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Saado Ali Warsame: Does she have a point?

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In the real world, there is NO country or region called "Somaliland", It is now 20 years, and the world said NO to the lies of snm clan militia



Therefore, there is only ONE united country Somalia, from Zaylac and Loo'yacade to Kismaayo


SSC regions are an integral part of United Somalia



Awdal, Northwest, SSC, Northeast, Central regions, Banadir, Juba and Bay/Bakol are all important regions of Somalia



Soomaalidu waxaa fiican inay nabad, qadarin, is-ixtiraam kuwada noolatu, laakiin taa waa loogu taagwaayay


Allaha weyn soomaalida haa kala nabad galiyo, waa cajiib in kooxdii snm oo shalay ku doodi jiray dulmi diid baanu nahay, maanta in isla kooxdii noqoto dulmi doon, oo ee ka shaqeeso markasta dhibaatada dadka soomaalida ee jaarka yihiin


Saado Cali run bey sheegtay markay tidhi Dulmi diidow haa noqon Dulmi doon



Taariikh fool xun uun baa qormasa, koox dhibaatada wadana danbi bee shaqeesanayaan


Xaqu waa uu Guuleesanayaa taa Allaha awooda leh baa balan qaaday, Baadilka,Xaqdaroda, iyo dulmiguna waa laga adkaanayaa waanu dhamaanayaa Insha Allah,

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Runta hada somalia ayaanse jirin Somalia maanta Gabalkoodi wu dhacay calankoodii wu dhacay caasimadoodii wey duntay. shacabkoodi wa qaxay. Wixi Somalia la odhan jiray waxay noqotay jamhuuriyad khasaartay oo kaliya jirtay 31 sannadood 9 sannadood dawlad iyo madaxweyne iyo raisal wasaare la so magacabay baanu lahaydn. 10 sannadood eeh xigay ayey xoogaha dadku yara nolaayeen wakhtiga na Culumada ayaa lala dagaalamayey


iyo dagaaladi aynu la galnay

Ethiopia , tobbonki sannadood eeh xigay na jabhada ba jiray somaliya wabay qasnayd , Wixi xigay na Jamhuuriyadi Somalia wixi la isku odhan jiray waxay u kala Jabtay 2 dawladood. Dawlad hargeisa fadhida oo ka ka talisa jamhuuriyadi somaliland eeh ku biirtay somalia 1960 oo calan leh oo dastuur leh oo guurti leh iyo barlamaan iyo lacag uu gaar ah . iyo Somalia oo burburtay oo ila maanta la hayn meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigtay marka afka waad ka odhan karta somalia aya jirta iyo sh dalxiis ba u taliya , laakin xaqiiqadu labbadeenu ba weynu ognahay :D

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let the lady say what she wants. Who is she?? the people who support her never supported us anyway, we are not losing anything. The only person who is losing is probably herself for not remaining nuetral as most so called musicians tend to be to make money. Sado...welcome to the villages of garowe and bosaso...try to sell your music in pirate triangle of pirateland.


as for these people who talk about some mysterious SSC region that belongs to them, stop kidding yourselves saxib. The largest city in Sool is Ainabo inhabited by the population of east Burco. The largest city in Sanag is Erivago inhabited by the same majority population that make up the city of burco both east and west. so in reality you live in three villages near the somaliland border with Somalia yet you want to claim three regions.


what utter nonsence.

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loool why is cowke acting innocent doesn't he know puntlanders also worked with the italian colonials in the past?

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Originally posted by SOO MAAL:

In the real world, there is NO country or region called "Somaliland", It is now 20 years, and the world said NO to the lies of snm clan militia

So your crocodile tears are not genuine theneh? Somaliland way jirtaa. In ay jirto waxaa kuu cadaynaysaa qaylada iyo oohinta idinka baxaysaa! Waxaan jirin lagama cawdeene. Denying the existence of Somaliland is not and will make your problems disappear. The sooner you know the better. ;)

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Ummad Illahya abuurtay baanu nahay

Danbigeeni baa madax inaga qaraacaysa

Illahay faraj wuu inoo furi doonaa

Hadii wax inaga hadhaan sidan ku waari mayno.

