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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. What’s is quite ironic or actually more satire is that nobody has actually seen the originally signed MOU nor the actual agreement. But your seing Ministers and regime supports celebrating while nobody has seen it, the Courts, Parliament nor Guurti has laid eyes on the document, and neither has the public seen it. And yet the regime and Faisal Ali Waraabe are already hailing and celebrating something they haven’t seen, haven’t studies and haven’t even discussed which might have quite the repercussions that they might come to regret.
  2. Welcome back Oday Illyria. I see your catching up to the latest shenanigans. Also listen to the Oromo song that was also performed that same night. I am sure Xunjuf is well versed in Oromo by now and willing to translate and interpret the meaning behind all this.
  3. Abiib seems to have found the voice of the Awdalite youth. Prosecute him and his crowning is officiated as the leader and perhaps even the Nelson Mandela of Somaliland.
  4. Listen to Faisal. ”Hadii la xisaabtamo oo la Isbaar baaro cid nabad galisa ma jirto”. Let us await the trial and see how strong your case is and let all the facts surface, and let people can make their own judgement of it all.
  5. I think it’s time for KG political elites to raise their ambitions and aim for the highest position in the land and make their weigh and numbers in Somalia count, as they be perhaps the biggest clan group in Somalia and it’s high time to offset change and disturb the clan based monopoly that Somalia has become.
  6. MMA, what does having a second DPM add in the equation? Wouldn’t it be better to lobby for a position where one can actually influence authority, power, funds or even personnel? Like Police or army head?
  7. The behaviour mirrors that of camel thieves that have raided and robbed camels and are for the keepers to do as they wish.
  8. You said it was not allowed for Somaliland officials to have contact outside of the talk. I have proved you wrong you with multiple sources. Stop with these constant lies and deceptions.
  9. Nonsense, 6 months later they removed the articles from the constitution that prohibited meeting Somali officials and from then on it was common place for Somaliland and Somalia officials to meet, and it remained so.
  10. You can’t silence MPs for being political. For they are representatives of the people, and have political immunity to meet and speak who ever they wish. US Senators, UK and EU MPs constantly meet and speak with Kim Il Jung, Ayatollahs of Iran, Putin and other foreign actors their countries declared as enemies and are in war with. That is not treason for they have no executive power in the first place.
  11. Xunjuf is seriously claiming SL and Somalia officials are not in contact with each other outside of the talks.
  12. Meeting with Cabdiwali Gaas and Shariif Sakiin. In Brussels, again no participation or approval from SL government.
  13. Feisal meeting Farmaajo on development aid, without SL governments approval or participation.
  14. Even before the talks started Kulmiye engaged with Somalia, even being part of the Somalia WHO delegation. Just to refresh your selective memory.
  15. Aside from ’Mogadishu officials Faisal even met Southwest and Jubbaland leaders, and called for more contacts with Somalia’s leaders and this was not even part of the talks then. Just to refreshed your selective memory.
  16. Xunjuf, I firmly supported the Somaliland talks with Somalia and will keep supporting talks, between any Somali’s to resolve things. I am only correcting your statement about what’s is (legally) forbidden and also that Somaliland officials and even opposition did meet with Somalia and have contacts with Somali officials, outside of the talks, as numerous times reported publicly. While you have never before in those 12 years accused others of treason, that could sound like hypocrisy, unless you are able to justify this?
  17. It seems that one is trying to move the goalposts and rewrite the rules 3 months before the elections, and one is miraculously forgetting that it was Kulmiye regime who removed from the constitution the ban for politicians on taking part in Somalia conferences back in 2012 and since then numerous Kulmiye officials and members of opposition (Faisal) have met and engage in contacts with Somalia’s officials in numerous occasions and capacities over the last decade Kulmiye was ruling, in both formal talks and informal settings.
  18. Reminds me of MLKs famous speech on when he was stabbed.
  19. Yes I have read it, all 100+ pages printed on glossy shiny full colour pages. And it’s save to say that almost none of it has been put to use, perhaps as garbage fodder. Now back to my question, why do you want the professor or any other intellectual back in Somaliland, if your not intending to listen to anything they have to say?
  20. Xunjuf, what do you care if the professor is back in Somaliland or not it’s not like you or its leaders are interested in any of the knowledge he has to share. They never even bothered to read the political election program he wrote for Kulmiye party back in 2017
  21. Perhaps you meant to state in ‘western parts’ of Somaliland you want peace and diplomacy, as you have repeatedly beaten the drums of conflict and war in the eastern regions, and stated conflict there is ‘unavoidable’.