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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ^^Dictators mostly never hand over power, they are either removed by force and ousted by the People there are many wise dictators who resigned in order to save their countries from chaos, good example is General musharaf of pakistan who held democratic election and hand over the power peaceful Afweyne waxuu ahaa axmaq dhagaha ayuuna ka fureystey in badan oo lagula tashey inuu awoodda iska dhiibo tusaale ahaan qoladii bayaanka la oran jirey ayaa ka digi jirey waxa soo sacda.
  2. lol haddey saas tahay Galtida ha la iska ilaasho
  3. Kismaayo weli kuma dhicin hergabka waddanka intiisa kale ku dhacay oo la yiraahdo 'Monkey Business Land' simply because waxaan ka imi magaalo weyn ee kamaan iman tuulo yaroo uu hal qabiil isugu tagay...Kismaayo waa Cosmopolitan city oo qabiil walba oo Soomaaliyeed from Bajuni to Barwani baa dega and we are proud of that. taas ma la hubaa Jubbaland iyo waxbaan maqlayeye
  4. jacaylbaro him self is waving the somali flag along with that of Tolka.
  5. the deployment of new troops in somalia will only worsen the arlready bad situation there the only way the souther somali could pacified is to let the shahaabs occopy there and form strong regional adminstation in southe and central somalia after they secure souther somalia they should open talks with other parts of somalia in order to form a central government saas haddii ay samayn lahayeen xal baa la heli lahaa adduunkuna faragalin ka dayn mayo shabaabna argagaxisanimo dayn mayaan marka xaalku waa tabtaas bay inooo ahaanaysaa ilaa iyo xilli aaan la cayimin
  6. hadraawi maalin uu nagu soo bookhdey magaalada galkacyo ayaa waxaa uu ka khudbeyey garoonka magaaladaas waxaana hadaladiisi ka xasuustaa markuu wadankii gobol gobol ukla go'ay waxaan go'aansadey inaan gobol la go'in waxay aheyd 2001, marka abwaan hadraawi waaa wadani somaliyeed mana aaminsana dawlad beeleedyo.
  7. xaaji, the auther is saying that if the old politics of last 19 years have failed to bring recognition it high time for Hergeisa to try do its business differently by engaging with somalia instead of focusing in the western countries who dont seem to be intereseted in your demands waxaan u malaynayaa ra'yi saliim ah.
  8. lol, xaaj talada ninka odagaa soo jeedshey maa tijaabisaan inuu iska yimaado baa la yaabaa ictirraafku
  10. War A&T, ninkaan somaligiisa baa laga garan karaa inuusan aheyn RAAMSADE, waayo raamsade afkoonfireed buu lahaa laakiin ninkaan afwaqooyi buu ku hadlayaa.
  11. Minister without portfolio: Muriidi
  12. mardhow waxaan ka baqayaa inay somliga dhahaan laguma hadli karo waa xaaraan
  13. woow, war xiin waa gabay khatey ah baad ka soo tuurtey runti.
  14. will he sing in the opening ceremony of the world cup yeysanba official ahaane ? . otherwise i will boycott this world cup I wont watch it lool
  15. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Tolow, maxaa Juje beddelay? yaah, waxaa badeley, the government of the tolka by the tolk...
  16. Mansa munsa you're rifht in my opinion puntland presidency should be rotated among major clans of the region that would be fair since there is no general election where every one can choose their candidate . the current admin which is failing in so many fronts is supposed to start the process of democratization of the state for example to to make population census to facilitate the formation political parties , to held municipal and assembly election but i dont think they will do all this in their tuner so the next selection the presedential candidate should only from the makhirs and darawishta lool
  17. Originally posted by Juxa: PS: HOW DO YOU SAY HELLO in somali ( a single word please and not a whole sentence) [/QUOT Haye or weeye
  18. Originally posted by nuune: adeero google yuusan ku waalin, sxb, But you forgot the most important stage: The Skyscraper stage stage kaan caadi mahan waa stagaka buurah
  19. the days of merfishland are numbered what we see here is the begining of the end of merfishland presence in ssc egion. the people of the region who are well known for their gallant will not longer tolerate the presence of filth msn militia in their cities. the sooner merfishland understand this the better. all the puntland citizen and the administration should support these cleaning efforts started by locals otherwise it will be a grave mistake that puntland to watch this as bystander, Faroole's lack of action or clear strategy regarding these region will harm the integrity and long term interest of puntland.