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Prof. Gandi First Elected President of Azania State of Somalia

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Another one.


Qoraal digniin ah oo kasoo baxay xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Golaha Dib u heshiisiinta iyo Nabad-gelyada Maxamud Siciid Qiilmawaaye oo liddi ku ah maamulka maqaar saarka ah ee loogu magac daray Azania State of Somalia


KU: Dhamaan Isimada Gobolada Jubbaland

OG: Wax garadka iyo siyaasiyiinta Jubbaland

OG: Jaliyadda Qurbajoogta Jubbaland

Ujeedo: Digniin


Anigo ku hadlaya Magaca Gobolada Jubaland, kana Xuun maamulka maqarsarka ah oo laga sameyey dalka Kenya in uusan ku imaan rabitaanka iyo aayaha dadka deeganka laguna xad gudbey dadaalkii nabadeed oo aan dhawaanahan ka dhexwadnay dadka walalaha ah sidii aanu isugu keeni lahayn isla markaasna loo samaysan lahaa maamul cadaalad ah oo dadka ka soo jeeda gobaladaas ay samaysan lahayeen mamul goboleed si cadald ah ku dhaca.


Sidaas darteed, waxaan dhamaan jaaliyadaha Jubbaland ee ku dhaqan dalka dibaddiisa ugu baaqayaa in ay ka hortagaan khatarta lala maagan yahay keeni kartana in dib loo soo abaabulo dagaladii sokeeye isla markaasna lagu kala fogeynayo dadka deegaankaas dagan oo in ka badan labaatan sano ay dhibaato ka dhex jirtey. Maamul ku sheegaas waxaa lagu carqalataynayaa shirrakii kala duwanaa oo jaliyada jubbaland bar yahan ka wadey gobolada iyo degmooyinka Jubbaland iyo qaaradaha adduunka oo lagu mideynayey Jaaliyada jubbaland.


Waxaan dhamaan shacabka jubbaland iyo dhamaan ummada Soomaaliyeed u cadaynaynaa in mamulkaasi yahay maamul aan dadka deeganka mas’uul ka ahayn isla markaasna dhawaan la qabanayo shirweyne looga tashanayo aayaha iyo miisirka Jubaland, taaso loo soomarayo dib u heeshisiin heer Gobol iyo heer Dagmo intaba si loo mideeyo dadka walaalaha ah ee reer Jubbaland.

Hadaba, mar labaad waxaan cadynaynaa in maamulka loogu magacdaray Azania State of Somalia in magacaas laga soo min guuriyey gumeysigii Ingiriiska oo magacaas la isku oran jirey dalalka kenya iyo Tanzaniya, sababta dalalkaas magacii loo yaqaanay loogu magac daray gobolada Jubbaland waad dareemi kartaan macneheeda.


Waxaa kale oo aan uga digeynaa in Jaaliyaduhu ka digtoonadaan in aan la iska horkeenin, wixii dhibaato ah oo halkaas ka yimaadana waxaa masul ka noqon doona wixii sameyey khayaanada xukun marooqsiga ku dhisan qof kasta oo raba in uu mamulka Jubbaland madxa ka noqda waa in uu ka soo bilaabaa aasaaska hoose, dadkana ka helaa kalsooni shirkana lagu qabtaa Jubbaland gudeheeda.

Qoraalkaan waxaa soo diyaariyey Gudoomiyaha dib u heeshinta iyo nabadgalayada goboladda Jubbaland Maxamud Siciid qiilmawaaye, kala xiriir wixii talo iyo tusaaale ah


E-mailkiisa oo ah midka hoose:

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Magaca ayaa la isku haystaa durbadiiba


Gaandi Oo bililiqeystay Soo Jeedintii Prof Mohamed Haji Mukhtaar ee "Azania"


Soomaaliya in mudo ah waxaa ka socda oo soomaalida intooda badan ay ku heshiiyeen in la boobo la dilo la dhaco isla markaana la faquuqo dhamaan wixii ku hadla Afka Maay-ga dhulkooduna la sheegto ayagoo maalin cad ay soo jeedaan.


