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Dr.Bashiir Nuur-Bidaar Xasan Looyaan Oo Ka Mid Noqon Doona Musharaxiinta Bisha August 2012

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abwan, dhibta jira wa inaan every canjelo xayeysino. we had animal specials, quran teacher, biibito owner, taxi driver and now a flower specialist. we animals following every person as if u yahay mala'ig so dhacday. somali wa u dhamatay. lol. abwan, i don't want to question your heart. i am wrong to say you don't support puntlander. i regret attack you. but i know you are friends with bidar junior. lol.


ninka naga daya warkisa.


somalia, lol. anigu maslax nairobi ban saxib ku nahay. kacanka wixi towbad kena wan tageraya.

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Mooge, you could be a famous chef and a good leader. Remember Ronald Reagon was an actor, Former Brazilian president Lula was once a street child. Shaqadu ceeb ma ahan. ALthough he did not include it in his CV PM Abdiweli was a cab-driver for many years but I don't think that should be an issue, shaqo ceeb m ahan, shaxaad baa ah.


Let us focus on Dr. Loyan and forget about our bad choices in the past, let us talk about the future. Soomaaliya hoggaamiye cirka kamas oo dhacayo. We have a young leader here, whom leadership we have not tested but we can discuss about how he might be suited to the top job. Let us be realistic and forget the Anna way kan guys. People like Dr. Loyan and Xuseen had reputable jobs so I think that they are different from those who have been idle for many years or the bloody warlards dagaalada sokeeye one way or another ka soo qayb qaatay, kuwa maamullada hore u soo maray who already failed to lead.

Aniga Dr. Loyan is my choice. There are kuwo aan isku qabiil nahay iyo kuwo aan qaraabo nahay who are running but I do not beleive that they can lead us now. My loyalty is NOT based on qabiil or even saaxiibtinnimo it is about their education, quality, character, past history (thiers, not their relatives) and how someone is suited to lead Somalia. I even want tp know how a candidate's children did whether they have acheived better in school or life in general because this will show me what kind of parent this person might be. Believe me bahashu hebel baan aqaan iska dooro ma ahan. I don't want nin carruurtiisu shelter ka daba wareegto amase isaguba in and out ah, bail ka daba wareego oo ilmahiisa daroogo iyo tuugo lagu xiro inaan taageero waayo tii gurigiisaba kama soo bixine how can he lead the nation? Beleive me many siyaasadda horboodaya failed their carruur and wives...Runtii waxaan ku dari lahaa doodaha tartanka inay ku spend-gareeyaan inay qoysaskooda ka hadlaan muddo laba saac ah not dabeecadaha carruurtooda balse their efforts and successes.


Mooge;850558 wrote:

somalia, lol. anigu maslax nairobi ban saxib ku nahay. kacanka wixi towbad kena wan tageraya.

So maslax haddii lala qayilo ama coffee la cabo oo uu yiraa waan toobad keenay waan taageeri miyaa xaaladdu? :D


Beleive all Somalis were all kacaan at some point. Kacaanku waxyaabo wanaagsanna dalka waa u horseeday khaladaadna waa galay, tan ugu daran oo dhibaatada horseedday waa in xukunka la isku dhejiyey, shacabkana la dhibaateeyey iyadana hadda cid la eedeeyo ma leh wixii hore wax ka daran baa dhacay. Meel laga billaabana maba la garanayo aniga aragtidayda. So let us forgive each other and move on!

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On what Mooge called studying flowers (not that any educated individual believes there is anything wrong with studying that for scientific purposes), a quick search in the school listed for the MS and PhD degrees listed yielded this find:


Loyan, Bashir. 1995. Educational models for community garden programs in the United States and their potential application for sub-Saharan Africa. (Ph.D. Dissertation)


Hassan, Bashir. 1990. Horticultural experience increases garden size and economic investment within a community garden program. (M.S. Thesis)


His PhD dissertation of 174 pages on Google Books:


Educational Models for Community Garden Programs in the United States and Their Potential Application for Sub-Saharan Africa


Bashir Nur Hassan Loyan


Kansas State University, 1995 - 174 pages


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Gaball you made it worse. he is not only flower specialist, now he is garden expert. lol. war ninka u ceeb qariya hadad tol tihin. lol. we used to make fun of veternarian Gheedi (dhaqtarka xoolaha), hada nin ka daran baba yimid o leh ubax sida deyrka logu beran ugu badiya. lol. educationey xaal qaado. waxan wa ka darey.


wa nimakina garbaharey ka yimid, waa nin wanagsan dhaha nur junior, lakin educationkisa yan laga hadlin. lool.


anigu shekadisa wan ka baxay e naga daya so celinteda.

