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Everything posted by Khadafi

  1. Abey Ahmed failed and they had to find a new nation to take pictures with and show it to the people. "Warhoooy, dayaaaa fiiriya, waa kanaa Keenyaati baan aragnay ICTRAAAFKIII" baa soo dhaw. That line has been used so many times at Meles Zenawis famous yellow couch. The people of Somaliland are really asking them its been 30 years of "ictraafki baa soo dhaw". Instead of the leadership in Hargeisa choose to cut dies with UN and China. Somali--landers intellectuals are now seriously re-thinking the path of secession. If the project state building falls in the south and the way it looks like Its not. For presidents have peacefully left and re-elected that kind of stability might be the death blow to this whole secessionist thinking. Cracks are appearing within their own fold. Their own intellectuals are saying we cant continue anymore.. Whats happens next depends on the news generation of Somalilanders despite of the hate-somalinimo propaganda they have been fed these years realize that they are indeed soomali.
  2. Egypt is a nation on free falls. Gone are the days when somalis , ereteeriya and suudaan would tune in on raadiyo qaahiro, or the days when poor students would get an education in Nassers Egypt. As soon as the arab nationalism failed and Egypt capitulated to the zionists and agreed to get a loaf a bread of from the west that day Egypt slowly died as a major player. Masaarida were influential Africa and fueled pan-africanism to such an extent y that all major african de-colonised nations refused to recognize Israel. Instead on capitalizing on the islamic revival and the de-colonial aspects of Sheekheena Shahiidka Xassan Banna it chose the opposite side. It believed by behaving as the colonised they would become like the west and ended up as stooges. AUN Maxamed Siyaad Barre. Kolley waxuu gaystay Qiyaamaha ayuu la tagaaa. But one of his great mistakes was making Somalia member of the Arab league in his thirst for money. It instead created some kind of identity crisis. Once colonised stooges of Masar are ousted and the legitmate sons of Hassan Banna like the martyr Mohammed Morsi takes power nothing with change in Masar. One Masaari friend of mine told me that even social mobility is dead in the country. A tiny minority arabised egyptians of turkish origin rule country. They marry with each other and established a Egyptian nomenklatura. A soviet style nomenklatura based upon class and family ties. Soomaliya does not need Egypt neither does it need animosity with Egypt. We have come to a stage in our de-colonized minds that we see our interests first. Take for a example the dam project in Ethiopia. If Somalia could tap into the massive overflow of electricity it is in our interest to see the black kids of Ethiopia and Somalia to read be able to read at night with electric lamps. Think about it, What Turkish alliance did for Somalia could be accounted for what 40 years of membership in the so called Arab league did. Egypt is people is being choked to the death. Until the brotherhood gains power in that country the decline will continue.
  3. He was an aminal, one appointed by Addis-Abeba, The new guy on the block was also nominated from Addis Abeba. Why not hold legitmate elections to Soomali-galbeed can choose their leaders. Ha i kala saarin wax Addis Abeba ka yimid.
  4. Sergeey Buubkas time is over MMA and I think you know that deep inside. Whats more interesting is that their is somekind mass-psycosis happening in Mogadishu. Some people engaging in party politics calling themselves as "oppositon" and some people being government supporters. To be honest thats healthy but the reality on the ground is that Mogadishu is literally under siege by al-shabaab. They controll all exit routes from Mogadishu. You cant even as an nobody government offical take the highway to Badioa janaay, up to xaaran ku naaxyada in southern Gaalkacayo and south to Kismaayo. Al-shabaab has developed from rag-tag militia to become a vicious organisation with structure of a parallel state. They are biding their time and now waiting for Xalane to be vacated. Its time that that the FGS or those who want to see Soomaaliya rise again to unite weather they are opposition politicians or government supporters. The best example of this bizarre situation is Afghanistan. While the Taliban were gaining control the presidential candidates were busy accusing each other of cheating. The US defeated by the Taliban bypassed the afghan state and negotiated. This will likely not happen because of al-shabaab's alignment to Al-qaeda. But why would they care? They controll the seas from Jabuuti. Wallaahi waa Yaab.
  5. Apophis. From an academica religious theological l view point what happened during these is significant. Who knows, I might be nordic after some 30 years but felt at home when I landed in Mogadishu. And I was 100 % certain that if the civil war did not happen I would live a happy privileged "bourgeois" life. Instead I am condemned to daily racist abuse as black man living in a nordic nation. What a tongue twister statement Holac. Drones do kill and they do kill innocent Somalis. My question for forum members is once the aid and xalande disaapears will somanimino, midnimimo and brotherhood keep us together or we will we continue fighting each other? Forget Al-shabaab. I am now talking about the donor dependent FGS and its fragile instututions.
  6. Afgooye, Baidoa, dhul gaduudka, it would grow their. If Kenya can grow it trust so can Afgooye. What I boggled my mind is that why the jareer community that are primary farmers did not try to grow to this crop. It would probably yield them 100x profit,?
