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Everything posted by UZTAAD

  1. Originally posted by FiqiKhair: [QB] Uztaad how delusional you're brother I am saying that the first flag is not yours all you did was just rotate the flag that I in fact i was one of the first participant of idamaale flag contest and I contributed one with blue color, star and crescent and then we realized similar flag is been used by Uighur rebels so we stop but it served good purpose and inspired all this flag contest , I concede the one you are referring I have used some of your original work but I modified it , you know all the flags are very very similar . my friend it is not worth arguing over it unless it is officially adopted by the state.
  2. DUKE, ninkaan labada dhinac baa inuu lug kula jiro buu rabaa marka taasna suurto gal mahan waa inuu dhan isu raacaa, ama onlf tiisa or the canjeelada and the raw meat.
  3. lool, thanks sxb A&t, inuu aad u garanyo bay ila tahay, mar aan addis tagay baan ku arkey tanoo kale, tipsi qai wat baa la dhaha.
  4. A&T, QOlyahihanaa onlf koodu Canjeelo xabashi baa dhexda uga sawiran baa la yiri maxaa ka jira.
  5. FiqiKhair, read the whole thread please I have designed at least 3 different flags in that thread so some of it might look similar to other ones so t take it easy sxb.
  6. shilling, there have already been threads about puntland flag haddii ay ku dhaafeen waa kuwan
  7. Originally posted by Hunguri: beryahan sidan oo kale uma qoslin. Thanks Uztaad waad naga qoslisay Hunguri thanks sxb
  8. indeed chickens has come to roost. Don't sow thorns; for they will prick your feet If you shoot arrows at others, Know that the same arrow will come back to hit you. Don't dig a well in another's path, In case you come to the well’s edge
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: stuff and nonsense ,,,, ] lool JB, it is not staff and non sense, it is how things are going play out.
  10. Somaliland :I want talk to you about our marriage in 1960, since it is not working any more. Somalia : OK, tell me what is bothering you ?! somaliland : I want Somalia to be partitioned Somalia : partitioned !! why ? somaliland : because Abbe Siyaad abused me and oppressed my people Somalia : Aabbe siyaad is not more so let us forget about the past and talk about current issues. somaliland : NO I don't want to forget and forgive what happened , and the country should be divided she insisted. Somalia : OK let us partition of what used to be called somaliland first, then we can talk about your divorce proposal. somaliland : how dare you suggest this outrageous move ? Somalia : how dare you suggest the partition of Somalia in the first the place ? if you think Somalia can be divided so does somaliland. somaliland : but there were colonial boundaries between somaland and souther Somalia why you did not respect that , she screamed Somalia : colonial boundaries are not relevant any more in our world since Britain has left Somalia long time ago what matters today is the people's will, and if you insist your secessionist path let us the partition of of somaliland began first then only we can proceed the divorce procedure somalialand : how do you want to somaliland to be divided since Britain did not make any boundaries between somaliland regions> Somalia : i will accept your demands of divorce but you have sign this paper first , Sool, sanaag ,cayne Awdal and last but not leas halve of togtheer including capital Burco will go to somalia since the people of these regions do support the unity of their mother country. somaliland : OH my God I have never anticipated that my dream divorce will horribly turn in to this nightmare. Somalia : that is the reality, though bitter one somaliland : eeen but one region and halve, this too small to be a country instead it looks to be a jail Somalia : OK let us have a deal and renew our broken marriage under federal framework where the power will be shared by the federal government and state and more over you will have your core regions Awdal, N. west, and Togtheer. somaliland : this seams to be better option Somalia ; ok haye dee qaado nidaamka fedraaliga ah guurkeena aan boorka ka jafno. somaliland : what about sool sanaag and ceyn . somalia : it is up to the people of those regions to decide where there are going to be under federal Somalia either they may join puntland ,somaliland or have their own state somaliland : this arrangement seems to be acceptable but I want have big share in national pie Somalia : you will get what is rightfully yours somaliland : i accept the later option and I will scrap my divorce application they agreed this arrangement and renewed their vows and lived together happily ever after.
  11. Konfuriya will go all the way to the final
  12. "ninkii-dhuumanaayee-dhabarku-muuqdoow".
  13. Ibtisam, I did not base my conclusion the number instead i based of my understand & knowledge of that region, you know Somalis always always fallow what leaders say if the leadership of that region take unionist stand tomorrow the general public will readily accept it.
