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  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    Before Sland gets ictiraaf
  3. 2 points
    There won't be a vote on Arbacada (today already in Xamar). Xasan now, after pressure, wants last minute changes - not a madaxweyne ku xigeen but a ra'iisul wasaare he can dismiss anytime he likes, and not from the baarlamaanka's confidence vote. He is also allowing three-xisbi limit, instead of two. He really thinks dastuuurka/xeerka qaran belongs to him and can change as he sees fit. Stealing too much public lands and facing no consequences ayuu ku kibray. Dastuurka is now to Xasan what was the badda Soomaaliya was to Abiy's - god xun that leads to a colossal failure isgaliyeen, thinking inay wax walba xoog ku marsiin karaan.
  4. 1 point
    I was worried about the dysfunction of the unending debate about the elections which is away 2 years from now to drag the country while neglecting the major issues, but I guess I was wrong. The biggest obstacle that will destroy HSM is himself. He want to do everything by himself. The Somali state is bigger than one man or one clan. He surrounded himself with his own students to manage major national issues while neglecting the Somali experts. He is paranoid of other people getting in the system. I couldn't find one single Somali expert or experienced politician among his inner circle or running major portfolios.
  5. 1 point
    Ismaaciil ayaa dhagta qurufaad ugu aqriye. Axdi beenaad ku qoro two-party state. Madaxweynaha adigaa leh oo Xamar idinkaa xukumo oo amarkiina shaqeeyo. Give to useless ii dheh madaxweyne ku xigeen to Reer Waqooyi and that you will rule Soomaaliya like Jabuuti in near future. It is political extension of Urursamaale. That is why most of Reer Waqooyi were all on board supporting axdi qaran ku sheegaan. Jagada madaxweyne ku xigeenka isku diyaarinayaan.
  6. 1 point
    Somali militias in western Sitti have thoroughly defeated a heavy attack by the Afar militias together with the Afar opposition group armed militias who came through Garbo Isse with an intent to take control of the rest of western Sitti all the way to Erer Gota. It is the first defeat the Afar groups have suffered at the hands of Somalis since their takeover of most of Garbo Isse in 2023. With the recapture of Daymeed, Dhuunyar and Gablalu, the Somalis now take control of half of Garbo Isse territories. The Afar militias still have control of Cadeyti, Cundhufo and half of Garbo Isse territories. Jamarti Yahye reports on the repulsing of the latest Affar attack on Somali territories in western Sitti. > Daljir Media
  7. 1 point
    I guess this should be included in the frequent flyer thread, too. Location: Badweynta Hindiya.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Examples: President @HassanSMohamud billed the National Treasury $450,000 for a 4 day trip to New York. PM @HamzaAbdiBarre billed the National Treasury $150,000 for a half an hour trip to Adan Yabaal for travel and lodging expenses. MMA: Be a good sport, and do the calculations assuming HSM spends $112,500 a day on each trip abroad.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Also of note, There's an intense fighting between Somalis and Afars in Sitti. Surprisingly, it is the Somalis that initiated the fight. Afars lost ground, but in some areas, Somalis were pushed back.
