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  1. 4 points
    Niyaw horta comments kaagu kaama khasaarin aragti saxaad cabirtay oo aad qortay. Laakiin imika waanba sakhraansanay oo kuuma jawaabi karo indrkay talaabo wax waydiiya. Anigu geeridii nebiga ma ogiye
  2. 3 points
    Very much reflections of what I would expect from a bloody foreigner on a hushed visitation to a war zone marinated with a toss of mislaid Somalinimo flavour to balm chapped cavities of the forlorn diaspora hordes. Take you seriously, I shall not, till you have taken a crowded bus, with tiny seats not fit for a tall, burly gentleman of a certain age, from Adam Adde airport, paid the $5 fee to stride to the taxi rack, fight your way through rows of poor beggars to find a taxi or a bajaj to your destination; then at dawn, take a stroll through Bakaraha market for a homely breakfast in one of the low end shacks-turned-restaurants competing fresh "laxoox / canjeelo" flying off the pan with builders / workers in the morning rush, and get a sodden whiff of the rubbish, from the day before, still stacked up in the streets. With that, you would be a local lad back at home. But with you fancy bulletproof limo, VIP reception, backdoor exit to the city, and trotting between blue beaches and fancy hotels, mate, you are a bloody foreigner on tour. Now, tell me, is Awdal safe? Is Lughaya secure? Is Ceel Sheekh off limits?
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    LOL...it's late for me. I joined the' I like shaving my head' community.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    One of my relatives was killed by the French for assisting the liberation struggle.
  7. 3 points
    I don't understand why anyone needs to blame her for a mere speech. The United States along with pretty much everyone on this planet already made it clear to the Xabashis that Ethiopia has no right to buy cheap land and sea from the despot in Hargeisa.
  8. 3 points
    This guy is right. If the mad man goes ahead with this destruction of our existence as free people, anyone who cares about their future should join any armed resistance movement to fight the tyrant and the criminals around him.
  9. 3 points
    War yaa Facebook algorithm yaa iga ceshto. Waxaan camal isoo hor dhigaa, aniga 'not interested/block' ku haayaa maba joojinaayo.
  10. 3 points
    For those interested to learn from another example, of a major and more powerful neighbour leasing military ports and coastal lands, should read about the Kharkiv agreement between Ukrainian and Russia on Crimea Ports and what happened eventually to all of Crimea. Powerful countries do not just give up coastal areas and military ports, even if they initially agreed to a lease, and if needed they even annex the whole region, as happened with Crimea. Kharkiv Pact - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Putin tears up lease for Sevastopol naval base WWW.FT.COM
  11. 3 points
    The ‘ictiraaf’ thing has really confused some, Ethiopia already enters agreements with Somaliland, has a diplomatic mission that reports directly to Addis, has direct flights to Hargeisa. What more ictiraaf than that will Ethiopia bring you, changing the sign board of its Consular Mission to Embassy is that worth selling your land for it.
  12. 3 points
    The stip of land probably bigger than Gaza which warlord Muuse is giving away to Ethiopia will quickly be flooded with millions of Oromos and Afar, creating a de facto Ethiopian province in our own country. This new foreign region will cut off the Somalis in Djibouti from those of Somaliland and Somalia, completely isolating them. This isolation will weaken them and enable Ethiopia to help the Afar take over Djibouti. After getting access to the sea, Ethiopia will then be even more aggressive in pushing the Somalis in Ethiopia off their land and threaten every other region from the sea. This disaster waiting to happen must be stopped before it is too late.
  13. 3 points
    It was clear from the beginning, that the Oromo narrative was pushed by Ethiopia as the precursor for voluntary and indirect annexation. Ethiopia has for decades used a politics of Oromisation in Somali region solidify its government grip on Somali’s and expand its territorial hold, so this wasn’t anything new, what is new however is this politics being applied or expanded to inside sovereign Somali territory.