Haha. So true.


Nice interview, Saado is an all time favourite of mine.


Blessed I am impressed that as a somalilander you can respect other people's opinion. Walahi it is simple if people wanna be respected and they want their territories to be left alone, they have to do the same.


It certainly cant be leave my part of the cake, but hey I want ur part of the cake too.. That is not logic. It is just s-tupidity....


Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahda ku qabso ku qadi maysid yacni xita wax adiga aad laheen hadaad qof ku qabsatid wuxuu ba akhiran laga siinaya lol...laakin hadii dadkoo dhan that mentality apply gareeyaan..yaa amaan helaya? taasi waa cidna..


yacni hadii maanta somaliland is dhahdo dadka kale amana ma sinano magalooyinkooda yaaan xoog ku qabsanana? ma umaleesay in xoog wax lugu helayo? ma umaleesay in yada wax lugu qabsaneen??...


Marka qofki amaan rabow dadka kale amaan sii...




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Originally posted by Qhalib:

So your crocodile tears are not genuine theneh? Somaliland way jirtaa. In ay jirto waxaa kuu cadaynaysaa qaylada iyo oohinta idinka baxaysaa! Waxaan jirin lagama cawdeene. Denying the existence of Somaliland is not and will make your problems disappear. The sooner you know the better.

It is not my problem that snm clan faction has miserably failed to be recognized by the United Nations, African Union, Arab League, and Organization of the Islamic Conference. Gaalo iyo Muslim waa diideen in la kala qeybiyo Dalka Soomaaliya



Few days ago, United Nations delegation informed the Snm faction in Hargeisa, the fact that United Nations and the international community respects the unity and the territorial integrity of Somalia, and their full support for the Somali government led by Sheikh Sharif. Few months ago the Ambassador of Egypt delivered the same message to Hargeisa, that Egypt cannot accept dividing Somalia into clan lands.



Snm militia and other Somali factions are all jabhadu, qola kasta jabhad waa sameesan kartaa taa wax weyn maaha. Jabhada snm ayaa dagaal ku soo qaaday Deegaanada SSC waa la ogyahay, iyo in ee dhibaatu badan u geesteen shacabka dagan Laascaanood. Insha Allah shacabka SSC waa ee iska xoreenayaan dhowaan Insha Allah.



The whole secession project failed because it is based on oohin iyo calaacal, markaa Cid ka qaylo iyo cabaad badan majirto snm, taa waa xaqiiq oo wax bari hore dhacay bey maanta wali ka qeylinayaan.


Caalamka oo dhan baa u sheegay aqoonsi la guma helo cabaad,oohin, waana la xumeeyey, waana la karbaashay, waana la duqeeyey waayo, waanu ka baqanaa waayo minority baanu nahay, xabaalo been abuur ah oo la qodo,iyo taalo aan macno badan ku fadhin. in badan baa loo sheegay qabiil qaran ma noqdo hadii ee wax fahmayaan



Hadii uu caqligu shaqeenayo aniga waxee ila tahay in Soomaali hishiiso oo gacmaha is qabsatu, oo laga shaqeeyo nabada, horumarka danta, iyo midnimada dadka iyo dalka soomaaliyeed


Hadii qolo gaar ah ee diidan tahay in soomalida kale wax la qeybsatu, maaha in la khasbo, haa loo ogalaadu inay deegaankooda yar la go'aan. kuwa raba inay dalka Somalia ka go'aan snm waa khalad ayaguna inay shacabka SSC ku khasbaan maamulkooda qabiil ayaga oo ka cabanaya in la khasabo


Sida Saado Ali sheegtay khasab maaaha wax shaqeenaya, markaa Dulmi Diidow haa isku noqon Dulmi Doon

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I enjoy nothing more than the comical self misleading dialogue between the long oppressed minorities in SOL (secessionist). Somalia has been through many phases since the elapse of the civil war. The lack of progress in Southern Somalia is blamed for the outstanding instability that haunts the region. Conversely, lack of development in the stable secessionist regions could be blamed for their inferiority complex that stems from their long victimized history. You (secessionist) are told in your upcoming household that you were abused, denied your god given rights and was sold short in the Somaaliweyn relationship. Thus you derive your secessionist nationalism from hatred (the plane in the middle of Hargaisa) and are fueled by shadow memories. Much like a raped victim, you dwell on limited insecurity and react so furiously even in friendly shukaansi.