  12. 1 point
    No! Firstly, it indicates he is not winning the war against the Fano. Secondly, TPLF is not as strong as it once was politically or militarily. And mostly importantly, the Amhara State Government will be forced to choose between letting TPLF take over areas Amharas claim and controlled or fight back at the risk of wider conflict. Here's a bit from Amhara Government.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    This was the most I ever listened to a vacuous politician. My brain now aches in dire need of elan. Trouble with ciyaal al Kacaan is you all think the country is Xamar, and Xamar is the country. Why not ride a bus to Baydhaba, travel through Sh Hoose, trot to Kismayo through Baardheere, and tell us what you see. O' you can not, yet here you are parroting the usual blather about the city State akin to a stable full of asphyxiated flora and fauna with Mr Jones no longer able to attend to their resuscitation. In this instance, it is as if you are a "baqal la dhufaanay' attempting a canter behind "dameer asqaysan", then I ask of you: what are those right-thinking souls amongst us to do? In the Somali tradition, elders practise 'gar naqsi' on their own prior to presenting their case to the 'xeer beegti' under the tree. HSM lacks, and is void of that, and is a classic munaafaq, who says one thing, and does the opposite. This ahbal wants to sweet-talk the nation into a dictatorship, and we may as well be blindly led by Hinda Culusow and Shihan Xasan Sh. Let us reflect upon his utterings: a) The most damaging of all: He went from " 'Ethiopia dhul nagama haysato' replaced with 'Dhul Ethiopia ayaan qaar goosaynaynaa ma aannaan dhihin' ". Let that sink in and ruminate. b) Constitution: The audacity of the man from "Loo joojin maa! " to "begging and pleading from the mosque ". He now argues "war yaanan degdegin", a few months ago, he was saying "waqti ma hadhin, immisaa la sugaa". Here is a sample of the Constitutional re-drafting he is engaged in. Do you still think his intentions are honourable? i) Af iyo dhego aan is maqal: in one sentence, he argues for a shift by rummaging through "redrafting the Constitution" without consensus, inclusivity, and representation, yet in the next sentence, he makes the case as to the reasons THAT only leads to failure. As MMA quite rightly diagnoses, the man suffers from hypomania disorder. ii) Best example is where he says let us NOT bypass agreed upon political contract, consensus-based constitution and treaties, yet he is the first to have unilaterally violated the ONLY agreed upon political contract in 50 years. iii) Another clear example of munaafaqnimo is where he says "aan wada hadallo", yet rejects negotiations, the open platform afforded him, and with the leadership granted to him. c) He argues "Hub waxaan u sidannaa keliya khawaarijta", yet does not realise sabotaging development projects is far more egregious than firing bullets. FGS has been withholding funds for developments projects, or refusing to sign paperwork for projects in PL incl. the Garacad - Galkacyo - Galdobgob, modernising electric grid, water purification projects just to name a few. If he had the ability to wage a war, he would have done so, but he does not, and the only weapon he could fight with is sabotaging development and progress. He financed stringers to disrupt local district elections. The same would apply to any other FMS just as his predecessor had done to JL, he tried against SL in shutting down international flights, to name a few. d) Now, he claims to have implemented federalism in the country. Could someone remind him of the drudgery in laying down the pipelines and the political capital expended in instituting Federalism whilst he was still an unknown Macawisle sporting sandals in suuq Bacaad, and how he was forced to accept JL as a State whilst he was wailing at the alter moving the entire FGS to prevent it from becoming one. Let us also remind him of his sabotaging of the SSC Khatumo movement in becoming a State, and backstabbing it in ridding itself of the SL militias. e) Elections: could he hold elections in 24 months? - If so, in which districts? Here are the regions and a list of districts aligned with the Fed. gov't. 1. Koonfur Mudug*: 2 degmo Hobyo Xarardheere 2. Galgaduud: 7 degmo Dhuusamareeb Ceelbuur Ceeldheer Cadaado Cabuudwaaq Gal hareeri Balanbale 3. Hiiraan: 5 degmo Beladweyn Buulo burte Jalalaqsi Matabaan Maxaas 4. Shabeellaha Dhexe: 7 degmo Jowhar Balcad Cadale Aadan yabaal Mahaddaay Ruun nirgood Warsheikh 5. Shabeellaha Hoose: 9 degmo Marka Afgooye Wanleweyn Qoryooley Baraawe Sablaale Kurtun-waareey Dajuuma Aw-dheegle 6. Jubbada Dhexe: 3 degmo Bu’aale Jilib Saakoow 7. Jubabada Hoose: 5 degmo Kismaayo Jamaame Afmadow Badhaadhe Xagar 8. Baay 5 degmo Baydhabo Buur xakaba Diinsoor Qansax dheere Berdaale 9. Bakool: 6 degmo Xuddur Tayeegloow Waajid Ceelbarde Yeed Rab