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Wax magarad baa tahay marka kula yaabi maayo.


Dr. Bashiir Nuur Bidaar was a remarkable young man coming from Somalia as an international student who attained a Bachelors, a Masters, and PhD in a program that he believed would allow him to best contribute to Somalia in the area of food security.


Following the war, Dr Bashiir attained a second Masters in Business and Information Systems Management that has allowed him to see immense success in professional life, climbing very high in a Fortune 100 company. He is above all an administrator with executive experience managing money and projects worth more than the entire GDP of East Africa.


He is not known to be a corrupt man or a man who wastes his time on frivolous activities. He is a hard worker, a family man, a technocrat, someone who exudes professionalism from the very tips of his finger tips. He is a son that makes Somalia proud and the wide admiration Somalis of all creeds and clans have for him is a reflection of this.


It adds to his persona that you find him unsuitable as a partner in your coffee shop metrics for support (as you have expressed).


The former UN agricultural adviser, the IBM executive, the family man, the patriot, the role model for how Somalis could be, the next president of the Somali Republic (inshallah); Dr Bashir Nur-Bidar Hassan Loyan



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Mooge, maseeraa ku haayo, waa muuq-muuqataa! Sida isku dhaan, Bashir is the leader that Somalia needs, a humble, academic, open-minded and patriotic individual who is NOT a clanist. That is him. It is ok inaad ilmo-adeerradaa rabtid inaad taageertid laakiin ragga lama xagto. Haddii kale waan kuu maahmaahayaa next time.


FYI the photo above was taken near his Tokyo office.

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Waryaa gabal naga daa wiilka haduu maslax la fariistay doorashada dhanka kaluu ka wadaaye

Xuskii yaxye iyo moorif ma la qabtay doorashada ka hor ogaantaa mise waa weli?

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Haani Guntay Ka tolantaa


Building from the Grassroots






Why I am running for the Office of the President of the Somali Republic:


Not long ago, while having to decide what career to pursue, I was asked the ever-important question of “what motivates you?” It seemed to me then, as it now, that at the heart of this merely three words question is a query to the very essence of one’s drive which must be acknowledged as both a guide and forecast measure to successes in life and hereafter.


As the years, I continually have to revisit and ponder over the fundamental premise of this question and acknowledge to myself that which motives at every significant juncture of my personal life and my career.



By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I can say many things have motivated me. My late father AUN Nur Hassan Looyaan certainly had, as did my family, childhood friends, classmates, neighbors , the poor and distressed, the unfortunate and the helpless have served as source of inspiration to strive successes in life, to transform negatives into positives, and to see challenges as opportunities for growth and enlightenments. Therefore, as I today seek to render public service for my country and people, it is must that I publically re-acknowledge to myself what it is that motives me in seeking the privilege and the honor for the Presidency of Somalia – the highest public servant.



Without a doubt, at the heart of my drives public service are senses of civic duty and concerns for the plights of the poor, the distressed, the unfortunate, and the helpless of our society accompanied by an inherent desire to offer service and leadership, to the best of my abilities and accumulated expertise, for the land of my birth towards better tomorrow for its people.


As a student and then as a professional, I have followed, with serious interest, awareness, and deep sorrow the calamities that have befallen our Republic and people; cataclysmic calamities that shook the foundations of our nation state causing hard to stomach tallies of lost lives, boundless hardships that spared no one, not to mention immense destructions of properties and infrastructures. We have witnessed war in its most hellish form and millions of our countrymen, having being uprooted from their homes, are today refugees either in their own country or in exile.


Drought and famine have pierced into our souls to humanitarian catastrophe levels. Deforestation and environmental degradation have stripped naked our once beautiful and lush green lands, rendering it barren and potentially uninhabitable. We have witnessed staggering declines in human and country developments.


Rather than witnessing it, doing something in subduing and reversing the tides of the aforementioned protracted sorrowful state of our affairs is the prime reason/drive of my candidacy.


It is my firm belief, as my Somalis would attest, that among the key factors that have sustained our society’s immeasurable tragedies are failures in leadership and in governance. Thankfully, these are factors that can be changed and no longer must we remain indifferent, due to despair, in affecting these existential changes our people and country desperately need and undeniably deserve.