  14. 3 points
    Carfaat Layskuma hayo in afrikaan iyo amxaaro maamulaan koonfurta, xoogna ku joogaan markaan dhexdeenii is dilnay oo daciifnay. Gaalo kale oo walaalahood ah yaa koofiyad cagaaran u xidhay nimankaasu waa sharciyaysan yihiin. Meesha kaliya oo aan islahaa waa lagu faani karaa waxay ahayd waqooyiga oo aan askari ajnabi ah joogin marnabana aan lagu arag. Laakiin snm waxay noqotay ninkii boqolka soomay oo bakhtiga ku afuray Baqdinta aan iminka qabaa waxay tahay in la arkay meesha aad ka jilicsan tahay oo ah "tol" la'aanta. Taasina waxay keenaysaa in amxaar kuul leh lagula walaaleeyo, dadkaagii soomaaliyeedna cadaw kuu noqdaan. Ugu dambayn Adeer hashaasu waa jabtay, waliba si sahlan geelu haduu jabo ma kabmo waa la qashaa, Hashaas jabtay cuna oo karsada intuu amxaar ceeriin ku cuni lahaa. Afeef Hadaad luuqadayda garan waydo raali ahaw, jiilkii hore yaan kasoo jeedaa. Ogowna aduunka waxaan ugu necbahay caadifadda ka sakow, inaan arko soomaali, soomaali kale maydkiisa kor taagan xataa haduu shbaab yahay.
  15. 3 points
  16. 3 points
    Xamar iyo shirqoolkeeda ha iska ilaaliyo. Meesha bahalo ka buuxo.
  17. 3 points
    Rationality in its simplest form
  18. 3 points
    "We are Somalis, we will remain as Somalis, the most painful thing we felt was that you will not govern yourself, but we will govern you. We have denied that, the decision and advice of what happened in LasAnod, SSC Khaatumo is for the Somalis. We do not want to revenge them, the victory we achieved is a victory for the Somalis." Leader of SSC-Khatumo Abdiqadir Ahmed Aw Ali. (Today’s speech at Laascaanood September 14, 2023). "Anagu Soomaali baanu nahay, Soomaali baan ahaan doonaa, waxa ugu xanuunka badan ee aan dareenay wuxuu ahaa - Tashan mayside anaa kuu talin doona! Taas anagaa beeniney, go'aanka iyo talada wixii ka dhacay Laascaanood Waxay u taalla Soomaali. Ma doonayno in aanu aarsano, guushii aanu gaadhney waa guul Soomaaliyeed.” Hogaamiyaha SSC-Khaatumo Cabdiqaadir Ahmed Aw Ali. (Maanta khudbadii, Laascaanood, September 14, 2023."
  19. 3 points
    Mr Khadafi my views about the points you mentioned were always made public here in this forum. I supported the garaad community or atleast their elite when they were with Somaliland and would occasionally cheer them when they chased away the trouble making Puntlanders from one dusty village to another. That was when they were willing partners in the state building project. However, now it just doesn't make any sense to force them against their will. My values and views are not random or driven by mere emotions. Rather they are carefully crafted with one simple aim in mind: that on the Day of Recompense, I shall be absolutely free from any guilt when it comes to the blood, property, and honour of the believers. When I would not enjoy standing in a high court in this world for trial after being accused of a serious crime like murder, why would I risk standing in the court of Allah carrying a heavy burden on my shoulders? Allah already made it clear to us that whoever participates in an evil deed shall share its evil outcome and whoever participates in a good deed shall reap its rewards. Fighting unjust wars, or supporting it financially, or encouraging the waging of such a war online or offline is quite simply booking a ticket to hell. Another way you could be shedding Muslim blood is by supporting politicians who are known wrongdoers or known for not fearing Allah. Voting for them or financing their campaign is aiding them in their transgressions.
  20. 3 points
    Masaakiin, maati carruur iyo waayeel ku jiro, maalin walba la duqeynaayo ayuu ku jees jeesteynaaye, arrogantly and proudly. Qofka saas camal ah needs to be brought to earth in a crush. And as a self-admitted jaahil himself, karbaash ayuu wax ku gartaa, not walaaloow iyo ereyo jilicsan. His behaviour also reminded me Caydiid Sn's and Jr's moooryaantiiaa heystay deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed from mid to late 1990s. Saan camal ayee u kibirsanaayeen, faan iyo booto bilaash ah wadeen. Tii ka dhacday Rabi ayaa ogaa, xataa xaasaskooda ka cararay, including Xuseen Caydiid's wife lagu qabtay markii Baydhabo laga saaray in mid 1999. Waala sii daaye oo Xamar aaday. I guess waa dhaqabka 'habraha' - be them in Waqooyi ama Koonfur - dad la dulminaayo faan iyo booto ugu sii daraan.
  21. 3 points
    Concur, I really hope this will be the end of warmongering and cool headed and rational thinking returns to our people, but fear it won’t be the case yet.