  14. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Egypt and IGAD FULL support and recognition of SOMALIA has not helped Somalis, nor has it stabilized the country or contributed anything significant to the chaos for the last 22yrs. In the same breath, their lack of recognition or even hostility to the idea of SL independency cannot hinder the ideology of SL independency for as long as those who hold the ideology stick to it. The world has had the same responses for the last 20yrs about SL and it remains in balance because its population either firmly believe the independency ideology or they are happy with the status quo. Let me know when something interesting happens- that goes to both parties: Pro landers please post a thread once someone actually says they are “changing views about the Somaliland case” and anti SL people, please post a thread once Egypt or any other countries says that they are so against the idea of independent SL “that they are going to Bomb and attack the place to destroy the ideology and the power base” till then NOTHING NEW. Egypt's stand against somaliland's secession helped Somalia because it prevented the Balkanization of Somalia. the Idea of secession is not popular among somaliland populations in fact i have met many people from Hargeisa/Burco who support Somali unity. The Idea of somaliland is pushing by few elites who have vented interest a
  15. to study suicide bombers and wahaabi agitators war kuwa kapul iyo baghdad baa ugu daran armay soo laabtaan ayagoo is qarxinaya laftoodu,
  16. to study suicide bombers and wahaabi agitators war kuwa kapul iyo baghdad baa ugu daran armay soo laabtaan ayagoo is qarxinaya laftoodu,
  17. I can understand you are angry at them Because they did not endorse your illusions
  18. Egypt is time tested friend of the Somalia starting form their support of Somali's struggle for independence to present time, Egypt was always there for us.
  19. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote:Originally posted by UZTAAD: interesting account mr somalia, Nimankaan taallooyinka cuqdadada lagu xanaaneeyo dhisanaya waa ka suurowdaa inay taarikhda ka been sheegaan marka la yaab malahan sxb. A&t, waxiisu wax ka soo qaad malahan lafcad buu tobin ku hayaa. Walaale, taarikh intaas ka badan oo ku saabsan A&T iyo kuwa uu amaanayo siday ugaleen, laakin A&T , nin ku cibraqaadanaya ma yahay? Waa maya; Maalin walba naac buu lasoo taaganyahay asagoona taariikhda Soomaali-diidka dib u fiirineyn. A&t's love afair with the secessionist will not last long it is mater of time when Rayaale will send the next batch of Onlf members to addis aba at this point I think this honeymoon will abruptly end,
  20. interesting account mr somalia, Nimankaan taallooyinka cuqdadada lagu xanaaneeyo dhisanaya waa ka suurowdaa inay taarikhda ka been sheegaan marka la yaab malahan sxb. A&t, waxiisu wax ka soo qaad malahan lafcad buu tobin ku hayaa.
  21. Temple of infrior complex > taaladii cuqdadada ciyaalka ayaa la tusaa ilaahow aanaan caruurtayada cuqdad ku ababin .
  22. somalidu been waa sheegtaa laakiin been ma maahmaahdo. waa maah maah lafteedu.
  23. there many errors and lies in this so called editorial In the past, Puntland went into two loosing wars with Somaliland on said territorial question. Consequently, with the reality on the ground hugely favoring Somaliland, which has ruled these regions for most of the last twenty years code: there was several border skirmishes between puntland and Somali-land and majority of these skirmishes puntland was victorious including in 2003 when rayaale was chased away from Las Anod. another armed clashes in September 2004 in which somaliland was soundly defeated around Ariadeye where many prisoners were taken by puntland forces. somaliland only won the last one In October 2007 due to overstretched puntland military obligations in Mogadishu and else where somaliland has never ruled this territories there was some individual politicians who got employment from Hargeisa but there has not any somaliland authority there. it seams that President Faroole is currently avoiding war with somaliland over Las anod because of the other imminent dangers from shabaab which is common enemy of both puntland and somaliland but if puntland decides to liberate its territory in military means it will take only matter of hours not even days because puntland forces and far more superior than SNM militia who are known for their weakness in the battlefield.
  24. Denmark (AllPuntland)- Warar AllPuntland ka heshay ilo wargal ah ayaa sheegaya in wiilkii isku qarxiyay hotelka Shaamoow oo ay ka dhacaysay xafladii qalin jabinta Ardayda Jaamacada Muqdisho uu wiilkaasi ku noolaa wadanka Denmark. Wargalka oo codsaday inaanaan magaciisa sheegin wuxuu noo sheegay inuu si fiican u aqooday wiilka ka dib markuu ku arkay masawirkiisa warbahintiisa Soomaalida. Wargalku wuxuu sheegay in wiilku uu muddo ka maqnaa Denmark , loona sheegay inuu aaday Hargaysa oo uu uga sii gudbay koonfurta Soomaaliya. Wiilka is qarxiyay ayaa ifka kaga tagay Xaas iyo cunug yar sidda wargaluhu noo sheegay. Maaha wiilkii ugu horeeyay oo ka mid ah dhalinyarada ku kortay qurbaha oo isqarxin iyo dagaal u tagay Soomaaliya, waxaana sannadkii hore magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Hargaysa qaraxyo dad badan ku dhinteen isku qarxiyay wiilal ka tagay Maraykanka, waxaana wali qoysaskoodu ayan war iyo wacaal u hayn wiilashooda oo la rumaysan yahay inay ku biireen Xarakada Mujaahidiin Al-Shabaab oo dagaalka kula jirta dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliya.. Faahfahinta warkaan kala socda AllPuntland (APL) xarunta Yurub
  25. very interesting story thanks for sharing