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Kismayo Update

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The Zack   

Mid qolyahan reer waqooyiga ah baan maalin meel ka wada shaaheeneynay. Sheekada Jubbaland bey nala gashay somehow, waxaan gartay hadaladiisa inuu kasoo horjeedo waxa ka dhacaya Kismayu. Kadib i asked him very simple question, why is he against Jubbaland? He response went something like "Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke wiilkiisa baa tagay Kismayu, een Puntland-na waa taageertay waxa socdo marka waan shakiyay".

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Get ready for disappointment Kismayo conference done sxb , They want to hijack entire Somali region its nonsense .






Gobolka jubbada hoose ayaa ka kooban 5 degmo oo kala ah:







Will never fall under Kenyan second class citizen

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The Zack;941942 wrote:
Mid qolyahan reer waqooyiga ah baan maalin meel ka wada shaaheeneynay. Sheekada Jubbaland bey nala gashay somehow, waxaan gartay hadaladiisa inuu kasoo horjeedo waxa ka dhacaya Kismayu. Kadib i asked him very simple question, why is he against Jubbaland? He response went something like "Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke wiilkiisa baa tagay Kismayu, een Puntland-na waa taageertay waxa socdo marka waan shakiyay".

:D :D :D


Nimanku anagayba naga go'een ma istiri?

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Marwo Faadumo Ugaas Barre oo Shaacisay in ay u taagantahay xilka madaxweenenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland


Talaado, 23 April, 2013(HOL) :- Iyadoo maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ay isa soo tarayeen musharixiinta u taagan xilka madaxweeynenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ayaa waxa maanta marki ugu horeeysay shaacisay musharaxnimadeeda madaxtinimo Marwo Faadumo Ugaas Barre Ugaas Axmed.


Marwo Faadumo Ugaas ayaa shir jaraa’id ay maanta ku qabatay Hotel Waamo ee magaalada Kismaayo ayay ku shaacisay in ay u taagantahay xilka madaxweeynenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland, taasoo la filayo in dhawaan looga dhawaaqo degmada Kismaayo.


Haweeneydani oo ah aqoonyahannad kasoo jeeda gobollada Jubooyinka ayaa sheegtay in hadii loo doorto xilka madaxweeynenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ay wax ka qaban doonto arimaha ay kamidka yihiin Ammaanka, Waxbarashada, horumarka iyo weliba soo celinta wax soo saarkii ay caanka ku ahaayeen gobollada Jubooyinka.


"Kadib markii aan arkay dhibaatada daashatay wadanka, kadib markaan arkay burburka saameeyay dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Jubooyinka, kadib markaan dayaca heysto haweenka Soomaaliyeed iyo carurta ayaan go'aansaday in aan isu soo sharaxo xilka madaxweeynaha Jubbaland," ayay tiri haweeneydani oo warbaahinta la hadleeysay.


Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay qaar kamid ah waxgaradkii halkaasi ku sugnaa kuwaasoo sheegay in ay soo dhaweeynayaan in markii ugu horeeysay ruux dumar ay isu soo taagto qabashada xilka madaxweeynenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland, waxaana dadkii halkaasi ka hadlay kamid ahaa Cabdi Ruush oo kamid ah aqoonyahannada reer Kismaayo, kaasoo sheegay in uu aad ugu faraxsanyahay in uu arko ruux haween ah oo u tartameeysa hogaanka ugu sareeya ee Jubooyinka.


Haweeneydani ayaa noqoneeysa tii ugu horeeysay oo shaacisa in ay u taagantahay xilka madaxweenenimo ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland, xilli magaalada Kismaayo uu ka soconayo shir la doonayo in dowlad goboleed loogu dhiso sedexda gobol ee J/hoose, J/dhexe iyo Gedo.


Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online


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Are these people for real?

Where were you when your lot come dressed in shorts marching along the British vagabonds invading and killing innocent indigenous Somalis in their own homes? were those killed not Somalis? were the ones killing not foreign enemies? And using planes! or was that an omen from the heavens? Or where the British your cousins who painted their faces white?


I forgot they do not teach that at schools, do they?


What was the Dervish movement? Unpopular?


Carafaat;941589 wrote:
Baashi, you cant be serieuz sxb. You are allowed to defend uncle Yeey's borrowing of Ethiopian muscles(airplanes, tanks) to fight his war against a popular movement. But trying to justify his actions by comparing things which hardly can be compared is another

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Illyria;942084 wrote:
Are these people for real?

Where were you when your lot come dressed in shorts marching along the British vagabonds invading and killing innocent indigenous Somalis in their own homes? were those killed not Somalis? were the ones killing not foreign enemies? And using planes! or was that an omen from the heavens? Or where the British your cousins who painted their faces white?


I forgot they do not teach that at schools, do they?


What was the Dervish movement? Unpopular?


Our you seriously saying the Colonial forces who were from all tribes in the entire horn belonged to a single tribe :D


I guess these in jubbaland sitting behind the British chief are also Somalilanders.




Tallow kuwani yey ahayeen

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^I highly doubt if these and their offspring are bragging about being British protectorate and the orphans of the queen to this day and age. You shy away from your service to the colony and yet you believe in dismembering the country by colonial borders.

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Its quite comical thats this thread is being updated since this Narnialand will not come further then the closed circle of madoobe and his kenyan masters. Unless the foundation of this satellite state of kenya is changed and the will of locals to be heard.

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Mintid Farayar;942127 wrote:


With one picture you demolished a myth told to many an impressionable young man


^I guess your insider details confirmed this pic is of Jubbaland? :D :D


Who needs fact checking when you got Macno-yare.

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dad baa turub cajaaib ciyaarayo the coming days will be interesting now when there is a 'ethnic' jubbalander as the new appointed FM of Kenya





excellent move i gotta give it to y'all

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