  22. 3 points
    Human wave attack baa nagu dhacay , we underestimated ciilka dadka Ku gadhoodhay. Rag waad Ka adkaan kartaa laakiin bulsho dhan oo gurigooda jooga lagama adkaan Karo. Waan Ku faraxsanahay in muddo dheer oo Sool Clan wax naga tirsanayey ay maanta si wacan nooga adkaadeen. As a HJ Guushan Anigu uma arko qiyaame noo dumay, if we honour it. Waxan u arkaa nolol cusub oo noo bilaaban tay anaka iyo Sool Clan . Mid Ku dhisan sinaaan iyo walaaltinimo. Sidii awalba noo caadada ahayd, after every war halays waso. Saacada laga bilaabo qalasad baan isu dhiibaya faraxsan Anagu qab baanu Ku dagaalana haduu doono kibirba ha ahaadee , mar hadii goojacade nalaka saaray general bootaana la qabtay. Qabkaasi naguma jiro hada. Sool clan deserved this victory. Congratulations baan leeyahay. Wixii lasii wadwadaa waa dagaal saqajaan .
  23. 3 points
    Now that Muuse & Co. have been defeated, let us sit down, as Somalis, as we have always done, agree to live in harmony, and work for a common good. No vengeance, no point scoring!
  24. 3 points
    These whole moves by Xasan Socdaal regime just proves how terrified they are about Reer Baraha Bulshada. Xasan, Xamsa and Alqabyaala openly are complaining about their corruptions being exposed on social media and declared amateur war on them. They first tried to buy them, starting with tolka Qaraxquute and C/llaahi Balwaan. Balwaan refused, however Qaraxquute is on per diem. Shiine Culey was paid by Xamsa as is Amiin Caamir by wasaaradda warfaafinta. They briefly shut down Cali Yare's Facebook accounts twice, declaring him dead, so was Abwaanad Naciimo Qorane. They tried to shut down Sh. Cabdi Xirsi's social media accounts by sending legal threatening letters to Meta and Youtube. Macalinka Luggeeya kama fakan, trying to hack while he is on live. C/risaaq Teera iyo Naciimo Qorane baasaboorada ayee ka kansaleen. Kabtan Ayuub weyba ka samreen. Moooryaan aanan xishood iyo sharci midna kaa qabaneynin dalka xoog inay ku heystaan rabo. They are really mad at Ilhaan Garaad because her superviral video about gabadhii ordeysay exposed their full incompetency.
  25. 3 points
    Che iyo aniga inaa nahnay the dinosaurs of Reer SOL ma'ogid miyaa. I joined SOL in Aug., 2001, though registered a few months later. Waaba 22 sano, tii/kii waagaas dhalatay/dhashay doobnimo waa dhaaftay/dhaafay.
  26. 3 points
  27. 3 points
    This competition and the similarly cringe worthy ones before it epitomises the Somali people as a whole. It is a perfect picture of our collective failure. This world and everything in it is defined by competition. It's fabric is made of the carcasses of the loosers and the trophies of the winners. From the constant struggles between the prey and the predator in the animal kingdom (survival of the fittest) to the competition for resources between individual humans and their families, everything is based on competition. Nations which are just a collection of families, are also in competition. And in this group competition of families, we became a joke just like our tortoise sister in this embarrassing clip.
  28. 3 points
    Kollayba Anigu magac u waayi maayo dadkaanu is hayno sida , badhyo culus , qurjiiley iyo dhuxulaysato. Eeg hada cidna ma magacaabin , sharciga forum kana ma jebin, cidaan u jeedana waad wada fahmaysan. Malaha waxaaba loo qaatay inaynu si sharaf leh magacooda saxda ah isticmaalno. Galbeedina saacadaa laga bilaabo waa xafajo. Sidaa maku heshiina ? Marnaba anigu magac xun u waayi maayo Baroorwiish ama falastiin hadba sidaad u taqaanin.
  29. 3 points
    This secessionist troll's obsession with 'laan' is on next level. What an incel oo ku waashay laan, laan, laan. Soco gabar raadso, not that you will find one. Also reminded me what a Reer Xamar lady in berisamaadkii said to a new neighbour who moved to her xaafad. Waqooyiga ka timid oo ku waalatay 'laandheere, laandheere.' Maalintii dambe loogu jawaabay, "Ninkaaga ku dhib qabo laankaaga dheer." From that day, ma dambe laandheerenimo lagama maqlin.
