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Puntland Administration's Betrayal of the SSC People

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The Zack   

Adeereey idinku dhulkooda u daaya, why do you guys care if there is a unity between themselves or not. Just leave their cities. Maxaa idinka galay their division lol. Since you are now in SL, start telling the truth to your elders. There is nothing in it for y'all dheh. These people don't like you lol.


If clan B has internal unity issues between themselves, clan C doesn't get the right to occupy clan B's towns. There is zero, nothing, natta correlation here.

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There is no such thing as Dhulkooda, because there is no such thing as dhulkeyka. I already explained how people live those parts and I already explained that this is not primary school, I also told you that SL is not doing charity or helping them- they want to help their own policy and agenda. This is politics, wax fahaan, and their division is keeping them down, no one else.


We already have blessed elders who at every turn looked out for the interest of the people who live here, it is a win win situation for them currently- and there was no need for them to isolate themselves within their own people. The grass is greener on this side. :D :D

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Blame is a waste of time;- my policy is;- what do I need to do for me & when do I need to do;- this concept applies to interest groups too.


If by your qabil you mean SL, then you can read my criticism of their heavy handedness and entertaining idoi*tic SSC leaders in other threads.


Anyway seems you wanna act like a blind bat and continue the blame game, ha ku macanato, waad hosasinseya the SSC, till their struggle loses its human face.


P.s. I resent the whole "for ONCE", but I shall let it go, for I'm sure for more than several reasons you closely identify with this matter.


P.s.s. Re your last EDIT: it is not about RIGHT, it is about POLITICS, influences and interests, considering ONLF position you should know that. No one is going to help you unless you help yourself.

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The Zack   

Ma hoosaasinayo cidna. There is definitely something wrong but we were just discussing why things are as bad as they are. You were saying ssc are to blame for this issue, I am saying no SL is part of the problem. I think we are on the same page now.

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SL is only part of the problem because they have opportunity, support and leverage from the said community. It is not rocket science that they exploit this because their own agenda is aligned with this;- they would be ****** not to;- the justification is; well some object, some dont, we chose to listen to and support those who are aligned with us. Pretty straight forward really. :cool:


So what about Puntiland>? wrong move?

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Ina Cambaashe Xaabsade, Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf iyo rag shaqo tegey la garay laakin ciidan dhan la qadiyad ah qabiilo kale waxaa laga hayaa Dhuloz marka reerka horta salaada dhan ha u wada tukadaan marka hore ka dib bey wax iska dhicin karaan before that keep singinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg SSC wey hana qaadey bala bala bla bla bla

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The Zack;726214 wrote:
You said this..



and immediately forgot to follow your own advice and said this..




Marka adigu maxaad af jooga ugu adeegeysaa and telling us what "they" want? Yaanan isku adkeyn dee Bilan Cabdi Cabdullahiyeey :cool:


Intaas kadib,


Runta haddii laga hadlo, despite the recent conflicts between reer SL and reer SSC and the crazy occupation, beelahu waa walaalo is dhalay oo isu abti iyo eeddo ah badankooda, qarniyo badanna wada degenaa. Haddana iney wada degenaan karaan oo hal meel wada yeeshaan waa wax dhici karo.


Thuma amaa bacdi:



Calaa kulli xaal qabiil baa lagu soo magacaabaa( Yacni nin aan qabiil laheyn meesha masoo geli karo) oo qabiil baa soo magaacabo.. sax? Mar danbe yaanan ku maqlin adoo TFG iyo Puntland the qabiil system ku caayaya.

Dee wa odayasha dhaqanka isku haya wa aqalka senatka , Aqalka barlamaanka kale wala so doorta oo cod ba lugu rida shacabka doorta laakin golaha guurtida dee beelkasta oo somaliland degan ba ka mid ah wana mid anu hormar wanaagsan ku gaadhnay allow cuqaashayada noo daa.

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The Zack Buuba, Sifir, Omar don't have any support bases in their native lands though. Were's the likes of Xaabsade get a big welcome in Las anod.

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The Zack;726233 wrote:
You were saying ssc are to blame for this issue, I am saying no SL is part of the problem. I think we are on the same page now.

The thread is called "Puntland Administration's Betrayal of the SSC People" and that's the stuff you're focusing on?

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The Zack;726214 wrote:
You said this..



and immediately forgot to follow your own advice and said this..




Marka adigu maxaad af jooga ugu adeegeysaa and telling us what "they" want? Yaanan isku adkeyn dee Bilan Cabdi Cabdullahiyeey :cool:


Intaas kadib,


Runta haddii laga hadlo, despite the recent conflicts between reer SL and reer SSC and the crazy occupation, beelahu waa walaalo is dhalay oo isu abti iyo eeddo ah badankooda, qarniyo badanna wada degenaa. Haddana iney wada degenaan karaan oo hal meel wada yeeshaan waa wax dhici karo.


Thuma amaa bacdi:



Calaa kulli xaal qabiil baa lagu soo magacaabaa( Yacni nin aan qabiil laheyn meesha masoo geli karo) oo qabiil baa soo magaacabo.. sax? Mar danbe yaanan ku maqlin adoo TFG iyo Puntland the qabiil system ku caayaya.

lool Zack, war heedhe ina adeertood baan ahay ,marka waan u hadli karaa sameway ay reer Burco dhexdooda isgu hadli karaan :). if we have to follow their logic oo reerka oo dhan ay hal isku yihiin adiga xataa waad u hadli kartaa, you can even claim LA and Ceerigaabo....laakiin hadalku wuxuu u socday SL supporters.

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The Zack   

^ I like that logic. Beentaa ma aha. Waxaan soo xusuustay gabay uu tiriyay Qamaan Bulxan.


Saalax, but you understand my analogy


Jb, casho ma ahee xitaa markii qof kale lagu xanaaqo ceyda waxaan ku darnaa Somaliland, dhulka nooga baxaa haddaad rabtaan in la idin daayo.

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