Ever since the birth of our Mandeeq, hope, for better tomorrow to come, has stubbornly remained in the hearts of our people. In our darkest of days, exemplary resiliencies in the face of cataclysmic tragedies were our demonstrable true quality and reinforced strengths. By the grace of Allah, accompanied by our undying Hope and demonstrated Resiliency, the promised bounties of our proverbial Mandeeq (the satisfier of our Hopes) shall fruit handsomely for and be shared by all. Change shall come, for we have waited for far too long!




My philosophy are informed by the firm belief that a progressive society, its statehood and organized institutions can only be built on strong civic foundations with enshrined ideals and expectations for, among others: equal rights; shared responsibilities; applied justice for all; established and enforced rule of laws; and encouraged free enterprising economy fueled by innovative population that is allowed to dream with the assistance of stable security and efficient system of governance led by capable and accountable leaderships.


With the above firm philosophy and the tremendous needs, wants, and expectations of our people and country in mind, outlined below are the key priorities of my Presidency.






Governance is regarded as the exercise of economic, political, social and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs. It includes mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and their leaders: articulate and safeguard a nation’s interests and citizens’ needs; exercise legal rights and obligations; and enforce set rules of law justly - all for the benefits and demands of shared common good and ideals. It undeniable, our Governance and the public’s confidence in it suffered tremendous erosions, decay, and declines.


To bring back governance our citizens can believe in and authority we all can respect and trust, my primary focuses will include:


• Restoring the rule of law by empowering and ensuring the independence and effectiveness of the Judiciary branch of our governance system as well as its auxiliary organs in law enforcements.


• Ushering in directives and modern mechanisms through which accountability and transparency all levels of government institutions are the rule and not the exception.


• Returning professionalism and established protocols in governance by steadfastly promoting merit based recruitments of capable and knowledgeable civil service personals at all government institutions.


• Ending the rampant dysfunctional and debilitating culture of political partisanships and institutional rivalries in our governance by upholding the constitutional hierarchies, roles and responsibilities as well as the check-&-balance relations between the three branches of our government.


• Enhancing our people’s ownership of their government by fostering greater public engagements, accessibilities, and participations in policy development processes accompanied grassroots level civic initiatives aimed at rekindling the awareness of the rights and the responsibilities of the citizens as well as the relationship between the citizenry and their government.


• Advancing and enhancing the democratic values of our society, as a counter-measure against abuses of power and public apathy in governance, by encouraging increased freedom of public expressions and the greater press freedom and accessibility to the government and its institutions.


In coordination and consultation with other branches of the government, I will advocate, as an immediate priority, for the establishment and empowerment of the following independent commissions and organs:


• Anti-Corruption Commission


•Civil Service Re-establishment Commission


• Public Audit Offices


•Human Rights Commission

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While relatively significant security gains have been achieved thanks to the sacrifices and tirelessness of the men and women of our nation’s security sector (the Army and the Police) and assistance and sacrifices rendered by the AMISOM troops, rampant insecurities and lawlessness remain as the single most obstacles to the re-establishment of our country’s sovereignty and the return of the rule of law. Consequently, attainment of Security through out the country and re-establishment of our sovereignty will be the top priority of my Presidency. To facilitate these goals, my Presidency will make firm commitments to the developments, the training, and the support of professional and capable Somali National Security Forces that consists of well trained, well supported, and clear chain of command and control structure for:


•The Somali National Army


•Somali National Security Services


•The Somali National Police


•Somali National Custodial Corps


Moreover, I will form a Presidential Commission consisting of both expert civilians as well as respected and knowledgeable active and retired Somali Security Officers to assist the government and the National Security Organs towards the earnest achievement of the above national security priorities. Somalia can regain and sustain its sovereignty and the necessary securities for its citizens not by services and sacrifices of foreign peacekeepers, however critical they are in interim and however appreciative we are for their sacrifices, but by the services and sacrifices of our National Security Forces.




Achieving economic growth and stability in a post conflict Somalia presents significant challenges and requires a great deal of efforts. My immediate economic priorities are driven by re-establishments of the necessary governmental institutions, laws, and policies needed to facilitate and support sustainable free enterprise economic growth. These include:


•Strengthening the capacities and the authority of our Central Bank.


•Establishing monetary policies and regulatory institutions;


•Tax laws, enforcements, and Revenue Collection institutions/mechanisms with strict oversights and independent auditory systems.


•Fiscal policy that builds confidences in our economic foundations accompanied by balanced social policies that safeguards our society’s needs.


