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3 pointsVery much reflections of what I would expect from a bloody foreigner on a hushed visitation to a war zone marinated with a toss of mislaid Somalinimo flavour to balm chapped cavities of the forlorn diaspora hordes. Take you seriously, I shall not, till you have taken a crowded bus, with tiny seats not fit for a tall, burly gentleman of a certain age, from Adam Adde airport, paid the $5 fee to stride to the taxi rack, fight your way through rows of poor beggars to find a taxi or a bajaj to your destination; then at dawn, take a stroll through Bakaraha market for a homely breakfast in one of the low end shacks-turned-restaurants competing fresh "laxoox / canjeelo" flying off the pan with builders / workers in the morning rush, and get a sodden whiff of the rubbish, from the day before, still stacked up in the streets. With that, you would be a local lad back at home. But with you fancy bulletproof limo, VIP reception, backdoor exit to the city, and trotting between blue beaches and fancy hotels, mate, you are a bloody foreigner on tour. Now, tell me, is Awdal safe? Is Lughaya secure? Is Ceel Sheekh off limits?
3 points
2 pointsYou should know by now he never criticizes Lafta Gareen, anyone else is a game. For him he is infallible, cajiib.
2 pointsWell I have never liked the idea of giving territory to Ethiopians they have a track record of claiming things that aren’t theirs . The other issue I have with the deal is with the galla becoming more fierce and more belligerents even their beggars in hargeisa are talking with so much kibir I never really endorsed the idea just entertained the benefit of the doubt since I trust bixii to the nation right but I don’t trust abiye and the gallas one bit the fact and the disrespect is that they even go to Ankara and talk about it with Somalia is a disrespectful to Somaliland . All in all somaliland should just help Somalia with this issue and stop the whole thing . And negotiations with Somalia and somaliland should begin imediatly I think we have shown good will with this but they should then stop stalling and. Agree with a 5 year plan to come with a solution for our conflict . Now they don’t have to sell any more of their resources with military treaties with foreign countries it’s a win win
2 pointsHawd is usually included in the Waqooyi political sphere even though it is geographically situated in the West, but then again, you would have known that had you been a bona fide native. By the way, it is "Waqooyi => origin 'Waaq hooy [Waaq's lair], pre-Islam idol' ", and not "Woqooyi". It follows the same naming convention as the days of the week, and months of the Gregorian calendar. Again, aan kuu ducaynee maandhow, afka & dhulka noo daa!
2 pointsEarly results for the 3 remaining districts in Nugaal. Garowe: 33 Kaah 12 SinCad 5 Horseed 6 Mideeye 2 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 2 Ifiye 2 Mustaqbal 2 Dangorayo: 27 Kaah 9 SinCad 6 Horseed 5 Mideeye 3 RunCad 2 Shaqaale 1 Ifiye 1 Godobjiiraan: 21 Kaah 7 SinCad 2 Horseed 6 Mideeye 5 RunCad 0 Shaqaale 0 Ifiye 1
2 pointsHassan ma xishoodo maantana sheekada ina geeele ayuu la yimid. Allow na astur yesterday he was bending for the Kenyans today for the Djiboutians
2 pointsKooxda 'Anaa Carab' Soomaali maryooleey will not like sawirkaan dadka wada diir madoow soo saaraayo.
2 points
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2 points
2 pointsThere won't be a vote on Arbacada (today already in Xamar). Xasan now, after pressure, wants last minute changes - not a madaxweyne ku xigeen but a ra'iisul wasaare he can dismiss anytime he likes, and not from the baarlamaanka's confidence vote. He is also allowing three-xisbi limit, instead of two. He really thinks dastuuurka/xeerka qaran belongs to him and can change as he sees fit. Stealing too much public lands and facing no consequences ayuu ku kibray. Dastuurka is now to Xasan what was the badda Soomaaliya was to Abiy's - god xun that leads to a colossal failure isgaliyeen, thinking inay wax walba xoog ku marsiin karaan.
