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MMA, thank you horta.


Mida labaad, while we are on this, tell me about Somalis setting up businesses in Juba. According to the suuqa, many Nairobians are beginning to invest in South Sudan.



I do not think I should add to the misery of Somali wives by setting up another Tim Hortons:D

Startup is probably something I would look into, not tech startup necessarily.

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Tim Hortons afkaada ka daa marka hore, waan ku duceysanaa subax walbee. :D

Afrikaanse waa tea drinkers anyways oo waa ku qasaareysaa. Soomaliya ayaa ku fiican Timmies in laga hirgaliyo, I will be stacking it up for sure. Everyday I will be like "double double for Abu Jr Shababi, triple triple for Havarti cheese, Double milk for Sheik swiss army knife"

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Dhibkaaga ma yara ina adeer gacaliso, Timmiesba hadaad ka ducaysato.


All Abu Al-Shababi needs is double double shot cyanide.

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MMA: Glad to hear you enjoying your stay there.


I don't want to ruin the feel good Islii moment but I have never seen more dusty and tuugo buuxdo yet crowded every hour of the day than Islii. Qoraxda hadey dhacdo, it's like a ghost town. I can't believe Somalis spend huge amount of money yet feel a little safe. I stayed there two nights and headed to Mombasa.

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Malika;696265 wrote:
MMA, I visited Eastleigh during the day - drove round in the night, but slept else where....Lol@ ask nuune, maa saas baa?

Malika islii habeenkile fiicantahey dhaxmarkeeda, malinkii waa jaam.

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Soomaalina, abaaydiis, askarta dadka qabanaaye oo laaluushka ku noolaa Reer Islii wey ka neefsadeen in the past six months. Kuwa civilian clothes wato ahaayeen, and xataa qaarkood ex-askar ahaayeen, oo sheekadooda wey qaraxday until ay qabteen mid Sujuu askari dhar caadi wato. Bistoolado la iskula soo baxay and other enforcements arrived. Kuwii dadka qab qabanaaye meesha laga waday, filinkoodana saas ku qarxay, according to Reer Islii. This happened some six months or so ago. Markaan wax dad qab qabto maba jiro, unless it is the official raaf, oo guri ka guri, hoteel ka hoteel la galaayo, which happened a few months ago.


Waagii hore aan joogay ayee mar i qabteen kuwaas, the night before the night I was about to leave. A copy of the passport with fiiso dhacday ku dhagan watay. Iyagii qosol, ‘we are not fools’ kulahaa. Waala murmay, that the original passport has a current visa on it, which was true. I didn’t bother making the new visa’s copy, instead the old one iska wad wadan jiray. Murankaa la mur murmaaye markuu arkay kulahaa and I quote, “You Canadians so arrogant, not Americans or British.” He means Soomaalida baasaboorada Galbeedka wato uu qabto. Canadiankiina ugu kibir badan kulahaa, oo markii la idin qabto you don’t pay easily. I told him sharci kusoo galnay, sharcina ku joognaa, and in Canada, sharci laga yaqaanaa. “This is Africa,” kulahaa. 058.gif


Anyway, in the end xoogahoo iska siiye jeebka iigu jirtay. And kaftan ay bilaabeen markaas, iyagoo leh, “You came from Canada, the best country in the world.” Haye fiiso makaaga soo diraa ku iri, oo gabar makaaga soo raadinaa. Haa kulahaa, ee runtaa miyaa. Haa iri, but first leave the innocent Soomaalis habeen walba qabsatiin alone. Asagii qosol, maxaa kaa galay kulahaa, you are not Soomaali. Dhiigeyga ah iri, waana ahay ee dadka qabsatiin iska dhaafa. Hadda kuwaas Soomaalidii weyba ka neefsatay.