dhuurre 10. Gedo: 6 degmo Garbahaarrey Luuq Baardheere Beladxaawo Dooloow Ceelwaa 11. Banaadir: 16 degmo f) Al Shabaab: Against wise counsel, where he was advised not to wage a war, but embrace engagement strategy, he chose otherwise; besides the pantomine costumes and empty rhetoric, and with AS's leadership still in Xamar, could he defeat AS? Latest intel indicates AS is [the] most armed, capable force in the country, and is stronger now than it were 2 years ago. i) He speaks of AS hiding and the FGS seeking them out, and what he does not understand is AS's manoeuvring is a strategy; question is what is his strategy? Where are the army generals, military tacticians, strategists, planners, and leaders? He is none of the above, yet wants to assume the role of all. g) PL / SL: Northern polities in the N East (pro-federalist) and N West (secessionist leaning towards Confederalist), as imperfect as they are, do lead regional politics, and have shown political maturity, stability, and conviction unlike the green FMSs in the deep South, which are gradually progressing whilst still beholden to the injurious Xamar-centric, centralist agenda. For the FMSs, this is temporary, a marriage of convenience, case in point both JL & SW are adrift, and divergent with the coming 12 months ushering in a new dawn of politicking. Both are poised to break away to full autonomy in coming years, for doing so benefits them directly, and the nation indirectly. The more politically and financially independent FMSs become, the less influence Xamar has over States. The same shall apply to GM & HS. The Garacad - Tuurdibi trade route 'ween PL and DDS has been an ongoing project, in the works for years, starting under Gaas, to boost the local economy. A good example, fruits and veggies consumed in PL now come from DDS (reason potato and tomato is cheaper in Galkacyo than in Xamar), and in return reason reer SG are now sea food aficionados, with export to DDS on steady uptick and revenue stream for the locals on either side of fence. Do you still think PL is in the wrong? If so, tell us why and how?
  16. 1 point
    Reer Mudug oo banooni fiirsanaayo oo la socdo, kooweey koow.
  17. 1 point
    They recently opened inside masaajidka Sheekh Cali Jimcaale garoonka u dhow. Markaa tagaaye ma furneen filaa. Anyway, these restaurants dadka ayaa kugu casuumaayo ee kama diidi kartid. Plus I enjoyed. Ra'iisul wasaare Kheyre was in that Guryasamo restaurant on that night we were there. Twenty minutes after we left ayuu booqday.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Xaaji, now that is indeed what the concept of politics is all about, bravo! It was the German Political thinker, Carl Schmitt, who theorised on ‘what is the political and what is not’, through his political theories on friend-enemy distinction and said, “the specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced to is that between friend and enemy”. further clarifying that the friend- enemy distinction is not static in the sense that friends won’t always remain friends and enemies now doesn’t mean enemies forever, but it based on mutual understanding on interest and issues and above all on temporal mutual opponents. Coming back to your points, yes Somaliland should indeed play political ball and seek alliances that further its ambitions and interests trying to win terrain on the (common) opponent. For that is what the system of state and political are all about, and how every region or group that ever sought distinct political ambitions, such as independence or autonomy, achieved things by playing the game of the political as it was conceived and ought to be. P.S. irrelevant of one supporting or not any sort of political manoeuvring, Somali leaders should stop the whole ‘wa baxday’, ‘xiriir wa u jaray’, ‘qeyb kama mijin’, Kama qeyb qaadadino’, and other sorts of wimpiness that completely defeats the purpose of politics. You signed up for politics, then play politics and come with what is political.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Naah, it wasn’t the cambuulo nor the cambaro’s, but VIP treatment, bullet proof iyo igu sawir in a suit that knocked Galbeedi over(for now atleast).
  24. 1 point
    Will Ethiopian airline flights to Garowe & Hargeysa be banned? Also, the Puntland minister of information is speaking exactly like our own Xaaji Xanjuf. When I read I thought he was taking a page from Xaaji. He just said almost like " The bunker should pacify Mogadishu before talking to Puntland. The rebels had soft spot for each other as always. In terms Somali government stopping Ethiopian Airline , it is a matter just a letter to the airline and Kaboom it is over. No airline will risk to fly an airspace that is blocked from her, mind you there are insurance and other legal issues. Now we got two separatist administrations.OO Ethiopia u kala badinaya just like nineteen eighties.
