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^Irrelevant question!, Culimada and YOU were/are not part of the struggle, they were not there when Maxkamadaha was established, when Shabaab came to power, who cares what they say now in this matter?.

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Puntlander, Jowhar? those are not reliable. I want reliable sources people who have guys on the ground like allpuntland, horseed, sbc, puntlandpost, raxanreeb, daljir, voa, bbc. I dont want to hear crap from someone sitting in cafe typing what-ever comes to his mind!!!


Secondly I have read alot of news articles that have been fabricated before like amisom taking care of the security of the somalia-conference and sharif even flatly told them "thanks puntland security for doing a great job" in maintaining the security!!! So I can't wait till one of the bigboys like bbc or voa or hiiran report on it then their going to get the all-idaamaale treatment and be exposed for spreading fake news!!!


Hell I even checked galgalanews which is very biased to say the least and they dont report any such conflict which im sure they'd be the first to jump on something on like that!!! marka niyahow naga daa sheekada

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They were spreading this deen and dacwa maybe before you're mum and dad got married, they are wiser, smarter, and have certainly more knowledge than lots of you put together. and if you don't care let me tell you the people of that region are awake now since the culamaa broke the fear wall and I am sure your days are numbered. Write this from me, before end of 2012 Alshabab and its sympethisers will be eradicated from Somalia.

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Gal-gala: (Sh. M. Network)- Dagaal sababay qasaaro isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay deegaan Buuralayda Gal-gala ee duleedka gobolka Bari.


Dagaalkaani ayaa waxa uu ka dambeeyay kadib markii Maleeshiyaad daacad ah u ah wadaadka lagu magacaabo Sheekh Max’ed Saciid Atam ay weerar ku qaadeen fariisimo deegaan Buuralayda Gal-gala ay ku leeyihiin Ciidamada Maamul goboleedka Puntland.


Ciidamada Puntland iyo Maleeshiyadka taabacsan Atam oo si wayn ug soo horjeeda siyaasadda Maamulka Puntland ayaa halkaasi waxaa ku dhexmaray dagaal ay isku adeegsadeen hubka nuucyadiis kala duwan sida ay Idaacadda Shabelle u xaqiijinayaan dadka deegaanka ah.


Inta la’ogyahay 2-qof ayaa ku geeriyootay halka tiro intaasi ka badanna ay ku dhaawacmeen kuwaasi oo la sheegay inay ahaayeen dhinacyadii dagaalamay, waxaana warar intaasi ka baxsan ay sheegayaan in khasaaraha uu halahaasi ka badan yahay.


Majiro wax war ah oo kasoo baxay dhinacyadii halkaasi ku dagaalamay inkastoo Ciidamada Maamulka Puntland ay gacnata ku hayaan deegaanka Buurlayda ah oo ay weerarka ku qaadeen Maleeshiyaadka daacadda u ah Sheekh Max’ed Saciid Atam.


Deegaan Buuralayda Gal-gala ayaa horey waxaa ugu sugnaa Maleeshiyaadka Sheekh Max’ed Saciid Atam, waxaana Ciidamada Maamul goboleedka Puntlnad ay dagaal xoogan kula wareegeen deegaankaasi kadib markii Wadaadkaasi ay ku eedeeyeen in uu qeyb ka yahay ammaan darida ka taagan deegaanada Maamulka Puntland.

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ppl who spread hate and killing rumors among muslims are FAASIQs according to the Quran. Alla nimanku caqli yaraayoo dhiig daata jeclaa.

Nin gurigiisii dab soo saaray oo kuwii kasoo cararay wali dabkiisa la daba taagan, iyo kuwa caqliga xun ee u sacaba tuma allow naga qabo.

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^Adigaba sowdiga Muslimiin kale iney baaba'aan jecel maaha, oo weliba awood shisheeye isku halleynaaya?.!.


Dr_Osman;772975 wrote:
Of course this is fake

Mixed one username with the other? ;)

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Jacaylbaro;772977 wrote:
It is fake coz Bugland media did not write it ??

Horseedmedia and more importantly AllPuntland didn't report it.


Thus it didn't happen. Have a bit of decently.. very disappointed.

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Somali Islamist, Puntland forces said prepare for fresh battle


Feb 07, 2012 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) -- Tensions are brewing between the Puntland administration, a semi autonomous region in Somalia and the local Galgala militias led by Shaykh Muhammad Si'id Ataam, which has been augmented by Al-Shabab militants moving north to avoid Kenya's push towards Kismaayo and Ethiopian advances. Puntland and Ataam have been at odds for years but sources tell Somalia Report that the two groups are gearing up for a major battle and foreigner fighters who are Al-Shabab members are joining the preparations.


Sources indicate that Ataam has returned to Galgala after having fled to Burco in the breakaway region of Somaliland, in October of 2010 when Puntland seized control of Galgala and his militias were split in half. At least a 150 of his men have reportedly defected and joined the Puntland Intelligence Service [PIS] while others led by Yasin Kilwe Yuma and Ali Kaarshe, remained loyal to Ataam and stayed in the mountains. Kaarshe was allegedly responsible for the failed bomb attack on Puntland officials in September of last year.


Still vying for control of Galgala, Ataam's militias conducted a series of attacks in Puntland over the last several months including the most recent attack in the Galgala area of Suqure and Laag on 11th of January 2012 perhaps as a probing campaign for further action.


The militias, sources say, are planning new attacks against Puntland's security forces including those based at the main checkpoints around the port city of Boosaaso and the Puntland Marine Police forces in Qaw. In addition, the militias deployed a number of fighters to conduct a reconnaissance missions against potential government targets. Puntland which is well aware of their presence blamed the group for increased insecurity in the region.


According to sources within the militia, Shaykh Ataam has amassed 700 well trained fighters near the remote mountains of Galgala including four prominent foreign fighters. Ataam himself claimed to have 400 fighters last year in an interview with our correspondent and reports indicate that at least 300 Al-Shabab fighters have moved into the area although Somalia Report is unable to independently verify this claim.


Some of the foreign fighters providing export training to the Galgala militias are:


1. Shaykh Ahmad Ali, a Yemeni who trains fighters in the use of explosives. He has been living in Somalia for almost four years.


2. Salim Sayid, a Yemeni teaches fighters ambush tactics and how to smuggle foreign fighters and weapons into Somalia.

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Ataam has returned to Galgala after having fled to
in the breakaway region of
, in October of 2010

this article just confirms Puntlands suspicions of somaliland aiding atam's terrorist group!

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