  7. "Trump orders American tropps to leave Somalia" While living a simply successful life in a nordic, a steady job a pharmacist and a distinct interest Islams sunni traditional inner out look, its meta-physical understanding Sufism and intiated in Qaadariya dariiqa I had a fully fledged schedule. Raising a family and being pharmacist in one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in this Nordic country and being the chair-man of a small somali mosque. No Somali academic has written about this but the religious spectrum of Somali changed during these 30 years. If Ethiopia changed from Coptic identity to a catholic one, thousands of Phd dissertations would be made. Somalia though hade gone from sunni shafite to sunni-salafi-wahabi. Even if most people still traditional those with influence had gone to saudi way. While during my teens my intense yearning about Islam and sufism took me to Azhar for 2 years I had the pleasure be to be initiated in the Qaadariya by a well known but deceased shaykh. May God blessings be upon him. He was my guide and taught me the basic of the dariiqada. During 2019 a very close family member of mine who never could understand my interest and who at that time was a minister who had always been a minister or an mp since Carta called me and said to me that the relative had a religious obligations upon me. I had to visit him/her. I do not wish to disclose the genus of that person so that's why the use him/her. The relative of mine also said that a friend, Amine Hersi Mooge, a somali-kenyan multi billionaire wished to make inroads to the pharmaceutical world and needed a european connection. A politely denied. Somalia was never my thing. I have been to Turkey in a city called Konya and lived with fellow turkish qadariya xerows for 2 weeks and 1 week in Senegal but not Somalia. I took a month of vacation and handed over the keys to the mowlaca to a fellow xerow and left for Somalia. With all expenses paid I was exited. Would I see the joy and hope I had seen in youtube-channels or would I see a a post mad-max world coming to life. After landing in Somalia through the VIP booth I was shocked to see armed men in jeeps . It is a wonderful feeling to see your country and your nation. The feeling of being black as the normality was something that expected and it shook me. What a wonderful life I could have made instead of being the black outsider in a nordic country surrounded by whites. Whites who unlike americans believe your a outsider despite your higher education or your fluency in the language. After a few weeks my close relative wanted to show me and we drove to Khayre complex who is beside Villa Somalia. As our family house is in Xamar jabjab it was close. We went to the waiting hall While sitting in the waiting hall full of ministers I noticed how the whole Villa was somekind of a extented "jaaliyad". No one followed protocals. It was as if you were in your normal Somali diaspora center. People rushing in, a few people waiting for hours, the room turned in to a semi-kind of a cafe with the latest political gossip. While I did not wish to meet any political leaders and my visit was the first one after 30 years. The reason for my travel to get meet family members and the high ranking minister who is a close relative. As a semi-kind mystic and xerow my relatives were startled when during the my 4th day in Somalia I paid my visit to the Shaykh of Banaadir, The learned faqih of mogadishu whose liturgy could be heard all over the Somali peninsula, Shaykh Suufi (qadasallahu sirrahu, wa nafcallaahu bih). I also paid my respects to my father who was among the few to be elected to the parliament and was a successful lawyer and whose disdain for communism caused to him be a cellmate with the late Xaaji Maxamed Cigaal for 4 years. No one has paid attention to this In. Pre-wahabi Somalia a man with a beard a wadaad would raise respect while in todays Somalia a man with a beard stick wadaad would create suspicions of al-shabaab. Thats sad and indeed tragic. Coming back to the story. What I could not deny is that the civil war has not only affected the infrastructure of Somalia, as a failed state even the Somali culture deviated in some ways. The way of living in Mogadishu was the mentality of bush, eat or be eaten. While Al-shabaab was lurking in the shadows. My close relative advised me not stay in the family house in xamar jabjab if I wished to roam the streets free with my macawis. Instead of being guarded by khat-addicted men with ak47 I was secured for a hotel known for its security. We somalis have a nasty habit of creating nick-names for people. A man who they called cab-cun-jiif who was related to the hotel owner was Yuusuf Garaad. We got know each other and I was amazed by his instant way of judging people and knowing their intention. He had a natural instinct of knowing a persons intentions. He was lovely guy to chat with. My feeling that I got was a man who reviled the white mans world and wanted his Somalia to be at least as the UK or indeed better. Do not be fooled by those who say Yuusuf Garaad was not fit for the job. He had impossible job and did what he could do. Foul capitalism was at play in the nation. The whole nations capital is in the hands of a few guys who managed to digitalize Somalis economy. If you wanted to a simple coke you had to pay digitally . While taking taxi to the suuqa Bakaaraha I noticed the whole productivity of the nation had collapsed. Frozen chicken from EU was sold in Bakaarah and the bizarre thing was that everyone spending money on powdered milk. As a man who was masters in Pharmacology the only thing that I can say that drinking conservatives Nh2 additives with sweeteners like vanilla can not be compared to fresh milk. I asked a poor relative of mine why she would but canned Nido milk when fresh milk was available. Nestle had done its PR. Indeed the answer I got back was "its better". As she was a cousin of mine who I did not want to sound arrogant. Note: Nothing in Suuqa Bakaarah was made in Somalia. Anyways returning back to time waiting for khayre the close relative of mine mentioned to me that Khayre would meet a foreign guy and I would probably not meet him but he would come out and shake hands with me. Little did that relative know of my character, I would rather wait 30 years to only see cadhirka xabiibka suubanay Muxammad and no one else. He came out while walking and shook hands and I finally said ok bal xadda aan baxno. The relative of mine showed me her collegues and I met with with minister of post and isgaarsinta Caanshur, a clever man and with a good educational background. It was Ramadan and I would make spiritual retreats and engaged in dikri during the nights . Their were signs of hope and lady, a dear friend of mine who during my 20-ties helped me and other somalis to set up organisation that cared for afropoboa, an anti racist organisation and who was herself top feminist political head UN- funded NGO organisation for children. She instantly called me and took me to Xalane. I felt as if i was reading the book Fanon black mask white mask. When I entered Xalane the Somali culture stopped with its norms stopped. White people could be seen in shorts. My friend who is not religious took of her xijaab and lighted a cigarette. During our conversation and I asked her in swedish as we both are swedes and somali " Does not this feel like a castle built on air". She laughed and said Yes but people have hope. That's the word of this rambling post. HOPE The word is hope. After a week the relative of mine took me to the Gudoomiyaha of Baarlamaanka and had dinner with him. He was humble and a likable guy. Unlike others who out-size their CV post 91. He said he was school-teacher. You will see a lot of people who were car mechanics in 1991 and today claim to have a PHD in something That humble and honest answer opened my heart and I said to him. Adeer what happens with Amisom decides to leave? The Americans are talking about leaving Afghanistan and Somalia should not be different. He understood the honesty of my political question but decided to be politically correct and said "We will have by then trained armed somali soldiers and solid institutions". When he noticed that I was not a political and did not want a political correct answer he said " Look adeer, people are tired, A H president was elected and then a D president was elected. Is that not a sign of progressiveness. I made rebuttal that shook the room and him back to reality. I said Yes, But said the road to Baidoa is un-attainable by car. All the roads leading into Mogadishu is controlled by Mogadishu. The truth is that Mogadishu is a city under siege. Al-shabaab, a vicious monster weather we like it or not has penetrated the religious spectrum Somalis and mogadishu is under seige, I could not go to Warsheekh for a ziyaaro and to meet Sheekh Ow Cabdi cumar who is the shaykh of our mowlac in the nordic countrey I reside in. He really did not have any answer and repeated the pr-correct mantra In conclusion. 2019 was a trip and and wisdom for me. Somalia is indeed recovering but the our psyche , our culture, has been ravaged by the civil war. Mogadishu is now under seige by al Shabaab just as saigon was. Al-shabaabs ideology has also been legitimised by the government religiously. The Notorious Shaykh Bashir who sits in a religious council organised by government believes in the dogma al-shabaab. Even Umul, Shibili all of them do. The only difference is that they chose to tone it down. Another aspect that was shocking is, while I Khayres villa complex, the ministers, the secretaries, military commanders everyone really seemed to believe that Mogadishu was not under siege or were simply denying that Somalia was at war with a vicious monster created by Saudis. A monster that MBS admitted to have created but now washed his hands from. Donald trump has now ordered all american soldiers to withdraw and that means no Xalane. The pandemic has showlighted that the White world europeans are thinking about saving their economies and have no thirst for god forsaken places like Somalia. The only option Somalia now has Turkey. Will Turkey send military force and give deceive victory to government as it did for Libya and Azerbaijan? Khadafi.