  25. 1 point
    Yes, a spin of some sort. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed Adam Farah as the new Head of the Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister effective 01 April 2024. The former Speaker of the House of Federation (HoF), Adem Farah, who hails from the #Somali region in #Ethiopia, has been serving as Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) after being elected at the party's first general assembly held in two years ago in March 2022. Directly appointed by and accountable to Prime Minister Abiy, the Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office is responsible for, among others, overseeing the performances and the institutional independence of democratic institutions in Ethiopia including the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission.
  26. 1 point
    I was speaking in general terms. What HSM did is a power grap and will lead to an term extension and years of bickering. Even if we don't get into the merits of the changes, the fact that he didn't engage any stakeholders discredited the whole process not to mention the abuse or complete disregard of parliamentary procedures.
  27. 1 point
    Galbeedi sidii aad xamar u tagtayba waad is badashay, xasan ma gabar buu ku balan qaaday mise qori baa madaxa lagaaga haya. hadaan hadalkaadii u soo noqdo, you should have asked which one of these would Deni not have opposed?. He should have oppose all of them. before we get to the qodobada lixdaa ee aad soo xigatay, marka hore, soomalidaa ku maahmaahda hal xaaran ah nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho. Meesha ugu horeeysa ee wax ka quransan yihin waa habkii loo maray. Dastuur hab khaldan loo maray, waa xaaraan. Constitution marka la meel marinayo waa in stake holderska oo ah la soo maraa, i will give you 3 pratcial steps oo la mari karay, oo habka hada lamaray ka roonaa. 1.sidii shariif iyo abdiwali sameeyeen, in 300qof laga soo arruriyo dhamaan stateyada wadanka oo teendhada layskugu keeno oo ay aftay u qaadaan. 2. in qodobadaii golaha wadatashi qaran ee puntland ka maqneed la hirgaliyo, oo la dhaho, inta puntland iyo somaliland ka soo noqonayaa dastuurkan baan ku shaqeeynayana. saan la socono qodobadaas lagu heeshay waa la baal maray. 3.in gogoshii uu dhigay deni oo hogaan keedu xasan lahaa looga faaiideeysto in dastuurka looga wada hadlo. intuba ma dhicin. sidaas owgeed waa hal xaaran ah, nirig kastoo caano badan oo ay dhashana waa xaaraan iyada iyo caanaheeda. hadaan qodobadaadii u soo noqdo. 1. qodobka koowaad your argument is " Money has to change hands, parliamentarian has to be bribed to help dismiss the premier and so on. It is a mess" so you arguing you dont trust the parliament, but you trust the same parliament to rectify the most important document for the nation the constitution, that is really absurd. It is also interesting to note you trust the president that we know is the most corrupted in the history of Somalia to do justice. This is the reason why our founding fathers separated the priminster and the president and even if we going this direction which means the president could appoint and dismiss priminister we should have a constitutional court and that was the reason why the consition was in limbo, not because we had disagreement but because there was no constitutional court to intervene if there was difference. Therefore Deni and any one who is not tribal blind or dont have gun on their head should oppose this change. 2. i don't think you read the change and many Somali commentators are the same as well. Hasan oo aad ogtahay oo xaafada uu ku dhashay ama ka soo jeedo oo xamar ku taala ee dayniile aan tagi karin, oo aan cadale tagi karin, miyaa doorasho 1p1v qabanaya. Hadalka siduu u qornaa waxa weeye, gobolada waa in ay doorasha 1p1v qabtaan kadibna federal goverment baa 1p1v qabanaysa. Waxaas ma wax kula fiican baa. that is why goboladii taageersanaa ay dhamaantood u soo hadli la yihiin, because they now in doorasho ay sanqabaneen 1p1v ah. Therefore Deni should oppose this change and it should not be a conditional it should be the right for every individual. 3. your self answered this, the government should have left this alone. NO MORE TO SAY 4. your main argument is " I don't trust a clan enclave led by the likes of Madoobe, Dani and qoor qoor to manage a national election" but you trust clan enclave led by HSM, Fiqi, Mahad Kawaanle and so on. is absurd. this is why our founding fathers, make sure every one has a say, we should leave it like that and therefore Deni should oppose it. 5. if this the most thing that made you happy and exciting by saying " O Allah, I love this article. By far most Somalis like this" then we are not living the same Somali. I am living a Somali where the county has no army, no functional government, its resources stalled, has no monetary system basically in the dark age and the only think you like in the constitution is what names to call its leaders, God help us. Deni should oppose it. 6. your argument is because the president wastes so much time having fight with every one, we have to increase his term so he can have more time to fight with his enemies. if the most powerful country on earth has 4 years term it should be enough for the most disadvantage country, where there is nothing to rule or govern to have 4 years term.
