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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. the author is ****** racist he is calling honorable president a cabbie .
  2. grateful to many thing including to be healthy alhamdullah
  3. war waxu naxariis daranaa sidii bahalkii qof dhagax ku dilayaan.

    Miss Somalia
  5. pilgrim , when it is expected the this oil to material I mean how long will it take to produce oil there in your estimation ?
  6. king has come back,A&T haye run for safety mar ka
  7. Originally posted by who-me: I cant stop imagining Adeer cabdullahi sipping some coconut juice at a yemani beach while observing the horizon with a big smile on his face. he is definitely following this developments with amazement of these jirjiroole
  8. it is a lesson learnt , "markaan tabar hayana talo ma hayn hadda oo aan talo hayana tabar ma hayo" weeye xaalkiisu
  9. welcome move from the sheik who was one of the vocal supporter of the islamist in Somalia. this is clear message to alshabaad that their atrocities has nothing to do with Islam,
  10. A&T, you need quality players in your onlf team what you are lacking is not the quantity but it is quality because there is enough onlf cyber warriors here. utilize the opening of January window and purchase at least 2 world class players who can deliver in hour of need, more over you need to offload some of your under performing squad, the likes of Zacks, jamhads etc, to make the way of the coming players . if you take that step I think you will not need have unholy alliance of tol cey with oodweyne and others.
  11. KKL, has a point if the kilinka is occupied the folks of Jubbada could have done better by forming their own administration instead folks from gedo and else where are calling the shots even in dhoobley and afmadow
  12. I hope you cimri dheer, camal suuban iyo caafimaad dhammaan solers and duke, this decade was great one and hope the next one will be greater in sha allaah
  13. dhalasho guuro farxadle, ereyga birth day is not in Somali language which shows that Somalis did not celebrate their birth days
  14. waxaaan maqli jiray dadka galiya cadaabta iyo jannada kuwo galaya labada waxaa hogaaminaya shiikh , marka nimanka wadaada sheeganayaa oo waxaas inta ay dadka masaakiinta ah diinta uga dhigaaan u herseedaya halaaga naftooda iyo ummada kalaba, waa ku hadhow dadka cadaabta hor boodinaa baan filayaa. ninkaan is qarxiyey waxay badan tahay in uu diinta wax aad u yar ka yaqaanay oo laga fiidaystay jaahilnimadiisa, haddii kale ma yeeleen waxaas inuu sameeyo. ama qof wax u dhiman yihiin oo garaadkiisu aad u hooseeyo
  15. Arabs are different people united by the language they speak. they are different races and ethnics for example Egyptians speak Arabic but most of theme do not originate from the Arabs. so we are linguistically and ethnically Somali . isn't that enough why you are searching other identities, if we are not Somalis and Africans may be we are Chinese then.
  16. adeer your are defensive just I asked for curiosity, sida ilmo yar oo nac nac laga qaaday baad u hadashay
  17. so what is your purpose of posting Ethiopian regional flags
  18. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: "In Piracy, we trust". Jb, kiinnu In Qaat we trust ku qorta A&T,adinkan in Canjeelo xabashi ,t we trust.
  19. Tilapia served with Mash Potato, taas xaal ma loo baxsha
  20. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Uztaadku show waa nin wax qaad qaadka yaqaan when it comes to intellectual property rights! ha ii gafin sxb odoga fiqikheyre xooga misundertanding baana dhex maray oo waxii calamadii baa isula ekaaday hadase wuu fahmay xaqiida mark stop your cheap shot.