the governor and his family," she told reporters. Still, it is hard to imagine that will be the last time she is asked about it. She could hardly want to be there on camera, once again being asked to account for yet another man in her life who can't live up to his marriage vows. And what will Bill Clinton say if and when he is asked to comment?


Spitzer has been a bad-luck charm for Hillary Clinton to this point. His illegal immigrant driver's license proposal arguably became the first time she was thrown off her stride in this campaign. Fairly or not, her muddled answer at a debate in Philadelphia about whether she supported it or not played into a narrative promoted by her opponents that she is more about calculation than principle. That led to a bad patch for her that lasted all the way through the Iowa caucuses. Her advisers pinpoint that inartful two-minute answer as the moment when the race turned.


Now Spitzer may throw her off stride again at a moment she needs to keep her momentum going. And on top of that, even if he does spare her by resigning soon, that has a cost too -- one fewer superdelegate for her at the convention.




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I can't wait to watch the Mississippi returns tonight. Lazie will be gone for 3 straight days from this thread. She will be back when things settle. It is part of the Clinton strategy

lmao@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@sanka, that really had me going, very funny.



Hilary is already in PA, having a nice philly cheese steak and she expects a close call in the numbers caawa.


PS: I wear my leaf's flag close to my heart(unlike sanka who sold out), canadian all the way@Lily

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Lion Teaser as much as I root for Obama awoowe looks like Clinton machine shifted gears and now are going for the kill. Media are in tow too. Man! Despite the math -- That Woman Is On The offensive! Why? Go figure!


Mystery of the court of public opinion knows no bound. It is like a game with lil tweak here and there with lil face time as the Potomac man calls it politicians can change their fortunes...oh well

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Pelosi: Joint ticket 'impossible'


(CNN) — A so-called "dream ticket" scenario - the idea that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could join forces this fall — may have gripped the imaginations of Democrats nationwide - but you can list House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a skeptic.


"I think that ticket either way is impossible," Pelosi told a New England Cable News reporter Tuesday, pointing to comments from Clinton and her campaign that implied Republican John McCain would make a better commander-in-chief than Obama.


"I think that the Clinton administration has fairly ruled that out by proclaiming that Senator McCain would be a better commander-in-Chief than Obama," she said.


She spoke bluntly about her view that a joint ticket was not in the cards, she said, because "I wanted to be sure I didn't leave any ambiguity."


The California Democrat, who has remained neutral throughout the party's primary process, said she remains an uncommitted superdelegate.



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way to go Obama smile.gif ...


p.s. what do you guys think that Hilary offered the VP slot to Obama? when all along she said he wasn't good enough to be the president of the united states? what is your opinions on that SOLERS?

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Mr Clinton was the one who suggested this type of a "dream ticket" as they call it, on one of his rally's. It was a combination of her hubby's big mouth and the media's vendetta against her.


Hilary is being victimized from left and right, and its just tragic that she has to deal with all the stress related to these primaries and all the drama surrounding it. It might have to come down to her putting a duck tape on her pple's mouth just to keep them from talking.


I have a question for all the obamaniacs in SOL.


Why wasn't CNN covering the representative from iowa or whatever state he representatives comments regarding obama and the middle east and its terrorist celebrating in the streets if he becomes the president? Why wasn't that news repeated as much as the former congresswoman aka ferraro's innocent remarks towards obama, after all she didn't cross any line as far as I am concerned. Yet CNN and the major news stations tend to focus more on clinton's negative news, more than the republicans.


Democrats all around out to shift the focus from clinton and into mccain and his republicans folks, otherwise neither democrats will have a chance in h*ll on winning in november.

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I think Axelrod is pushing the "ferraro" story at his own peril. I don't want this race to be turned into "black-vs-white" and I think the Obama camp should just kill the story.


By the way, I don't understand why the media failed to mention "limbaugh affect" in the Mississippi primary instead of pushing the "racial divide" talking points nonsense to the extreme. These pundits are so lazy to find out the simple facts. Crap.


25% of Hillary voters in Mississippi were "limbaugh" Republicans trying to "ruin" the system

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Libaax, you are reminding me C++ and Java with your flow chart. ( I hate logic)


I am definetly voting for Mcain if Halliary wins the DNC nomination.

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^First learn how to spell Hilary, then decide who you ought to vote for in the general elections, ok?



Sanka, this man you support has lost the plot.



Geraldine Ferraro said today said:

I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign," Ferraro wrote in a letter to Clinton. "The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen."




Ferraro also told ABC's "Good Morning America" that "every time" someone makes a negative comment about Obama, they are accused of racism.

and another ferraro quote:


Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up," she told the Daily Breeze of Torrance, California. "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"

Waa naag rageedii dheh.


Another quote:


"I said in large measure, because he is black. I said, let me also say in 1984 -- and if I have said it once, I have said it 20, 60, 100 times -- in 1984, if my name was Gerard Ferraro instead of Geraldine Ferraro, I would never have been the nominee for vice president," she said.

Sanka, your candidate may as well wrap this campaign up and call it quits if he becomes the DNP candidate.


If Mrs Ferraro's comments and that of many others in the last few weeks has "no place in politics" as your candidate referred to many times, then he really better buckle up tight come fall season.



She also said Clinton had been the victim of a "sexist media."

Amen to that Mrs Ferraro.


It seems that obama wants to cry his way into the oval office, its pathetic.

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