And about Kanadeeska being on the top-sought tier. Taas isweydiin maba leh. Soomaalida meel walba joogo Reer Kanada iska jecel, and kuwa Islii kasii daranba. Kanada is a league of its own, most sought destination. Kanada waa koow, and in second and far distance waa Australia and third places waa Ingiriiska ama Holland. Mareykankaba maba laga jeclo inta because dadka ka imaaday ayee arkaan oo wada laf lafo ah, doolar iyo nafba ka muuqan, not Kanadeeska. Reer Kanada inta yimaado wey dhalaalaan, dadka qurbaha ka imaado iyaga ugu dhalaalo. Bas, bas, bas amaanta yaanan iska badininee. 001.gif


About menus haddaa fursad u helo waa kuu soo sawiraa. Islii waa u kulushahay filaa, imoow iskeen waaka helee. Canjeero kulul with beer subax walba haddaa heshid adi maaba hadleysid. 044.gif But don’t leave your Angel sunglasses, it is a must. It is a bit dusty here sometimes.


Sensei, wiil aan aqaano ayaa Juba u socdo, in the next few weeks waa baxaa lahaa. Horena waa u maqlay dad badan aaday ee meeshaas koley Soomaalida waxee ku arkeen, especially since it being a very expanding town and soon, a future capital city. So it is growing rapidly, I guess. Soomaalidana wey ka faa’ideysaneysaa. However, aad iyo aad u kulushahay la yiri. Kuleel saa’id ah.


About the upmarket cafe I was suggesting about, there is a one in downtown Nayroobi, called Coffee Pub and it is among with three highest coffee houses, along with the international Dormans and Nairobi Java House. All isku dhaganyihiin ama iska soo horjeedaan. A Soomaali Canadian owns Coffee Pub one. I wish mid kaas camal Islii laga furo.


Jacfar, brother, which part of Islii aad joogtay. A ‘ghost town’ at night? Oh, kamoon. Adaa meel xun ka joogtay filaa.


Generally, the main, historical part Soomaalis used to live is generally and relatively as safe as any other part of Nayroobi. This area’s boundary starts from the 5th Street to 12th Street. All those streets and the main avenues that sandwich them are safe until the wee hours of dawn. And some parts of it, like 7th to 12th Streets, it is safe until dawn. Mar mar daaqadda ayaan fiiriyaa mar aan musqul usoo kaco and Soomaali ayaa ku qayileyso banaanka around 3 am, 4 am, in front of their marfishes.


Ghost town aad ka hadleysid waxaa ka wadaa filaa the main street (1st Avenue) suuqa dhex maro habeenkii xiliga dambe cidlo ayuu noqdaa maadaama wada dukaamo yihiin, but kan kale (2nd Ave.) ayuu dadka u bataa kaas ayaa residential ah. I guess your two nights stay was short oo saas uma kala arkin filaa. How was Mambaasa?


And of course Islii being a commercial part of Nayroobi oo intaas oo lacag ku jirto, it obviously would attract unwanted elements and people. Waa runtaa, tuugo wey joogaan, meelaha cidlada dadka ku gaadaan during late time of the night. Xataa tuugo dhalinyaro Soomaali oo gang ah, a la Ciyaal Faaycali-style, soo baxday recently, oo mindiyo wato. Late at nights ayee ka qaraabtaan in certain areas, waana shame.


Caydaruus, so ma arkin miyaa waxaa earlier soo dhajiye. Yes, I have been to Kilimanjaro too many times. And waana runtaa iyadaa Islii ugu shidan, waana very modernised maqaayad. Laakiin their pizza waa marax big time. Reer Islii ha ugu booteeyaan pizza sameynaa, but waxaas real pizza aan naqaanay ma’aha.

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Heesta Islii gees ka gees ka qabsatay si kadis ah toddobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay. Qofkaa aragtidba, weyn iyo yariis, dhag dhag/dhab dhab ku haayo.


Islaantoo guriga timid maalin hore iga qosolsiisayba. Heestaan qof ka dhageysanaaye on the laptop, markee aragtay tiri, "Labadaan beri lee yaab aragnay. Dhimasho, dhimasho lagu haayaa ee awal lama dhiman jirin miyaa."


Ereyga dhimasho soo noq noqonaayo ku jirto heesta, taas oo ah intaan kala dhiman.

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Jacaylbaro;696916 wrote:
Waar niyow hawlo kalaan u socday laakiin Islii wax dan ah igama soo gelin. Xataa qaraabo joogtay waan haleeli waayay.

I think he is telling us beentii uu MMA sheegaayey. I went Nairobi and I didn't see Islii, waa impossible dee nagadaa JB..

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