  8. Che -Guevara to be honest, what we are seeing the long decline of the colonial empire that Menelik created. A nation with no common historical narrative. The Amhara neftegna nationalists and afro-centrist have long presented a historical narrative that Ethiopia was "never colonised". They often potrayed Ethiopia as a isolated nation and note "Ethiopia" or Ityopia was name taken by Haile Seleassie to tone down the the ethnic meaning of the true name of Ethiopia essentially Abyssinia. Oromo professor like Mohammed Hassen, and even Western ones uncovered documents during the Berlin conferance that Russia with its orthodox church strong warned western nations not to interfere with with Abyssinia (Amhara region). Indeed Russia had an ambassador and vice verse. Another point is that the concept of the colonialism explained by Fanon. was a way of civilising black savages. The christian church in western nations and the European nations that strong economical intrests had to have strong rational reasons to colonise the world. In a nutshell the word colonising was "peace making efforts, civiling, missionary" etc. These the ket concepts according to the Ethiopianist professors Mohammed Hassan and Plem saved Ethiopia. Nobody has intrested in the mountainous regions of the Amhara and Menelik who did not even controll the muslim sultanates pf Massawa gave them away to the italians as they were "savages". When the europeans power divided Africa they essentially made so that they controlled key sea routes. Somalia was key strategic countrey. Professor Mohammed Hassan continues that the Russian Emperor sent 2 million moden wellington rifles to Ethipia and sent 200 technicians to Ethiopia. The Amhara unlike the Somalis do not have clans but they do have social stratification system. The Amhara iron welders learned how to make the bullets and etc etc. While the Italian army campaign t Adwa was led by Italian officers and italian soldiers the bulk of the army were black colonised eritreans and some somalis called "Askaris". The italians were equipped with older versions then the wellingtin rifles. Menelik launched war against other Amhara warlords and once they were destroyed He reestablished Abyssinia but he did so by brutally invading Caruusha Oromo muslim sultanates, Harar, Afar. While the muslim world was in decile and the Ottomans were defending the gates of Istanbul in the galipolis in the 1918 poor muslim low landers had no one to ask. According to the Professor Muhammed Hassan Meneleik gave a decree to cut of the breast of of ever one of 1 oromo women as punishment. So why the long the history lesson? Mengistu who according to me was true communist unlike our Siyaad, demolished the feudal Ethiopian society and made Ethiopia secular. By severing the orthodox chuch with state. He had un-intentionally deleted the glew that attached oromo orthodox christians that were forced to convert to orthodox coptic christianity. Mengistu fully understood that as an Amhara if he discussed the marxist concept of nation and nationalities minioritythe countrey would be dis-integration. In VOA interview made Mengistu said that the TPLF have balcanised Ethiopia. Like him or not the short baria Amxaaro Mengisu was shrewd and fully understood what was coming. The Second blow was the TPLF. By making yuguslavia ethnic federation they were essentialy preparing to rule Ethiopia as a by using the discord between the Amxaaro and Oromo. During their 30 years one of the main things that I think they did un-intentionally was strengthening the oromo nationalism. An oromo during Haile Selassie time would not say he was oromo. Times have changed. One other aspect is that Amxaaro that used to deny that Axmaaro as distinct ethnic group existed changed their views. They fully accepted the Amxaaro ethnic group. Mustafa cagjar might be more articulate then the electrician henchman Cabdi iley but both down are direct puppets selected by Addis Abeba. What Mustafa could do is strengthen Somali nationalism and create legitimate somali parties and hold elections. As soon as the honeymoon between Abey-Amxaaro and Amxaara region and the Oromo parties are over the war will come closer to Addis Abeba. The countrey is already in a fully fledged civil war. According to a friend of mine the TPLF is now direing weapons to oromo civilians and their satelilite channels have have become hutu-channel towards amxaaro. Their propogands is an having an affect. over 150 amxaaro coloniser settler neftegna were killed by an ofshoot to OLF. The vice prime minister called on Amxaaros arm themselves.!!!
