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Dr.Bashiir Nuur-Bidaar Xasan Looyaan Oo Ka Mid Noqon Doona Musharaxiinta Bisha August 2012

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bidaar junior was supporter of Ubaxa Kacaanka he went to study Garden Flowers. lool. I find it real funny. his father and team were pocketing every penny given by danyar people wanting to buy passport to flee the country for better life abroad. the money people paid to buy passports from his father was the money nuur bidar junior was using to study in the US. honesty wa lo bahan yahay ee runta hala shego. eventually somali peopl go so mad at his father's ways angry people dragged his father's body through mogadishu streets like the americans after they killed him. very tragic end of life. abwaan naga day saxibka buunbunitisa. salla ya nabi.

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Mooge;850474 wrote:
bidaar junior was supporter of Ubaxa Kacaanka he went to study Garden Flowers. lool. I find it real funny. his father and team were pocketing every penny given by danyar people wanting to buy passport to flee the country for better life abroad. the money people paid to buy passports from his father was the money nuur bidar junior was using to study in the US. honesty wa lo bahan yahay ee runta hala shego. eventually somali peopl go so mad at his father's ways angry people dragged his father's body through mogadishu streets like the americans after they killed him. very tragic end of life. abwaan naga day saxibka buunbunitisa. salla ya nabi.

Mooge, ma u malaynayo adiga io noocaaguba inaad samirka Bashiir leedihiin, aabihiisna wakhtigiisa ayaa dhammaaday ee Ilaah ha u naxariisto. Ayaandarro Soomaali dad badan bay iska dishey ee kulligood Ilaah ha u wada naxariisto. Adiga qof dhintay inaad ku rafatid ma ahane Bashiir waxaad ka taqaanid soo sheeg, haddii kale masayrka naga daa. I am sure inaad ka masayrsan tahay waayo qaraarkaaga ayaan ka arkaa, ama dhaliil muuqata la imoow amase fadlan naga aamus, qofbaa aabihiis sidaa loo dilay haddii aad naf ka dhiganeysid adigaanba waxba isku hayn. Sheekadaan meydkiisa ayaa la jiidana waa kuu keligaa, oo weligeey ma maqlin, haddna maba kaa rumaysanayo waayo dan kale ayaad leedahay. Adigu xaggeed joogtey markaas bal aad nooga sheekayside, intaas baa oga su'aal ah. Bashiir saaxiibtinnimo cidna wax kuma siinayo, isna shahaadooyinkiisa saaxiibtinnimo kuma uusan helin ee dacaayadda Raqiiska ah naga yaree. Haddii aad leedahay karti, aqoon iyo hufnaan aad kula shaqaysid, qof Soomaaliyeed baad tahay ee orod dadkaaga wax la qaybso meeshaan dadka ha xagxagane!

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Nuur bidaar madaxweyne isuma sharixin waxa is shataxay waa bashiir waa laba nin, nina waa dhintay nina waa nool yahay

Aabihiis baa la dilay maahan inuu wadankiisa u caroodo ama qol iskusoo xidho,dad badan baa aabo la'aan ku dhacday aakhirkina waa la isu soo dhawaan waa ififaalo qurxoon

Mooge wali rajaa jirta daawaduse waa adag tahay hadii lafaha bulunbulyo gasho si deg deg ah dhakhtar nafsi ugu tag.

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Waxaan maqli jiray ceeb looma dhinto. Waa mahad Alle waayo taada ayaan u baqi lahayn. Waan ujeedaa utunaadaada waa mid gaar ah ee waxaa muuqato asaageey baan ka haray inay sal u tahay xasadkaaga. Ilaahay hanaga kaa magangeliyo.


"Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure."

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abwaan, nur bidar junior is not going to win and beleive me someone who studied garden flowers Ubaxa Kacaanka has little capacity to govern. abahaeey baa basaboorada dadka ka ibin jiray sheko maha. abwan wan ogahay you don't want puntlander but naga yare cusbada waxagu wa kadareey. malmahan maba qarsanaysid ninyow.

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He is agains everyone that hails from that Qabil . The father, the Kacaan all is the smoke screen !



loool@ Aabihiis waa ladilay .

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where did he got the money to come to US and study? he finished masters in in flower gardens in 1990 in america. lol. he went to study and paid his tuition, rent, airline ticket before goveremnt fell. let us ask real qustions instead of us lead to slaughterhouse like animals by abwan and his flower specialist friend bidar junior.


macallinka, nin rag iska dhig and leave qabil out of this.

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Mooge;850514 wrote:
abwaan, nur bidar junior is not going to win and beleive me someone who studied garden flowers Ubaxa Kacaanka has little capacity to govern. abahaeey baa basaboorada dadka ka ibin jiray sheko maha. abwan wan ogahay you don't want puntlander but naga yare cusbada waxagu wa kadareey. malmahan maba qarsanaysid ninyow.

Mooge, dad baad leedahay rag iska dhig, bal tan adigu la imoow marka hore. Bashiir waad dhaliili kartaa oo aad ka hor imaan kartaa balse haku salaysnaato isaga iyo wax xaqiiqda ku qotoma ee horta aabihiis AUN meesha ka saar, qof aan aabbe lahayn ma jiro, waxa aabahaa sameeyey wanaag iyo xumaan midna adiga in laguu qabto maba ah. I hope inaad adigu waxbaratay and I think if you did qof aqoon iyo xirfad uu leeyahay maad ku cayseen ee waad ku ammaani lahayd.

Midda aad leedahay Abwaan will not support a Puntlander waa iska maalayacnigaagii and generalization. Horta do you know that there might be only about 5 Puntlanders sharraxan marka Soomaalida kale oo dhan inaad Puntland ka soo qaadid waa ayaandarro ku haysa, midda kale beleive me or not Musharrax Xuseen Khaliif Jaamac would have been the top of the list of candidates that I would Support if Bashir was not running. Dhibka jira is that I have not even seen Xuseen on Puntland websites, taasna waxay ku tusaysaa sida qabiil walbaa sameeyo nin aan ciddu dan ku wadan maba la taageerayo.

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@Mooge, I can see the kacaandiid fire in you, very good, but still this man has done nothing wrong, I don't know about his father AUN, but he's very educated and previously not politically active I gather, thus we can make sure he's not controversial cause the past 20 years we have yet to see a figure that unites everyone.


Also, technically everyone that was educated during Kacaanka had their education for free. :D

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