I differ with a significant comparative advantage, which guides my political vision. Despite the fact that you and I know that you’re a minority, I ignore silly Xaaji Xunjuf and Garoodi amusing claims of Sool and Sanaag ownership. Why? Because I view your inferiority complex with tact sensitivity through a friendly neighbor policy. Ceerigaabo to Bosaaso is almost the same distance as Hargaisa to Ceerigaabo, thus I don’t need to further illustrate anything else.


The true difference is that you reside from Burco to Hargaisa, and I proudly own from Ceerigaabo to Gaarisa. I ask allah to bless my minority secessionist brothers with confidence.

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Says the guy who gets abused in the pirate state where he is classed as a second class citizen seen as one of the most insignificant communities in that region. It was not that long ago When the pirate state were hunting and were land grabbing you and chasing your uncle in the mountains of eastern sanaag what was his name again Atam, And accusing him of being linked to terrorism what were u doing, singing ku dayo ku dayo Pugland yaa xudeeydi :D . every single person knows your status In the pirate state. Your whole political achievement is concentrated surrounds on one man called called ilka jir if that aint sad I don’t know what is


Only you feel neglected By both Somaliland and The pirate state, It was the former president of the pirate Clan state Tuute muuse who called your maakhiran countrymen that all the respectable and intellectuals individuals and elite of the maakhir people left the pirate state For the republic of Somaliland which is not a surprise , and those who stayed behind in Bugland were put in the same category as Animals you were Dehumanised.Some of them were even locked up in containers


As for as the somalilanders we are making our lives better we are working on our future and the future of our grandchildren we are setting an example for the koonfurians Somaliland sovereignty and integrity is not something we discuss with Second class Citizens in a clan fiefdom

Keeping your pointless cries about the Somaliland expansion in the larger eastern part of the country it is abundantly clear that you don’t have the slightest idea what our aim is , and why we do things the way we do things.

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Adeer you’re further proving your grave inferiority complex as you try to verbally disintegrate a non-breakable kinship (Puntland). Never will you hear a Makhiri differentiate between your enclave. why? Simply because your larger umbrella (Burco + Hargaisa) is matched up to my Makhiri identity.


Ilka Jiir is a Puntland leader, a decorated war veteran who was the head of the Somali Army Artillery wing. Ilka Jiir with just 1 year in his post has met with renowned world leaders where as your dictator Riyaale awaits recognition from Maryan Mursal.


As far as your statement about Sheikh Atam, you’ve only orated to me what your inlaw Matt Bryden orchestrated in his lazy findings. Sheikh Atam, Cade, Faroole iyo Ilka Jiir are all cousins and family dispute should be of no secessionist concern.


I am implementing many tangible projects and moving towards progress (Jetty, paved road, Uni, Bosaso development, etc) where as you are mugged by a coward and a former snitch. What progress do you brag about? Can you name one tangible project that your mugger (Riyaale) has implemented? You fought for far too long to fight a dictator only to replace another dictator. (Miskiin)

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She is nothing but ruthless oppurtunist exploiting publicity at every oppurtunity .... past and pressent. 80kii habar ayeey ahayd kulahaa anoo da'yar 80-madyadii :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

She is nothing but ruthless oppurtunist exploiting publicity at every oppurtunity .... past and pressent. 80kii habar ayeey ahayd kulahaa anoo da'yar 80-madyadii :rolleyes:

So you can vouch for her birthdate. In the 80s, she appears to be young in the videos I have seen and the most beautiful female singer Somalia has ever had. This particular song and "Kaala Tashano" only highlight the present reality in Somalia just as Amin Amir does it on a daily basis without any personal biases other than the love of her country, but a few with an ax to grind would tend to find grounds to impugn her impressive musical career.


Btw, the man who composed most of her contraversial lyrics in the 80s was from the famous reer-Kenadiid family. Yasiinka Yasiinka was part of his songs.

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