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Puntland Administration's Betrayal of the SSC People

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Degel;726172 wrote:
Fake claim. We 're part of PL and remain to be part of it, and actually have full participation in both parliament and the executive branches!

Cowke with new nickname

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I think Bilan or ibtisam made a brilliant point who decides when or if the garaad clan totally withdraws from puntland? is it the clan elders some garaads only,, all the elders the caaqils perhaps some politicians or maybe xaglatoosiye nsum kaafi or the Khusuusi no one answered that question yet.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;726174 wrote:
^^ Are you sure about that new lad

Facts are on the ground with the exception of few towns and when the time is right, they will be back :cool:

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Xaaji Xunjuf;726177 wrote:
I think Bilan or ibtisam made a brilliant point who decides when or if the garaad clan totally withdraws from puntland? is it the clan elders some garaads only,, all the elders the caaqils perhaps some politicians or maybe xaglatoosiye nsum kaafi or the Khusuusi no one answered that question yet.

Maamulka beesha ha sugi waayin. Adiga waa iga su'aale, kee bay talada Queen Clan-ku ka go'daa; Godane, Sifir mise Siilaanyo?

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Taleexi suaasha wali kamaad jawaabin abti anigaad suaal ii weydisay balse anigu waan kaga jawaabaya anagu talo reer kuma socono tayadu wa talo qaran waxana masuuliyada Haya Madaxweynaha Qaranka Mudana Axmed Maxamad maxamuud Siilaanyo wa masuulka qaranka ugu sareya talada na isaga no haya waxayna ka Go'odaa Golaha guurtida iyo golaha wakiiladao oo ay so doorteen shacabi weynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland. Idinka yey ka Go'daa taladinu beeled ma garaad jamac mise garaad selebaan mise nsum mise cali khalif mise abdisamad mise xaglatoosiye?

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The Zack;726184 wrote:
Golaha guurtida soo qabiil kuma dhisno goormaa la doortay?

wala so magacaba qaab doorasho reerkasta iska soo saara qof ay aad u qadariyaan oo sharaf ku leh beeshooda siyaasinta cuqaasha waxgaradka beeshaas ayaa isku so raaca oo qaab local ah u codeya inu shakhsiyaadkaasi matalan oo ay fadhistan Senatka. Wa traditional democracy

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The Zack;726155 wrote:
Are you sure about?
Then why the hell does the Zaylac clan have only one member of Parliament and the Awdal community are rarely seen in Siilaanyo's cabinet. Majority (beesha duriyadda) rules, inta kale waa shacab baa ka socoto meesha but that is besides the point.


Nimankan SSC si toos ah bey SL u raaci lahaayeen hal shuruud haddaad fulin laheydeen.... Gooni isu taagga iska ilaawa.

What makes you think they want to join SL. Af jooga looma adeego. They want to have their own state, why is that a problem.

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The Zack   

You said this..

bilan;726211 wrote:
Af jooga looma adeego. .

and immediately forgot to follow your own advice and said this..


They want to have their own state, why is that a problem

Marka adigu maxaad af jooga ugu adeegeysaa and telling us what "they" want? Yaanan isku adkeyn dee Bilan Cabdi Cabdullahiyeey :cool:


Intaas kadib,


Runta haddii laga hadlo, despite the recent conflicts between reer SL and reer SSC and the crazy occupation, beelahu waa walaalo is dhalay oo isu abti iyo eeddo ah badankooda, qarniyo badanna wada degenaa. Haddana iney wada degenaan karaan oo hal meel wada yeeshaan waa wax dhici karo.


Thuma amaa bacdi:


Xaaji Xunjuf;726185 wrote:
wala so magacaba qaab doorasho reerkasta iska soo saara qof ay aad u qadariyaan oo sharaf ku leh beeshooda siyaasinta cuqaasha waxgaradka beeshaas ayaa isku so raaca oo qaab local ah u codeya inu shakhsiyaadkaasi matalan oo ay fadhistan Senatka. Wa traditional democracy

Calaa kulli xaal qabiil baa lagu soo magacaabaa( Yacni nin aan qabiil laheyn meesha masoo geli karo) oo qabiil baa soo magaacabo.. sax? Mar danbe yaanan ku maqlin adoo TFG iyo Puntland the qabiil system ku caayaya.