2 pointsI know, I was being facetious, and intentionally jabbing you for your Kacaanist predilection. Just pulling your good leg. It dispirits one's soul. Now, consider this: 100 years from now at this rate and to this direction. Allah may save us all.
2 pointsUsefull idiots or should I say stooges from the native colonised population are very precuous to the whole colonial state of soomali-galbeed. According to the Franz Fanon Ibrahim theory on colonialism or should I say settler colonialism is that only brutal struggle or a show of power is all thar is needed to liberate a colonial state. Cabdi Iley, If I am not wrong was colonial master piece that Menelik dreamed of, an assimalated somali that speaks amharuc and that has accepted the colonial view of self hatred of oneself. The guy became viral for crying at Meles grave and claiming that he was not dead, as if god forbid the prophet had died. He was also the most brutal stooge that the xabashida could get their hands on. Never in the history of soomali-galbeed have they had a stooge that implemented and created blood thirsty somali militia killing other somalis. I would say what he did was unprecedented. His legacy continues with the intellectual Mustafa Cagjar embracing ethiopanism and giving a chilling speach Gondar , praising the Menelik. In summary, Abdi iley the stooge and a former electrician created the feeling of Somalis embracing the concept of -"ethiopian somali". From 1940 -2008 the avarage somali maxamed had the political incliination of how the hell they coud liberate soomali-galbeed. I have been told that in the 1959 when Haile Selassie needed judges in Soomali-galbeed th qadis would rather flee to Somalia then become a stooge under Xayle Selassie. Even the thought being a judgewas bizarre in the somali psyche in those days. Even the ethiopians did not accept Somalis as fellow ethiopians and not a single somali was never made a miniser despite being the third largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. Maakhir , I was also suprised why he was released and the reason is that he was indeed the best stoorge. Now that Abey Ahmeds boat is sinking in a existential war with Amharas Abey Ahmed needed a stooge who cemented the somali psyche with "the amaharas are gone, the TPLF cea6ed federalism. As if xahashoda in ey kala fiicanyihiiin. Abey ahned needed a monster stooge against the Amhara,hence fort he cane out,
2 pointsI think included should be sycophants and sympathisers of war crimes and criminals the likes of Oodweyne, XX, hordes frothing and chanting "Muuse ciidanka fasax", online trolls.
2 pointsHe does not have anything to give, and even if he wanted to he will be end up with more than a broken arm and a black eye. It is not that he is not serious, but he is out of his depth as to the geopolitical games being played over his head.
2 pointsIt seems the real land deal with the Habesha’s isn’t about a recongnition but military muscles to take revenge.
2 points
2 pointsThe best possible outcome is genuine reconciliation and agreement among all warring groups. This will be a difficult task that would require serious men who are sincere in their efforts. With enough pressure from the West and the realization on the elites' part, that they will lose everything might prompt a change in their behavior. This is the most hopeful outcome. Abiy is the biggest obstacle. Unfortunately, the West believes there is no clear alternative leader that can replace him. The Emirate money and Turkish/Chinese are what keep in power militarily. Other groups that will hinder any peace process include: 1. Oromo PP, this is the group that surrounds Abiy. Their support for him is strong. This is due to the fact they are now occupying the admin centers of the government and military. They are amazingly corrupt and are robbing the country blind. 2. OLA. Abiy tried to coopt OLA with the promises of positions within the government. They flatly declined his offer. Their only interest is free Oromia. They are most active in Western Oromia and Borana regions. They ran most of the rural areas and moved as they wished. Abiy tried to suppress with regional forces, ENDF, and drones, but it is winning OLA more fans. 3. Amhara: The Amhara are most aggrieved. They sincerely believe Abiy wouldn't have defeated TPLF without their sacrifice. Their grievances are not only with Abiy. They believe they have unfairly been blamed for everything that went wrong in Ethiopia since the days of Melenik, and as such, every new admin would hit them hard. The Amhara can be divided into three groups, the first group wants to oust Abiy and revive the centralized Ethiopia where they ran everything. The second group has given up on Ethiopia. They come to believe a separate homeland for Amhara is a must. This group supports the Fano movement. The third group is within PP. They once believed they could change the government within, but that hope has faded and many are leaving PP, and with their departure, PP has essentially an Oromo party. 