•Banking laws and policies that foster private Banking institutions and government backed safeguard mechanisms to protect assets of the public.


•Economic environments conducive of growth in Small Businesses.


•Balanced pro-growth Trade practices and policies that encourage investments.


•Strategic commitments to and long terms investments on our higher educations institutions (public and private) to enhance the skills, productivity, and the innovative capacities of our present and future workers, entrepreneurs, and innovators.





My administration’s foreign policies will be guided by re-strengthening of Somalia’s existing diplomatic and economic relations with our traditional allies and friends across the globe while striving to build new bonds of friendships and economic partnerships. It will reflect our collective acknowledgments for our nation’s return back to world community of nations as integral member with cooperative ties to both countries within our immediate region, continent, and across the globe. It will recognize our collective gratitude for the help and assistances provided to the Somali people by the International Community during the past two decades as well as their continual commitments towards the restoration of peace and stability in our country. To raise Somalia’s profiles in the international forums and among the world community of nation, my administration will give an immediate priority to:



•Re-establishment of our Foreign Affairs Ministry’s capacities and revitalizations of our strategic embassies and missions across the world.


•Multi- and bi-lateral agreements to promote greater international cooperation in the areas of economic developments, trade, reconstruction, and peace and stability.





Dealing with the issue of internally displaced communities and Somali Refugees abroad will be a huge part of my Presidency.


•I will go beyond the humanitarian aid and find sustainable solutions for the hundreds of thousands of internally displaced families throughout Somalia as well as Somali Refugee scattered in our neighboring countries.


•I will create specific programs for displaced populations in urban areas and reinforce existing efforts to enhance the monitoring and coordination of their livelihoods.


•I will come up with tangible solutions to allow mass repatriation from refugee camps in neighboring countries to take into effect.



These citizens will need to have proper training mechanisms to facilitate their socio-economic reintegration and self-sufficiency. This will require ad hoc skills training programs that will give them the tools to establish solid communities who use their resources efficiently for the betterment of their households.




1) Education


My plan is to bring about a strong and effective educational policy because I recognize that education is a huge investment in human resources of Somalia as well as the increase of human capital. This will enable us to attain a strong and dynamic workforce capable of becoming competitive in our quest to bring about economic prosperity giving us regional advantages at all levels.


The main objective of my policy education is three folds:



a) Education for all


b) Affordable education for all.


c) Accessible education for all.



One more issue relating to education is my wholesome commitment to principles of Education and Millennium Development Goals and meeting them in order to conform to all international targets geared towards the elimination of illiteracy.


As mentioned in previous sections of this platform, I will make sure that we raise education level of girls, enforce gender parity and deliver quality education. In addition, I will make sure to promote a program of life skills acquisition for self sustainable and self reliance.



We will offer educational incentives in terms of:


•Increase the teachers competitive level and raise their salaries


•Link the Government, Universities to increase quality of bureaucracy and public administration.


•Facilitate the brain gain process of Somalis in the Diaspora to come home and make meaningful contributions to national development.


2)Status of Women in Society


Women constitute half of Somali population and they are the better half of our society. Without their involvement and daily struggles in what I have referred to as the prolonged civil war of over twenty years, I do not know if we could have survived without their insurmountable daily struggles to feed the poor and needy in treacherous conditions.


In the absence of gender parity, we would be depriving Somalia of a substantial strength of over sixty percent of its constituents who would lay the foundations for a stronger and sounder society. For those reasons and more, big and substantial efforts of my political agenda would be to promote and advocate for rights of women. Particularly, I will ensure that women will not be directed in specifically discriminatory roles, but rather empowered to contribute their best to the advancement of Somalia.


I will focus on the modification of traditional roles, particularly through education, employment and facilitating more access to micro credit and economic equality. I will strive to incorporate the resilience and super sensitivity of women in my political platform.





3)Environmental Awareness


Somalia has more than 3300 km of coastal lines making it the second longest in Africa. Somalia’s territory is more than ten million square kilometres with a population of more than nine millions. Therefore, it is important to adopt a strong and meaningful environmental policy to enhance the sustainable community development in rural areas. My aim will be to facilitate the adoption of such issues to accelerate the movement of global sustainability and fight what I call Nabaadguurka iyo Xaalufka.


My objective will be to carry out ad hoc projects which will involve the lives and all peoples involved to promote awareness as well as create new jobs will put as in an advantageous position in terms of allowing individual men and women to become empowered and have a greater role as civic individual of their respective communities.