  9. Who thought I would write an article recommending Somalis to defend the legacy of the TPLF despite its heinous crimes in Mogadishu? Times have changed. Ethiopia in its purest essence was formed by the brutal image of the Amxaaro. If you want graphic details about it the history books are full of how Amxaaro peasants armed with european rifles pillaged and chopped of the breats of the oromos and forcefully converted muslims to christianity. During the time of the brutal Xabashi Amxaaro ruler Xayle Selasssie Ethiopia was portrayed as the land of the Amxaros. And old oromo Shaykh Abdulkarim Xusseyn (AUN) told me in Europe that during his radio address he would address the muslims on the muslim holidays as "congratulations to the muslim residents of Ethiopia". While Shaykh Cabdikarim was a Xerow in Baale he vividly remembers "why does he adress as residents as if we are visitors". Gaalka gartiiisa waa la siiya. Mengistu Xayle Maryama was a devout Marxist. Even the secret KGB files that were opened after the cold war gave description of him as a person who wanted to get rid of the feudal system . On other hand our Siyaad Barrre was labeled as fake marxist and in a sense simply a Somali nationalist. The man giving this info to KGB in 77 could have not been none other then naaso-wayne AKA Fidel Castro. Mengistu indeed severed the state ties to the orthodox church, secularised the schools and universities. Unlike Somalia, indeed Ethiopia had a feudal system. The family of the butcherer of the Oromos Menelik gave every son "Ras" head and land to govern. Thats why Xayle Selassie was in Harar before he became Emperor. The one question that Mengistu was pandora's box and one he failed to address as a devout marxist was question "nation and nationalities". Indeed, Mengistu who was from the woleyta ethnic group and was assimilated in the Amhara assimailation cykle knew for sure if he acknowledged the existence other nationalities then the one that forged Ethiopia with blood and butchering of Somalis and oromos and Afars and Tigrayans that would be existential threat to Ethiopia. It did not years for the first shots to be fired. A courageous Ethnic tigre muslim named Hamid Idris Awate together with then Somali Nasrullah ignited the war. The great Ethiopian civil war. The Eritreans cemented the resistance and during the 1988 mass-desertations had a big effect on the well equipped Ethiopian army. Raadiyo Muuqdisho PR for the oromos had a great effect on the oromos. Why would an oromo die in a god forsaken land that does not belong to him. As always when the Amxaaro could not find others to fight for them they saw what was coming. Unlike Siyaad Barre AUN who burned to Somalia according to the scorched earth policy Mengistu told his Amxaaro dominated military command to concede defeat. By now the EPLF were marching into Asmara and its ofshoot were marching to Addis Abeba. Mar labaad. Gaalka gartiisa ha la siiyo. Mengistu did not open the vast amounts of army depots to amxaro and left saying "Hey, I am going but arm yourself and fight to the teeth with each other, Ciao". The TPLF, a hardcore Hoxaist communist group entered the city and the Amxaaro military command submitted. Mar sadaxaad. Gaal Gartiisa hala siiyo. Meles Zenawi had the courage or was forced to finally face the existential question that faced Ethiopia. What is Ethiopia in its essence? Is Menelik a hero or the one who chopped the breasts of oromo women? The TPLF saw things how it was, Eritrea was given its hard earned freedom. The TPLF played the ethnic game and according to Mesfin Hagos interview in 1998 He actually said that the only solution they could see was an ethnic federation. With Yugoslavia as ideal Meles hatched the game to turn the oromos against the Amxaaro and him balancing the fine act of dancing between this deadly snakes. What he did not foresee ofcourse was the rise of digital platforms and mostly oromo nationalism. According to the book written by the tigrayan jeberti Hasen Shifa, who was expelled from the TPLF committee Meles was in 1991 more worried by WSLF or resurgent Somali state that would intervene. According to his book, one of the first tasks he did as he took over Addis Abbaba was to send for remaining DERG spies and heat the news on Somalia. On hearing the news that Somalia was in flames he turned on the Amxaaro DERG. Purging them for every position in power and replacing them with oromo loyalists. He did not fully trust Somalis as he always feared the Somalis and in 1994 he finally betrayed the Somalis when they pushing for article 79 in the Ethiopian constitution. Namely that every federal region has right to secede. Had Siyaad Barre followed the advice of the Maanifesto and left the country intact I have no doubts that Soomali-Galbeed would like Eritrea have a referendum. Whats happening now? The Washington Amxaaro supremacist opposition groups successfully launched media propaganda against the EPRDF/TPLF but so did the Oromos. While they shared the same enemy that have different narratives of what Ethiopia is. Guys, weather we like it or not, Meles Zenawi left behind human waiting for surgeion and the surgeon knowing exactly which parts to amputate. For 30 years the oromos have now regained their lost identity. According to a friend of mine the transformation happened so fast the oromos started to even change their names Somalis have no appetite for conflict nor do they have the resources for it. Cabdi Iley the monster that the TPLF to terrorise the somali nomads into submission is in prison but the man in charge now, Mustafa Omar is not man chosen by the Somalis. He was directly appointed Addis Abeba. It not a nice job for the guy to have. the 33 army division is stationed in Dire Dawa. If he dares to make legitimate democratic demands as having elections in Soomali-Galbeed The same fate as Cabdi Iley might await him. The Neftegna/Amxaro supremacist are busy attacking the federal vision but they do not have an alternative. They talk about democracy but a man who reveres Meneleik and while you view him as black colonialist who chopped the hands of your people. That shows that their is no common narrative holding the country together Its time that the world, and the international community for the stability of Africas horn accepts a Post-Ethiopian state. Nation states as Oromiya, Amhara, Soomaali-galbeed (weather to join somalia or be independent). The attack on Tigray is an attack on this post Ethiopian vision. All Somalis should support tigray, not out of love but for common interests.
  10. Latest news: The Whole northern command consisting of tigrayans have defected to the TPLF. Thousands of soldiers with armour. are in long convoys returning to Mekelle and defecting without even firing a single shot. The only military action Caabey Amxaaro have done is air strikes against some abandoned houses. If Abey Amxaro thinks that an Oromo from Dire Dawa will fight for his attempt to revive the amxara-supremacy he is dead wrong. Jawar Mohammed, Merere and all Oromo intellectuals have abandoned Abey and are now for the first time calling Abey Nefetgna. The Qeero oromo youth have also recently taken action. For those who read the news a couple of days when 100 amharas were massacred remember that they were not killed for joy or sadism. The Qeero warned those Amhara neftegna settlers that they were harvesting on land who belonged to them. They gave them the chance to leave or face the consequences. Jawar Mohammed explained this excellently in All-Ethiopian discussion forum held in washington 8 years ago. He said "why is that we find the amhara outside the amhara lands cultivating and harvesting the best lands of the oromos and sidama, the simple answer is that they were neftegna soldiers awarded by Haile selessie to be loyal. In order for Ethiopia to find peace we have accept this narrative and the professos who spoke before me present these facts. We do not find Somalis, Oromos, Afars in Amhara lands, Why?" UPDATE ON THE CONFLICT This what I think will happen. The TPLF biggest obstacle is indeed Eritrea. Lets be honest to each other. The TPLF could have not achieved its decisive victory in 1991 without the support of its fellow tigrayan Eritrean EPLF. They are now landlocked and the only gate way is though denkalia. TPLF are stalling hoping for international intervention but they do not understand that the days when USA were dictating to the world is gone. The US and its European allies are in state of panic because of the pandemic and the economy in tatters. IGAD with Turkey who are seen as neutral players could be a platform for discussons.