4. Ethiopian army: The institution is not what used to be. It is highly dependent on conscripts and it is beginning to look an Oromo party. Most generals and colonels are Oromo. It is no longer a reflection of Ethiopia. More and more soldiers are defecting every day. 5. Tigray; The peace process between Abiy and TPLF has not worked out well for Tigray. From TPLF's perspective, their lands are still in the enemy's hands. Aid is barely coming into Tigray. They appealed to the AU to help in implementing the Pretoria Agreement. TPLF still has two hundred thousand armed forces. Abiy wants them to join the war, but so far, they have wisely decided not. 6. Eritrea: Afwerki feels crossed. He believed in a centralized Ethiopia with no ethnic borders, but he made the mistake of trusting an Ethiopian leader. He was blinded by his hatred for TPLF. I believe he is no longer vested in one Ethiopia whose leaders he can manage. There are three possible ends. The first and most difficult is what I mentioned above, true peace among all parties with acceptable political settlement. The second is an apocalyptic end to this ailing empire, a war to end all wars where new countries will be born. The third is a new alliance among Highlanders and Eritrea that can overwhelm Abiy and exile or kill him. The Highlanders and Eritrea are politically savvy enough to put their differences aside in pursuit of a bigger goal.
2 pointsThe bloody diaspora folks like bad news and more bad news. Why can't we Somalis be optimistic once in our lifetime? wishing for better things to come, " Ina macal cusri Yusra" is a divine statement that after hardship there will be a moment of ease. The biggest thing in life is hope things will change. Without hope there is no future. We magnify our mistakes and weaknesses while underrating our strength. While in Alberta Canada, there were some shocking events involving Somali youth who were involved in serious crimes which put the community under pressure. Yet, when you look, the refugee community who landed in this part of the world a generation ago, we have produced doctors, lawyers, engineers, community leaders and other luminaries who are shining among the Arab and African immigrants. I am raising this issue because I had just visited Xamarweyne today. Xamarweyne was the heart of the original civilizations of the Banaadir region. It is hard to grasp from the outside, but if you had lived among the real Reer Xamar, as I did in the eighties as a young high school student, that memory will never fade. I jumped to a Bajaaj in mid morning and headed to Xamarweyne. The driver asked me where in Xamarweyne and I said, " just take me to the Shineemo Super area". He laughed and said there is no Sheenemo Super . Then I knew he was a newcomer. I said take me close to Via Egito and Marwaas Masjid .I walked the rest but could not identify exactly where I was, but finally walked all the way to Maxakamada and walked through the narrow street and reached the ocean. The Port seemed to be quite with one or two empty ships at the dock while a couple of tag boats were pulling another huge ship full of containers to the dock. I watched kids dip and jump to the Godka deep water area, and passed other sitting on top of the rocks while strong waves of the Indian ocean beet the shore. Then I went to the " Kawaanka Malayga Xamarweyne" where fresh fish is cut for the customers. 200 pound lion size fish is cut for the customers and the young fishermen would approach you quickly to sell their fresh fish. You could bargain and get the best price. I observed that probably 90% of the fishermen were local Banaadiri, Jareer Weyne and Mogadishu original natives with very few Faradheer. These kind of skills isn't something you could learn with gun or acquired easily like other professions. It is a tradition these fishermen had inherited generations ago. In the seventies Kacaanka Barakeysa used to distribute fish to the locals in order to teach Somalis the benefits of the fish. Today, most Mogadishu restaurants have a fish menu. Fishing boats filling the shores of Liido Beach shows life of working at the sea and catching goods is still alive and well which means there is a civilization in Mogadishu. Kawaanka Xamarweyne being busy and thriving means