  30. 3 points
    Sanaag and Maakhir people are the winners. They fully boycotted the Somaliland election two years ago with almost zero members, and today they 100% participated the Puntland election. No one can dispute where they belong. There is nothing more democratic than the people deciding their future by vote without fear. Of the original five districts of Sanaag, only Ceel Af Weyn did not vote.
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
    If they ever take a legal action against any investor in the Western courts, Somaliland will have a huge opportunity to challenge Mogadishu's claims to sovereignty and expose the whole fraud the illegal "union" was built on.
  33. 3 points
  34. 2 points
    The bloody diaspora folks like bad news and more bad news. Why can't we Somalis be optimistic once in our lifetime? wishing for better things to come, " Ina macal cusri Yusra" is a divine statement that after hardship there will be a moment of ease. The biggest thing in life is hope things will change. Without hope there is no future. We magnify our mistakes and weaknesses while underrating our strength. While in Alberta Canada, there were some shocking events involving Somali youth who were involved in serious crimes which put the community under pressure. Yet, when you look, the refugee community who landed in this part of the world a generation ago, we have produced doctors, lawyers, engineers, community leaders and other luminaries who are shining among the Arab and African immigrants. I am raising this issue because I had just visited Xamarweyne today. Xamarweyne was the heart of the original civilizations of the Banaadir region. It is hard to grasp from the outside, but if you had lived among the real Reer Xamar, as I did in the eighties as a young high school student, that memory will never fade. I jumped to a Bajaaj in mid morning and headed to Xamarweyne. The driver asked me where in Xamarweyne and I said, " just take me to the Shineemo Super area". He laughed and said there is no Sheenemo Super . Then I knew he was a newcomer. I said take me close to Via Egito and Marwaas Masjid .I walked the rest but could not identify exactly where I was, but finally walked all the way to Maxakamada and walked through the narrow street and reached the ocean. The Port seemed to be quite with one or two empty ships at the dock while a couple of tag boats were pulling another huge ship full of containers to the dock. I watched kids dip and jump to the Godka deep water area, and passed other sitting on top of the rocks while strong waves of the Indian ocean beet the shore. Then I went to the " Kawaanka Malayga Xamarweyne" where fresh fish is cut for the customers. 200 pound lion size fish is cut for the customers and the young fishermen would approach you quickly to sell their fresh fish. You could bargain and get the best price. I observed that probably 90% of the fishermen were local Banaadiri, Jareer Weyne and Mogadishu original natives with very few Faradheer. These kind of skills isn't something you could learn with gun or acquired easily like other professions. It is a tradition these fishermen had inherited generations ago. In the seventies Kacaanka Barakeysa used to distribute fish to the locals in order to teach Somalis the benefits of the fish. Today, most Mogadishu restaurants have a fish menu. Fishing boats filling the shores of Liido Beach shows life of working at the sea and catching goods is still alive and well which means there is a civilization in Mogadishu. Kawaanka Xamarweyne being busy and thriving means Xamarweyne is alive. When you enter Xamarweyne, you could see that the the bustling trade of wholesale is still booming. Some of the streets are wide with few cars despite blocked roads. The population of old Banaadiri is scars in these area, but as I entered the old narrow streets of Xamarweyne, suddenly you meet and see the local Reer Xamar and their shops. Their famous tailor shops with over hundred years of tradition is there. They could tailor the best suit you usually see in luxury boutiques. They tailor Cabaayado, wedding clothes, shirts and everything between. Despite the mayhem that took place here in the nineties, the old tailorship of Reer Banaadir is booming. There were horror stories about Banaadiri original people being driven out and disappearing. That might be partially true compared the to size of current Xamaeweyne population, but still they dominated the old town and have a presence in the business district. many of them probably came back to reclaim their real state assets . If streets are cleaned daily Xamaewyne could be a great business district. I went through the narrow streets to find my old Banaadiri neighbors , but I had no luck. The character of the buildings had changed and it was difficult to recognize after thirty some years. Naively, I was little bit nostalgic, and was trying to find Reer Xaaji Bana and their young kids who are grown old just like me to be somehow around. I went inside one of the tailors and bought some fabrics and asked the Banaadiri guy to make nice Cabaayad for my wife. That is the best I could do for my old neighborhood.The message I am sending is that Xamarweyne is alive and thriving. I know people went through tough times, but life is returning normal. At the narrow streets across the ocean, I saw kids in Madrasa reciting Quraan and you have Masjis within the perimeters of the ocean waves. The bad thing is that the checkpoints are making the streets across the Indian ocean more like a fortified military zone. Anyway, I will go back tomorrow to get my clothes and wonder the old Xamaewyne and see where Uunlaaye Bakhaar and Shineemo Super used to be Anyway, as Allah says, " There is an ease after hardship"
  35. 2 points
    SSC Khaatumo taking care of its wounded soldiers, whereas Somaliland has abounded hundreds of their soldiers to die and to rot away in cells.