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The Zack;726134 wrote:

It is not as simple as you put it. The major division of the SSC clans is there for a reason. I am sure every clan would face that challenge if they were on these people's shoes. Geographically, they are located in the north but their fellow clanmates are on the other side. They are culturally and socially affiliated with your folks but politically, they are with the rest of somalis. It is just hard to mobilize that kind of society.

Having said, majority of these people are on the same side, it is just not easy to put that in action.

The Zack- life is never simple, laakin I disagree with you; the divisions are not the problem as such [they become a problem by extension] the problem is indecisiveness and lack of credible leadership.


- As for indecisiveness:- it is what makes the London SSC leaders organize a demo against SL in protest in December and January, and then the same people in May demanding better allocation of resources and more seats for SSC in SL. WHAT? Who even does that?


- Any credible leader would know if your goal was to leave SL on clan basis, then pis*sing off the PL people is not a smartest idea. Even if the government was bad and not sympathetic to their “struggle” they could’ve bypassed them and appeal directly to the mass [i.e. the clan they want] which I am sure would be receptive. Even worse the campaigners and supporters who follow them don’t correct them, wey iska daab socodan.


I agree every clan has divisions and problems, but there needs to be hierarchy and kala dambeyin [who is the boss?]. And if a decision is reached it has to be for the long term and followed by all. Otherwise you are wasting your time and resources.


Imagine if SL changed its mind every year about whether they want secession or not, imagine if changed their mind about SSC every few years flipping between wanting them and leaving them? Would anyone then say SL is serious about its intentions? Of course not and the place would’ve been unstable, each clan and subclan trying to find its own interest elsewhere.


Every time you point a finger, there are several fingers pointing back at you;- SSC needs to get their shid together, no one is going to help them for charity or for clan[PL has made it clear enough] and all the pointing, signing, parties and noise has got them no where.


There is always excuses, they either need to mobilize as a society and put this into action or let it go, but doing it halfheartedly is costing pointless struggle.

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The Zack   



Let is break it down, shall we? I believe that every clan in Somalia has politicians that flip flop on many things. Somaliland has Buubaa, Sifir, Somebody Oomaar and many others. Some are now in Xamae with the TFG who pretend that they wholeheartedly support the unity of Somalia but are there for their own interests. On the contrary, there are some politicians in Hargeisa that advocate for secession but do really see it as a crappy idea. This process is just more common in the SSC community due to the situation they are currently in. Majority of the SSC area has been with Puntland, this issue has started mainly in 2007 markii Puntland laga faramaroojistay Laas Canood.


It is very shocking that you claim that this clan lack real leadership, they have very smart, educated, talented people who can lead the entire country of Somalia, let a lone the small SSC. Rewind the history 25 years and see where Somaliland was during that time. Many today's Somalilanders were actually helping the former Somali government fight against the SNM. The SSC front has just been created two years ago and I think they have accomplished A LOT in a very short time , it will be sooner than later before you see the lands of SSC being controlled by the SSC folkes, in my opinion.


As far Puntland, regardless what the SSC folks say about it, the fact that no help is coming from Garowe would not change as long as the likes Faroole is in office.

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Kinda pointless admission Zack;- :D of course every clan is made up of individuals with different thoughts yad yad ya. But it is how much power these individuals that speak for you have in your area. In my home town[read sub clan], they were not really pro-SL for a long time, but out of respect for the bigger clan we [our elders] decided to sit it out [i.e. we did not have any political representations for my clan and see what happens in the next 10years. That was 15years ago, in the last 5years [the elders] decided it is in our interest to become active participants, so we put forward some representation.


SSC wey nagu shibra waqleeyin;- They won't acknowledge it is their differences that is letting them down;- and for the most part it wouldn't bother me, but they make it a policy to always run around blaming everyone BUT themselves. They won't agree to be ruled, they wont agree on self rule, they wont agree to join SL or PL, nor do they have the power to enforce on each other the consensus. [Which by extension means they cannot enforce anything externally]


The London protest had cards saying SSC is the only place where modern slavery still exist! how can the same people come with a begging bowel few months later? uuuuf

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