Xamarweyne is alive. When you enter Xamarweyne, you could see that the the bustling trade of wholesale is still booming. Some of the streets are wide with few cars despite blocked roads. The population of old Banaadiri is scars in these area, but as I entered the old narrow streets of Xamarweyne, suddenly you meet and see the local Reer Xamar and their shops. Their famous tailor shops with over hundred years of tradition is there. They could tailor the best suit you usually see in luxury boutiques. They tailor Cabaayado, wedding clothes, shirts and everything between. Despite the mayhem that took place here in the nineties, the old tailorship of Reer Banaadir is booming. There were horror stories about Banaadiri original people being driven out and disappearing. That might be partially true compared the to size of current Xamaeweyne population, but still they dominated the old town and have a presence in the business district. many of them probably came back to reclaim their real state assets . If streets are cleaned daily Xamaewyne could be a great business district. I went through the narrow streets to find my old Banaadiri neighbors , but I had no luck. The character of the buildings had changed and it was difficult to recognize after thirty some years. Naively, I was little bit nostalgic, and was trying to find Reer Xaaji Bana and their young kids who are grown old just like me to be somehow around. I went inside one of the tailors and bought some fabrics and asked the Banaadiri guy to make nice Cabaayad for my wife. That is the best I could do for my old neighborhood.The message I am sending is that Xamarweyne is alive and thriving. I know people went through tough times, but life is returning normal. At the narrow streets across the ocean, I saw kids in Madrasa reciting Quraan and you have Masjis within the perimeters of the ocean waves. The bad thing is that the checkpoints are making the streets across the Indian ocean more like a fortified military zone. Anyway, I will go back tomorrow to get my clothes and wonder the old Xamaewyne and see where Uunlaaye Bakhaar and Shineemo Super used to be Anyway, as Allah says, " There is an ease after hardship"
2 pointsIt’s not all of beesha dhexe, but mainly Xaaji Xunjuf and some of Xabashi lovers that made it divisiveness in to business, the rest are silent for various reasons. Kala-qeybinta, Kala-fogeynta iyo kala-kaxeenta ayee ganacsi ka dhigteen.
2 pointsSSC Khaatumo taking care of its wounded soldiers, whereas Somaliland has abounded hundreds of their soldiers to die and to rot away in cells.
2 pointsThere is this Somali lady in our neighborhood who said she is going to be naming her daughter MOU. 'tis the season I guess.
2 pointsNobody trusts HSM. He ran to Turkey out of desperation and under public pressure.
2 pointsSo the ‘Calan cas’ colonels did directly start the inter-clan war in the 90’s, somehow I thought it was just hear say. If you look at the involvement of these Soviet trained colonels, their fingerprints are all over the major conflicts in Somaliland. From the escalation of the conflict in the North during the 80’s, the inter-clan Habar-Habar war during the 90’s, the Las Anod war (2022-2023) and even now they are busy to stirr and incite another regional conflict, in order to deflect attention and stay in power. No wonder that they always seek to deflect attention from their own role and need an ‘external’ enemy. But this time it won’t work, no matter how loud they scream, repeat their inciting rhetoric, nobody will belief nor follow their politics, for they are just another loud social media pundits not worth for young people to sacrifice their lives for.
2 pointsDefence and Security are also taking a good shape. Hoggaamiyaha SSC-khaatumo Cabdiqaadir Axmed Aw Cali Firdhiye ayaa xalay Talis iyo Hoggaanno cusub u magacaabay Ciidanka Daraawiishta SSC. Taliyaha guud ee Ciidanka Daraawiishta SSC-khaatumo ayaa loo magacaabay S/guuto Saleebaan Barre Geesood halka Taliye ku xigeenka loo magacaabay G/sare Cabdifitaax Maxamed Aadan. G/sare Maxamed Saleebaan Caabbi ayaa loo magacaabay Hoggaanka Hawlgelinta Ciidanka Daraawiishta SSC-khaatumo halka G/sare Cabdirashiid Axmed Nuur loo magacaabay Hoggaanka Taakulaynta Ciidanka. G/sare Bacayees Aadan Nuur ayaa loo magacaabay Hoggaanka Ciidanka Daraawiishta SSC halka G/sare Baaruud Muuse Maxamed loo magacaabay Hoggaanka Maamulka iyo Maaliyadda Ciidanka SSC-khaatumo. Hoggaamiye Firdhiye oo Talis iyo Hoggaanno cusub u magacaabay Ciidamada SSC – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Hoggaamiyaha SSC-khaatumo Cabdiqaadir Axmed Aw Cali Firdhiye ayaa xalay Talis iyo Hoggaanno...
