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Puntland Administration's Betrayal of the SSC People

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*Ibtisam;725575 wrote:
I guess Puntiland got tired of SSC aimless backwards and forward transition which extends to years. I say aimless because in 20years they have switched sides many times and their long term plan today makes senses to no one but them. You cannot say you are pro-Somalia yet unable to work with the two peaceful [compared to the rest] entities surrounding you. You cannot do anything for unity if your have conflict within your own ranks and you can’t get on with those surrounding you, then Xamar caano uu liis misid.


As I always said, the leaders/elders are divided and dhinc loo raco la waya, all these years, they have achieved nothing, well aside from
their people, even from Puntiland. Getting labeled as terrorist just undermines what ever legitimate cause they had and without PL or SL fighting over them, the process the leaders have been milking for years becomes a dead end and they become irrelevant.


Of course Somali politics moves fast and PL or SL could change their attitude and turn towards the old policy making these leaders and by extension SSC relevant.

Marba ma sheeko hor leh baan sheegayaa... balse do you know what they say: What you resist really persist. Can we just let SSC to go its way and shape her destiny, oh I forgot this is too much to ask and I remember now in one of your other posts where you stated about one of your field trips in the heart of your kin folk and then came back to the fora with the conclusion that the SSC and Maakhir communities are insignificant. And yet you can NOT just let them be. War ma'anaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?, cadan u badi in laga heesayo.

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NGONGE;725616 wrote:
NSUM are making the usual hopeless noises but Liban Ahmad is talking some sense. The predicamant carries on..

Muruqa labo suule ninba si ku ah.

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SL will never happen but we don't want to be a part of it just in case it does happen = Anti SL SSC


SL is the better alternative we have at the moment so let us make the most of what we have = Pro SL SSC


We have no idea what we want. It depends on what the TFG does and if we like who is in charge = PL

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N.O.R.F;725893 wrote:
SL will never happen but we don't want to be a part of it just in case it does happen = Anti SL SSC


SL is the better alternative we have at the moment so let us make the most of what we have = Pro SL SSC


We have no idea what we want. It depends on what the TFG does and if we like who is in charge = PL

Your SL Propaganda makes no sense all, 99% of SSC People are pro- United Somalia and have nothing to do with snm/ clan secessionists. There is NO pro snm/sl in SSC regions, the former PL Minister xaabsade and few other individuals don't count.


There was a time when 95% of SSC people were Puntland supporters, Puntland ruled Las Anod and SSC regions for a decade without any opposition/resistance, and without any problems. In 2009 SSC people decided to have their own SSC Administration after Puntland failed to deliver, liberate SSC regions, and help SSC people. The former supporters of Puntland now support the new SSC State. SSC people created their SSC Freedom Movement and SSC resistance to liberate SSCland from snm militia, and to succeed where Puntland failed. SSC people cannot support Warlord Faroole, because Farole is anti-SSC like Warlord Siilanyo


In principle, SSC People still support the unity of Somalia, and the unity of SSC and PL.

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Everyone is trying to decode the new force, SSC. :D


The secessionists time in the SSC region is limited.

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Snm ciidanka ka dhintay waa reer laas caanood puntland waa sidoo kale xaabsade iyo ina cali shiraa isu dhaartay, afar iyo tobanka garaad may shacabka u taliyaan? mise maalin walba inay janaaso ku tukadaan bay ka door bideen?

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N.O.R.F;725901 wrote:
Oo ma been baan sheegay?

Maya saxb, been maad sheegin, intaas shayba waa jiraan, laakin in kasii badana waa jirtaa, Laakin shaki kuma jiro isku day kala iibsiga, kala qaybinta, bulshada in ayna soconayn, iyo qaaab ka foosha xun SL ula dhaqantay degaankaas. Waxaa la oran karaa kala Qayb sanaanta degaankaaas SL door aad wayn bay ka ciyaartey.


Hadii lacagta TUUG xaabsade iyo inta la socota laga jaro, SSC will have an easier task of uniting their people.

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Degel;725799 wrote:
PL and the Vice President alone cannot do any thing. It needs the support of the majority of all of the people in those regions. FYI, PL helped the last fight in Cayn region with ammunition, medical, fuel, and food. The inhabitants in Sool should aside their differences and should be willing to die for their land. I remember the VP that you mentioned asking for all technicals to be brought under his command, and at this point, nothing was brought under him. The local inhabitants should be putting aside their differences and leading the fight.


The so-called SSC brought three technicals in Sool to start the recent skirmishes in Gambadhe and Tukaraq and did not do a jack. People are talking about fake entity called SSC Hogaanka that is all present in the diaspora. They need to get over the endless parties that never stops and get realistic. The two Garaads who lead the SSC Hogaanka are both in collusion with Siilaanyo, and let us not forget they are the ones who brought SL into LA. One of them calls it PL "Bintiland" when his city is in the situation that we see today. Instead of blaming PL, the blame should be those of reer Sool whose sons are dying for Soomaalidiidka.


The blame should also be on the diaspora guys who are meeting in London who are talking about creating another faction of SSC whose sole job is to lobby SL to give them a Prime Minister job. We all know they are in collusion with Siilaanyo and asking him to be giving them a PM porfolio. They refused the proposal that general Mohamed Aadan Laangade put on the table where he laid down the cost of the operation and where he is going to set up hi defenses. They have opposed his proposal and claimed SL is going to leave LA peacefully KKK They have yet to explain how? Of course, we all know what that entails such as getting or at least asking Siilaanyo more seats.