Hadda arinta muragada leh ee maanta soo deristay ayaa waxaa ey tahay in la dhacay magacii azania oo ahaa soo jeedintii prof Mohamed Haji Muqtaar usoo jeediyey dadka dm oo aheyd in magacaasi la qaato kaasoo micnihisu yahay dhulkii barwaaqada ahaa.


Shirqoolkan ka socda kenya ee uu hogaminaayo prof Gaandi ayaa waxay durbada kusoo dhawaaqeen maamul goboleed loogu magac darey Azania state of somalia kaasoo madaxweyne 5 sano ah loo doortey gaandi.


Si kastaba arintu ha ahaatee ma aha markii ugu horey ee la bililiqeysto qowmiyada d iyo m ayadoo markii ugu horeysey laga bililiqeystey beerahoodii iyo dhulkii ey deegaan ahaan u lahaayeen maanta ey taagan tahay in la bililiqeysto fikradii uu soo jeediey prof Mohamed Haji Muqtaar.

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The Zack;707851 wrote:
Dadka qaar provided constructive canaan others are just plain haters. I see some who applaud for Puntland, Galmudug, even xiiman and xaax who are against our newly born beautiful AZANIA? Shaqo yeesha yaa dhaho kuwaas. As far as the name, Ilaahow maa loo baxsho Car-taabo-land, it aint your freaking business, dadkii lahaa baa ula baxay.

Zack ma la yaabtay, xaasidiin baa meeshan ka buuxa, oo dadka aan la jecleen waxa ee naftooda la rabaan.


Vive Azanialand

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The Zack   

'Liibaan';707904 wrote:
Zack ma la yaabtay, xaasidiin baa meeshan ka buuxa, oo dadka aan la jecleen waxa ee naftooda la rabaan.


Vive Azanialand

Liibaan haa sxb waan yaabay wallee. Locals of three states in Somalia decided to gather and make a coalition state and kick the Shabaabs out of their cities. All of the sudden the haters couldn't hide their faces(or maybe their rear ends), not sure why. Al-Xaasidu idaa Xassadda aa meesha ka socoto sxb. I have good news for you Libaanow, there is nothing these haters can do about the creation of the beautiful state of Azania! The train has been ignited and it is going to start moving soon.

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Cambaareyn maamul ku sheeg uu dhistay Prof: Gaandi


Posted by USA on Thursday, March 31 @ 08:07:58 EDT

Waxaa isa soo tarayo cambaareynta loo jeedinayo maamul ku sheeg maqaarsaar ah oo uu shalay dhistay Prof: Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi isaguna madaxweyne la sheegay in loogu doortay, kaasoo Jubbooyinka ka shaqeyn doono




Maamulkan oo lagu magacaabay Azania State Of Somalia ayaa looga dhawaaqay dalka Kenya maalmo shir loo fadhiyey magaalada Nairobi oo dad isku beel ah uu isugu keenay Gaandi oo ah nin aan u dhalan gobolada Jubbooyinka


Bayaan ay soo saareen beelaha ****, *****, ******,*******, ******* iyo ********* iyo qaar kale oo wax ka dega Jubbooyinka ayaa lagu diiday maamulkan oo lagu tilmaamay mid aanay u dhameyn beelaha dega gobolada Jubbada hoose, Jubbada dhexe iyo Gedo oo la xusay in uu matalayo.


Warkan oo ay ku saxiixnaayeen qaar badan oo kamid ah siyaasiyiinta iyo waxgaradka Jubbooyinka ee Nairobi ku sugan ayey kaga digeen khilaaf iyo isku dhac maamulkan uu ka dhex-abuuri karo beelaha walaalaha ah ee Jubbooyinka wada-dega.