2 pointswell the era of Somaliweyn under one group or goverment that ship has sailed. The only way there can ever be a Somaliweyn or union of Somali republics is if there is equality and justice for all 5 equal not one above the other not one better then the other equality is the only way. The closest Somalis ever got or agreed on one thing was that at point the blue white star flag was a sort of ethnic Somali flag. Even that narrative has died in parts of the Somali peninsula in particular in Somaliland. Though some in Jabuuti might still subscibe to it. Now as for the NFD region kenyas north eastern and Somali kilil region this is even more complex the region is so divided after Abdi Ileey, though abtigiis has created some sort of harmony between the various communities and clans there. And as he stepped in in the whole sitte war with affar that has shown some sort of Solidarity between the 2 major clan groups in that region. How ever we still not there. Now the way it is precieved i am not sure how the Somalia government in the bunker now views these region what their so called constitution says about those regions . Though since Abiye Ahmed and Muse biixi signed the MOU hassan sheikh has been calling the border between Ethiopia and Somalia xuduuud beenaaad , something he never uttered before. So not sure maybe he is trying to find another angle there because he is now cornered by Abiye and Muse on one side he him self on the other side of of the equation. The only way for Somaliweyn ever to materialise and i will say it again have said it before is in a sort of a union they feel happy in the french the belgium the dutch the germans fought a brutal civil war but they understood that together they can be stronger which is fine Militarily Economically Financially Socially Geographically . Despite them killing each other butchering each other. If this was to happen and there could be a sort of union between Somalis. It has to be based on trust i am talking about not in our life time ofcourse but maybe in our grand childeren life time .it can be achieved. The Somali state Somalia and Somaliland existed for 30 years. They have been totally separated in over another 33 years and counting the Union that they enjoyed can be broken down in two two era the first part 1960 untill 1969 the honeymoon which was very good dawladi rayidka. Then came afweyne 1969 until 1979 those first years were about all right. After 1979 until 1991 The people of Somaliland were in war with the goverment of Somalia so of the 30 years The Somali republic existed only 19 years were about oke. the other 11 years there was a war. So this doesnt end well most likely . For Somalis to find a way for the future and to think for the Future. They need to cooperate on equality justice and respect equal respect for each other as Sovreign states not one side claiming to be superior or being an integral part of the other this doesnt work and cant work. And we have seen that it cant work. In order for a union to come ,first we need to take a few steps back the European union didnt came just because Germany or France or Britain tried to enforce the others to be under the other First yes The great German Reich was defeated but equally they saw that Germany first had to exist as Sovreignt equal nation and that east and west must unite be as one in order for the rest of the European countries to flourish. The sam way Djibouti Somalia and Somaliland can agree to live side by side and then talk about maxa ina mdiideye maxa isku diidayna can we create one currency maybe yes freedom of movement why not. Can we create a common parliament maxa diidaya hadanu is xaqdhoowrnay. can we create a joint Military union why not inago marka is xilqaamayna oo jaar ah oo walaalo ah oo is ogol oo is ximinayn oo is xumayneyn we can fight for Somali galbeed to be free from Ethiopia NFD TO BE free from Kenya they themselves to become Separate countries and then join the bigger family of cooperation i would have suggested maybe we can call it The UNION OF Somali Republics. U S R . no real borders maybe some political borders to manage it we can even create one passport hada la isla qaato,the sky is the limit how ever first thing first we need breathing space if fahan is ixtram is qadarin is ogalaansho mutual respect side by side no xad gudub no xumaan. One can only dream but we shall see if our grand childeren can do better indeed
2 pointsXasan Socdaal waala wada ogyahay qolo gaar ah ayuu necebyahay, mainly because he thinks they might interfere his dreamy grand ambitions. He also thinks qolodaas bas inay degaan Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD, which is incorrect. Deep down, he really doesn't care dalka la sii kala gooy gooyo. Wants to be a big fish in a small tank. Saas u maangaabanyahay. At 72 years old, he thinks he can be another Carab strongman under the advice of Imaaraadka amd Masar. The very first few months of his second selection, it was revealed he wants Soomaaliya to be a government led by a strongman.