I think people should get realistic. The big belly diaspora guys who all care about a seat in Hargeisa or in Mogadishu are the people who are responsible for the current situation and all of the noises is just to caste blame PL where the fact is they are the ones who are responsible for LA's situation!

Maba dhalane dhaqaaqi okaa.. Have some bills waryaa..

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AfricaOwn;725829 wrote:
^^^Basically you're running away from answering questions. Bilan where are you at?


Now let's get it all in perspective pl admin = cowards , ssc = hopeless, headless chickens.


Enough said.

:D so what is s/l then?


This thread has nothing to do with s/l more was p/l and ssc. Inferiority complexion mentioned by GD is true about you secessionists seeking attention in everywhere..

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Taleexi;725891 wrote:
Marba ma sheeko hor leh baan sheegayaa... balse do you know what they say: What you resist really persist. Can we just let SSC to go its way and shape her destiny, oh I forgot this is too much to ask and I remember now in one of your other posts where you stated about one of your field trips in the heart of your kin folk and then came back to the fora with the conclusion that the SSC and Maakhir communities are insignificant. And yet you can NOT just let them be. War ma'anaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?, cadan u badi in laga heesayo.

;);););););) Kadaa

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Khadar: If you ask no questions I will tell no lies.... juqajuqaynta ha la joojiyo and all I can be to a person is nothing but nice. Nin nabada jecel baan ahay oo waad ogtahay ninyahow.

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Taleexi;725890 wrote:
Inaadeer Bilaneey maa juqajuqaynta iga deysid. Hadda iyo dan haddaad leedahay muxuu Taleexi u taageeray A/Samad, maxaa aniga tukaha cambaarta leh iga dhigay, markay reer Galkaio u codeeyeen, A/llahi Yusuf, reer Garowe Farole, reer Qardho Cadde, reer Badhan Ilka Jiir, reer Buuhoodle Xaglatoosiye mise sheekadaadu waxay la mid dadkuba waa lahaa!


Did you ask me to fix the system? waxaa la fix garayn karaa system bed qaba, oo mubaadinka fursad uu isbedel ku keeni karo u ogol. Farole, A/Samad and Co anigu doontooda waa ka degay. PL shouldn't be worrying about SSC any longer. She has plenty of other urging things that need her attention. Be it security front, Mr. Attam, Raas Casayr state and so on and so for.

Taleexiyoow ma waxaad leedahay haduu qof walba adeerkiis taageero there nothing is wrong ana hadaan kayga taageero even though aan ogahay ciladiisa hmmm I guess I am exception to this rule then :) since aanan taageerin adeerkay Faroole, because I knew ceebihiisa and I knew he was not fit to lead, but personally if I campaigned for Faroole/Abdisamad I’d have felt some kind of responsibility of what they did to PL.


I guess PL means different things to different people, to me PL is bigger than Faroole or his administration, they were not the founders and they will leave sooner or later, so waa caqli xumo inuu qof taageero Atam or Raascasyrtan just because they do not like/agree with the men who are leading PL today.


Mida kale yaa xaq u leh inuu SSC ka saaro PL, ma garaadadii wax ka dhisay who up to this point aan oran waan ka baxnay PL, ma xaglotoosiye iyo inta la fikirka ah? Either way PL administration have no right to criticize SSC.


Liibaanoow maxaa lagaa siyaa Suldaan Garaase???, as far as I know he is not even involved in politics.

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Bal i yare sug aan koobka coffee-ga ah ee i horyaal kabadee si aan falcelis waafi ah oo weliba turxaan lahayn kuugu jawaabee. Horta Bilaneey, su'aal gar ah oo haddana legal ah baad i waydiisay - Malaa haddaad rafcaan maxkamadeed qaadato waad guulaysan lahayd :)


Kow: Horta anigu weligayba falaagaan ahaayoo Garaadada nin aad u aaminsan ma ihi, oo waxaan u arkaa inay guuxoodii ka dheereeyeen, dadka u ololeeya baan ahay inay ceremonial events-ka ka duceeyaan sida meelaha lagu heshiiyo, wadooyinka iyo iskuulada la furayona xadhiga ka jaraan balse muxuu Timacade yidhi Anuun bayska daalaye dheguhu uma duleelaane si kastaba ha ahaatee hal cod baan PL ku lahaa, SSC-na ku leeyahay, waanna hadli anigu intaan aamusi lahaa.


Labo: :) Yaa xaq u leh miyaad tidhi ood aamustay. So far two Garaad's publicy denounced the union of PL and the rest need to make up their minds as of yet. The vast majority of SSC community is shifting towards having their mini clan state with the thinking of that this approach will give them the best representation possible and also they can deal with the secessionists' ambitions.


Saddex: Waa runtaa PL qofaf ka weyn oo anba sidaa waa ila ahayd balse if I don't smell the coffee in a timely fashion and don't realize when to quit waxaan noqonayaa caal waa amaba laga quusay hence when you are a member of a club there are rights and responsibilities and it is up to the individual to watch his rights. SSC community problems are not all PL manufactured. We've got real issues to deal with. I will contribute in my small way for the betterment of this community and beyond even though I've even my own differences with the leadership of my community regarding how can SSC be led in this difficult times.


Ugu danbayn, haddaad adigu exception to this rule tahay waad iga caqli badan tahay ku dayashona waad mudan tahay balse anna waa ogahay, adna waad ogtahay dadka sidaa u fekeraa waa ku gabaabsi cariga Soomaaliya.

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