  11. Who thought I would write an article recommending Somalis to defend the legacy of the TPLF despite its heinous crimes in Mogadishu? Times have changed. Ethiopia in its purest essence was formed by the brutal image of the Amxaaro. If you want graphic details about it the history books are full of how Amxaaro peasants armed with european rifles pillaged and chopped of the breats of the oromos and forcefully converted muslims to christianity. During the time of the brutal Xabashi Amxaaro ruler Xayle Selasssie Ethiopia was portrayed as the land of the Amxaros. And old oromo Shaykh Abdulkarim Xusseyn (AUN) told me in Europe that during his radio address he would address the muslims on the muslim holidays as "congratulations to the muslim residents of Ethiopia". While Shaykh Cabdikarim was a Xerow in Baale he vividly remembers "why does he adress as residents as if we are visitors". Gaalka gartiiisa waa la siiya. Mengistu Xayle Maryama was a devout Marxist. Even the secret KGB files that were opened after the cold war gave description of him as a person who wanted to get rid of the feudal system . On other hand our Siyaad Barrre was labeled as fake marxist and in a sense simply a Somali nationalist. The man giving this info to KGB in 77 could have not been none other then naaso-wayne AKA Fidel Castro. Mengistu indeed severed the state ties to the orthodox church, secularised the schools and universities. Unlike Somalia, indeed Ethiopia had a feudal system. The family of the butcherer of the Oromos Menelik gave every son "Ras" head and land to govern. Thats why Xayle Selassie was in Harar before he became Emperor. The one question that Mengistu was pandora's box and one he failed to address as a devout marxist was question "nation and nationalities". Indeed, Mengistu who was from the woleyta ethnic group and was assimilated in the Amhara assimailation cykle knew for sure if he acknowledged the existence other nationalities then the one that forged Ethiopia with blood and butchering of Somalis and oromos and Afars and Tigrayans that would be existential threat to Ethiopia. It did not years for the first shots to be fired. A courageous Ethnic tigre muslim named Hamid Idris Awate together with then Somali Nasrullah ignited the war. The great Ethiopian civil war. The Eritreans cemented the resistance and during the 1988 mass-desertations had a big effect on the well equipped Ethiopian army. Raadiyo Muuqdisho PR for the oromos had a great effect on the oromos. Why would an oromo die in a god forsaken land that does not belong to him. As always when the Amxaaro could not find others to fight for them they saw what was coming. Unlike Siyaad Barre AUN who burned to Somalia according to the scorched earth policy Mengistu told his Amxaaro dominated military command to concede defeat. By now the EPLF were marching into Asmara and its ofshoot were marching to Addis Abeba. Mar labaad. Gaalka gartiisa ha la siiyo. Mengistu did not open the vast amounts of army depots to amxaro and left saying "Hey, I am going but arm yourself and fight to the teeth with each other, Ciao". The TPLF, a hardcore Hoxaist communist group entered the city and the Amxaaro military command submitted. Mar sadaxaad. Gaal Gartiisa hala siiyo. Meles Zenawi had the courage or was forced to finally face the existential question that faced Ethiopia. What is Ethiopia in its essence? Is Menelik a hero or the one who chopped the breasts of oromo women? The TPLF saw things how it was, Eritrea was given its hard earned freedom. The TPLF played the ethnic game and according to Mesfin Hagos interview in 1998 He actually said that the only solution they could see was an ethnic federation. With Yugoslavia as ideal Meles hatched the game to turn the oromos against the Amxaaro and him balancing the fine act of dancing between this deadly snakes. What he did not foresee ofcourse was the rise of digital platforms and mostly oromo nationalism. According to the book written by the tigrayan jeberti Hasen Shifa, who was expelled from the TPLF committee Meles was in 1991 more worried by WSLF or resurgent Somali state that would intervene. According to his book, one of the first tasks he did as he took over Addis Abbaba was to send for remaining DERG spies and heat the news on Somalia. On hearing the news that Somalia was in flames he turned on the Amxaaro DERG. Purging them for every position in power and replacing them with oromo loyalists. He did not fully trust Somalis as he always feared the Somalis and in 1994 he finally betrayed the Somalis when they pushing for article 79 in the Ethiopian constitution. Namely that every federal region has right to secede. Had Siyaad Barre followed the advice of the Maanifesto and left the country intact I have no doubts that Soomali-Galbeed would like Eritrea have a referendum. Whats happening now? The Washington Amxaaro supremacist opposition groups successfully launched media propaganda against the EPRDF/TPLF but so did the Oromos. While they shared the same enemy that have different narratives of what Ethiopia is. Guys, weather we like it or not, Meles Zenawi left behind human waiting for surgeion and the surgeon knowing exactly which parts to amputate. For 30 years the oromos have now regained their lost identity. According to a friend of mine the transformation happened so fast the oromos started to even change their names Somalis have no appetite for conflict nor do they have the resources for it. Cabdi Iley the monster that the TPLF to terrorise the somali nomads into submission is in prison but the man in charge now, Mustafa Omar is not man chosen by the Somalis. He was directly appointed Addis Abeba. It not a nice job for the guy to have. the 33 army division is stationed in Dire Dawa. If he dares to make legitimate democratic demands as having elections in Soomali-Galbeed The same fate as Cabdi Iley might await him. The Neftegna/Amxaro supremacist are busy attacking the federal vision but they do not have an alternative. They talk about democracy but a man who reveres Meneleik and while you view him as black colonialist who chopped the hands of your people. That shows that their is no common narrative holding the country together Its time that the world, and the international community for the stability of Africas horn accepts a Post-Ethiopian state. Nation states as Oromiya, Amhara, Soomaali-galbeed (weather to join somalia or be independent). The attack on Tigray is an attack on this post Ethiopian vision. All Somalis should support tigray, not out of love but for common interests.