2 pointsLOL...it's late for me. I joined the' I like shaving my head' community.
1 pointWaa dad gardarro qaawan wada. If they chose conflict over peace, so be it.
1 point
1 pointF@ck them, and their cowardly fathers, and their warped, murderous ideology. The reason the secessionists did not blink an eye to slaughter innocent civilians, and continued bombarding a city full of innocent civilians for eight months was 'cos of that nonsense you are spinning. Next you will be telling me Isr@el is the only democracy in the MidEast.
1 pointI am with Xaaji here, they produce very rare smart genius people but majority are xuunsho, very low quality, rats, I believe majority of freedom fighters, good genes, brave, leaders have died out, where more of dumb, subservient are majority now. Massive problem .they will never lift a finger against Ethiopia Look at Hamza, Abdi Ilay, Ahmed Madoobe, Cagjar
1 point
1 pointHassan can not be trusted, Laftagareen like PL must cut ties. That is only why theives Mogadishu will get it.
1 pointMarka wasiirka turkigu wa fariin gudbiye he must be getting tired
1 pointThanks Che, but i do not really know it, i will let you know when i findout. it really looks better than any of the houses i have seen in Mogadisho or Hargaysa. The way they builind houses in Garoowe is very close to how they do in Western Countries. I said, close, becuase there is few things i could have done better, but never the less is a masive step up. one of the reason somalis buy houses abroad (istanbul, nairobi, dubai and so on) was becuase of the lack off quality of construction in somalia.
1 point
1 point
1 pointThere isnt one group strong enough to take over , well if Amisom leaves for what ever reason then shabaab takes over and the bunker will crumble dissolve and be run over with in a few hours. But shabaab to isnt to strong to take on amisom and defeat them. The only way for one groupt to take over if the outside forces leave and let Somalis fight it off and the strongest win but they dont want that , i some times think there is a conspiracy theory to keep somalia down i mean what is the point of the bunker when it has no legitimacy outside of Xalane. I mean maxa faiida ah every where they go they will be defied. Waad arkayseen how Puntand treated them with the whole constitution thing. The only legtimacy it has is what our beesha lixaad have given them. but Somalida waxay u haystana just dowlada taagta daran eeh deeqaha caalaamka loo soo mariyo eeh thats it. wax kale uma arkaan.
1 pointI don’t see how waging another war on Las Anod and getting a fake aqoonsi paper from Abiy would get Biixi re-elected, or would ever remedy the colossal damage inflicted on the social contract of Somaliland.
1 pointAny and all opposition would be justified. HSM thinks he can emulate IOG.
1 pointThe Malaysian prime minister putting this ultra hypocrite Jarmal nijaas in his place.
1 pointBy the way hassan sheikh conceded though he said no talks with Ethiopia unless they declare the MOU null and void. He should have kept his word why send a Minister to kenya to hold talks with Ethiopia when u said i will not hold talks with Ethiopia ,
1 pointI highly doubt this is true, no way, they are extremely weak and not capable to launch another, it will be suicide
1 pointFrom what I could gather in reading the Amhara speaker's posts, Abiy made a point of Ethiopia's sacrifice for Somalia and others, and somehow that entitled them to be on the Red Sea. This is similar things to things he said in the past.
1 pointInsha Allah, justice will be served, the suspect is under arrest
1 pointRiyaale is looking good and sharp for his age.
1 pointI do not have the backstory yet, but when it comes to the surface, it will not serve Somali interest, but US/NATO interest, and none of us will be content, satisfied, or happy with it.
1 point