1. Leadership which is: accountable, decisive, enlightened, forthright, honest, robust, transparent.



2. Leadership which will: inspire people,re-kindle confidence in politics and governance, work in partnership with the people so as to lift our beloved Somalia out of the doldrums.



A comprehensive structure for governance characterised by a highly skilled, capable and committed workforce supported by a visionary leadership with a strong conviction for a positive change to become be the cornerstone of


success in implementing these manifesto commitments.




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Why I am Running for the Office of the President of the Somali Republic by Bashir Nur-Bidar Hassan Looyan PhD


Not long ago, while having to decide what career to pursue, I was asked the ever-important question of “what motivates you?” It seemed to me then, as it now, that at the heart of this merely three words question is a query to the very essence of one’s drive which must be acknowledged as both a guide and forecast measure to successes in life and hereafter.


As the years, I continually have to revisit and ponder over the fundamental premise of this question and acknowledge to myself that which motives at every significant juncture of my personal life and my career.


By the grace of Allah the Almighty, I can say many things have motivated me. My late father AUN Nur Hassan Looyaan certainly has, as did my family, childhood friends, classmates, neighbors , the poor and distressed, the unfortunate and the helpless, and society as a whole have served as source of inspiration to strive successes in life, to transform negatives into positives, and to see challenges as opportunities for growth and enlightenments. Therefore, as I today seek to render public service for my country and people, it is must that I publicly re-acknowledge to myself what it is that motives me in seeking the privilege and the honor for the Presidency of Somalia – the highest public servant.


Without a doubt, at the heart of my drives public service are senses of civic duty and concerns for the plights of the poor, the distressed, the unfortunate, and the helpless of our society accompanied by an inherent desire to offer service and leadership, to the best of my abilities and accumulated expertise, for the land of my birth towards better tomorrow for its people.


As a student and then as a professional, I have followed, with serious interest, awareness, and deep sorrow the calamities that have befallen our Republic and people; cataclysmic calamities that shook the foundations of our nation state causing hard to stomach tallies of lost lives, boundless hardships that spared no one, not to mention immense destructions of properties and infrastructures. We have witnessed war in its most hellish form and millions of our countrymen, having being uprooted from their homes, are today refugees either in their own country or in exile.


Drought and famine have pierced into our souls to humanitarian catastrophe levels. Deforestation and environmental degradation have stripped naked our once beautiful and lush green lands, rendering it barren and potentially uninhabitable. We have witnessed staggering declines in human and country developments.


Rather than witnessing it, doing something in subduing and reversing the tides of the aforementioned protracted sorrowful state of our affairs is the prime reason/drive of my candidacy.


It is my firm belief, as my Somalis would attest, that among the key factors that have sustained our society’s immeasurable tragedies are failures in leadership and in governance. Thankfully, these are factors that can be changed and no longer must we remain indifferent, due to despair, in affecting these existential changes our people and country desperately need and undeniably deserve.


Ever since the birth of our Mandeeq, hope, for better tomorrow to come, has stubbornly remained in the hearts of our people. In our darkest of days, exemplary resiliencies in the face of cataclysmic tragedies were our demonstrable true quality and reinforced strengths. By the grace of Allah, accompanied by our undying Hope and demonstrated Resiliency, the promised bounties of our proverbial Mandeeq (the satisfier of our Hopes) shall fruit handsomely for and be shared by all. Change shall come, for we have waited for far too long!.


Dr.Looyan is the eldest son of the late Nur (Nur-Bidar) Hassan Looyan and presidential candidate in Somalia. He can be reached at and




Monday, July 9, 2012

Why I am Running for the Office of the President of the Somali Republic

I feel it is my call of duty, born about from a deep desire for the people of Somalia, to do what I can in the attainment of positive change for the Somali Republic. It is a responsibility I owe Somalia. The governance of the Republic must see about a concerted and wholesome change in order to improve the lives of the general populace for the better and bring Somalia back into the fold of the community of nations once again.

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loool....MMA, malaaq muddaaharaadka maxaa waaye? Afsoomaali waa la kasaa ee da'yarta dibedaha joogta ma kasaayaan iyagaa English loogu talogalay.:D

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lol@Kuwa codaynaya haddiiba ay waxqabad ka fikiri lahaayeen dhib maba igu hayseen ee yaa la wataa, reer hebel aan ugu shubno iyo hebel yuusan soo bixin bay ka fekeraan soo maahan most of them?

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