Waxay kaloo wax laga yaqyaqsado ku sifeeyeen in nin isaga shirkii abaabulayey, mudddana u ololeynayey haddana uu madaxweyne noqday.


Maalmo sii horeysay waxaa jiray in maamul kale oo loogu magac daray Jubbaland State isla Nairobi laga sameeyey, nin ay isku beel yihiin Gaandi ayaa madaxweyne ka noqday.


Riyada maamul beel gaar ah ku kooban tahay way adag tahay in uu Jubbooyinka ka shaqeeya.

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The Zack   

Azania, 65 xildhibaan, 35 Guurti




Kn: Shalay sidii aan faafiney waxaa madasha shirka maamul u samaynta Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo lagu doortey madaxweyne uu yeelanayo maamul goboleedka Azania xilkaasi oo loo doortey Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi.

Maanta shirka waxa uu xulayay xildhibaanada ka mid noqonaya baarlamaanka Azania, tirade guud ee xildhibaanada waa 65 xildhibaan oo ku imanaya qaab deegaaneed


Degmo kasta waxaa xildhibaanada qeebsanaya inta beel halkaasi degta iyadoo aanan loo eegeynin qeebta quursiga ah ee 4.5.


In qaab deegaan lagu soo xulo xildhibaanada dadka matalaya waa wadiiqada kaliya ee ay xalka u arkaan dad badan oo Soomaali ah, sababtuna waxa ay tahay waxa ay meesha ka saareysaa nidaamka awoodqeybsiga quursiga ku dhisan ee 4 iyo bar, si kale hadii loo dhigo ma dhacayso in dastuurka dalka lagu dhaqayo ay ku qornaato in dadka qaar ay dad kale ka sareeyaan.


Sida aan ku heeyno xogaha shirka kasoo baxaya ee rasmiga ah, 3 magaalo oo kala ah Kismaayo, Bu’aale iyo Baardheere ayaa la siinayaa kuraas ka badan degmooyinka kale maadaamaa beelaha degen ay tiro badanyihiin, sidaasi darteedna loo baahanyahay in aysan jirin beel ka qada kuraasta la qeeybinayo.


Magaalooyinka Afmadoow, Xagar, Badhaadhe, Balad Xaawo, iyo Garbahaareey ayaa ah kuwa kaliya ee aysan beelaha qeebsanin, islamarkaasina kuraastooda loo qoondeeyey beelaha lagu yaqaano ee u badan, Buurdhuubo, Luuq, Baardhaaree, Bu’aale, Saakoow, Jillib, Jamaame iyo Kismaayo ayaa waxaa qeebsanaya beelo dhowr ah oo halkaasi dega.


Waxaa iyana la qoondeeyey golaha Guurtida in uu noqdo 35 wakiil oo ka kala imanaya hogaanka dhaqanka beelaha gobolka dega.


Waxyaalaha shirka kusoo kordhey waxaa ka mid ah in uu madasha shirka kusii jeedo Suldaan Cabdi Suldaan Cali Sokor oo madasha ka maqnaa wax lagu micneeyey isfahamwaa ka dhashay qaabka shirka loo wadayo iyo arrimo kale, laakiin waxaa la sheegey in la xaliyey kadib markii uu dhexgalay nin horey xildhibaan horey uga tirsanaan jirey baarlamaanka Kenya.


Shirka waa uu socdaa, marka ay beelaha qeebsadaan xildhibaanada ayay hadane soo xulayaan shaqsiyaadka matalaya, kadibna waa la dhaarinayaa.


Waxaan soo gudbin doonaa magacyada xildhibaanada iyo golaha guurtida oo lagu wado in 24ta saac ee soo socda la dhameeyo hoowshooda.