  12. Sadly the Banaadir-Somalis had the unfortunate fate that the the italians colobialists made moqdishu as it its center of the fascist Itaaliya-Soomaliya. That caused many somalis to migrate to mogadishu. They belived firmly in pan-somalism and all somalis knew them as the people of scholars of Islam. The Qaadiriya Sunnu-order spread to the far corners with its liturgy was none other then Shaykh Suufi Allah yarxamu. They then fought the italians together with all somalis and formed SYL from the Hamar youth club. They had a big share of the SYL leadership. Banaadiris who then were at semi-majority in Mogadishu and got a Banaadiri lawyer Avokaate Maxamed Raajis a Banaadiri elected together with Avokaate jimaale (unuka) in the last democatic election in 1960-ties, never did those SYL member belive that they would instead be marginanized by pastorl somalis who came from Cadaado and Mudug. Its importat that Certain disctrists of Moqadishu or the entire city made into some kind of the Harar or that qouta is given to the Banaadiris. Xamarwayne Marka and certain city states should be made into some kind of Harar-modl with a defined qouta.
  13. Revisionist history is occuring in Somalia and what is being said is the truth. Those who have have nostalgia for Siyaad Barrre era failed to realise that his regime was corrupt and deeply clanish in its last days. Listen carefully to what Cali Mahdi said. He said that Barre regime jailed democratic elected people from 1969 people.. Among those people who were cose to me was the late famous human rights lawyer AVokaate Maxamed Raajis. Two people elected from mogadishu during the last democratic election, The late Jimcaale and avokaate Maxamed Raajis. Both of these two people represented the demographic landscape of Banaadir at that time. AUN Avokaate Maxamed Raajis was jailed the likes of Egal and many others. Barre had a tendency to make people join his kacaan after jailing them. After 5 years of jail, the late lawyer who never thought the regime would last for 21 years was immedietely taken to Villa Somalia and met Barre. Both of them knew each other and were friends during the italian colonial era. Barre AUN told him about the conditions of the countrey and said he wanted the lawyer AUN to lead wasaarada Cadaalada. Out of principle the late lawyer said he wished to continue his private office and declined the offer. Barre became angry and lashed out in clannish statement and said "war dadkiina banaadiriga wax deeop ma jiro miyaa". While Mengistu saved Ethiopia and did not open weapons arme depots to the Amhara in Gondar and Bahdri Dahr Barre armed Amhara and kept the Ethiopian army in command while fleeing the countrey Barre AUN did the opposite. Cali Mahdi is honest when he said that the maanifesto group were the ones who made the Barre regime illegtimate in the eyes of the Somali people. Among those who signed and who remained in Mogadishu and who was second in the name signatures was Avokaate Maxamed Raajis. And indeed as Cali Mahdi said the group had a meeting with Barre and promised him that if he stepped down he would be among the respected leaders of Somalia. He agreed to the terms. The next day while everyone was awaiting his response of stepping down and handing over power he made his infamous bizarre radio adress encouraging "somalis "BEERAHA FALAHA". The critique that could be made against Cali Mahdi and the USC was he was unable to compromise. If he lacked the military power to tackle Aideed why not then hand over government to Aideed and in orderly fashion and have fresh elections. If Mogadishu was secured the whole of Somalia would be secure. But the question remains. Whould the ADHD. Aideed be a man that could bring Somalis together or whould he be Barre on steriods?. One thing is sure. Barre failed while Mengistu had the greater perspective of saving his nation. Think about that!
  14. The facts on the table is as MMA mentioned above. Tigray is landlocked. The EPLF-regime with the monstous dictator has never forgotten the betrayal the TPLF made in the war against Eriteeriya 1998. The Amhara has blocked the roads into Tigray. The Tigerans have a somewhat cultural and a economical ties with Afar region has betted heavily on the Afar region not joining Medemer but failed in preventing them. The Tigrayn region election was a show force to Abey Ahmed that the TPLF has the full backing of its people. I belive that the first shots or military action will be taken by the TPLF in order to ensure their logistical needs through the Afar region. The TPLF does not want to become another "Somaliland", a secession with no international recognTition. They will probably ignite the first shots in order for the international community comes in and intervenes. It is not in their intrest to have a protacted war. Their propoganda that Abey Ahmed Mengistu 2.0 with an Amhara neftagna mentality was at first dismissed by the oromo elites but the blodless coup that Abey Ahmed did when he arrested Jawar Ahmed and put Lemma in house arrest has become the last straw for the oromo activists. Jawars media platform and other oromo satellite channels are now openly calling Abey ahmed a Amhara neftehna. In conclusion do not be suprised if the first shots are done by the TPLF. They have nothing to lose.
  15. Its afrophobia. While the corona virus was spread and injected into Sweden by upper-class swedes on vacation in the wealthy towns of Italy. These people were not blamed but somalis were. Blaming blacks in a racist nation is a common thing the post-colonial world. And by the way according to research done by sociologists, the somali community was affected much more hard becouse they often work service-minded jobs, like driving as a taxi driver a wealthy swede who have been in Italy and has covid19. Busdrivers, these people meet every kind of people. Multigenerational houses, becouse of the low socio-economical status of Somalis we often live multigenerational houses with our grandmothers and grandfather father and mother and finally the kids under one roof. That leads to extreme risk to covid-19. To the thread starter, how did it spread in Denmark? Was it not wealthy danes who were in Italy?