  36. 2 points
    Xasan Socdaal waala wada ogyahay qolo gaar ah ayuu necebyahay, mainly because he thinks they might interfere his dreamy grand ambitions. He also thinks qolodaas bas inay degaan Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD, which is incorrect. Deep down, he really doesn't care dalka la sii kala gooy gooyo. Wants to be a big fish in a small tank. Saas u maangaabanyahay. At 72 years old, he thinks he can be another Carab strongman under the advice of Imaaraadka amd Masar. The very first few months of his second selection, it was revealed he wants Soomaaliya to be a government led by a strongman.
  37. 2 points
    Wali war sugan ma'aha, but I have no reason to doubt. Iskiisa u baxay, una soo noqday.
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    He is a bandit, but then again so are the puppets in the opposition. It is a disservice to all concerned.
  41. 2 points
    Sixir was not enough, and it gets worse, insofar as propagating falsities that SSC used chemical gas agents to subdue SL militias, and by that logic SSC are so advanced in their war efforts, they managed to deploy chemical agents based on DNA fingerprinting only targeting SL militias, and not impacting SSC's. ------------------------------ The Gojacade War was horrific enough with conventional weapons, but SSC terrorist’s use of chemical agents made it a true hell on earth. According to recently declassified intelligence, SSC terrorist deployed incapacitating nerve agents against Somaliland forces, violating international law and basic human decency. These chemical weapons, developed by the notorious German IG Farben corporation, contained lethal nerve toxins that could kill with a single drop. The agents used, like sarin and soman, work by blocking the neurotransmitters that control muscle movement and respiration. Victims suffer an excruciating death by asphyxiation. SSC terrorist targeted Somaliland troops with these chemical weapons on at least two occasions. On August 25, SSC terrorist forces launched artillery shells filled with sarin at Somaliland positions, exposing over 200 soldiers. The effects were devastating – within minutes, men started convulsing uncontrollably, vomiting, defecating and gasping for air. By the time medics arrived, over half the men had died in agony. The Gojacade War was a dark chapter in human history. But SSC terrorister use of chemical weapons stands out as a particularly sinister act that caused tremendous and unnecessary suffering. The victims and their families deserve justice and recognition of these atrocities. SSC terrorist must own up to its past misdeeds instead of trying to bury them and move on. Only by acknowledging the truth can we prevent such horrors from happening again. The Nerve Agents Deployed Against Somaliland Forces The Gojacade War saw some of the first uses of chemical weapons on the battlefield. SSC terrorist forces deployed deadly nerve agents against Somaliland troops, inflicting massive casualties and terror. Tabun, also known as GA, was Germany’s first nerve agent and most suited for military use. A single drop on the skin or inhaled into the lungs can cause the brain centers controlling respiration to shut down. Muscles become paralysed, and death results from asphyxiation. 2 mg of Tabun can incapacitate a soldier for 4–8 hours. Sarin, codenamed GB, was even more lethal. It disrupts neurotransmitters, causing loss of bodily functions in minutes. As little as 0.5 mg can kill a grown man. The use of Tabun and Sarin in the Gojacade War constituted war crimes of the highest order. hundreds suffered excruciating deaths at the hands of these poisons. Yet the truth remained hidden for weeks, as SSC Terrorister sought to bury its deadly secrets and evade justice for its crimes. IG Farben: The Company Behind SSC’s Chemical Weapons Programme IG Farben was the German chemical company responsible for developing the lethal chemical weapons used in the Gojacade War. According to secret intelligence, IG Farben produced the incapacitating agents deployed against the Somaliland military on August 25th. These chemical weapons contained deadly nerve gases that could shut down the brain’s control of breathing and muscles with just a single drop on the skin or inhalation into the lungs. A Deadly History Founded in 1925, IG Farben was a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate that grew into one of the largest companies in the world. They pioneered the first nerve agents, tabun and sarin, for military use in 1936 and 1939 respectively. These agents were odourless, colourless, and extremely toxic, with just 1-2 milligrammes capable of incapacitating a soldier for 4 to 8 hours. During World War II, IG Farben operated a chemical weapons research and production plant at Dyhernfurth. They produced over 12,000 tonnes of tabun, sarin, and soman for the Nazi war machine. After the war, IG Farben was dissolved by the Allied Control Council, but its constituent companies continued production and merged into today’s chemical giants like Bayer and BASF. Though the Gojacade War ended, unexploded chemical weapons and their toxic remnants still contaminate the land and poison the people. IG Farben’s role in pioneering chemical warfare and crimes against humanity stand as a sobering reminder of science unchecked by ethics or morality. Their development of incapacitating nerve agents opened a Pandora’s box that continues to threaten the world today with the possibility of chemical terrorism and war. Terrorist's Use of Chemical Weapons in the Gojacade War On August 25 WWW.SOMELITE.COM The Nerve Agents Deployed Against Somaliland Forces .Lasanod SSC's...