Isha Sawirka:

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I have to say, i like the sound of this new state unlike a few recent one like ximan iyo xaax (why? for the love of god) and galmudug (inter mudug?) not to mention puntland (should just been punt). I say good luck cleansing shabaab from this region, if it is managed well, it can feed the entire somali populace. Good luck to Mr. Gaandi and those supporting

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The Zack   

Naxar Nugaaleed;707921 wrote:
I have to say, i like the sound of this new state unlike a few recent one like ximan iyo xaax (why? for the love of god) and galmudug (inter mudug?) not to mention puntland (should just been punt). I say good luck cleansing shabaab from this region, if it is managed well, it can feed the entire somali populace. Good luck to Mr. Gaandi and those supporting

The best reply in this whole thread and others on this issue. I agree with you 100%. Azania started off in a very well managed way, I am confident that the locals can get their states and peace back. Al-shabaab are weak when they people of the places they govern decide against them. Weynu arki...

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No maamul goboleed has worked that was not implemented and agreed upon inside of the borders of Somalia. However, we have seen many such conferences at foreign hotels amidst much pomp and fanfare that have yet to be implemented.


Ghandi seems to have hurried this through considering the successful operations in northern Gedo by the Dollow group.

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The reality stipulates this isn't a topic worthy of discussion. Hiiraanland state held in that very country of Kenya had more fanfare, but where is it in actuality?

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The Zack   

^In some sense, one can call the Azania just another Maamul Goboleed created in Kenya and that is understandable but I assure you that this will be different. This project has been worked on for a very long time. "Itus oo i taabsii" baa soo socoto.

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I have known of the project before you had heard of it and privy to more of the details than Kismaayonews can glean off from official stationary. It is noble and seems to follow the skeleton of the general state, but it is not going anywhere adeer. Ghandi is an anthropologist; he is not a politician and nor really a leader. The construct form of Jubbaland is agreed upon by many in the region but many actors (including international backers) have competing attempts to monopolize the name and Ghandi, rather than being different and bringing a different context, seems to have joined the game of monopolization on behalf of a section of Kenya's foreign ministry. It is fine and dandy when you partake in the game from international hotels, but it is a different ballgame when you want to implement where it really matters.


He has fallen out with the TFG, he has fallen out with AMISOM, Ethiopia is highly suspicious of it, the Dollow armed movement considers it just another faction in competition, and all this while Shabaab is firmly in control of the land. You have made the name in paper, how will you carry it to Kismaayo?

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The Zack   

Gabbal, I don't doubt you on having some inside information about this project but I think you haven't been kept posted on it lately. The majority of the Jubba community are totally on board. Some Issimo (Suldaan Ali Sonkor included) were against it, that is not the case as of Today. 15 elders specially the listened and well respected ones are en route to Nairobi. They will be supporting the new maamul. Taas waa taas. Let me highlight few things that Azania has that no other maamul goboleed for the Jubooyinka never had. The creators of it are mostly educated, well-respected elders, and locals. The Kenyan government and the Somalis in that government are OFFICIALLY supporting it. IGAD, AU, UN, and even the US were all present in the meeting and are backing the new state up. There are several thousands of well-trained Military for it.


As far as the personality of Gaandhi, he hasn't fallen out with the TFG, the TFG has fallen out with him. Sheikh Shariif decided to break the promises he made for him. He tried to divert the troops that were trained for the Jubooyinka to Jowhar and Gandhi opposed that. That is when Sharmarke fired him. Calaa Kulli Xaaal, I say let's wait and see.

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^Adiga marba hadii the good professor is heading the project, waad la dhacsan tahay. I like that.


Balse aniga, I don't really understand the need to form a new administration or one shared by three states. We are at war with each other as is right now and have been for the last two decades, why complicate the situation even more and introduce another potential war and turmoil? No matter how much we sugarcoat, the fact on the ground remains that Somali clans in this region, not the people, the clans have no love and mercy for each other. One doesn't trust the other. The recent history shows these clans couldn't live in peace for twelve months in a calendar without killing each other. And you think it'd take few Phds to erase all that and get them to hug and cheer each other up. Not that quick. Let each one decide their own fate or not bother it at all.

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