  16. During a vist to a Mogadishu for a pharmaceutical bushiness initative a relative of mine who is an mp and a minister asked to if I wanted to meet the the head of the parliament. As I did not want to be target by being seen by high profile relatives I first said no but later agreed. We ment through several check point and had a informal meeting with Mursal. While engaging in smalltalk It emerged that he was one of those pioneer teachers sent to the distant lands of Somalia in order to teach and he said the best time of his life was when he sent to a tiny village in southern Somalia. Anyways, after Iftar a few mps including the mp that head of the elections and a few other allied mps had an informal meeting. The female chief that was assigned to organise the elections one man one vote is a highly intelligent and vibrant woman. Somalia would certainly be better a place if we actually had such a lady as the president. As Cishaha was approaching I noticed that what was being said in the meeting was not based upon the reality in the grounds. The mp was talking about talking ballotboxes Baladwaybe, Guriceel, Baidoa and Kismaayo. All other mp were nodding in agreement. Qalbiga waxaan iska dhahay war dakaani ma fiyowtihiin ( these people sane). These people talking about balllotboxes are hiding in Mogadishu because of Al-shabaab and they are talking about ballotboxes, Yaab!. While at home I asked my relative, war qof yahow, You cant even go outside without armed escorts and you want ballotboxes in certain places in Somalia that al-shabaab has a strong presence in?. The relative smiled and said to me: " war waxaas dhab in ey ahayd maaad u maleyneysid". Thats how politics in Somalia works. Its politics based upon nomenklatura Outright lies not based upon facts are presented as facts and part of the nomenklatura culture is that you remain silent and hope God finds a solution. Everyone wants one man one vote. Bur is it reallt viable on the ground? And what about the Banaadiri-Barwaani miniority group that reside on the port towns of Somalia. How will they the parliament if now laws are implemented protecting these somali groups whose demography has been severely damaged by the civil war. During the pre Siyaad bare only 2 parliament members were elected from Mogadishu. The late Avokaate Raajis and the honorable Ismaacil Jimcaale. While Ismaacils people can be elected from Hir-shabeele what about Avokaate Raajis and the honorable Xaaji Dheere and Sakhawadin the SYL members that were all banaadiri?. Why should be Farmaajo get an extension. The little political stability and the most positive sign that Somalia was finally healing its wounds from its damaging war was H-block president handing over the power to a president from the D-block without violence and with political legitimacy. Why change that? Asxaabow, ha lis badalo. NO EXTENSION.!
  17. Indeed Somalia has made progress. While we not now resemble the scenes of Mel Gignsons of Mad-Max film, some order seems to be norm in in the city. While I was in Mogadishu for a short trip I met a minister I wish not name and the members of the parliament for the guddiga doorashooyinka. A well educated woman with a professionalism that can not be matched by somali men. While we were sipping tea together with all mps (mursal was in the backroom) She was actually talking as if Somalia was somekind of peacefull Tanzania. The ballboxes would be spread out to the regiobal states. I was startled and said nothing. While I came home Xamar jajab I had a long conversation with a minister. I said the chairman would not even move freelly from villa Somalia and she is talking about 1 man 1 vote. Yaanan been lisku sheegin. Meeshas 1 man one vote kama soo socoto. Another importabt but vital question is what about the minority groups whose lands were ockupied by the Italians and then given and made into Mogaadishu. Prof. M Muktar explained perfectly well that SYL made up majority by Banaadiri Soomalis. Xaaji Dheere, Sakhawaadin. D-block has support the the candidates mogadishu can only be Banaadiris. This is a compromise that will suil all feduing clans. During the mayhen 1991 when the government were losing the ground in the Mogadishu , the late colonel AUN Saciid Mariino captured the arny deposits of the Somali navy and held a pary convention by SNU. The late Banaadiri lawyer Avookate Maxamed Raajis was the last elected mogadishu mp during the lections in 60-mogadishu Said famously". "Dagaaal waa xikmad, Siyaad Barrena 6 sano ayuu u xiray. Hadii maanta anaga hub qaadano meeel aan u cararno ma jirto", Saciido Hubkaadi ma rabno, Xaaran dhiig soomalyed ma rabno". Dadka Banaadirigha waa taarikha ugu qoran in Sayid Barqash iyo ciidamadiisa ka eryeen bortuqiiska". USC wada hadal ayaa la galayna.One man 1 vore. While one can be elected fron Mogadishu and Cadaado was soconeyso iyo caqli gal maaha. The original inhabitants of Mogadishu together with the some segments of Abgaal should be the only one that should be elected from certain districts from Mogadishu.
  18. Your actually about Taiwan and China. Whats more bizarre and adds jaad and diazepam pills the colossal blunder is the likes of Suldaanka and his minions boasting about "War Gambia ayaa naga hadashay". I would have deeper respect if our respected brothers from the northern parts of the countrey actually took action against the enermous corruption, the lack of free education and healthcare. SL has become a clan fiefdom, It has become everything that the late respected AUN Egal wanted IT NOT TO BECOME. Sadly those respected elders are either old or dead. Those in power are only those who can rally their people with emtpy slogans like "AFWEYNE AYAA NA SOO WEERARAY, KOONFURTA". While sitting with xidhid of mine I actuallu showed him the clip. He was baffled and said "war reer muqdisho iyada ayaaba teeda haysataa goorme ey way ka yeelikaraan SL". But thats the reality, distract the public from the stagnation and arrest people for walking in blue clothes and keep the xiqd and animosity on.
  19. I have no further comments. 30 years haddey sheekada noqotay "gambia ayaa naga hadashay". No comment. Ku farax ama ka nax. Tacliiq kale kama bixinaayo. Oodweyne. Suldaanka. I would busy my self with actually demanding the SL government of self-sufficency. It is a open secret that most kids cant even afford schools. all are private,. Qabyaalada dhanka soomalida hadaa la fiiryo waxay ugu badantahay waqooyiga. I am not saying that south is better but during my visit and while meeting a minister I wish I do not want name people are flocking from SL to Mogadishu. Most are young and educated . My point is that SL is in stagnation. It has become a clan fiefdom. Thats why we see old Mussie Biixi shouting about "mogadishu is attacking us, talking about afwayne, etc". While all those people are either dead or senile or sick. He knows thats the only way he can sway people feelings instead of youg Somalilanders like Muuse Coldoon asking "hey, whats actually wrong with us". War goá hadaan rabtiin, magaako qaa qabiil ah waxba kama qabo hadey goaan. Do you really think that your triangle will become some kind of an african paradise hadaad go´did. Tan labaad. Qabaailada kale ma kula raacsanyihiin? As I have said before. Nothing changed. 200 years ago Koofi laga sameeyay baraawe intaad xeratid ayaa gees hoostid piratelabd gabayo isku tuurayseen. Xaddana waa clan fiefdoms.