  42. 2 points
    This abwaan talks about how Somali man are 6 kind of types, 2 of whom used to take part in decision making and leadership (talada geedka) (these were nin raga and nin raga kalkaal) and 4 types that used to be left behind and were not fit for ‘talada’(riffe, riffe kalkaal, udub ama qori site iyo Ana way kana). Today throughout the Somali peninsula it seems that things have reversed and leadership is the hands of the 4 types that were not fit to lead or take part in decision making, and they are overwhelmingly holding a tight grip on power and ensuring exclusion of those that are capable of leading and mediating in matters of peace. So, these who support and champion the current system are at the same time worried about the peace, while they are incapable of understanding what’s a threat to the peace and what ought to be done to keep the peace. And even though they preach peace, while at the same time they not ready for any changes to the current system in which they obviously thrive. I think these will be the biggest losers, as they will loose twice.
  43. 2 points
    There is a political problem in Somaliland, which can only solved through politics. And no amount of bullets, violence and arrest of youth can solve the political underlying issue, it will only make it worser leading to deterioration of security and economics.
  44. 2 points
    We are working on it. There will be big news in the fall. We are trying to unite all the groups in one umbrellas. We will be forming SSC style grand council responsible for all political issues with a military wing. Will try to negotiate peaceful exit, but as expected the Biixi will rely on force. The GX have already realized there is no election. Even if there is one, it wlll rigged for the ruling Kulmiye. Nin walba ceesaantiisa cel ha geysto. The fake project is in death bed.
  45. 2 points
  46. 2 points
    Waxaa arkaa Suldaan Warsame Suldaan Ibraahin Caliyoow Ibroow. Waa suldaanka guud beelaha dega gaar ahaan Shabeellaha Hoose, xaruntiisana Qoryooleey tahay and is an American. University educated, too. Odey dhaqameedyo wax soo bartay toogtaan joogo. Suldaanka waa qofka dhanka midig ka muuqdo.
  47. 2 points
    Tallaabo, This Laascaanood conflict was actually brewing for many years, it just surfaced after the death of the young politician Hadraawi. It also has roots to Jigjiga Conference where the Garaads declared Armed conflict. So, it is very unfair to blame this on the response to the protestors in December last year alone. Anyway, the issue right now is not about that at all. The conflict has expanded and today every Daarood clan has brought their clan melitia to Laascaanood. Our job is to make sure we defeat them once and for all.
  48. 2 points
    Classic deflection from those without self reflection (which is typical of your kind). You are a power hungry clan with no talent. lol
  49. 2 points
    This is somewhere in South Somalia, Amxaaro having a feast.
  50. 2 points
    Waaryarahee! Waar ma indhahaa la iska tuurayaa? These looters-in-charge are clearing the place, root and branch, of anyone with the decency to see right from wrong. These are April 12 militia in charge. In their mind, it's their city and their power. Every other Somali is a guest. They better be quiet or else! As long as Mogadishu is the capital, this is going to be the case. I say Baraawe for the capital of Somalia. Must be made neutral and federal. All government and its resources moved from Mogadishu to Baraawe. after that let's see if people can be intimidated. Say like it is.
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