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About Macallinka

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  1. ^It is obvious though, Hassan Skh would want those ministers to come back and the PM was advised by many ordinary people to bring back those ministers plus the MPs are warning him so he is in a tight situation. I think he should refuse to bring them back and if Hassan Shk doesn't like it he should resign !!!!
  2. I have been to Somali Police HQ two months ago and that building is beautiful .
  3. ^^No Joking bro. Raisul wasaaraha cusub ee Somalia C/wali Shiikh Axmed ayaa la sheegayaa inuu ku jahwareersan yahay qaabkii uu u soo xuli lahaa golihiisa wasiirada ka dib markii ay soo wajaheen caqabado. C/wali ayaa maalmahan kulamo wada tashi ah la qaadanayey qeybaha bulshada isagoo xalay iyo habeenimadii ka horeeyey qaabilayey xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamanka. Xildhibaanada ayaa uga digay raisul wasaaraha inuu golihiisa cusub ee wasiirada ku soo daro xubno ka tirsanaa xukuumadii la riday ee Saacid, maadaama xukuumadaas lagu eedeeyey wax qabad la’aan, iyaguna ay qeyb ahaayeen, waxayna kula taliyeen inuu wejiyo cusub soo xusho. Hase ahaatee raisul wasaaraha ayaa waxaa heysta caqabad kale oo arintan lidi ku ah taasoo ka timid dhinaca madaxweynaha oo doonaya in golaha cusub ee wasiirada lagu soo daro ugu yaraan afar ka mid ah wasiiradii xukuumadii hore. Xubnaha madaxweynuhu u ololeynayo in lagu soo daro golaha cusub ee wasiirada ayaa waxaa ka mid ah raisul wasaare ku-xigeenka ahna wasiirka arrimaga dibeda Fowsiyo Yuusuf, wasiirka arrimaha gudaha C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed, wasiiru dowlaha madaxtooyada Faarax C/qaadir, wasiirka difaaca C/xakiin Fiqi iyo qaar kale. Xubnahan qaarkood ayaa qeyb libaax ka qaatay sidii meesha looga saari lahaa xukuumadii ay ka tirsanayeen ee Saacid uu hogaamin jiray ka dib markii madaxweynuhu u balan qaaday inuu ku soo dari doono xukuumada xigta haddii ay kala qeyb qaataan ololaha lagu ridayey Saacid. Raisul wasaraha cusub ayaan weli ka labo labeynaya arintan iyadoo xubnaha la diidan yahay lagu arkay magacyadooda liis qabyo ah oo laga helay golaha wasiirada cusub, waxaana raisul wasaare Cabdiweli uu ka cabsi qabaa haddii wasiiradii hore qaarkood uu ku soo daro xukuumadiisa in baarlamanka ay ka gudbi waayaan. Qodob dhowaan xildhibaanadu meel mariyeen oo ku xusan xeer hoosaadka Baarlamanka ayaa dhigaya in marka la ansixinayo golaha wasiirada loo ansixiyo mid mid, wasiirkii aan la rabina dib loo celiyo si loo soo bedelo, halkii ay horey ka ahaan jirtay in golaha wasiirada mar kaliya si isku duub ah loo ansixiyo. Golaha cusub ee wasiirada ayaa la filayaa in lagu dhawaaqo ka hor 10-ka bisha Janaayo ee soo socota inta uusan baarlamanka gelin fasaxa, waxaana illaa hadda la isku raacay in tirada golaha wasiirada laga dhigo 25 wasiir oo u qeybsan shanta beelood.
  4. Audio : This is ridiculous !
  5. The Zack;979310 wrote: ^video-ga maku deeqi waayay? Ma arag sxb, but thanks
  6. The Kenyan government is all over time they are saying there was no women involved in the attack and now this while clearly most witness are insisting they have seen a women commanding.
  7. I can confirm that there is no qafaal in islii right now. But the signs are there and we are expecting a big qafaal anytime now! They have been saying that all the problems are due to islii so they are preparing to do a security sweep soon. They are particularly looking for people with European and US passport so if you are planning to come to Kenya anytime soon you will need to change your plans and wait until the dust subsides. Am at 12 street while i write this....!
  8. malistar2012;979080 wrote: Yesterday day they where supporting the Government Today they denounce it because of the President & Pm seat shame The Dawladiid where out numbered and out performed all in all it was a Great event a day to remember In Ohio , More then five thousand people showed up consisting of all type of Somali's young and old Male and Female showed their Loyalty to Their Nation and Government. somalia hanoolaato was the Message for the Night Its all about the Blue and white With Star Somalia hanoolaato More then 5 thousand people showed up to see their Government Well done to reer Ohio for showing their support to Somali government as alwayz. Beautiful pictures. Where are the protesters pics ?
  9. Haatu;977709 wrote: If this is true then it's very bad. Macalinka, what reason would they have to do what you allege? Haatuu yaa yaqaano hee rag baroon saran baa rasas ladhacay while he was minning his business! And to make things worse , he and his subclan were supporters of the current admin. Today another from the Same community was gun down!
  10. Yesterday the killed a prominent suldaan from Gedo. Today, they killed another one! They are out of control.......!
  11. lol this guyz talks a lot. The other night he was saying the SFG leaders could be poisoned through meet the supply . He is like telling Al-shabaab to do just that. When I was in Xamar early this year , he said similar things, about Liido beach and that people from diaspora are specially women are bringing incidence to the beach and its surroundings . Guess what , the next day Al-shabaab bombed that famous restaurant in Liido. I think is about the time he should leave. Too much talk with no action.!
  12. Yaa alllah what is wrong with these people !
  13. Maadeeyoow, hadiii dadkan aysan sacrifice aysan samayn hormarkooda ka shaqaysan isbadal ma imaanayo. Ragaan meeshay galaan waa in la sheegaa.