  20. Dhibkeeda ee leedahay marki qofka taarikhda meel khalad oo ka bilaabo. When the english gaalo cadaanka left and the Italians left, Aadan Cadde met the respected somali nationalists. They wanted unfication. Aadan Cadde wuxuu ku jawaabay "walaalayal ma is qaadna". Meaning can we do it. And they did it. And old english hag, the british should not divide somalis. Thats my opinion. Regarding the xaasidnimo. Somaliland had peace and stability while the south was in turmoil and is still is some way. I guess you get political legitmacy by invoking xiqd and xasiidnimo. That explains whye Muuse Biixi in a bizarre interview was saying "KOONFURTA ayaa na so weerereyso, afweyne". My friend most of those people in that epoch are either old or senile. Silaanyo was minister, most of the p senile /very old political elite served in the republic. Like it or not. Most public roads, dekedda berbera all major infrastracture was built by somali tax money. The question you should direct your anger towards to is 30 waa waa wakhti dheer., What have they accomplished in terms of public schools, basic health care, being self-sufficent. The south is much worse but whats lacking in you in self criticism. Look at Suldaankas post. Boasting about the poor african countrey "gambia" discussed about Somaliland and potraying that as if it somekind of a blessing from god. Hold your leaders to account. Soomaliweyn waa wanaag. ee maaha khasab., In my personal opinion the triangle town can secceede if they want. Laakin qabaailada kale ma ku qaysbaysin? Bal ka warama iyaga hadday rebaan in ey idinka rabaan in ey idinka na goaan. The circle arguements continues. Nothing changed. 200 years your grand fathers were sitting under trees and using poems in your clan feuds. Now its clan feuds. While Banaadir was producing religious literacy and religious settlements and lived in peace. Your people were praising religious liturgy made fron Baraawe. Xaasidnimo meeshan ma jiree ee waa jaahilnimo.
  21. Suldaanka. I dont know if the summer heat has gone to your mind. Ma ilaahay kugu dhaarshay daacad mey ka tahay your actually proud that a poor african countrey called "the gambia" is talking about us". If you fail to realise how comical this is and you really belive this is progress daawo diazepam la dhaho ayaa jiro. Take that and you will see the world talking about Somaliland. Daacad mey ka tahay waxaani? If you have said the US congress talked about Somaliland sure, thats something that would be intresting to read. Laakin the Gambia? Pharmashia tag ee daawada soo qaado. Nin aan yaabin wuu dhahay wuu yaabay!
  22. Here comes the tit for tar arguements, Did you know that somaliland, soomaliya oo dhan basically lack malnourishmeny and receive 80% of their nourishment from us AID. Why not tackle those issues instead of wasting your time defending a tiny black african that is un-recognised. Most of the SL people cant afford schools as all schools are privatized. Xalli your belly and your basic issues and then talk big. Glossy words, high sounding wods, does not change the fact its clan fiefdom your talking about and your refuting another another clan fiefdom, Just as your great grand fathers used to insult each other under big trees and camels your, times have changed. Instead of gabayo its the internet.. We have a banaadiri saaying. Canjeerada sida i koreeyso aa la cunaa. Kor ka bilow.
  23. The tit for tat arguements continue. While the poor folks are suffering from malnourishment and lack basic health care diaspora members are content with name calling. War Hooy war aan ni sheego. Reer koonforta wey ku daashay the never ending feuds. Soma
  24. I didnt se the thread but I will repost it here. While the world news were on New York in 2001 on nine eleven. In the rustic town of Eritrea the leader of the Eritrea, described and praised by the cadaanka rounded up his own EPLF- collegues and other oppositional groups as the ELF. No one has since heard of then. Caabey Amxaaro thinks that he can do the same but doesnt know that social media is a media.changer. Jawad the oromo nationalist, the first oromo leader who openly said in Aljazeera interview "I am an oromo first, and then ethiopian" shocked the oromo people into beliving in oromo nationalism. Even the crypto-.Amxaro Oromos started to return to their oromo heritage when TPLF dismanted the whole "be an amxaara so you can have a socal mobility". News comings from Addis shows that Jawad has been arrested together with the whole leadership of the oromo federal congress party. The only group that is now show support to Cabeey Amxaaro are the Amhara residents of Addis Abeba and the Amhara region of Gondar and Bahri Dahr. The Emperor has no clothes. The TPLF might have been a menace to the Soomalida in 90-ties up till 2006 but the core group of the TPLF made a desecion that the knew will ultimately lead to conflict. While Caabey Amxaaro said their would no elections becouse of Covid they the TPLF said they would have elections. If history repeats itself it seems that the situation is what it was in former Yoguslavia. The serbs said no Croatioan elections while Croats carried one. We all know what went down. Bal Soomaalida maxaa u diyaarsan? Mustafa Cagjar went to Baxridahr and praised Menelik and becane the darling of the Amxaaro. Is he betting his horses on Caabey Axmed? If he is and Cabeey succeeds somalis will be in a better position. They will become another garrison town. If he fails and does not prepare the Somalis by allowing elections and expanding Somali nationalism Soomali galbeed will become another mad max region where feuding clans with ak47 roam the streets. Mustafa intuu Baxridahar tagi lahaay dadkiisa ha diyaariyo post-civil war Ethiopia. The Arrest of Jawad and the other oromo leader is big and I think it is a sign that something is brewing in Ethiopia. Americas orientalist and British fascination with their "ortodox gaalo of Abbsynia is no more. Tabar iyo lacag uma haayaan in ey u gargaaran wadanka. Galbeedi, the question for you is Soomalida maxaa u diyaarsan? Another mad-max clan chewing lawless clan fiefdoms or a stable Somali regional state? Kolley the TPLF plan B wey diyaarsadeen but Mustafes singing tunes to Amxaaro in BaxriDahar might backfire once Cabeey Amxaaro becomes the emperor with clothes.