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Islamists temporarily seized the town of Gal Gala, which is 25 miles (40 kilometers) southwest of the port of Bosasso, the commercial hub of the semiautonomous northern region of Puntland, said Puntland's minister of security, Gen. Yusuf Ahmed Khayr. He said the government regained control of the town.

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War degdeg ah: Dagaal goor dhoweyd ka bilowday Buurta Galgala iyo Toga Sugure


Wararka laga helayo Deegaanka Buurta Galgala waxay sheegayaan in goor dhaweyd dagaal ka bilowday Deegaanka Dooxada Sugure oo wax yar u jirta Laamiga Karin.


Dagaalkan ayuu u dhaxeeyaa Ciidamada Dowladda Puntland iyo Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta Sheekh Atam. Dagaalka ayaa bilowday kadib markii maalmahan la waday wadahadalo dhinaca Nabada loogu gogol xaarayo oo ay ka shaqeynayeen Odayaashada Deegaanka Gobolka Sanaag iyo Deegaanka Galgala, kaasoo laga dhexwaday Dowladda Puntland iyo Sheekh Atam Xoogagiisa.


Weli lama hayo khasaaraha dagaalka, waxaase jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac halka dagaalka uu ka socdo laga soo sheegayo.


Sarkaal magaciisa ka gaabsaday ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in dagaalka uu ka socdo deegaanka Buurta Galgala oo ay si gaadmo ah ku soo weerareen Ciidamada Atam kuwa Dowladda oo muddo halkaas saldhug u aheyd.


wixii warar ah ee ka soo kordha waxaan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa Wararkayaga dambe

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Ma bilaawdeen ? Isku miis miisa, adiga iyo adeerka JB.


But, if it is true, Atom is no longer threat to the people of that region, nor is his skirmishes any measure of success.

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BOSASSO (RBC) Sources in Bosasso town told RBC Radio that heavy explosion has been heard on Thursday at Sugure village, at 20 KM southwest of Bosasso, the commercial hub of Somalia’s semi-autonamous state of Puntland .


The explosion was reportedly a land mine targeted to Puntland forces convoy from Bosasso.


Heavy gun fire has been heard at the scene shortly after the blast, sources told RBC Radio.


The real casualty of the explosion is unclear yet and there is comment from Puntland officials in the area.


Sugure village is only few kilometers away from Galgala Mountains where Puntland security forces fought against Islamist rebels months ago.





RBC Radio

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Mujaahidiinta Caalmadow oo Weerar ku ekeeyay Ciidanka Ashahaado la dirirka ee Puntland

Tuesday, 10 January 2012 21:23 Maamulka AmiirNuur Hits: 300

Mujaahidiinta Galgala ayaa caawa weerar qorshaysan ku qaaday saldhig ay maleeshiyada Murtadiinta Faroole ku leeyihiin inta u dhaxaysa Laag iyo Sugure.





Ugu Yaraan 9 katirsan maleeshiyaadka maamulka Ashahaadda ladirirka Puntland ayaa ku dhintay dagaal aad u cuslaa oo caawa fiidkii ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta Gobalka Bari.



Ilo Xog-ogaal ah oo ay wareysatay AmiirNuur Media kana tirsan Mujaahidiinta Galgala ayaa Xaqiijiyay in ciidankooda ay soo afjareen saldhig ay ciidamada PIS-ta ku lahaayeen Sugurre welina ay wadaan Holwgallo lagu sifeynayo maleeshiyaadka Puntland, Maleeshiyaadkaas ayaa markii ay jabeen ka firxaday goobta dagaalka .



Dagaalka Caawa ka socda Sugurre waxaa si aad ah jugtiisa looga maqlayaa magaalada Boosaaso, wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Mujaahidiinta ay gaadiid dagaal ka kaxeysteen Sugurre balse warkaasi ma cadda.



Hadaba warkaas oo faahfaahsan iyo waxa ay ka yiraahdaan Maamulka Gaala Kalkaalka ee Faroole waxaynu idiin kugu soo tabin doonaa wararkayaga danbe hadii Rabi idmo.


AmiirNuur Media

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lol somaliaonline is becoming a joke. I think its time I open a website and just make articles on anything. Let me have a go "waxaa gor dhow inala soo xiriiray dad joggo magalada muqdishu la sheegayna in madaxweynaha DFKM in manta la dilay iyo inay xarakatul shabab la wareegeen maydkiisa waxaa soo kordo kala soco"


If you going to post news make sure its verified by other news agency. If it's truly breaking news bring LIVE VIDEO FEED or at the very least pictures. Even pictures are not reliable and can be easily faked. I can get 5 guys to lie down act dead and say "look at this waa ciidamada puntland oo manta la gowracay"


SOL should know better then this and get rid of this nonsense

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Dagaal Ka Dhacay Buuraleyda Galgala Ee Gobalka Bari




Dagaala xalay ka dhacay buuraleyda Galgala ee duleedka Magaalo Ganacsiga puntland ee Boosaaso ee gobalka Bari.


Ciidamo taabacsan Sheekh Max’ed Siciid Attam ayaa weerar ku soo qaaday ciidamada daraawiishta Puntland oo halkaasi in muda ahba gacanta ku hayay.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada puntland ay ka geeriyoodeen 3 askari, 2 kalena ay ka dhaawacmeen.


Maleeshida Attam iyo Ciidamada Puntland ayaa in mudo ahba isku heystay buuraleyda Galgala, taa oo horey ugu dhuumaaleysanayeen Maleeshida Attam, ugu dambentiina waxaa meesha gacanta ku dhigay ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland.


Maleeshida Attam ayaa la sheegay iney xiriir la leeyihiin Al-Shabaab, inkastoo ay salaadiinta Puntland ay dhexdhaxaadin dhigeen Maleeshida Attam iyo Maamulka Puntland.


Xafiiska Warqabadka Muqdisho.

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Maadeey answer my question. shall we follow you and kill those you call "Ashahado la dirir" mise culimada Boosaaso who called for the co'oporation of the security forces. just give us you answer.

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