  28. 1 point
    Laamiga isku xidhi doonta Qabri Dahar - Doollo - dekada Garacad https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=6753408784788041
  29. 1 point
    Xaaji, let us for a moment follow this logic and dissect, if SSC-Khaatuma is a threat to Somaliland(incl its future and its aspiration) as you put it. 1. Physical Threat; SSC-Khaatuma has so far abided by its intention to stay within their clan borders and have proven they are in no way a threat to lands of neighbouring clans and people. So we can conclude SSC-Khaatuma is in noway a physically threat to the people of Somaliland. 2. State Threat; Las anod was controlled for nearly 15 years by Somaliland, and even SL controlling Tukaraq the least 6 years did not bring Somalilands political aspirations (recongnition) closer or more viable. 4. Socio-Political threat; SSC-Khaatuma community hardly played a role in the socio-political make up of the Somaliland authorities, as Somaliland has been quite a western SL or D*** dominated affair. SSC-Khaatuma going it’s on way doesn’t have any impact on the dynamics, inter-clan and socio-political balance in Somaliland, we can conclude that the current SL tribulations preceded the conflict in Las Anod last year. And there we’re already 4 jabhads (Wabeye, Awale, Caare, etc) established in SL even before SSC uprising. 5. Power threat; Loosing face and power (military and politically) is the main threat here. But the most mighty powers loose wars, and for what they loose in military face they compensate through political maturity by moving on from the conflict and seeking political ways to reassert their power and influence. Somalilands power and face were never based on military power, but on its socio-political ability and power to seek conflict resolution, mediation and compromises and play the long game and it’s not the first time SL military was chased out of certain areas. Loosing military face wise happened before to SL and also happens to the most power countries, but they make sure to compensate and install their political credibility, which is far more important for a country then its military prowess. Somaliland lost military because of SSC-Khaatuma, but politically it’s (risking) loosing solely of its own doing and certainly will loose all political credibility and ability if it chooses to attack SSC-Khaatuma in their own native lands. And loosing political credibility is the recipe for completely loosing internal and external trust, cohesion and confidence which certainly will So now, taking to account all this following the rationele of threat, do you still assess that SSC-Khaatuma to be a threat to SL? And if so how?
  30. 1 point
    Aqalka Sare kuwa ku jiro ku buuxsanayaaa. Baarlamaankii dhan waxaa laga dhigay hal aqal - Golaha Shacabka. Aqalka Sare waala iska tuuray. Cabdi Xaashi is sick and have been out for weeks, Kuxigeenkiisa meesha u fadhiyo, who is close to Xasan. Aaden Madoobe meesha iskaga xaar xaaraayo. Actually the other day Muuse Suudi, a member of Aqalka Sare, was telling Aaden Madoobe 'you are not my guddoomiye' after he was admonished. Baarlamaankii dhan xeerarkiisa la jabinaayaa iskaba dhaaf dastuur. As important document as a dastuur should have two votes from the two chambers. Xasan Socdaalna saas ma rabo, deg deg ku boobsiiyio rabaa. Meeshuu gaaro aragaane.
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